“Order” of Emperor Ferdinand I [Present-day Poland]: “Emperor Ferdinand I orders in response to an appeal from the city community of Kozole (‘Cosel’) that Jews shall neither be tolerated in the city nor in its suburbs.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a summary of the original Czech text both of which can […]

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“Writ” of Emperor Ferdinand I [Present-day Poland; Lordship of Opperstorf/Oppersdorffowie/Oppersdorfove]: “In response to an appeal from the Lord of Opperstorf, Emperor Ferdinand expels the Jews from the city of Glogowek (‘Ober-Glogau’[German]).” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a summary of the original Czech text both of which can be found in the cited […]

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“[Temporary] Extension to the Expulsion Order for Jews” issued by Ferdinand I [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/House of Habsburg]: “The letter of protection/escort (‘Geleitbrief’)* of the Prague Jews is extended to August 24, 1563. […]” [Researcher’s note: This was merely a temporary extension of a previously mandated expulsion order(s). *A ‘Geleitbrief’ was a document that […]

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“Writ” of Emperor Ferdinand I addressed to his Son King Maximilian [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/Holy Roman Empire]: “In response to his son, King Maximilian and his wife, Emperor Ferdinand I extends the deadline which was set for St. George’s Day [April 23/24] and given to the Prague Jews to move away until Trinity […]

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“Mandate” issued by Bishop Velt von Würzburg [Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg; Present-day Germany]: “[…all] Jews and Jewesses, whether they are near or within our Dom-Cathedral (‘Thumbkapital’), are herewith requested to leave our Stift, territory, and [field of] authority (‘Obrigkeit’) with all of their servants and household and [are] not to return without our or our successor’s […]

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“Writ” of Emperor Ferdinand I [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland; Kingdom of Bohemia/Holy Roman Empire]: “Emperor Ferdinand graciously grants the already expelled Jews, [a few of whom] are however still [permitted to be] present in the land as per a letter of protection/escort (‘Geleitbrief’)* to participate** in the coronation of king Maximilian and extends their […]

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[Land/State]-Ordinance for the Principality of Opole and Raciborz (‘Ratibor’); 54. Regarding the Jews [Present-day Poland; Principality of Opole and Raciborz]: “1) No Lord, or prelate, or knightly man may occupy/settle Jews in [their] villages or cities or accept them without the gracious permission of his royal majesty. 2) Jews may not loan money to any […]

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“Writ” of Emperor Ferdinand I addressed to the Jewish-eldest of Prague [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy/Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, etc.]: “[…] those Jews, who have returned to Prague and have brought others along with them, are to depart (leave the country) immediately and without delay.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a […]

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“Writ” of Emperor Ferdinand I [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy/Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, etc.]: “In response to the plea/intercession of the city-community of Novy Jicin (‘Neutitschein’), emperor Ferdinand expels the Jews from the dominions of Novy Jicin (‘Neutitschein’) and Štramberk/Stramberk(‘Stramberg’).” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original […]

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“Writ” of Royal Chancellery (‘königliche Kanzlei’)  [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy/Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria; Czech Republic, etc.]: “[…] all Jews, who do not possess any letters of protection/escort, are to leave the land within 14 days.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Czech text both of which can […]

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“Extract of the Privilege” issued by Emperor Ferdinand I [Present-day Germany; Holy Roman Empire]: “We, Ferdinand, elected Roman Emperor by the grace of God [bestow upon the mayor and City Council of Reutlingen and its citizens the liberty to no longer to allow …] a Jew or Jewess to make (usurious) loans on any immovable or […]

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“Writ” of Emperor Ferdinand addressed to Archduke Ferdinand [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy/Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, etc.]: “Emperor Ferdinand informs Archduke Ferdinand that the deadline regarding the emigration/expulsion of Jews remains unchanged and that only those willing to convert to Christianity will be permitted to stay in the lands of the Bohemian crown for […]

