Mar. 10, 1819

“Royal Announcement Regarding the Goods-Trade of Jews” issued by Maximilian Joseph and Freyherr von Asbeck [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “In the name of His Majesty the King. Due to rising doubts regarding the goods-trade of Jews, His Majesty has decided as per the highest decision of January 24 [of the same year] that the ordinance of August 4, 1807 – which addresses the Jewish goods-trade, has not been revoked; therefore, the police-authorities and the public are to be especially made aware of the aforementioned ordinance. [Researcher’s note: This document was signed in Würzburg by the royal government of Untermainkreis on March 10, 1819.]
Intelligenzblatt für den Unter-Mainkreis des Königreichs Baiern. Jahrgang 1819. (Intelligence-[News]Paper for Untermainkreis in the Kingdom of Bavaria); (Würzburg); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 6/16/2018 ADD PAGE #