Writ of Holy Roman Emperor, Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian, sells/pledges the Jews of Speyer to the Elector/Count Palatine Rupert [I.] (‘Pfalzgraf Ruprecht’) for his debt of 2,000 Pound (‘Pfund’) Heller – with the consent of Bishop Gerhard of Speyer, to whom they (the Jews of Speyer) were pledged before for the same amount.” […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor, Louis IV [Present-day Holland]: “Louis, the Bavarian, permits Duke Reinald von Gelcern to keep Jews in his castles, cities, and villages […] and to collect from them the common levies.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the old Latin text, which can be found in […]

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Writ/letter of Duke Henry of Landshut given to the citizens of Deggendorf [Present-day Germany]: “We, Henry (‘Heinrich’), Count-Palatine (‘Pfalzgraf’) of Rhine and Duke in Bavaria, announce publicly with this letter […] to all who see and read this […] that we bestow our grace on Conrad the Freiberger, our knight, the [city] council, and the […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian (‘Ludwig der Baier’) informs the council of Worms that the Jews of that city were bound by the agreement to pay the sum of 2,000 Gulden toward the king’s contemplated expedition against France, and that, if necessary, force might be employed in collecting this […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor, Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian, confirms [by this writ] that he has come to an agreement with the Jews of Worms regarding their (breaking of their) agreement and debt, and for the advancement/support of his journey to France in that they are to pay him 2,000 Gulden [by a […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “We, Louis, (‘Ludowig’), Roman Emperor by the grace of God […] announce publicly with this letter/writ […] to the wise-men […] the [City] Council, and the citizens in the community of Nordhausen (‘Northusen’), our dear loyal […] and that we and all our heirs free and absolve […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Emperor Louis (‘Ludwig’), the Bavarian, announces to the Council and City of Münster (‘ze Muenstern’), that he has pawned off the empire’s Jews in the city and Bishopric of Münster to Count Heinrich von Waldeck […] and that he is transferring all revenues from Jews [to him] […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “We, Louis, (‘Ludwig’), Roman Emperor by the grace of God […] announce publicly with this letter that we have bestowed special grace upon the nobleman Gerhard (‘Gerharten’), elected and confirmed Bishop of Speyer, […] in order that he may pay off his debts and those of the […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis (‘Ludwig’), the Bavarian, bestows grace upon the noblemen Johann Siegmund und Ludwig, brothers in Liechtenberg, in that they may impose taxes, levies, and make claims on the empire’s Jews, who live in their cities and castles until his (emperor’s) rescission or that of one of his […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “We, Louis (‘Ludowig’), Roman Emperor by the grace of God, […] announce to all who see, hear, or read this letter that the Jews in Augsburg have [agreed to] relinquish and release the city and citizens of their letters [debts], which they had given as consolation […] […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis (‘Ludwig’), the Bavarian, commands that no one [settled] in [Bad] Mergentheim is to be approached nor receive any claim (restitution) for their wrongdoings against his chamber-servants, the Jews, [and reserves himself the right to make final decisions on the matter …]” [Researcher’s note: The above is […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany, Austria]: “Louis, the Bavarian, prescribes/gives the to the noblemen Gottfried, Counts of Sayn (‘Sain’), Gerlach von Isenburg, Wilhelm von Braunsberg, and Johann, the Burgrave of Rinegg half of the Jews in Limburg in exchange for the 6000 Pound (‘Pfund’), which he owes to them for the services […]

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“Regarding Civil Right of Jews” issued by the [City] Council of Zurich [Present-day Switzerland]: “[…] the City Council and the citizens have reached a unanimous decision regarding Jews who want to move to our city […namely] that every Jew is to go before the [City] Council and swear an oath and then be received as a […]

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Writ of Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Emperor Louis orders that Palatine Count Rupert is to be given 5200 Pound (‘Pfund’) Heller for the services he is to render, and ascribes to him all otherwise unassigned imperial revenues from the Jews of Speyer, Worms, and Ladenburg until the amount in paid off.” [Researcher’s note: The above […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “We, Louis (‘Lodevvig’), Roman Emperor by the grace of God […] announce with this public letter, that we have bestowed special grace upon the nobleman Gottfriden von Eppinstein, our dear and loyal […] that he may keep in his city and on the burg/castle of Steinheim ten […]

