ca. 1941

[Possible/Probable] “Jewish Code” issued by Parliament [Slovakia]
Commentary from other sources:
1) “The large number of anti-Jewish decrees and the pressure exerted by extreme nationalists to base all anti-Jewish legislation on Nazi Germany’s Nuremberg Laws led to a revision of the decrees and to their centralization within the context of a single law. The term ‘Jew’ was redefined – this time on a racial basis. The decrees became 270 sections of this new law, ‘The Legal Status of the Jews in Slovakia,’ which became known as the Jewish Code. The Code, which was approved by parliament on September 9, 1941, was welcomed by the Nazi leaders in Berlin and by Slovak radicals.”

Fatran, Gila: “Slovakia’s Righteous among the Nations.”
2) The government of the State of Slovakia has issued yesterday a decree defining the legal position of Jews. Today, the ‘Jewish Codex’ containing detailed anti-Jewish measures and rules which are in force as of today, was published. The governmental decree contains 270 paragraphs. It may be said that this step performed by the Slovak government is one of the most important and basic ones, since it involves, basically, the economic and public life in Slovakia. Undoubtedly, the Jewish problem has remained, here in Slovakia, the most burning problem. Even whilst strict rules were already in force, there still remained loopholes which had to be filled in order to end, once and for all, the Jewish rule. This is achieved by this latest decree. Although we can only list the only in the essence and basics those new rules defining the Jews in Slovakia, we cannot but accentuate the fact the people of Slovakia here, since the beginning of their struggle for independence and national unity, fought against this power and reign of Jewish terror. Nobody has hit and driven into poverty the people of Slovakia more than the Jews did in a systematic manner…In this way Andrej Hlinka led the nation, the party, his successor, the State and nation leader Dr. Jozef Tiso, who has expressed himself, similarly and clearly, in the new situation…This is also the purpose of the ‘Jewish Codex’ which has been published today in Bratislava, and according to which, all single organs of the Slovakian State will deal uncompromisingly and consistently with the greatest tyrants of the Slovakian nation, the Jews. And thus perform one of the best, most precious and most blessed services to the Slovakian nation and so, to satisfy all Slovaks, in the spirit of the national struggle, national consolidating and regulating endeavors, and let them find, after the Jews have gone, that everything in Slovakia belongs to them: The wealth given us by God and morals untouched by nobody and by nothing…Slovak, no 209, September 11, 1941.”
“Defining the Legal Position of the Jews in Slovakia.”