Apr. 8, 1335

“Order” of Archbishop Henry of Mainz (Heinrich III.) [Present-day Germany; Bishopric of Mainz]: “[…] it has come to our attention [it is rumored], that the chamberlains, the secular judges, the mayors [Bürgermeister], the city councils (Ratsherren), and all the citizens of his city of Mainz, who have accepted Us on the behest of deceased Pope John (Johannes XXII.) as their Archbishop and shepherd, are forced to endure innumerable evils, including the burden of enormous debts, because of the worst kinds of usury placed on them by the Jews of the cities and Diocese of Strasbourg, Basel, Speyer and Worms. These Jews have collectively already extorted a great deal from Our citizens, and persist in continuing the practice of evil usury […]. In this regard, We wish to provide an immediate remedy for the entire city […] in the name of the Lord (Christ) and our office, so that they can use this document/official document to fend off any previously imposed/forced oaths of the enemies. […]”
Mainz, StadtA, U / 1335 April 8, Orig. (A), lat., Perg.; Würzburg, Mainzer Bücher verschiedenen Inhalts 75, S. 84 f. (mit dt. Übersetzung S. 85 f., 15. Jh.) (B). (“Mainz, State Archiv, U/ 1335 April 8, Original (A), Latin, [on] Parchment Paper; Würzburg, Mainzer books of various content 75, p. 84 f. (with German translation p. 85 f., 15th Cent.) (B.)”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/17/2017