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“Establishment of a Guild for Butchers and Regulations” issued by the Councilmen of the City of Stendal [Present-day Germany; Margraviate of Brandenburg]: “[…] we establish a guild for our beloved citizens and butchers […]. No Jew is permitted to slaughter [an animal] unless he first obtains a license from us, and those who violate this order, […]

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Writ of Pope Benedict XII [Present-day Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Spain]: “Pope Benedict orders the Israeli believers […] to forfeit their usurious debts which they hold against Bishop Otto of Würzburg lest they be expelled.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text both of which can be […]

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Writ of Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Emperor Louis (‘Ludowig’) confirms to the citizen of Speyer, Heinrich von Köln (‘Hainrichen von Kolle’) [via this writ] the 60 Mark annual revenues from the Jews of Speyer which were [previously] granted to him by Emperor Henry.]” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis (‘Ludwig’), the Bavarian, promises/confirms to the Jews of Würzburg that he will not raise more than 400 Pound (‘Pfund’) Heller from them […]” Medieval Ashkenaz: Corpus der Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden im spätmittelalterlichen Reich; (Medieval Ashkenaz: Collection/body of sources on the history of Jews during […]

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“Order” of King John of Bohemia [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic, Germany; Poland]: “[…] orders […] Jews to contribute to the maintenance of the City of Brno’s protective walls and trenches.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text.] Zur Geschichte der Juden in Böhmen, Mähren und […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian, bestows grace upon his chamber-servants, the Jews of Regensburg […] that because they have been pledged to his cousins, they (Jews) are no longer going to be taxed by him or by [his cousins] in addition to the [required] 200 Pound pennies (‘Pfund Pfennigen’), […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day France]: “Emperor Louis (‘Ludowig’) [the Bavarian], announces that he owes the Counts Ludwig (‘Ludowigen’) [VIII] and Friedrich (‘Friderichen’) [II.] of Oettingen (‘Otingen’) and their heirs for the service they have rendered and the harm they had to suffer 1,000 Mark silver and pawns off the empire’s Jews in […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “We, Louis (‘Ludewig’), Roman Emperor by the grace of God […] announce publicly with this letter that we permit the noblemen, and brothers Louis and Frederick (‘Ludowigen und Frider’), Counts of Oettingen […] to take on and keep Jews in their cities and fortresses and villages […] […]

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“Writ” of King John of Bohemia [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic, Germany; Poland]: “King John of Bohemia and Poland confirms the crusaders with the red star […] in Prague the right to establish a toll on the bridge of Prague, and furthermore, orders that each time a corpse of a Jew is brought into […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “King Louis (‘Ludwig’) sends Sibodo, named Pape, in order that he raise/collect (‘erheben’) the taxes from the Jews in Dortmund.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text both of which can be found in the cited source.] Fahne, […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “We, Louis (‘Ludowig’), Roman Emperor by the grace of God […] announce publicly with this public letter that we have bestowed upon our dear loyal nobleman Ludwig [XI], the old Duke of Oettingen mighty grace [… in that he should have/own] all Jews who are currently there […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian bestows his grace upon Friedrich von Brumbach and his heirs and permits them to keep six Jews on their fortresses (‘Vesten’) or where ever they like.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text which can […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day France]: “We, Louis (‘Ludewig’), Roman Emperor by the Grace of God […] announce publicly to those who see or hear [or] read this letter, that we have pawned/transferred (‘versetzen’) the Jews in the lower and upper cities in Ribeauvillé (‘Rapoltzwilre’) […] to our dear loyal […] nobleman […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian confirms to the Vogt* of Gera, the old, and his heirs [that they are entitled to] all of their fortresses, Jews, tolls, coins, and escorts/protections [fees].” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text which can […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian absolves the Jews of Nuremberg of any taxes, levies, burdens, and imprisonment for the services they have provided from now on and staring with Walpurgis Day for the next three years for which they (Jews) are to accommodate/serve him with 400 Pound (‘Pfund’) Heller.” […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day France]: “Louis, the Bavarian prescribes to [Johann III von Rappoltstein] (‘Rappoldstein’) sixty Mark silver from the Jews of Colmar annually and 300 Pound (‘Pfund’) Heller from the Ungeld* of these in exchange for 1100 Mark silver.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “We, Louis (‘Ludewig’), Roman Emperor by the grace of God […] announce publicly with his letter that we give […] Ruprecht, the Inn-keeper of Schweinsberg (‘Schenken von Schvveinsperg’), our loyal and fine heir for the service which he has bestowed upon the empire and will in the […]

