Mar. 2, 1785

“Decree” of the Royal Chancellery [Present-day Austria; House of Habsburg-Lorraine]: “In order that the Jews, who eagerly occupy themselves with silly devil-banishments and such things, are not further fed in their fallacies through new writings and [… and so that] their education and elucidation/enlightenment isn’t delayed or even completely prevented, that is why in the future, all books that may contain such inconsistencies (‘Ungereimheiten’) may they be in the local language or in Jewish or Hebrew [shall be prohibited…] and [future] printing [of these writings] are to be prohibited with ‘Typum non meretur’ (not deserving of print).”
Geschichte der Juden in Wien (1156-1876) von G. Wolf. (Wien, 1876); (History of Jews in Vienna by G. Wolf); (Vienna; 1876); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/5/2019 ADD PAGE #