Dec. 6, 1768

“Writ” of King George III [Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg (Hannover); Present-day England, Germany, Ireland, etc.]: “[…] We order herewith […] and remind the protected Jews who live in Our German provinces to especially heed the ordinances from April, 2/13, 1723, and June 9, 1733, in regards to any items sold outside of the annual markets. 2) […] on the other hand, however, all local and foreign beggar-Jews who arrive with few or no Thaler of goods/items (to sell) which will probably not be sufficient to earn them enough money to support them […] shall be prohibited [to enter] at all times according to ordinance of September 17, 1764 […]. 7) Local protected Jews, if they wish to leave their place of residency for a while together with their goods/commodities, and wish to visit local or foreign annual markets will have the same status as foreign Jews, and are to have their goods/items certified by the local authorities in exchange for 6 mgr (currency) in order to avoid a fine/punishment […]” [Researcher’s note: The above general edict is several pages long and contains a number of paragraphs and addresses all citizens, except the parts that have been translated here.]
Sammlung der Verordnungen und Ausschreiben welche für sämmtliche Provinzen des Hannoverschen Staats, jedoch was den Calenbergischen, Lüneburgischen, und Bremen- und Verdenschen Theil betrifft, seit dem Schlusse in denselben vorhandenen Gesetzessammlungen bis zur Zeit der feindlichen Usurpation ergangen sind. Mit Genehmigung des Königl. Cabinets-Ministerii herausgegeben von Ernst Spangenberg, Dr. beider Rechte und köngl. Großbritannisch, honnoverschem Hof- und Canzley-Rathe in der Justiz-Canzley zu Zelle. Zweyter Theil, bis Jahre 1760 bis 1779 enthaltend. (Collection of ordinances and decrees that apply to all provinces of the state of Hannover, however, as far as Calenberg, Lüneburg, Bremen, and Verden are concerned, it contains a collection of laws until the conclusion of the aforementioned [places] by the hostile usurpation. Published by Ernst Spangenberg, PhD. of both laws and royal, Britisch Hanoverian Court and Legal Council in the Justice Office in Zelle, with the permission of the royal Cabinet-Ministers. Second Volume until [from] 1760 until 1779 inclusive.); (Hannover; 1820); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/12/2019 ADD PAGE #