Dec. 6, 1570

“Jewish-Ordinance” issued in Worms [Free Imperial City of Worms; Present-day Germany]: “[… Jews may not] sell or transfer their debts* (the debts they hold) to a foreign Jew or Christian (‘ire Schulden keinem außlendischen Juden oder Christen ver- kaufen oder ufftragen’). […]” [Researcher’s note: The term “ire Schulden” [= their debts] most like refers to the IOUs they hold and not to debts they owe themselves.]
Regional Geschichte Bibliothek. III. 2 Erwerbsmöglichkeiten der Mainzer Juden in 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. (“Regional History. Library. III. 2. Work opportunities of the Jews of Mainz during the 16th and 17th century.”);; Accessed online; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/20/2018 ADD PAGE #