Decree from the Roman Law of the Visigoths issued by Alaric II [Present-day France]: “[Section 16:3:2 decreed] If someone should become Jew from Christian and should be joined to sacrilegious assemblies after the venerable law had been established, we have decreed that his property should be vindicated to the fisc’s dominion once the accusation had […]

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Decree from the Roman Law of the Visigoths issued by Alaric II [Present-day France]: “[Section 16:2:1 decreed] We punish the crime of Christians passing over to altars and temples by abrogating their power to bequeath in testament. Also, those who despised the dignity of the Christian religion and name and polluted themselves with the Jewish […]

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Decree from the Roman Law of the Visigoths issued by Alaric II [Present-day France]: “[Section 16:4:2 decreed] A Jew should not buy a Christian slave nor acquire him in a gift. If anyone should not observe this, he shall forfeit the ownership impudently acquired, while the slave shall be granted liberty as reward if he […]

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“Circumcision Ban” issued by Emperor Theodosius and addressed to Praetorian Prefect Asclepiodotus [Roman Empire; Present-day Italy, Turkey]: “Jews who are proved [proven] to have circumcised any man belonging to our religion, or to have directed this to be done, shall be condemned to the confiscation of their property and to perpetual exile.” Parson Scott, Samuel: […]

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“Law Regarding Jews, Samaritans, Heretics, and Pagans” issued by Emperors Theodosius and Valentinian Augustuses to the Praetorian Prefect Florentius [Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “[…] 2) We finally sanction by this law destined to live in all ages, that no Jew, no Samaritan, who does not rely on either law shall enter upon any honors or […]

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“Policy in Regard to Jews, Samaritans, Pagans, and Heretics” Law issued by Emperors Theodosius II and Valentinian III, 438 AD [Roman Empire; Some overall present-day countries include Italy, Spain, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt]: “We decree in this law—that shall stand forever—that no Jew, and no Samaritan, nor any one constant […]

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“Decree Regarding Jews” issued by Emperors Theodosius and Valentinian and addressed to Count of Imperial Largesses John [Roman Empire; Present-day Italy, Turkey]: “The chiefs of the Jews, who govern the Sanhedrim in both Palestines, or those who reside in other provinces, shall, at their own risk, be compelled by the officers of the palace to […]

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“Transfer of the Crown Tax Previously Paid to the Jewish Patriarch to the Imperial Treasury” Issued by Theodosius II and Valentinian III [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “The leaders of the Jews, who are nominated in the assemblies of either part of Palestine or spend their time in other provinces, must pay up whatever funds they […]

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“Decree Regarding Jews” issued by Emperors Theodosius and Valentinian and addressed to Count of Imperial Largesses John [Roman Empire; Present-day Italy, Turkey]: “We order by this law, which shall be valid for all time, that none of the Jews (to whom all administrations and dignities are forbidden), shall perform the duties of municipal defender, nor […]

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“Confirmation of Policy toward Jews, Pagans, and Heretics” Issued by Emperors Honorius and Theodosius II [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “Let those decrees be valid which we formerly announced concerning the Jews and their synagogues: let it be known that neither are the Jews permitted to build new synagogues anywhere, nor are they to expand their old […]

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“Policy toward Jews, Heretics, and Pagans” Issued by Emperors Honorius and Theodosius II [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “Our decrees and those of our ancestors in which we have repressed the audacity and zeal of evil pagans, Jews, and heretics have been known and made plain to all. Nevertheless we wish the Jews to be gratified that […]

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“Policy on Synagogues” Issued by Emperors Honorius and Theodosius II [Present-day Italy / Holy Roman Empire]: “Emperors Honorius and Theodosius II, February 15, 423 ‘It seems right that in the future none of the synagogues of the Jews shall either be indiscriminately seized or put on fire. If there are some synagogues that were seized or vindicated […]

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“Exclusion of Jews from Public Service” Issued by Emperors Honorius and Theodosius II [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “Entrance into the military service from any other occupation is denied those who are living in the Jewish faith. Therefore any Jews who are either engaged in government service or in the imperial army are permitted the grace of […]

