Aug. 16, 1941

Decree by the Reich Commissioner for the occupied territories of the Netherlands, Artur Seyss-Inquart [Germany / Occupied Netherlands]: “…Order of the Reich Commissioner for the Occupied Netherlands Territories concerning Jewish Real Estate …Section 1(1) Jewish real estate, as defined in this order is any real estate which belongs in whole or in part: 1. To a Jew, as defined in Section 4 of Order No. 189/1940, …(2) Jewish real estate for the purpose of this order is, further, any right in real estate, as well as any mortgage, to which a person, an enterprise, an association, an institution, a foundation or any other endowment, …Part II Requirement of Registration Section 3 (1) Jewish real estate must be registered in writing with the Netherlands Real Estate Administration, …must be registered within one month after such acquisition…Section 7 (1) The Netherlands Real Estate Administration shall be empowered to take over Jewish real estate for administration…Section 11 (1) Jewish real estate can be alienated, mortgaged, leased, or made subject to other changes in ownership or possession, in part or in its entirety, only with the permission of the Reich Commissioner for the Occupied Netherlands Territories …The Hague August 11, 1941 Reich Commissioner for the Occupied Netherlands Territories Seyss-Inquart.”
“Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume IV Document No. 2112-PS.” No author, Accessed online 10/17/2012 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER/DATE