Aug. 15, 1401

Writ of King Rupert I [Present-day Germany]: “King Rupert grants the city of Nördlingen a Freibrief (letter of freedom)* […] and permits them to keep Jews (settled there) for another 10 years, stipulated that half of the revenues collected from them as well as the golden Opferfennig** from each Jew above the age of 12 [is submitted to him and his chamber …]” [Researcher’s note: *A Freibrief was a letter which granted a city or a person a number of privileges, including often to function semi-autonomously. **The Sacrifice-Penny (‘Opferpfennig’) was a special tax placed on Jews.]
Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland während des Mittelalters. Bearbeitet von Dr. M. Wiener. Erster Teil. (Regesta regarding the history of Jews in Germany during the Middle Ages. Edited by M[eir] Wiener, PhD. First Part.); (Hannover; 1862); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/17/2020