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“The Possession of Christian Slaves by Jews” Issued by Emperors Honorius and Theodosius II [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “Jews must not purchase Christian slaves nor acquire them as gifts. Let Jews who have impudently disobeyed this decree stop acquiring Christian slaves, and let the slaves themselves be granted freedom if the Jews voluntarily confess what they […]

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“Demotion of Patriarch Gamaliel VI and Restriction on Building Synagogues” Issued by Emperors Honorius and Theodosius II [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “Since the moreexalted the office to which he has been raised, the more Gamaliel has presumed to disobey our commands with impunity, may Your Excellence in your power know that our clemency has issued certain […]

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“Decree Regarding Jews” issued by Emperor Honorius and Theodosius and addressed to Praetorian Prefect Illyria [Roman Empire; Present-day Italy, Turkey]: “[…] We think that notice ought to be given to prevent them [Jews] from becoming arrogant, and, elated by their security, rashly commit some act against the Christian religion, by way of revenge.” [Researcher’s note: […]

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“Against God-fearers and Conversion to Judaism” Issued by Honorius and Theodosius II [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “For it is certain that whatever deviates from the faith of Christians is contrary to Christian law. And certain persons even now dare thus to tamper with the law unmindful of their souls and the statutes, since these evil proselyters […]

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“Prohibition to Mock Christianity on Purim” Issued by Emperors Theodosius II [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “Let the governors of the provinces prohibit the Jews from burning the effigy of Haman and maliciously setting afire images of the sacred cross fabricated in contempt of the Christian faith, in the special celebration of their festival to the […]

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Law issued by Arcadius and Honorius [Present-day Italy]: “We decree that Jews and Samaritans, who are deluding themselves with the privileges of imperial executive office, are to be deprived of all military and court rank.”  [Editor’s note: Author’s footnote dates this law in 404 as Theodosian Code 16.8.16] “The Persecution of the Jews in the Roman […]

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“Decree Regarding Jews” issued by Emperors Theodosius and Rumoridius [Roman Empire; Present-day Italy, Turkey]: “Any Jews who are proven to be subject to a curia can be delivered up to the latter.” Scott, Pearson Samuel: The Civil Law, Book XII; (Cincinnati; 1932). Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 2/7/2017 ADD PAGE #

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Canon 84 & 89 issued by the Fourth Council of Carthage [Present-day Tunisia]: “[Canon 89]: “Any one who is a slave to magical rites and incantations is to be segregated from the fellowship of the church; likewise any one who clings to Jewish superstition or festivals [is to be segregated from the fellowship of the […]

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“On Jewish Converts Seeking Asylum in Christian Churches” Issued by Emperors Arcadius and Honorius [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “Those Jews, who, harassed for debt or some other crime, pretend they wish to be joined to the Christian law, so they can avoid their crimes or payment of debts by taking refuge in the churches, should be […]

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Law issued by Theodosius I [Present-day Italy]: “No Jew shall retain his own marriage customs, nor seek marriage according to the law of the Jews, nor possess several wives at the same time.” [Editor’s note: Author’s footnote dates this law in 393 as Theodosian code 1.9.7] “The Persecution of the Jews in the Roman Empire […]

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“Prohibition of the Possession and Conversion of Christian Slaves by Jews” Issued by Emperors Gratian, Valentinian II, and Theodosius I [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “No Jew shall purchase a Christian slave nor corrupt one who is a Christian with Jewish rites. But if public inquiry has discovered that this has been done, then the slave should […]

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“Prohibition of Christians from Participating in Pagan, Jewish, and Manichaean Cults” Issued by Emperors Gratian, Valentinian II, and Theodosius I [Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “We punish Christians for going into the temples and to the altars of heretics, by denying these apostates the right to make wills. Furthermore, let the crimes of those persons be punished, who, […]

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“Repeal of the Exemption of Jewish Religious Leaders from Community Service” by Emperors Gratian, Valentinian II, and Theodosius I [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “That command, by which those who practice the Jewish law are pampered, and through which immunity from civil duties is granted them, is hereby rescinded, since not even clerics should be free to […]

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“Concerning Apostates” issued by Emperors Gratian and addressed to Praetorian Perfect Hypatius [Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “Where anyone accuses a deceased person of having violated and abandoned the Christian religion, and denounces him for having given his adherence to the sacrileges of the [Jewish] temples, or the rites of the Jews, and maintains that, in […]

