Feb. 18, 1818

“Cabinets-Order” issued by the Prussian Cabinet [Present-day Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Russia; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] as long as the conditions for Jews to gain citizenship have not been determined for the newly and re-captured/conquered provinces, Jews are not to be permitted to relocate into provinces which have a different Jewish-constitution […]”
Ergänzungen des Allgemeinen Landesrechts für die Preußischen Staaten enthaltend eine vollständige Zusammenstellung aller noch geltenden, das Allgemeine Landrecht abändernden, ergänzenden und erläuternden Gesetze, Verordnungen und Ministerialverfügungen nebst einem chronologischen Verzeichnisse derselben und Register herausgegeben von Friedrich Heinrich von Strombeck, königlich Preußischem Geheimen Justiz- und Oberlandesgerichts-Raths. Dritte, sehr vermehrte und verbesserte Ausgabe. Zweyter Band. (Addenda of the common state laws for the Prussian states, [which] contains a complete complication of all still valid/applicable laws, and ones that amend common state laws, supplementary and explanatory laws, ordinances and ministerial decrees as well as a chronological list of these and a registers edited by Friedrich Heinrich von Strombeck, royal Prussian Secret Council of the Justice- and Higher State Court. Third and greatly augmented and improved issue. Second Volume); (Leipzig; 1829); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/29/2020 ADD PAGE #