Apr. 16, 1832

“Decree” (‘Kameralgefällenverwaltungsdecret’) issued by the Austrian (Administrative) Authorities [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland]: “Prohibition to admit Jews to the salt trade. […] therefore, Jews can still not be admitted to the salt trade in the future due to police consideration.” [Researcher’s note: On October 8, 1829, the salt-trade was opened to the public in the Kingdom of Bohemia as well. With the above ordinance, however, it was clarified that Jews were still excluded from trading with salt.]
Provinzial-Gesetzsammlung des Königreichs Böhmen für das Jahr 1832. Herausgegeben auf allerhöchsten Befehl unter der Aufsicht des k. k. böhmischen Landesguberniums. Vierzehnter Band, welcher die Verordnugen vom 1. Jänner bis letzten December 1832 enthält. (Prag; 1833); (Collection of Provincial Law of the Kingdom of Bohemia for the year 1832. Issued on the supreme order and command and supervision of the r[oyal] i[mperial] bohemian Governor. Fourteenth Volume, which contains the ordinances from the 1st of January to the last of December 1832.); (Prague; 1833); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/21/2013 ADD PAGE #