Jun. 3, 1716

“Decree” Johann Moritz v. Blaspil on behalf of Fredrick William I of Prussia [Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia; Kingdom of Prussia]: “Since His Royal Majesty of Prussia […] has noticed with displeasure that a number of Jews have failed to pay the obligatory protection-fees in the past years […] and yet have enjoyed the protection and freedoms [provided by the state], His Royal Majesty no longer wishes to permit such tardiness, but requires that the outstanding amount be submitted and that in the future this is done one time. This is why [His Majesty] order all local officers, city-magistrates under whose jurisdiction the local Jewish families may be […] to make it clear to them in all earnestness that they are to submit any outstanding payment within 14 days of this order to Vogt Loniceri, or have their schools closed, the slaughtering of cattle prohibited, and if necessary, have a number of [Jewish] men placed under house arrest by soldiers/the military (‘Soldatesque’) until they have paid the outstanding protection-money […]” [Researcher’s note: Johann Moritz von Blaspil/Blaspiel was a Prussian Minister.]
Des Corporis Constitutionum Marchicarum, Fünffter Theil. Von Polizey-Hochzeit-Kindtauffen-Begräbniß und Trauer- Kleider- auch Feuer-Gassen und anderen zur Polizei gehörigen Ordnungen, deren Städte Anbau, Manufacturen- Commercien- Woll- und Handwercks-Sachen, Dorff- und Acker- Bauer- Schäffer- Hirten- Gesinde-Ordnungen, und andren das Land-Wesen und Acker-Bau betreffenden Materien, item von Medicinal-Ordnungen, Chirurgis, Apotheckern, Pest-Anstalten, Vieh-Sterben. Scharffrichtern, Abdeckern, Schweinschneidern, Landstreichern, Zigeunern, Juden, Wirths-Häusern, und dergleichen. In Fünff Abtheilungen. (“Regarding the constitution of margraviate. Fifth part. Pertaining to police, marriage, baptism, funeral, mourning, clothing as well as fire-alley and other police ordinances, of city planning/building, manufacturing, commerce, wool, and other craftsmanships, village, farm and famers and shepherds, herdsmen, servant ordinances, and other matters pertaining to land-ownership and farming, as well as medical ordinances, surgery, apothecary, plague-institutions, and dying of cattle. Executioners/slaughterers. skinners, pork-cutters, tramps, gypsies, Jews, Inns/Taverns and the like. In five divisions.”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/11/2019 ADD PAGE #