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“Writ” of Emperor Ferdinand addressed to Archduke Ferdinand [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy/Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, etc.]: “[…] We have taken your intercession and request to allow the Jews to remain in Bohemia a bit longer or to [at least] graciously extend the set deadline […] into fatherly consideration but have decided to insist […]

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“Decision” of the City Council of Kutna Hora (Kuttenberg) [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] the Jews of Kolín/Kolin may not trade except on market days and may not stay overnight in the city.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Czech text both of which can be found in […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “The heads of Jewish communities (‘Baumeister’) may only decide over small sin/petty crimes (‘kleine Frevel’)* […] they and Rabbis may settle small matters. Fines are to be divided between the Jewish community fond (‘Judengemeinde-Kasse’) and the state’s treasury (‘stätischen Aerar’)** […].” [Researcher’s […]

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“Writ” of Emperor Ferdinand addressed to his son, Archduke Ferdinand [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy/Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, etc.]: “Emperor Ferdinand writes to his son Ferdinand, that he has extended the stay of those Jews who still remaining in the lands of the Bohemian crown for one more year due to King Maximilian’s and […]

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“Order” of Prince-Bishop Bernhard von Raesfeld [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Dear faithful! After we’ve come to realize (‘befunden’) that Jews living, conversing, and dealing among us amounts to nothing less than blasphemy and abuse of our Lord Jesus Christ […] we have decided once and for all, to no longer tolerate them in […]

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“Writ” of Archduke Ferdinand I [Present-day Czech Republic; Holy Roman Empire/House of Habsburg]: “Archduke Ferdinand orders the Jewish eldest of Prague to report those Jews who do not possess letters of protection/escort (‘Geleitbriefe’) so that they leave the Kingdom of Bohemia within three days.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary […]

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“Writ” of Emperor/King Ferdinand I [Present-day Czech Republic etc.; Holy Roman Empire/House of Habsburg]: “Ferdinand I informs Archduke Ferdinand that he has extended the deadline for a number of Jews to stay in Bohemia in response to the Archduke’s intercession.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Czech text […]

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“Edict” issued by Emperor Ferdinand I [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland; Bohemian crown lands]: “All Jews, [may they be] male or female, are banned from Bohemia and from its incorporated lands. After St. George’s Day, none of them shall be found in any of the districts/domains lest they be fined or receive corporal punishment.” Acta Publica. […]

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“Extract of the Privilege of Emperor Ferdinand I for the city Leutkirch against Jews and their usurious contracts” [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Leutkirch/Holy Roman Empire]: “We, Ferdinand, by the grace of God, elected Roman Emperor [… have graciously bestowed upon the mayor and the City Council of Leutkirch as the governing head … in […]

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“Writ” of Emperor/King Ferdinand I [Present-day Czech Republic; Holy Roman Empire/House of Habsburg]: “Ferdinand I informs Archduke Ferdinand that he has extended the deadline for a few more Jews to stay in the Kingdom of Bohemia in response to the Archduke’s intercession.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the […]

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“Extract of the Privilege” of Emperor Ferdinand I [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Lindau/Holy Roman Empire]: “We, Ferdinand, by the grace of God, elected Roman Emperor [… have bestowed upon the mayor and City Council of Lindau and its citizens the freedom …] to no longer permit Jews or Jewesses [to enter into usurious contracts […]

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Extract of the Privilege of Emperor Ferdinand I [Free Imperial City of Ravensburg/Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Germany]: “We, Ferdinand, elected Roman Emperor by the grace of God [bestow upon the mayor and City Council of Ravensburg and its citizens the liberty …] namely to no longer permit a Jew or Jewess to make loans – may they […]

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“Writ” of Emperor and King Ferdinand [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy/Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, etc.]: “Emperor and King Ferdinand permits a number of named Jews to stay for another year in Bohemia so that they can settle their debt and to sell their houses.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German […]

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“Mandate” issued by Ferdinand I, King of Bohemia, Duke of Silesia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland; Duchies of Silesia/Kingdom of Bohemia/Bohemian crown lands]: “[…] since the Jewry is not to be tolerated in Bohemia and its incorporated lands, that is also why one is not to admit them into Silesia or to permit them to pass […]

