Jul. 28, 1315

Charter issued by King Louis X [France]: “We make known that our dear lord and father…had, while yet alive, with the counsel and the advice of the great men of council, driven out and expelled the Jews from his kingdom…For these reasons we have ordained, established, and ordered as follows: 1. First, that the Jews may return and live in our kingdom…but not in those places where they were earlier prohibited. … 3. Likewise, they must wear the badge where they were accustomed to wearing it. … 7. Likewise, their synagogues and cemeteries shall be returned to them, upon payment of the price for which they were sold to those who bought them, unless there are very large buildings there or other reasons why one may not take them away… 9. Likewise, the books of their law which are still held by us, which were not sold, shall be returned to them, except for the condemned Talmud… 10. Likewise, when the aforesaid twelve years have passed, we may not drive them out of our kingdom without giving them suitable time, i.e., a year… 12. Likewise, since the Jews must work and labor with their hands or must trade, as had already been said, it is not our wish that they be permitted to lend at interest, and we forbid it expressly. If it should happen that perchance they do lend, they may take no more than two pennies per pound per week. …17. Likewise, they may not, under pain of committing a crime, dispute matters of faith with anyone, poor or rich, overtly or covertly…Given at Paris, July 28, 1315 A.D.”
“Church, State, and Jew in the Middle Ages.” Robert Chazan. 1980, Page 81-83. Online book, Accessed on 10/17/2011 ADD RESEARCHER/DATE