Sept. 1, 1941

“Police Decree on Identification of Jews” issued by Reich Minister of Interior [Germany]: “Article 1 (1) Jews (article 5 of the first decree regarding the law on German citizenship of 14 November 1935…) who have completed their sixth year of life shall be prohibited to appear in public without wearing a Jewish star. (2) The Jewish star is a yellow piece of cloth with a black border, in the form of a six pointed star of the size of a hand with the inscription ‘Jew’. It shall be worn visible, sewed on the left side of the chest of the garment. Article 2 Jews are prohibited to a. leave the area of the community in which they live without written permission of the local police; b. to wear medals, ribbons, and other insignia…Article 4 (1) He who violates articles 1 & 2 willingly or carelessly shall be punished …Article 5 This decree shall also be valid within the borders of the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia with the specifications that the Reichs-Protector in Bohemia and Moravia shall adopt the rules of article 2 a, to the local situation in the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. …Berlin, 1 September 1941. For the Reich Minister of the Interior. Heydrich.”
“Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume IV Document No. 2118-PS.” No author, Accessed online 7/14/2011 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER/DATE