Apr. 30, 1451

“Ordinance” issued by Cardinal Nicholas Cusa/Cusanus at the Council of Bamberg [Present-day Germany]: “[…] and hence [we] order the following: Starting on August 1, all those adhering to the Israeli faith, who live and belong to/are part of the aforementioned diocese [Bamberg] are to attach a ring/circle on the left breast of their outer garments or on their coats. This ring/circle must be about as wide as a finger and must be made of saffron-yellow [-colored] threads.  Jewesses are obliged to wear two clearly visible blue stripes on their veil/headdress. […] Christians shall not borrow money from Jews on interest or face excommunication […]”
Nicholas of Cusa – A Medieval Thinker for the Modern Age; edited by Kazuhiko Yamaki; (London/New York; 2002); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/10/2018 ADD PAGE #