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“Writ” of Emperor Ferdinand I addressed to Archduke Ferdinand [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy/Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, etc.]: “Emperor Ferdinand informs Archduke Ferdinand that the deadline regarding the expulsion of Jews is to remain valid/unchanged, except those elected persons who are to collect their debt on their behalf, grossly pregnant women, and sick people […]

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“Writ” of Ferdinand I addressed to the Archduke Ferdinand [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy/Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, etc.]: “[Emperor Ferdinand] permits the Jewry to leave behind eight or ten procurators after their departure […] so that these (procurators) can collect any outstanding debt, sell their houses, and properly settle any other trade [agreement] for […]

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“Writ” of King Ferdinand I [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy/Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, etc.]: “King Ferdinand informs Archduke Ferdinand that he accedes to his (Archduke’s) and the civil servants’ proposed extension of the expulsion of the Jews; however, one is to make it very clear to them, that they are to actually and finally […]

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“Order” of Emperor Ferdinand I [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy/Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, etc.]: “King Ferdinand issues an order to Archduke Ferdinand that he does not approve of an extension to the expulsion of Jews; however, they (Jews) are to be assisted in all that is [rightfully] theirs.” [Researcher’s note: This is a translation […]

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“Writ” of King Ferdinand I [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, etc.]: “King Ferdinand orders Archduke Ferdinand to discuss/consult with the highest-ranking civil officers as to how to utilize the Jewish houses and squares in Prague for the settlement of craftsmen* and for the establishment of an artillery-park.” [Researcher’s note: This is a translation […]

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“Writ” of King Ferdinand I [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, etc.]: “King Ferdinand orders a number of civil servants (‘Landesbeamten’) of the Margravate of Moravia to report (to him) as to why the Moravian [members of the] territorial estates (‘Stände’)* were tolerating the Jews among themselves, because the expulsion (of the Jews) from […]

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“Writ” of King Ferdinand I [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy; Present-day Austria; Czech Republic, etc.]: “King Ferdinand announces to all Jews in the Kingdom of Bohemia, that he has revoked/nullified their letters of protection/escort (‘Geleitbrief’)* which he had issued to them and orders them to move out of the lands of the Bohemian crown within a year.” […]

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Decree canceling all protection of the Jews living in Braunschweig and its surrounding area and revoking their right of residence [Germany]: “By the grace of God, I Henry the Younger, Duke of Braunschweig [Brunswick] and Luneberg and Fuegen hereby address publicly and to each and every Jew living in our principality or otherwise are situated […]

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“Order” of King Ferdinand I [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, etc.; ]: “King Ferdinand […] prohibits Jews to melt down and try* (‘probieren’) […] all gold, [and] silver, which have been mined/forged (‘gewonnen’) in the lands of the Kingdom of Bohemia, […which] shall be sold [only] to the royal mints in Prague, Kutná Hora/Kutna […]

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“Gold-Tax” issued by Ferdinand I addressed to the Lower-Austrian Chamber [Present-day Austria; Archduchy of Austria]: “The Jews, who trade in Lower-Austria and are [therefore] obliged to deliver 5 pounds of spun-gold annually, have failed to submit this fee in the past 3 years. Therefore, the Lower-Austrian chamber is to order that the outstanding payment is collected […]

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“Papal Bull” issued by Pope Paul IV [Papal States; Present-day Italy]: “Since it is absurd and improper that Jews – whose own guilt has consigned them to perpetual servitude – under the pretext that Christian piety receives them and tolerates their presence, should be ingrates to Christians, so that they attempt to exchange the servitude […]

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Papal bull “Cum Nimis Absurdum” issued by Pope Paul IV [Present-day Italy]: “(1)…We ordain that for the rest of time…all Jews are to live in one…they should reside entirely side by side in designated streets and be thoroughly separate from the residences of Christians…(2)…they will have only one synagogue…and they will construct no other new […]

