Nov. 20, 1783

“Instruction” issued by the Landvogt-Court and addressed to the Jewish in Riga [Present-day Latvia]: “[…]1) The Jewish-elders […] shall be elected by the members of the community […]; however, he may not take office until he has been confirmed by the noble Landvogt-Court. 2) A new election is to take place each year in May, however, the previous elder may be merely reconfirmed […]. 15) Arriving Jews, who are poor and not just wonton beggars […] can ask for a small handout from their co-religionists with the permission of the Jewish-elder […]; however, he must see to it that such foreigners depart as soon as possible […]” [Researcher’s note: The above instruction contains 19 points. It has been abbreviated to fit the allocated space but can be found in its entirety in the cited source.]
Buchholz, Anton: Geschichte der Juden in Riga bis zur Begründung der Rigischen Hebräergemeinde im J. 1842. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Altertumskunde der Ostseeprovinzen Russlands. (History of the Jews in Riga until the foundation of the Hebrew community of Riga in the year 1842. Published by the Society for History and Antiquity of the Baltic-See provinces of Russia.); (Riga; 1899); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/5/2020