Sept. 15, 1772

“Jewish Ordinance” (“Judenordnung”) issued by Augustus II [Electorate of Saxony; Present-day Germany]: “[…] the Jews are neither to be permitted to build a synagogue nor to have a specific place for the public/communal performance of their Jewish ceremonies, but rather, each Jewish head of the household (‘Hausvater’) is to carry out such (prayer) with his own (family) as quietly as possible. […] Jews who fail to submit the personal tax by the set date are to be expelled. […]”

Landtags-Acten von den Jahren 1836-1837. Beilagen zu den Protocollen der ersten Kammer.  Erste Sammlung (“Parliamentary Files of the Years 1836-1837.  Supplements for the Protocols of the First Chamber, First Collection/Volume I”); (Dresden); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 2/20/2018 ADD PAGE #