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“Expulsion” decree issued by Ferdinand I [Austria]: “[…] After a period of one year, all Jews are to leave the country.” Braumüller, Wilhelm: Urkunden und Akten zur Geschichte der Juden in Wien. Erste Abteilung. Allgemeiner Teil 1526-1847. Erster Band. (Wien) 1918. p. 20, Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/4/2016 ADD ENGLISH TRANSLATION

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Papal bull “Cum Sicut Nuper” issued by Pope Julius III [Present-day Italy]: “’That the Talmud, mentioning Jesus Christ ignominiously be damned and burned’ Julius III, Cum sicut nuper (1554)… [under pain of punishment] they [Talmud] must be destroyed and removed from the Jews, under pain of punishment or pecuniary, if their obstinacy or quality of […]

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“Decision” of the [City] Council of Münster [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “[…] It is to be announced to the Jews by the messenger-meisters (‘Bottmeistere’), that they are to finalize all of their doings and businesses dealings […] and bring them to an end by the following Monday […] and to never be seen in […]

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“Mandate” issued by Ferdinand I [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Italy]: “[…] all Jews are to leave without further ado the Austrian lands and Gorizia along with their wives, children, servants, possessions, and goods by the next Saint John’s Day (‘Johannestag’) […]” [Researcher’s note: Ferdinand extended the deadline on April 3, 1554, by one year. On […]

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“Writ” of Ferdinand I [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, etc.]: “[…] permits Flor[rian] Griesbeck of Griesbach to place a tax/levy of 395 Schock of b[ohemian] Gr[oschen] on the Jewish payment/currency/coins (’Pagament’)* forged in Kutná Hora/Kutna Hora (‘Kuttenberg’).” [Researcher’s note: *The term ‘Pagament’ normally refers to a payment of some kind; here, however, it appears […]

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“Order” of Archduke Ferdinand addressed to (Lord) ‘Wenzel von Schwamberg’ [Present-day Czech Republic; Further Austria/Habsburg Monarchy]: “Archduke Ferdinand orders Wenzel von Schwamberg to send all of his Jews to Prague so that they can discuss/compare/reach a settlement regarding a tax quota with the Jewish elders of Prague.” [Researcher’s note: This is a translation of a […]

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“State-Regulation/Ordinance” (‘Landesordnung’) issued on behalf of Albrecht V, Duke of Bavaria [Present-day Austria, Germany; Italy, Slovenia; Duchy of Bavaria]: “[…] henceforth, no Jew or Jewess may come into Our principality any longer to settle down or to pursue a trade or do [other] business, nor are they to be tolerated or admitted by anyone […]” Bauer, […]

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“Writ” of King Ferdinand I addressed to Archduke Ferdinand [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, etc.]: “Ferdinand […] highborn, friendly, dear son and prince! You are herewith reminded that we have sent you a copy of a mandate which we have issued for all the hereditary principalities and lands requiring Jews to wear a […]

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“Yellow Stain” (Gelber Fleck) issued by Ferdinand I [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia]: “We, Ferdinand of God’s grace […] have ruled that from now on all Jews are to wear a Jewish sign […] made out of yellow fabric […] on the left side of their chest or skirts or dresses […]

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“Writ” of King Ferdinand addressed to his son Archduke Ferdinand [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “Ferdinand […] highborn, friendly, dear son and prince! We are sending over to you dear, herewith, a copy of our mandate which requires the Jewry to wear a sign in all Upper and Lower Austrian principalities and […]

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“Writ” of Archduke Ferdinand [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “Archduke Ferdinand prohibits the Jews of Prague to lend anyone horses [that presents a] disadvantage/detriment to the community.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the Czech text both of which can be found in the cited source. The original document […]

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“Writ” of Erhart Dehlin* [Present-day Germany]: “[…] the previously given freedom (‘Freyheit’)** to Jews [via the order of July 21, 1548 …] refers only to the Jew himself and not to his male heirs and their heirs as well […] and those [heirs] who attempt to illegally attain such [permits] in our domain in the future […]

