Dec. 16, 1941

Law no. 1.091 – Decree-Law concerning the census of all the inhabitants of Jewish descent Decree issued by Ion Antonescu [Romania]: “…Decree-Law concerning the census of all the inhabitants of Jewish descent Article I. All the inhabitants of the Country who are of Jewish …will have to appear before the office of the ‘Romanian Jewish Center’ in each county capital, in order to receive a ‘Census sheet for all inhabitants of Jewish descent’ standard form, which they will complete, Article V. Those who will not complete the statements required by Article 1 by the due date set above or who will make false statements, will be punished by a 10-year prison sentence and a 200,000 lei fine. …Issued in Bucharest on December 16, 1941. Antonescu Marshal of Romania and Leader of the State No. 3.416.”
“Monitorul Oficial,” Kingdom Of Romania Official Gazette, Dec. 17, 1941, Courtesy Special Collections Department, The National Library of Romania, 6/23/2014 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER