ca. 1941

[Possible/Probable] Decree issued by Vichy government [Vichy France]

Commentary from other sources:
1) “A decree enacted on November 29, 1941, established the Union Generale des Israelites de France (UGIF), whose officially stated purpose was to provide representation for all Jews vis-a-vis the state authorities, especially with regard to relief and social welfare. All existing Jewish organizations, excepting religious associations, were ordered dissolved and their property turned over to UGIF. Its board was to be administered by eighteen French-born Jews, nine in each zone, and to be under the authority of the General Commissariat for Jewish Affairs.”
Dawidowicz, Lucy S.: “The War Against the Jews: 1933-1945.” (1975) p. 438, Online book

2) “In other countries occupied by the Nazis Jewish councils were established in France a central Judenrat, the Union Generale Des Israelites De France (UGIF) was set up on 29 November 1941. It consisted of two branches, one in German –occupied northern France and the other in Vichy France, in the south. All other political and public Jewish organisations were shut down, though most continued to operate as independent bodies under the cover of UGIF departments, which enabled them to combine their legal functions with their clandestine aid and rescue operations. The UGIF was headed by prominent pre-war Jewish leaders who took no part in the arrest, imprisonment, and deportation of Jews, and who tried to ease the overall lot of the French Jews.”
Webb, Chris and Raglund, Robert: “The Judenrat; Councils of Elders.” Online article