Feb. 14, 1687

“Rescript” addressed to Johann Victor König, Royal Council and Mayor (head of the municipality) of Halle [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Prussia]: “[…] since we have serious reservations to protect/escort such people (Jews) […] and because it’s better without them, […] that is why you have to reject/turn back such Jews if they continue to announce themselves/arrive. […]” [Researcher’s note: This decree in effect prohibited Jews from settling in Halle, Germany.]
Stern, Selma: Der Preußische Staat und die Juden. Erster Teil/Die Zeit des Großen Kurfürsten und Friedrichs I. Zweite Abteilung: Akten. (“The Prussian state and the Jews. First Part / The time of the Grand Principality and Friedrich I. Second division: Files/Documents.”); (Tübingen; 1962); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/3/2019 ADD PAGE #