Nov. 27, 1405

“Writ” of Archbishop John II of Mainz (Johann II von Mainz) [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Mainz]: “Those who belong to us (our subjects), shall settle all debts with our Jews, capital and interests, and our citizens and poor shall be forgiven one-fifth of the debt. The remaining 4 parts shall remain valid over the next year and shall be repaid in the following manner: one-part on Saint Jacob[’s Day] after the harvest (July 25), the second part on the following Saint Andrea’s Day (November 30), and the remaining two-parts [are to be paid] by the following Christmas […].” [Researcher’s note: It is noteworthy that clergymen and nobles were exempt of this quittance.]
Das Nahethal. Historisch und topographisch dargestellt durch Hofrat A. J. Weidenbach. Fünfter Band. (Coblenz; 1871); (Nahetal[-Waldau]. Historically and topographically presented by Royal Council A. J. Weidenbach. Firth Volume.) Koblenz; 1871; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/19/2019 ADD PAGE #