May 18, 1765

“Order” issued by Prince Francis Xavier of Saxony and addressed to the Officers/Administrators in Barby [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “[…] Jews of either sex, who cannot show that they are in the domain legitimately are to leave the capital[-city of Dresden] and the rest of the domain within 14 days and no more than 3 weeks [or face punishment according to the mandate of August 16, 1746 …] the same goes for Jewish servants, who are not covered by the concessions of the remaining Jews […]”
Codex Augusteus, Oder Neuvermehrtes Corpus Juris Saxonici, Worinnen die in dem Churfürstenthum Sachsen und dazu gehörigen Landen, auch denen Marggrafthümern Ober- und Nieder-Lausitz, publicirte und ergangene Constitutiones, Decisiones, Mandata und Verordnungen erhaltenen, nebst einem Elencho, dienlichen Summarien und vollkommenen Registern, mit Ihrer königlichen Majestät in Polen, als Churfürstens zu Sachsen, allergnädigster Bewilligung ans Licht getreten. Lejpzeig, Verlegtes Johann Samuel Heinsius. (Lejpzig; 1772); (Codex Augustus, or newly augmented legal body/laws of Saxony, and those of the Electorate of Saxony and its associated territories, as well as the Margraviates of Upper and Lower Lusatia – and constitutions, decisions, mandates, and received ordinances, along with an elenchus, useful summaries and complete indexes which have appeared, with the most gracious permission of His Royal Majesty in Poland as Elector of Saxony. Published in Leipzig by Johnn Samuel Heinsius; (Leipzig; 1772); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 4/9/2020 ADD PAGE #