Oct. 30, 1515

“Writ” of the City Council of Old-Town Prague [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] no Jew may have a lord other than the king […] if he serves another lord, he shall ask for his release [of the bond] or leave the city within four weeks. Jews shall make loans only on pledges, as it has been customary […], in exchange for [debts]; however, for no more than 100 Schock-Meissen [currency]. If someone wants to borrow a larger sum, the Jew may only do so with the explicit permission of the mayor or the [city] council. […]” [Researcher’s note: This long writ also contains regulations and prohibitions regarding trade with certain goods and dress codes. The entire writ in Czech can be found in the cited source.]
Zur Geschichte der Juden in Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien von 906 bis 1620. Herausgegeben von Gottlieb Bondy, em. Präsidenten der Handels- und Gewerbekammer in Prag. Zur Herausgabe vorbereitet und ergänzt von Franz Dworsky, em. Director des Landesarchivs des Königreiches Böhmens. I. 906 bis 1576. (Prag; 1906); (“Regarding the history of Jews in Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia from 906 to 1620. Published by Gottlieb Bondy, fo[rmer] President of the Trade and Commerce and Industry in Prague. Prepared for publication and supplemented by Franz Dworsky, fo[rmer] Director of the National Archives of the Kingdom of Bohemia. I. 906 to 1576.) (Prague; 1906); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 6/6/2019 ADD PAGE #