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“Official Announcement” of Archbishop Henry [Heinrich] of Cologne [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Cologne]: “[…] Jews who move into the city at a later date must negotiate an annual annuity (‘annua persiona’) with the Archbishop or his officials [which are] to be paid to the Archbishop. […]” Medieval Ashkenaz: Corpus der Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden […]

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“Writ” of Martinus of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual (‘Minoritenordens’) [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland]: “Martinus, the acting head (‘Verweser’) of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual of Bohemia and Poland gifts to the convent of St. Clara in Znojmo part of the gardens, which reaches all the way to where it faces the […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “We, Louis, Roman Emperor by the grace of God […] announce publicly to those who see or hear [or] read this letter and that we give the nobleman Waldgrave John (‘Johnnß der Wildgraff’) and his heirs, the Duke to Salm, for the services/aid they have bestowed upon […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian gives Bishop Gerlach of Worms and the knight Hartmund von Cronberg and his heirs 1200 Pound (‘Pfund’) Heller and pledges to him 80 Pound (‘Pfund’) Heller [annually] from the Jews of the empire in Ladenburg […] to be collected until he or his successors […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian pawns/transfers (‘versezet’) the Jews of Augsburg to Peter Hoheneck for 300 Mark silver [… and orders] that they are to give him annually sixty* Pound Augsburger pennies (‘Pfund Ausbuger Pfennige’) [… and Louis gives Hoheneck another] one hundred Mark silver, for which the Jews […]

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Writ of Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Emperor Louis confirms [to give] the citizens Hanemann of Worms […] 58 Pound (‘Pfund’) Heller from the revenues of the Jews in Speyer.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original text both of which can be found in the cited source. The […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian (‘Ludwig der Baier’) announces to the city-councils in Erfurt, Mühlhausen, and Nordhausen that he is letting the Margrave Frederick of Meissen have the Jews in this Margrave’s lands/domains and in the aforementioned cities for the duration of his life-time so that he (the Margrave) […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian (‘Ludwig der Baier’) confirms [in writing] that he has owed his brothers-in-law, Duke Henry, Otto, and Henry [of Bavaria] 20,000 Mark silver, for which he had prescribed them Weissenburg, Neumark, and the Jews of Regensburg: now, however, after he has lost Neumark […] he […]

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“Visa” (‘Visum’)* of the Episcopal Court of Speyer [Present-day Germany]: “[…] power-of-attorney of Emperor Louis (‘Ludewicus’) given to his Chancellor Hermann von Lichtenstein (’Hermanno de Lichtenberg’) for the taxation of the Jews in the empire.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original text both of which can be found […]

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“Special Taxation of Jews” issued by Dutchess Anges of Braunschweig/Brunswick [Present-day Germany; Hanseatic League Braunschweig/Brunswick]: “[…] to all of Our Jews in [the town of] Stendal, we – Lady of the Altmark (Antique Marchie Domina) – require that they (Jews) contribute 20 Mark (viginiti marcas) to Us for the next six years on St. Martin’s Day […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian, pledges the 200 Pound (‘Pfund’) annual taxes of the Jews of Regensburg and the Jewish court to the Dukes of Lower-Bavaria [in exchange] for 6,400 Mark [or according to the Regensburger documents, for 46000 Fl. Silver].” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Emperor Louis, the Bavarian, authorizes his chancellor, Hermann von Lichtenberg, to collect/demand all backdated taxes and past-due levies from all Jews in Germany in his name, and to keep a record and to establish new contracts (agreements to pay new taxes) with the Jews as he deems […]

