Sept. 3, 1257

Papal decree requiring Jews to wear a yellow badge, issued by Pope Alexander IV for Burgundy [Present-day France]: “TO THE NOBLE DUKE of Burgundy: In the sacred general assembly, through careful deliberations, it was decreed that the Jews be distinguished from Christians by the quality of their garb, lest those of the former might be damnably confused with those of the latter. In the same council it was also decreed that Jews not be preferred for public office, since under such pretext they are often dangerous to Christians. However, as we understand, the Jews of your land do not observe this edict, as a result of which an excess of damnable confusion can be presumed under the guise of error. Also, the same Jews are preferred for offices contrary to that edict. Since it is fitting that you provide properly for these matters, we request and exhort your nobility, through apostolic writs addressed to you, ordering that, since power has been transmitted to you by God, you compel the aforesaid Jews to wear a badge by means of which they can be distinguished from Christians by the quality of their garb and that they not be preferred for the aforesaid offices.
Moreover, you must cause those books which are popularly called Talmud, in which are contained errors against the Catholic faith and horrible and intolerable blasphemies against our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Virgin Mary, His mother, to be surrendered by all the Jews of the aforesaid land. Your sincerity should provide in these matters in such a way that the mercy of the eternal King manifest for you that which it bestows for pious acts and that we extend for this full appreciation to your devotions. – Given at Viterbo, September 3, in the fourth year of our pontificate [1257].”
Birnbaum, David, The Crucifixion Book 2. Millenium Education Foundation: New York, 2010. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 7/9/2019 ADD PAGE #