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“Official Letter” of the City of Münster to Prince-Bishop ‘Franz’ von Waldeck [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “[…] we wish to tolerate this just once and to extend [… to the aforementioned] Jew Salmon’s protection permit (‘gleyde’) to match (the expiration date) of the other Jews […] so long as he behaves according to his […]

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“Patent” issued the government of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg / Principality of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel]: “[…] Jews are no longer to be tolerated in the land/territory.” Friedrich Adolph Wolterecks Kurzer Begrif Braunschweig-Wolfebbüttelscher Landes-Ordnungen und Gesetze, welche seit den ältesten Zeiten bis im Monath December des 1750sten Jahres ergangen; (Braunschweig; 1771); (Friedrich Adolph Woltereck’s short-term local ordinances […]

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“Enactment/decree” issued by the [City] Council of Wroclaw [Present-day Poland]: “[The decree of 1543 is to be modified in such that …] Jews shall be free to visit the local markets and to collect debts [owed to them]. However, outside of these markets, they may not come to the city [but only send representatives to collect […]

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“Writ” of Count John III of Pernstein [Present-day Poland; County of Kladsko]: “John of Perstein confirms the privileges and freedoms of the city of Trezebicz (‘Trebitsch’), including the assurance that no Jews may [ever] settle there.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the Czech text both of which can […]

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“Order” issued by King Ferdinand I Bohemian Chamber (‘böhemischen Kammer’) [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “King Ferdinand orders the Bohemian Chamber to prohibit all Jews of Prague the exporting of silver.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the Czech text both of which can be found in the […]

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“Writ” of King Ferdinand I addressed to the city of Litomerice (‘Leitmeritz’) [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “King Ferdinand grants the city of Litomerice (‘Leitmeritz’), in response to their request, permission [so that] no Jew may settle and live in the aforementioned city, its suburbs, and surroundings […].” [Researcher’s note: The above is a […]

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“Order” issued by King Ferdinand I and addressed to the (members of the) Bohemian Chamber-Councils (‘Kammerräte’) [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] all Jews, who do not have a letter of protection/escort (‘Geleitbrief’)* are to be expelled from Prague.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Czech […]

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“Order” of the City Council of Prague and addressed to the Jewish elders/leaders [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] all Jews, who do not have a letter of protection/escort (‘Geleitbrief’)* are to leave Prague.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Czech text both of which can […]

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“Order” issued by King Ferdinand I and addressed to the (members of the) Bohemian Chamber-Councils (‘Kammerräte’) [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] Jews, who do not have a letter of protection/escort (‘Geleitbrief’)* are to be expelled from Prague.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Czech text […]

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“Order” issued by King Ferdinand I and addressed to the City Council of Old-Town Prague [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] all Jews with the exception of those who hold a letter of protection/escort (‘Geleitbrief’)* are to be expelled in three weeks.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of […]

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“Writ” of King Ferdinand I [Kingdom of Bohemia/Habsburg Monarchy; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, etc.]: “King Ferdinand extends the letter of protection/escort (‘Geleitbrief’) to a few Jews and Jewish families, 62 persons in all, for another 3 years starting with Saint George’s Feast and rules that the first seven Jews listed (in the document) are to be […]

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“Writ” issued by the City of Aachen [Present-day Germany]: “Mayors (‘Bürgermeister’), lay-judges (‘Schöffen’)* [City] Council and common citizens of the royal seat […announce and] certify with the power of this […] that the common Jewry in the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation […] the Jews [named] with their wives, children and servants along […]

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“Land-Mandate” (‘Landmandat’) issued by Bishop Melchior of Zobel [Present-day Germany]: “[…] all [practices of] usury by Jews is to be put an end to immediately, because many [Jews] have snuck into the Hochstift in recent years […] and the usurious Jews are not to receive any protection […] or any legal assistance to collect the […]