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“Diocesan Synod of Mainz/Mayence” held under Bishop of Wolfgang von Grumbach [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Mainz/Mayence]: “In all the cities, towns, and provinces of the diocese of Mainz, and the camp of the nation of the Jews, and the towns of the city, both men and women, are to distinguish themselves clearly through their attire from […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “We, Louis (‘Ludovig’), Roman Emperor by the grace of God […] procure (‘verschaffen’) the taxes from the Jews of Augsburg for the noblemen [and] Counts ’Ludovvig’ and ‘Friedrich’ of Oettingen, our dear loyal [….] until it pleases us and [our] revocation […]” Wegelini, Jo. Reinhardi: Thesaurus Rerum […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day France]: “We, Louis, Roman Emperor by the grace of God […] announce to all who see or hear [or] read this letter that we pledge to Ulrich, the Landgrave of Alsace, our dear loyal [subject for his aid in Lombardy and on German lands …] and his heirs/successors […]

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“Official Announcement” of the mayor, council, and municipal chief of Esslingen [Swabian Imperial City of Esslingen; Present-day Germany]: “[…] the Jews of Esslingen may not purchase and expand the size of their cemetery […], its current size is to remain the three ‘morgen’ acres*, which we have made available to them […]” [Researcher’s note: A […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian (‘Ludwig der Baier’) permits Gerwich and his brother, named Guzzen, to keep Jews in their territory Leipheim (‘Markt Leypheim’) until he revokes [the permission].” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text which can be found […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Emperor Louis confirms the taxes for the Jews of Augsburg which are to be due on the upcoming St. Martin’s Day and promises to raise no further taxes from them within the same year.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a summary of the original Latin text, which […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian, replies to Henry (‘Heinrich dem Röten’) […], a citizen of Ulm, the [local] Jewish taxes for as long as it takes for him to pay off Henry (‘Heinrich dem Staufer’) for the goods/properties in Pachenheim.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian, admits to owing the Counts Ludwig [VI] and Frederick (‘Friedrich’) von Oettingen 1000 Pound (‘Pfund’) Heller and pledges to them the Jewish-taxes of Ulm and Nördlingen for it.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian, pledges to the Burgrave Frederick of Nuremberg (‘Friedrich [IV] von Nürnberg’) and Count Rudolf (‘Rudolph’) of Wertheim the Jewish-taxes in Würzburg for 1,400 Pound (‘Pfund’) Heller starting with the next [Saint] Martini[’s Day] for four years.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “We, Louis (‘Ludowich’), Roman king by the grace of God […] announce to all who see or hear [or] read this letter that we have bestowed grace upon the noblemen Johann and Gotfrieden, brother-dukes of Fürstenberg, our dear faithful, for the services/aids they have rendered to us, […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian (‘Ludwig der Baier’) commands the Jews of Regensburg, who have been pledged to the Dukes Henry, Otto, and Henry of Bavaria, to abide/be useful to them as they were before to the empire.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian (‘Ludwig der Baier’) permits as per the request/plea of the councilmen of the Altstadt Brandenburg and its citizens, to keep two or three Jews [in that city].” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text which […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day France]: “Louis, the Bavarian (‘Ludwig der Baier’) transfers/gives/pledges 200 Mark silver from the Jews in Colmar to Strasbourg knight Hugo, called Schaup.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text which can be found in Oefele’s Rerum Boicarum Scriptores (Volume […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day France]: “Louis, the Bavarian (‘Ludwig der Baier’) pledges the named Jews in Buschwiller and Neuwiller (‘Puschwiler und in Nuwiler’) to the knight Fritschmann von Westhausen for 100 Pound (‘Pfund’) Heller.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text which can […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian (‘Ludwig der Baier’) pawns off the Jews of Regensburg, along with other pledges/loan, to the three Dukes of Lower Bavaria for 20,000 Mark silver.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text which can be found […]

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“Writ” issued by King John of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “King John of Bohemia grants Bishop of Olomouc, Konrad I, permission to keep only one Jew (who is free of all Jewish and other obligations and taxes as well as free of any foreign subjugation and only subject to the […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian (‘Ludwig der Baier’) orders his chamber-servants, the Jews of Speyer to pay/submit their tithe (‘Zehnten’)* to the Archbishop Peter of Mainz.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text which can be found in Guden’s Codex […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian (‘Ludwig der Baier’) confirms via a writ to the citizens of [Schwäbisch-]Hall that they only need to pay homage to him on [St.] Martin’s Day of the following year and frees […] them of any taxes and services for two years and grants/transfers to […]