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Public Declaration written by Emperor Julian, addressed to all the Jews, 363 AD [Roman Empire; Some overall present-day countries include Italy, Spain, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt]: “…you shall make even greater supplication for my reign to God, the mightiest of all, the creator, who found me worthy to be crowned […]

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“Apostasy to Judaism” Issued by Emperor Constantius II and Julian-Caesar to Thalassius [Roman Empire; Some overall present-day countries include Italy, Spain, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt]: “If any Christian has become a Jew after the promulgation of this law, is implicated in impious sexual relations, an accusation if proven to be true, […]

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“Closing of Jewish Temples” issued Emperor Constantius and addressed to Praetorian Prefect Taurus [Roman Empire; Present-day Italy, Turkey]: “We have determined that the [Jewish] temples shall be immediately closed in all cities, and access to them forbidden to all, so that permission for further offending may be refused to those who are lost. We also […]

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“Confiscation of the Properties of Christian Converts to Judaism” Issued by Emperor Constantius II [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “According to an already existing law, if any one once a Christian has become a Jew and has associated with sacrilegious groups, we decree that all his goods be confiscated to the imperial fisc after the accusation has been […]

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“Order” of Constantius Augustus and Julian Caesar to the Praetorian Prefect Thalassius [Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “In accordance with the venerable law which has been established, We command that if any person should (spit upon the venerable law and) be converted from Christianity to Judaism and should join their sacrilegious gatherings, when the accused has […]

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Law issued by Constantine I [Present-day Italy]: “We wish to make clear to the Jewish elders and patriarchs that if, after the enactment of this law, anyone attempts by stoning or other type of madness (which we know is being done at this time), to reconvert a person who has given up the baleful sect […]

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Law issued by Constantius II [Present-day Italy]: “If any Jew has obtained a slave of another sect or national group than his own, the slave shall at once be confiscated to the public fisc: furthermore if he has circumcised the slave after buying him, then not only shall he suffer the confiscation of the slave, […]

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“Order” of Constantine Augustus to Praetorian Prefect Felix [Roman Empire; Some overall present-day countries include Italy, Spain, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt]: “[…] It is Our will that if any Jew should purchase a Christian slave or a slave of any other sect […] and should not greatly fear to circumcise […]

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“Decree” issued by Constantine (year 336) [Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “Jews are not allowed to harass Jewish converts to Christianity, and will be punished in accordance with the nature of the act.  […] if a Jew circumcises a non-Jewish slave, the slave is to be taken from the Jew and remain free.” [Researcher’s note: This […]

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Law issued by Constantine I [Present-day Italy]: “The Jews are not permitted to disturb any person who, once a Jew, has become a Christian, or inflict other injury upon him; insults are to be punished according to the seriousness of the attach committed, etc…” [Editor’s note: Author’s footnote dates this law in 335 as Theodosian […]

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“Exemption of Religious Leaders from Community Service” Issued by Holy Emperor Constantine [Present-day Italy / Holy Roman Empire]: “Those who dedicated themselves with complete devotion to the synagogues of the Jews, to the patriarchs, or to their priests… shall not be a part of all community services, personal as well as civil…” Codex Theodosianus 16.8.2, Researched by […]

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“Prohibition of Persecuting Jewish Converts and of Proselytism by Jews” Issued by Emperor Constantine [Present-day Italy / Holy Roman Empire]: “We want the Jews, their principals, and their patriarchs informed, that if anyone-once this law has been passed-dares to attack anyone escaping their deadly group and turning his eyes toward the path of God, either by stoning […]

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Decree issued by Constantine I at the Council of Nicaea [Present-day Turkey]: “When the question relative to the sacred festival of Easter arose, it was universally thought that it would be convenient that all should keep the feast on one day…It was declared to be particularly unworthy for this, the holiest of all festivals, to […]

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“On converts to Judaism and to Christianity” Issued by Emperor Constantine to Evagrius (315 AD) [Roman Empire; Some overall present-day countries include Italy, Spain, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt]: “We want to relate to the Jews, their ancestors, and their patriarchs that if anyone – after this law is passed – […]

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