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“Taxation of Jews to help with the Turks” (City) Council of Münster [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “Also Jews shall be required to help with the Turks (‘turckenhulp’), so that each Jewish person, may he be young or old, gives one Gulden tax and the rich Jews [shall] help the poor in their community with […]

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“Order” issued by City Council of Prague [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] Jews who do not have letters of protection/escort (‘Geleitbrief’)* shall leave Prague within 14 days as of April 30.” [Researcher’s note: *A ‘Geleitbrief’ was a letter that allowed the holder to live and move freely in the territory in which it […]

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“Jewish Privilege” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Carl V [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Spain etc.]: “[…Jews] may neither have immobile goods (real estate), nor pursue or have any other stately jobs, positions, and doings with the Christians.” [Researcher’s note: While Carl’s edict renews the privileges given to Jews and afford […]

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“Deportation of Jews,” order issued by Emperor Ferdinand I, Archduke of Austria [present-day Austria]: “Whereas […] we […] mercifully consider that the poor, common man is being cornered and burdened by the visits and usurious contracts of the Jews, and that less-than-scrupulous persons are given much cause by this to commit thievery, embezzlement and similarly […]

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General Mandate of Ferdinand I [Habsburg Empire; Present-day Austria]: “We Ferdinand […] since it has come to our attention that Jews roam in and out [of the country] occasionally and dare to do business in the annual and weekly markets […] We are issuing a general mandate that, if Jews who arrive without a passport […]

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“Enactment/decree” issued by the (City) Council of Wroclaw [Present-day Poland]: “[…] Henceforth, no Jew […] is to be tolerated inside or outside of the annual market in Wroclaw […] and anyone who accommodates one publicly or secretly is to receive serious punishment.” Acta Publica. Verhandlungen und Correspondenzen der schlesischen Fürsten und Stände. Namens des Vereins für […]

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“Writ/Royal Pardon” issued by King Ferdinand [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “King Ferdinand returns honor to/pardons the City of ��atec/Zatec (‘Saaz’) for the violent riots against the Jews. [Singed in the] Prague Castle […]” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the Czech text both of which can be […]

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“Order” of King Ferdinand I [Present-day Czech Republic, Poland etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia/Hungary]: “King Ferdinand [I] orders the Bishop of Wroclaw to negotiate with the territorial estates (‘Stände’)* in Opole (‘Oppeln’) and Raciborz (‘Ratibor’) as to the amount of money they wish to pay annually to the royal Bohemian chamber for the requested expulsion of […]

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“Order” issued by Bishop Conrad III [Prince-Bishopric of Würzburg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] no outside/foreign Jew or Jewess, young or old, shall walk in or through the city of Würzburg or its suburbs, except if such person pays the mayor/bailiff (‘Schultheißen’) a tariff of one Würzburg-Schilling. […] an outside/foreign Jew or Jewess may also no longer […]

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“Taxation for Assistance with the Turks” issued Prince-Bishop Francis (‘Franz’) von Waldeck [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Each Jewish person (‘joddenpersoin’), may they be young or old, shall […] give one Gulden, and the rich Jews are to come to the aid of the poor in regards to this tax. Those [Jews] who have […]

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“Decision” issued by the members of the various estates and the King [Ferdinand I] [Present-day Czech Republic etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “During an assembly of the various estates (‘Landtag’) in Prague which took place in the presence of the king, the territorial estates (‘Stände’)* decided to insist on continuing with the earlier decision, [which said] […]

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“Decision” of the Cathedral Chapter (‘Domkapital’) [Present-day Germany]: “[…] to expel Jews entirely from the Stift* and where that is not possible, to make them wear a ring or sign on their clothes. […]” [Researcher’s note: *A Stift was an independent territory in the Holy Roman Empire.] Die Juden in Franken. Ein unpartheiischer Beitrag zur […]

