Jun. 3, 1765

“Taxes for the Jewish-Hostel in Riga” issued by the City Council of Riga [Present-day Latvia, Russia; Russian Empire]: “How much a Jew is to pay in taxes at the Jewish-hostel to the innkeeper ordered by the authorities. For accommodation including a straw bed for a day and night – in the summer months – 4 Färd[ing currency], in the winter months – 6 Färd. For a bed/place to sleep, including hay, and since these require more room, one additional Färding, which means, during the summer months, 5 [Färding], and in the winter months 7 [Färding]. For a tidy room which contains a table and chairs, a table-cloth, and hand-towel, light [… and a maid …], during the summer months 14 [Fähring] per [one] day and night, in the winter months 20 [Fähring]. [Each additional person who stays in the room must pay an additional 2 Fähring each. Wood for cooking, tea and such, per day 4 Fähring. For a pre-made feather-bed per person per night 6 [Fähring]. For a place to put up a horse per [one] day and night 2 [Fähring]. […]”
Buchholz, Anton: Geschichte der Juden in Riga bis zur Begründung der Rigischen Hebräergemeinde im J. 1842. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Altertumskunde der Ostseeprovinzen Russlands. (History of the Jews in Riga until the foundation of the Hebrew community of Riga in the year 1842. Published by the Society for History and Antiquity of the Baltic-See provinces of Russia.); (Riga; 1899); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/1/2020 ADD PAGE #