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“Order” of Frederick the Handsome/Fair (“Friedrich, der Schöne”) [Duchy of Austria/House of Habsburg; Present-day Austria]: “[…] Jews of Neustadt [near Vienna] are prohibited to work as tailors or be faced with confiscation [of the items] by the princely chamber (‘landesfürstliche Kammer’) and forfeiture of the dresses to the same [authority].[…]” Berliener, Abraham: Aus dem leben […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian (‘Ludwig der Baier’) gives the [city] council and the community of citizens in Worms another one hundred Pound (‘Pfund’) Heller annually in addition to the 300 Pound (‘Pfund’) Heller from the local Jews […] for their (citizen’s) services/aid they have rendered to the empire […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian (‘Ludwig der Baier’) bestows grace upon the nobleman Conrad von Schlüsselbrg [declaring] that no Jews in Waisenfeld (‘Weischenfeld’) is to be involved/be employed as a royal officer (‘Amtsmann’).” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original old text […]

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Charter issued by King Louis X [France]: “We make known that our dear lord and father…had, while yet alive, with the counsel and the advice of the great men of council, driven out and expelled the Jews from his kingdom…For these reasons we have ordained, established, and ordered as follows: 1. First, that the Jews […]

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“Ordinance” (‘Ordonnanz’) of Louis X [Kingdom of France; Present-day France]: “[…] To all faithfuls and subordinates/subjects of the Kingdom of France, Greetings. […] Firstly. Jews may be permitted to return and remain in our Kingdom for the next 12 years in cities and places where they lived before [they were expelled] … 2) Also, they are to […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian (‘Ludwig der Baier’) informs the Jews of Worms, his chamber-servants, that he has confirmed the knight Wipfelin from Rosengarten the ten Mark silver, which emperor Henry had done so for his services, which are to be paid by the Jews of Worms to the […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian (‘Ludwig der Baier’) authorizes the Schultheiss*, the councilmen, and the citizens/community of Nuremberg to tear down the built-on-awnings (‘Kellerhälse’)**, booths, and arbors which the local Jews use to block off their houses from public streets […]” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis (the Bavarian) IV [Present-day Germany]: “We, Louis (‘Ludowig’), Roman King by the grace of God […] announce to all who see, hear, or read this letter [that we permit …] the citizens of Worms to take/raise 300 Pound (‘Pfund’) Heller annually from the Jews as long as we live as […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Louis, the Bavarian (‘Ludwig der Baier’) confirms and inserts (‘trassumirt’)* the writ by which King Adolf pawns off the [merchandize-] tax and the Jews of Frankfurt to Archbishop Gerhard of Mainz on July 7, 1297.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of […]

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“Writ” confirmed by the Mayor and the Aldermen (‘Geschworene’) of the City Eger [Present-day Hungary]: “[…] The neighbor who has purchased the land next to the church must commit/be obliged to neither admit loud businessmen to his home who could disturb the prayer [ceremonies], nor to allow any Jews to settle around there (‘dort herum’)*.” […]

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Writ of the Imperial Landvogt* [Present-day Germany]: “[…] regarding the admission of the Jew Jeckeling on Schlettstadt into the city of Speyer and the payment of 1500 Pound (‘Pfund’) Heller of the local Jewry to the [named] city.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original text both of which […]

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“Decree” of King Friedrich II [Present-day Italy; Kingdom of Sicily/Crown of Aragon]: “[…] the Jews of Palermo are henceforth to live outside of the city-walls separate from the [local] Christians. […]” Zur Geschichte und Literatur. Von Dr. Zunz. Erster Band. (Regarding History and Literature. B Dr. Zunz. First Volume.); Berlin; 1845; Researched and Translated by […]

