Apr. 17, 1832

“Rescript of the Royal Ministry of the Interior and the Police addressed to the Royal Military-Commissioner in Berlin” [Present-day Germany, Poland, Lithuania; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…those of Jewish faith and candidates to practice medicine …] who have been permitted to enter the military to do one year of voluntary service can do so as company-surgeon [and §9 of the edict of March 11, 1812, does not apply [to them] because they would not be granted a public office, but would merely be fulfilling their duties as citizens …] Israelis […] cannot join the Garde du Corps (‘Gard-Korps’), as these do not accept or employ Jews.” [Researcher’s note: The document is signed Ministry of the Interior and the Police. Köhler.]
Heinemann, Jeremiah: Sammlung der die religiöse und bürgerliche Verfassung der Juden in den königlich Preussischen Staaten betreffenden Gesetze, Verordnungen, Gutachten, Berichte und Erkenntnisse (Collection of laws, ordinances, evaluations, reports, and findings regarding the religious and civil Constitution of Jews in the Prussian States). (Berlin, 1835); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 6/3/2020 ADD PAGE #