Mar. 7, 1687

Leipzig: Decree – No Jew is allowed to trade in the streets or to open their business entirely or partly [Germany]: “Us, the majors and council of the city Leipzig command: The Jews have abused the benefits given to them in different remittals by living against common laws. They carry on trade at times, in which it is forbidden to sell wares. They disregard the prohibition to trade on Sundays and Feast days. They sell a big amount of wares at times in which it is forbidden to do so at common places. Christian trade people and the normal citizens suffer therefore from disadvantages. Therefore, we want to repeat the laws and penalties for these actions and point them out for the Jews, who are under special occupation at the moment. We decree, that no Jew is allowed no, matter what kind of wares he is trading, (except from Feder-Jews, who are allowed to trade on special days because of their profession) to trade in the streets or to open their business entirely or partly. They may only trade their wares, as in former times, in their own parlors and ventriculars. Nevertheless, they have to pay attention to Sundays and Feast days – as their names command to do so – and are forbidden to sell any kind of wares. If they fail to do so they will have to pay a penalty about 100 ‘Reichsthaler’ and may even receive a higher penalty. Documental we have printed the emblem of our city on this decree, Leipzig, March 7, 1687”
Decrees Collection, AR 379, Leo Baeck Institute Archive, New York. Researched/Received Translation from Leo Baeck Institute 1/7/2015 NEED MORE INFORMATION (ITEM NAME – PAGE # – RESEARCHER/DATE)