Oct. 6, 1938

Decree on “the Admission of Jews to the Health Insurance” issued by Reich Minister of Labor [Germany]: “[…] Article 1 – Upon expiration of the approval of Jewish doctors in accordance with Article 1 of the Fourth Ordinance to the Reich Citizenship Law of 25 July 1938 (Reichsgesetzblatt I, p. 969), their entry in the register of medical practitioners and their admission will expire as well. Article 2 – (1) Jews who are allowed to practice medicine precariously according to Article 2 of the Fourth Regulation to the Reich Citizenship Law may take part in the care provided under health insurance for insured Jewish patients and their family members only with permission from the Reich Panel Doctors’ Association. The authorization is revocable at any time. (2) As long as Jews exercise a professional activity due to a permission according to paragraph (1) they are under the authority of the Reich Panel Doctors’ Association in the same way as doctors. The physicians association can govern their rights and obligations notwithstanding the general rules, if special circumstances require it. […] Berlin 6 October 1938 – The Reich Minister of Labor His Deputy: Dr. Krohn.”
1938 Reichsgesetzblatt I, page 1391. Accessed online; Translated by Franziska Wagener 10/26/2015