[Possible/Probable] Statutes of the Council of Poitiers (1280) [Present-day France] [Provisional]: “VI. No Christian nurses may serve within the homes of Jews on pain of a fine of 50 solidi, three quarters of which is to be donated to the poor. To make it more difficult to lend at usury, no cleric may write or […]

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[Possible/Probable] “De Decanis” (“Of the Deans”) statues of the Provincial Council of Trier [Present-day Germany; Archbishopric of Trier] [Provisional]: “[…] with regards to the Jews, the provisions are as follows: Priests must never pawn sacred objects with Jews, and monks not without the specific permission of the Archbishop. Literarily uneducated Priest are prohibited to dispute with […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Statute of Jewry” issued by King Edward I [England] [Provisional]: “…The King hath ordained and established that from henceforth no Jew shall lend anything at usury either upon land or upon rent or upon other thing….And that each Jew after he shall be seven years old, shall wear a badge on his outer garment…in […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Diocesan Synod of 1274/75” Issued by Archbishop Werner von Eppstein of Mainz/Mayence [Electorate of Mainz; Present-day Germany] [Provisional]: “[…] with the highest authority, it has been decided that Jews are not allowed to hold Christians subjects (servants) in their homes under the pretext of feeding their children (wet-nurses), either in this service or any […]

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[Possible/Probable] Canons issued by the Council of Saint-Quentin (1271) [Present-day France] [Provisional]: “To insure that Jews not be of higher station than Christians, as well as to prevent offenses against both canon and civil law, secular princes are not to aid Jews in collecting debts owed by clerics, under penalty of vigilant and unrelenting canonical […]

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[Possible/Probable] Provisions of the Jewry issued by King Henry III [England] [Provisional]: “It is provided by the king […] that, all debts to Jews which are fees […] be quit to the Christians by whom they are owing and to their heirs for ever, with their arrears. The charters of the fee-debts a foresaid, wherever […]

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[Possible/Probable] “City Law/Regulation/Concession” for Prague issued and confirmed by King Ottokar II of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic] [Provisional]: “[…] Jews are not to take more than 5 pennies per each Mark [5%] in interests and six [pennies] for each pound and one penny for every 30 pennies […]. A Jew cannot serve as his own witness. […]

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[Possible/Probable] Statutes of the Synod of Clermont (1268) [Present-day France] [Provisional]: “Priests are to see to it that their parishioners do not live in the homes of Jews, dine at their tables, or accept their medicines. No one may entrust Jews with offices or magistracies.” Grayzel, Solomon. The Church and the Jews in the XIIIth […]

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[Possible/Probable] Papal bull “Agit Nec Immerito,” issued by Clement IV to James, King of Aragon [Present-day Spain] [Provisional]: “From now on, Jews shall not be admitted to any offices at all, and except for privileges granted to them by the Apostolic See, you are to proceed by restraining their wickedness, as well as their falsehoods […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Las Siete Partidas” (The Seven-Part Code”) on the order of Alfonso X, 8/28/1265* [Spain]** [Provisional]: “[…] LAW II. […] Jews should pass their lives among Christians quietly and without disorder, practicing their own religious rites, and not speaking ill of the faith of Our Lord Jesus Christ, which Christians acknowledge. Moreover, a Jew should […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Jewish Decree” issued by Duke Henry [Margrave of Meissen; Present-day Germany] [Provisional]: “(1) A Jew bringing an action against a Christian must produce as witnesses two Christians and one Jew, men of good repute. (2) A Christian bringing an action against a Jew must produce as witnesses two Jews and one Christian. (3) Any […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Writ” issued by Duke Henry III of Brabant, year 1261 [Duchy of Brabant; Present-day Belgium, Netherlands] [Provisional]: “[…] all Jews [… must] be expelled from […] Brabat. They are to be totally extirpated (rooted out, destroyed completely) until not even one remains, unless they […] engage in commerce after the fashion of other merchants […]