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“Decree” issued by the Austrian government [Present-day Austria; House of Habsburg/Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] Jews, who reside here (‘heuslich gesessen’), shall give three Gulden per house, which the empire/state shall give to the poor. Jews, whether male or female, who do not reside here (‘nit heuslich, gesessen’) and who are over the age of twelve, […]

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“Writ” of King Ferdinand I addressed to the Bohemian Chamber [Present-day Austria; Habsburg Monarchy]: “King Ferdinand gives the royal emissary whom he sent to the assembly of the members of the estates in Prague Castle the instructions to negotiate with the estates in his royal realm […]*, that if these aforementioned estates in the realm […]

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“Order” of Emperor Karl V addressed to Delegate/Parliament Member (‘Abgeordnete’) of Constance Konrad Zwick [Prince-Bishopric of Constance; Present-day Germany]: “Henceforth, no Jew or Jewess may lend to the citizens of Constance, heirs (‘Hinterlassen’), subjects, members of the courts and the administration* (‘Gerichts- und Schirmangehörige’) or their wives or children, may the loans be on immobile […]

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“Order” of King Ferdinand I addressed to the Bohemian Chamber [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “Strong/hardworking, earnest, and dear loyal subjects. As it has been reported to us, that our Jewish community in Prague […] have not agreed to pay more than one thousand Gulden […] we order with all seriousness [herewith] that you […]

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“Order” of King Ferdinand I addressed to the Bohemian Chamber [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “Strong/hardworking, earnest, and dear loyal subjects. After the estates in our royal realm in Bohemia have recently obediently agreed to a communal tax, we deem it appropriate, that the Jewry in Prague shall have a tax imposed on them […]

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“Announcement” issued by the Town-Hall of Kitzingen [Present-day Germany]: “[…] no citizens shall have anything to do with any Jew who lives nearby and under a different domain, nor shall he (citizens) purchase, sell, loan, or accidentally trade with them (Jews), because one does not wish to help one party/side attain his right legally or […]

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“Order” issued by King Ferdinand I [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “King Ferdinand authorizes Wilhelm Klenowsky von Klenowe to collect the fine from the Jews of Bor u Tachova (‘Haid’) for the unauthorized/illegal money lending and orders all, especially the City Council of Klatovy (‘Klattau’), to assist him in this regard.” [Researcher’s note: The […]

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“Writ” of King Ferdinand I [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “In response to an appeal made by the City Council of Litomerice (‘Leitmeritz’), King Ferdinand repeals an earlier Patent in which he allowed Jews to freely trade with wine on the grounds that such permission would go against the liberties of the aforementioned city.” […]

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“Decision of the Members of the territorial estates” issued by the Royal Bohemian Parliament [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] Furthermore, Jews, who are in this kingdom, shall not insert themselves into proceedings of the members of the various territorial estates (‘Landtagsverhandlungen’)*, and any Jew, who is found to be present in the palace during […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “Jews may take no more than 1/2 a Heller in interest per week for each Gulden from citizens.” Kurzer Abriss. Geschichte der Israeliten. Frankfurt a Main. (Short outline. History of the Israelis. Frankfurt a. Main); (www.archive.org); Accessed online; Researched and Translated […]

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“Mandate” issued by Prince-Bishop Conrad [Prince-Bishopric of Würzburg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Jews who pursue the prohibited practice of usury are to be expelled immediately from the domain/land. […] if any of the subjects borrowed money from Jews – either on guarantees or on pledges – and in case they were found to be engaged in […]

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“Edict” of the Archbishop Francis (‘Frank’) I of Waldeck [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “Also, a Jew pays for this protection four Taler* or 5 Ma[rk]* 10 s[shillings]* [… to the chancellery of the prince-bishop[ric] (‘Item ein Judde vor ein geleide gegeven 4 Joachimsdaler, facit 5 ma[rk]* 10 s[schillinge]*’).” [Researcher’s note: *Taler, Mark, and Schilling […]

