Oct. 27, 1315

“Royal Announcement” issued by King Louis IV (Ludwig, the Bavarian) [Swabian Imperial Cities of Esslingen; Present-day Germany]: “[We … announce] to the mayor, municipal chief (‘Schultheiß’), council and the citizens of Esslingen for their unbroken love and steadfastness (‘unzerbrochen liebe und stetikeit’) which they have bestowed upon us and the empire, and for the damage, which our enemies have inflicted upon you and your property/goods [… and] free all poor and rich citizens […] from all interest payments on debts due to Jews – may they be in Esslingen or in any other place in our domain […] for two years starting this Saint Martin’s Day [November 11, 1315, to November 11, 1317]. […]”
Stuttgart, HStA, H 51, U 248, Orig., dt., Perg. (“Main State Archiv of Stuttgart, H 51, U 248, Orig[inal], German, [on] parchment paper”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/4/2018