Oct. 18, 1686

“Ordinance regarding the stay of imprisoned Jews in Vienna” issued on behalf of the Kaiser via the Lower-Austrian government to District Marshal [Lower-Austria; Present-day Austria]: “From the R[oyal] M[majesty], also to Hungary and Bohemia […] Archduke to Austria […] it is ordered that Mr. City Colonel is to gather all Jews – men and women – who were brought here from the city of Ofen* in a specific house outside of the city and to keep them there until further order from H. R. M. or the laudable Court Martial Council […].  That is why the City (Quarter) Colonel (Stadtquadiobristen) is reminded that such Jews also reside partially in houses that are under his jurisdiction […] and his very highly serious H. R. M. is graciously ordering that an ordinance is issued in certain areas that if Jews are staying in any houses under the jurisdiction of the Mr. City (Quarter) Colonel are to be deported immediately […].” [Researcher’s note: *“Ofen” was the German name for the city of Buda – before it merged with the city of Pest to become today’s Budapest.]
Braumüller, Wilhelm: Urkunden und Akten zur Geschichte der Juden in Wien. Erste Abteilung. Allgemeiner Teil 1526-1847. Erster Band. (Wien) 1918; p. 265, Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/14/2016 ADD ENGLISH TRANSLATION