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Writ of Henry VII of Luxemburg [Present-day Germany]: “Henry VII orders […] also the Jews of Frankfurt to give 200 Pounds as aid-money for the war against Count Eberhard of Württemberg (‘Würtemberg’).” Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland während des Mittelalters. Bearbeitet von Dr. M. Wiener. Erster Teil. (Regesta regarding the history of Jews in […]

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Writ of Henry VII of Luxemburg [Present-day Germany]: “Henry VII absolves the nobleman Conrad von Weinsberg of all his debt [owed] to Jews so that he can [be in a better position] to act/negotiate (‘handeln’) against Count Eberhard von Württemberg (‘Würtemberg’).” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin […]

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Writ of Henry VII of Luxemburg [Present-day Germany]: “Henry VII gifts the Abby Henry (‘Heinrich’) von Fuld, his prince and secret council, and his (Henry’s) successors and the church of Fuld all Jews present in Fuld as well as in the other castles/domains (‘Burgen’) of this church.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a […]

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“Diocesan Synod of 1310” [Present-day Germany]: “Likewise as when it was once instituted with the utmost sacristy in the holy council, that under the pretext of maintaining the nourishment of their children, Jews are not permitted to have Christian (servants/wet nurses) in their home, neither for service nor for any other reason whatsoever. Accordingly, those […]

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Writ of King Henry [Present-day Germany]: “King Henry [Heinrich] orders that because he has sent his prince, Bishop Philipp [von Rathsamhausen] from Eichstätt to Italy for certain matters regarding the king and the empire (’imperii negociis’) and that he wishes to be rather useful to the church of Eichstätt than harmful […] and that Philipp’s debt […]

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“Writ” of Lord Remund von Lichtenburg [Present-day Czech Republic]: “Redmund von Lichtenburg, Lord of half of the City of Havlickuv Brod* and his nephews Václav, Smil, and [Cenek] permit the citizens of Havlickuv Brod – because they have received 200 Mark from them – to fortify/secure the city; furthermore, they exempt the citizens of all taxes and liens as […]

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“Diocesan Synod of Strasbourg” held under Bishop Johann I [Present-day France; Free Imperial City of Strasbourg]: “We remind and admonish the spiritual dignitaries and alienators of church properties […]: Furthermore, because chalices are sometimes pawned off to Jews, it has been said, that a certain rudeness of the worst kind has been committed by the enemies […]

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Writ of King Henry [Present-day Germany]: “King Henry permits Hofmeister Johann [II.] of Braunshorn and Beilstein [along with the permission to build a fortress in the valley under the castle …] to settle/keep ten Jews there as well and to use/take advantage of their services until the king has paid him 200 Mark […]” [Researcher’s note: […]

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Writ of Henry VII of Luxemburg [Present-day Germany]: “Henry VII loans/pledges the local Jews [in Eichstätt] to the Bishop of Eichstätt (‘Eichstädt’), and [orders that] Jews are to serve him and no longer the empire.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text which can be found in […]

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Writ of Henry VII of Luxemburg [Present-day Germany]: “Henry VII permits the nobleman Friedrich von Schleiden, his blood-relative, to admit and keep Jews in his castle Schleiden to improve his imperial-loans/domains.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the old original text, which can be found in Lünig’s Teutsche Reichsarchiv (Volume […]

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Writ of Henry VII of Luxemburg [Present-day Germany]: “Henry VII declares that he has come to an agreement with the Archbishop Peter of Mainz in that instead of paying him annually the tithe from the Jews in Germany which he’s entitled to as Arch-Chancellor, he’s instead to be given 600 Pfund Heller […] as long as […]

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“Writ” of Holy Roman Emperor Henry VII addressed to his brother, Archbishop Baldwin of Trier [Present-day Germany]: “King Henry (‘Heinrich’) instructs his highly-beloved prince and brother, Archbishop Baldwin of Trier to pass on and collect expenses in the amount of 394 Mark Cologne currency, which he accrued for his coronation, from the royal Jews in Boppard. […]

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“Order” of Holy Roman Emperor Heinrich VII [Present-day Germany; Free City of Frankfurt a. Main]: “[…] We, Heinrich [VII] […], elected King of the Romans […] declare all Jews of both sexes […] who are currently living or will live in the future in the cities of Rheinau and Molsheim of the Diocese of Strasbourg […]

