May 6, 1687

“Policy Regarding the Island of French America” issued by King Louis XIV [Saint Dominigue; Present-day Dominican Republic and Haiti]: “1) […] we enjoin all of our officers to chase from our islands all the Jews who have established residence there. As with all declared enemies of Christianity, we command them to be gone within three months of the day of issuance of the present [order], at the risk of confiscation of their persons and their goods. […].” [Researcher’s note: This edict was written in March of 1685 by King Louis XIV, but was read, posted and recorded at the “Sovereign Council of Saint Domingue” on 6 May 1687.]
Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and Media: The Code Noir (The Black Code); Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 12/13/2016 ADD PAGE #