Mar. 1, 1335

Writ of Pope Benedict XII [Present-day Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Spain]: “Pope Benedict orders the Israeli believers […] to forfeit their usurious debts which they hold against Bishop Otto of Würzburg lest they be expelled.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text both of which can be found in the cited source.]
Denkwürdigkeiten der teutschen, besonders fränkischen Geschichte. Von Andreas Sebastian Stumpf, hochfürßl. Wirzburgischem Hof- Und Regierungsrate und Archivar. Erstes Heft. (Memorabilia of the German, especially, Frankish history. By Andreas Sebastian Stumpf, Government Council and Archivist in the high-princely royal court of Würzburg. First issue); (Erfurt; 1802); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/17/2020 ADD PAGE #