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Writ of Henry VII of Luxemburg [Present-day Germany]: “Henry VII of Luxemburg promises […] that in case that he is elected Roman King, he will [grant/give] Archbishop Henry II of Cologne – among other things, the Jews of Dortmund as well as ownership of all escort [fees] from the Jews in the entire diocese.” [Researcher’s note: […]

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Writ of Albert I [Present-day Germany]: “Albert I consents to (affirms) Archbishop Peter of Mainz pledging 100 Mark of the annual [tax] revenues of Jews in Frankfurt to the nobleman [Duke] Siegfried (‘Sifrid’) von Eppstein.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a summary of the original Latin text which can be found in Boehmer’s […]

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Decree of Confiscation issued by King Philip IV addressed to the Bailiff [France]: “We command you and each of you to have all lands, houses, vineyards and other possessions, which the Jews of the said bailiwick held as their own at the time of their arrest, sold at public auction for a just price on our […]

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“Diocesan Synod of Verden” held under Bishop Friedrich von Boitzenburg of Verden [Present-day Germany; Prince-Bishopric of Verden]: “[…] we have decide that all Jews living/lingering in our capital, villages, towns and communities and such places are to be stopped and asked (bound) to pay a tenth [of their wealth] to our Diocese per year by the […]

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Capitation Tax at Segovia issued by King Ferdinand [Spain]: “We, Ferdinand, by the grace of God, king of Castile etc., etc. To the Jewry of Segovia, and all other Jewries of the towns and places within the said diocese […]. Know ye, that the bishop and dean have complained to me, and say, that you […]

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“Diocesan Synod of Würzburg” [Present-day Germany]: “We prohibit any cleric to entrust chalices, books, crosses, and the priestly robes to the Jews so that they may not carry out a wicked deed with them.” Conclilia Germaniae v. 4, 95-6., Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 10/28/2015, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 1/14/2016 ADD PAGE # ADD MORE […]

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Writ of Albert I [Present-day Germany]: “Albert I permits Waldgrave (‘Wildgrafen’) Conrad to keep three Jews in Dhaun until this privilege is redeemed with 150 Mark by the empire.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the old original text, which can be found in Lünig’s Reichsarchiv.] Regesten zur Geschichte der […]

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Writ of Albert I [Present-day Germany]: “Albert I promises the Abby Henry (‘Heinrich’) of Fuld 500 Mark of Cologne Pounds (‘kölner Pfund’) and pledges the Jews of Fuld to him as security.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text, which can be found in Schannat’s Historia Fuldensis.] […]

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Writ of Albert I [Present-day Germany]: “Albert I transfers to the nobleman Johann von Limburg (‘Limpurch’) the office/right of the Burgmann* for the castle of Kalsmunt and pledges the Jews in Limburg for 300 Mark to him, as did King Rudolf )…] for his father Gerlach.” [Researcher’s note: *A Burgmann (literally: man-of-the-castle was – a title […]

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Writ of Albert I [Present-day Germany]: “Albert I certifies his previous verdict [which stipulated] that the debt-claims of his killed Jews who do not have an heir, belong rightfully [to] Archbishop Gerhard of Mainz.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text which can be found in Guden’s […]

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Writ of Adolph von Nassau [Present-day Germany]: “King Adolf pledges the [imperial] revenues of the local Jews to the city of Speyer as compensation for the damages his people caused during his move [to Alsace] until all the claims-for-damages set by the magistrate are paid back in full.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of […]

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Writ of Adolf von Nassau [Present-day Germany]: “Adolf of Nassau vows to owe Count Eberhard von Katzenelnbogen 3500 Mark and pledges to him and his heir 300 Mark annually from the revenues of the imperial taxes of Oppenheim, then the Jews, and then their levies (‘Ungeld’).” [Researcher’s note: *Ungeld was akin to a consumption tax placed […]

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Writ of King Adolf [King of Germany, Count of Nassau [Present-day Germany]: “King Adolf (‘Adolfus’) loans/grants (‘verleiht’) ten Mark to Speyer citizen Ebelin (Evelino ante Monasterium’) from the annual revenues, which are to be raised from the Jews of Speyer.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text […]

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