ca. 1690

[Possible/Probable] “Jewish Legislation” issued in Yiddish by the Bishoprics** of Metz [Papal France; Present-day France]: “[…] Shoes or other footgear in red or blue leather or in any other color except black and white are forbidden to every(one) [Jew]**. The same rule applies to footgear of velvet or any other silken fabric, fringed or stitched, which is likewise forbidden. [Researcher’s note: *The exact date of the legislation is unknown. **A Bishoprics is the office of the Bishop held by a “prince-bishop” who was also the civil ruler of a secular principality. A prince-bishop was usually considered an elected monarch. ***This ordinance was aimed at Jews and published in Yiddish.]
Rader Marcus, Jacob and Marc Saperstein: The Jews in Christian Europe; (2015); Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 11/15/2016