Feb. 28, 1845

“Ordinance” issued by the Bohemian Government [Present-day Austria etc.; Austrian Empire]: “Among the Israelis there appears to be often an abuse [of the law so] that illegitimate children, especially those, the unwedded begetters admit to being the father of and who are listed in the birth registers as such which violates the explicit ordinance of §165 […] which requires that the last name of the mother be used and not that of the father […].  In order to put an end to this which can cause only confusion, all Jewish register-maintainers are to be instructed to make sure in the future, when entering a Jewish new-born, whether the parents have received the local marriage permit and whether they are actually married. […] The local authorities (‘Kreisamt’) are to make sure that each abuse, whenever it occurs, is reprimanded and halted immediately, and the current concubinages in their attempt to circumvent the legal restrictions placed on their marriages are not to be tolerated, and from case to case, the necessary precautions are taken so that these persons can be stopped — either separately, or where it’s legal — to be required to enter into a legally binding marriage. The curating cleric (‘Kuratklersus’) is to be notified of this ordinance through the episcopal consistories.”
Alphabetische Sammlung aller politischen und der einschlägigen Polizei-, Justiz-, Militär-, Finanz-, Unterrichts-, geistlichen, Agricultur- Handels-, Gewerbe-, Bau-, Communications-, Post-, Telegraphen-, Rechnungscontrol-, Theater-, Sanitäts-, Gemeinde-, und Beamten-Gesetze des Kaiserthums Oesterreich für alle Kronländer mit Ausnahme der ungarischen und italienischen Provinzen von Heinrich Astl, k. k. Bezirksamtsaktuar zu Deutschbrod, Caslauer Kreises in Böhmen. Zweite bedeutend vermehrte und gänzlich umgearbeitete Auflage.  Dritter Band. (Prag; 1867); (Alphabetical Collection of all political and pertinent police, judicial, military, financial, educational, spiritual, agricultural, Commerce, trade, construction, communication, postal, telegraphical, billing, theater, medical, community and official laws of the Empire of Austria for all crown lands except the Hungarian and Italian Provinces [gathered] by Heinrich Astl, r[oyal] i[mperial] District Actuary to Havlickuv Brod* [Deutschbrod in German], in the Caslau District of Bohemia. Second significantly augmented and entirely reworked edition. Third Volume.); (Prague; 1867); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 7/19/2019 ADD PAGE #