Jun. 10, 1813

Edict issued by Kingdom of Bavaria [Germany]: “The Jewish Decree of 1813…Edict Concerning the Conditions of Members of the Jewish Religion in the Kingdom of Bavaria…Art. 1 Only those Jewish coreligionists who have legally received the right of residence in Our states [sic] can acquire the civic rights and privileges set forth in this Edict. Art. 2 Registration in the Jewish Lists to be opened in our police offices is a prerequisite for the enjoyment of such rights and privileges. Art. 3 For that purpose, all Jews presently in our Kingdom must report within three months of the publication of this Edict at the police office of their place of residence … Art. 4 The police office shall check the residence documentation against Our earlier Edicts and Declarations…and, if found valid, shall require of [each] Jew a declaration (1) whether he will accept a family name if he does not have one yet, and, [if he does], which [name], and (2) whether he will take the oath of loyalty as stated in the Constitution…Art. 6 The police office shall submit the declarations thus given to the General Commissariat, which will decide whether the Jew is suitable for inclusion in the [Jewish] roll. Art. 7 If the General Commissariat finds the Jew eligible for inclusion in the roll, [the Jew] must swear the oath of loyalty prescribed above on the Bible, whereupon his admission to the roll occurs, and he will receive an excerpt [of this] for his own legitimation, [and this] will replace for him and his descendents the previous letters of protection…Art. 8 The roll must contain the old and the new names of Jewish families …Art. 9 The Jew is required to use the new name registered in the roll in all of his dealings. Art. 10 Those Jews who, within three months, either 1. do not submit their document of admittance, or refuse 2. to accept a family name, or 3. to take the oath of loyalty, shall be treated henceforth simply as foreign Jews. Art. 11 Any immigration and settlement of foreign Jews in the kingdom is strictly prohibited. Art. 12 The number of Jewish families in communities where they presently reside ought, as a rule, not be increased, but should, on the contrary, be gradually diminished if it is too large. Art. 13 Settlement in excess in communities where Jews already live, or settlement in areas where there are as yet no Jews, can be permitted only by the highest authority…Art. 21 All Jewish corporations still existing in the kingdom are to be dissolved, …The dissolution shall be effective within six months after publication of this Edict…Art. 22 The Jews living in the various parts of the kingdom…do not form separate Jewish communities but, in community affairs, join the Christian inhabitants of the area with whom they will form only one community. They share with the other inhabitants the rights and obligations of the community, with the exception that Jews engaged in irregular commercial activity have no right to use and no share in the community lands of the places where they live…Art. 25 Where they do not form a congregation, they are restricted to private worship at home, …Where there is a synagogue, no one other than the rabbi or an authorized substitute is allowed to perform religious functions…Art. 27 A Jew nominated as rabbi or as substitute must (a) be registered as a royal subject in the roll, (b) have command of the German language and in general have a scholarly education, (c) be without the blemish of usury or of fraudulent bankruptcy and otherwise lead a good and moral life…The Jews living in Our realm will gratefully perceive in these regulations a demonstration of Our concern extending to the welfare of all Our subjects, because all of the police offices will have to work strenuously so that this ordinance may be fully implemented, for which reason we have had this brought to public attention through the official gazette. Munich, 10 June 1813.”
“The People speak!: Anti-semitism and emancipation in nineteenth-century Bavaria.” James F. Harris, Appendix A; Pg 241 ADD RESEARCHER/DATE