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“Order” of Emperor Ferdinand [Present-day Germany]: “[…] no Jew or Jewess shall settle or live or stay in Schweinfurt without the patronage, knowledge, and permission of the city. […]” Die Juden in Franken.  Ein unpartheiischer Beitrag zur Sitten- und Rechtsgeschichte Frankens von Dr. Ludwig Heffner, praktischer Arzt zu Würzburg, Konservater des historischen Vereins daselbst. Mit […]

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“Announcement” of Sigismund I for Posen [Present-day Poland]: “1) Jews, who possess houses and places in the district that is within the jurisdiction of the city [which have not been given with the approval of the local authorities …] are to sell these to Christians who belong to that jurisdiction within a year or have these […]

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“Jewish Regulation” [Habsburg Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[… ] Hungarian and Bohemian Royal M[ajesty …] Archduke of Austria […] our all gracious Lord given order as to how the Jews of Vienna are to act. [It is] ordered that from now on, just like the domestic and settled Jews that are part of [His Royal Majesty’s] […]

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“Dress Code for Jews” decree issued by Emperor Ferdinand I [Austria]: “[…] Hence, we order that there be observed a distinction between Christians and Jews in clothing and costume and, as is done in numerous countries, the Jews be marked and recognized by a certain sign […]. Thus we decree and order […] that all […]

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“The Imperial Police Regulation of 1530” Issued by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V [Present-day Italy / Holy Roman Empire]: “1) All Jews are to wear a yellow ring on their skirt or skull cap to make them easier to be recognized. 2) They are to wear appropriate clothing and all public officials are required to charge […]

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“Writ” of King Ferdinand I [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “King Ferdinand permits the city of Zatec (‘Saaz’) to expel the Jews that do not belong there and outlines a number of rules regarding the loaning of money for those Jews who are royal subjects and who have been accepted by the community.” [Researcher’s […]

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“Writ” of King Ferdinand I [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “King Ferdinand […] authorizes the aforementioned [city of Vodnan (‘Wodnian’) to expel the Jew Jacob and to no longer tolerate other Jews [as well].” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Czech text both of which can […]

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“Edict” issued by King Ferdinand I [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] Jews may take only 2 pennies per [each] Schock [currency] on loans made on pledges and […] all Jews, who are subjects to other lords, are to leave the city […]” [Researcher’s note: King Ferdinand had issued this edict in an attempt […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the City of Frankfurt [Free Imperial City of Frankfurt; Present-day Germany]: Jews are prohibited to trade with new shoes except those that were pawned off to them. [Researcher’s note: The above is a summary of the text. The original can be found in A. A. Lersner’s Chronik von Frankfurt.] Kurzer Abriss. Geschichte der Israeliten. […]

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“Ordinance” of the aldermen/presiding jurors, Lords, and community elders of Kutná Hora/Kutna Hora (‘Kuttenberg’) [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “The aldermen/presiding jurors, Lords, and community elders of Kutná Hora/Kutna Hora (‘Kuttenberg’) decide that Jews may be present in their city only during market (days) and court days, and that they must go home immediately […]

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“Mandate” issued by Emperor Ferdinand I [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Württemberg/Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] Jews may not be present in Württemberg […]” Schubert, Anselm: Täufertum und Kabbalah. Augustin Bader und die Grenzen the Radikalen Reformation. (Anabaptism and Kabbalah. Augustin Bader and the limitations of the radical reformation.); (Heidelberg; 2008); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani […]

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“Jewish Mandate” issued by Emperor Ferdinand I [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Württemberg/Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] Württemberg shall remain entirely prohibited to Jews, and any Christian who engages in trade with a Jew is also to be expelled from the land. […]” Schubert, Anselm: Täufertum und Kabbalah. Augustin Bader und die Grenzen the Radikalen Reformation. (Anabaptism and […]

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“Jewish Regulation” for Vienna [Habsburg Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[…] And when a Jew is here on business, he is to wear a Jewish sign in the front (of his clothing) – uncovered and undisguised – so that he can be recognized by Christians […] and so that a separation is maintained.” Wertheimer, von Ritter, Joseph: […]

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