ca. 1628

[Possible/Probable] “Land Decree” (‘Landesdekret’) issued by the Government of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic] [Provisional]: “[…] it is ordered: a) that they (Jews) are not permitted to purchase any stolen items, and when this has [indeed] happened, shall return such items to its [original] owner. b) They shall not have anything entered into the state records (‘Landtafel’) nor city-books […].” [Researcher’s note: This meant that Jews had no right to own goods, property, or houses, except those for which they had received specific permission.]
Dr. Johnn Luksche’s, weiland kaiserl. mähr. schles. Appelationsrathes, Besondere Rechte der Personen Mährens Dr. Joh. Luksche’s, weiland kaiserl. mähr. schles. Appelationsrathes, Besondere Rechte der Personen Mährens und Schlesiens, vorzüglich in politischer Hinsicht. Zweiter Band; (Brünn, 1844); (Dr. Joh. Lutsche’s Weiland Imper[ial], Moravia[n], Silesia[n] Council of Appellations, Special Rights of Persons of Moravia and Silesia, especially in political terms. Vol. II); (Brünn; 1844); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 7/27/2017