Oct. 24, 1768

“Writ” of Prince-Bishop Maximilian Friedrich von Königsegg-Rothenfels [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “[…] the delivery of meat to the houses of those who ordered these from them (Jews), has been graciously permitted, the peddling of the same [meat], however, the [peddling] with meat that was not ordered — or any other kind —  is prohibited at a fine of five Rthl [Reichsthaler] nor grinding*, and the aforementioned officers as well as the local judges are to pay attention to/enforce this.” [Researcher’s note: “[…]  jedoch das haußiren mit salbe, oder anderen nicht bestellten flesiches beij fünff Rthl strafe noch mahlen* verboten […]” *The text also reads “nor grind” – suggesting that Jews were also prohibited to grind meat; though, those two words appear to be almost an afterthought in the original text. The original document can be found in: Staatsarchiv Münster, Fürstentum Münster, Kabinettsregistratue 461 (“State Archive of Münster, Prince-Bishopric of Münster, Cabinet Registry 461.”)]
Universität Münster. Einführung in die Frühe Neuzeit. Quelle: Münsterische Hofkammer 1755 and Fürstbischof 1768 (“University of Münster. Introduction to Early Modern Period. Source: Royal Chamber 1755 and Prince-Bishop  1768.”); www.uni-muenster.de; Accessed online; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/30/2018 ADD PAGE #