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[Possible/Probable] Canon law by the Council of Arles, issued to the Republic of Florence [Present-day France, Italy] [Provisional]: “Jews are to wear a special habit, which must be distinguishable from the round capes of clerics.” Grayzel, Solomon. The Church and the Jews in the XIIIth Century, Volume II (1254-1315). The Jewish Theological Seminary of America: […]

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[Possible/Probable] Canon 8, issued by the Provincial Council of Mainz (formerly called Mayence) [Present-day Germany] [Provisional]: “[…] Should any of the afore-mentioned [Jewish] people be seen on Good Friday, in the street, in the doorway of his house, or in the windows, to which two Christians will testify, he shall be compelled to give a […]

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[Possible/Probable] Episcopal constitution of the Diocese of Salisbury [Present-day United Kingdom] [Provisional]: “Jews of our diocese may not employ any Christian women as wet-nurses, midwives, or damnably venture to retain them in other servile occupations; or have sexual relations with a Christian woman, thus scandalizing our faith. Any Jew who confesses to such a crime […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Regulations of Ottocar” (“Codex Juris Municipiorum”) issued by Ottocar [Present-day Czech Republic] [Provisional]: “[…] 1) Jews may take interest at a rate of 5 pfennig in the mark, 6 pfennig in the pound, and 1 pfennig in 30. 2) When a Jew is a plaintiff against a Christian, he must produce Christian as well […]

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[Possible/Probable] Writ of Conrad IV [Present-day Germany] [Provisional]: “Conrad IV pledges to Gotfried von Hohenloch for 3000 Mark silver the city Rotenburg and its Jews along with Gebsattel.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text. The original can be found in Stälin’s Wirtembergische Geschichte (History of Württemberg).] […]

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[Possible/Probable] Canons issued by Council of Bezier [France] [Provisional]: “No member of the religion of Moses shall physic a Christian.” “Twelve centuries of Jewish persecution: a brief outline of the sufferings of the Hebrew race in Christian lands, together with some account of the different laws and specific restrictions under which they have ar various […]

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[Possible/Probable] Orders of Confiscation issued by Louis IX [France] [Provisional]: “[…] 2. However, from those we held captive who are our Jews, since we wish to have from them as much as possible, you should seize goods […]. 4. We also order and command you to not compel anyone to repay debts to the Jews […]

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[Possible/Probable] Statutum de Iudaismo, issued by King Henry III of England [England] [Provisional]: “The justices appointed for the protection of the Jews are ordered, as soon as they read this letter, to cause to be proclaimed throughout all the counties of England where there may be Jews that if a Jewess, the wife of any Jew, […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Order” of Friedrich II to the Jewry of Vienna [Present-day Austria] [Provisional]: “[..] the Jews are Our chamber-servants (‘servi camerae nostrae’) [… however] 3) in keeping with the command of imperial authority of ancient times, if the Christian princes so choose, [they] shall be able to exclude Jews from the tenured posts of civil […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Sachsenspiegel” compiled by Eike von Repgow on behest of Lord Count Hoyer of Falkenstein [Saxony; Present-day Germany] [Provisional]: “[…] If a Jew buys or accepts chalices, books or priest’s clothing in pawn for which he has no warrantor, and if it is found in his possessions, he shall be tried as a thief. Whenever […]

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[Possible/Probable] Jews Expelled from Leicester by Simon de Montfort [England] [Provisional]: “Know all of you, that I, for the good of my soul, and the soul of my ancestors and successors, have granted […], that no Jew or Jewess, in my time or in the time of any of my heirs to the end of […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Statutes of Melun” (‘Statutum apud Meledunum’) official contract/agreement/ordinance between King Louis IX and Number of Barons [Kingdom of France; Present-day France] [Provisional]: “In the statutes of Melun (‘statutum apud Meledunum’) [… King Louis declares] for the salvation of his soul ‘and in glorious memory of his father Louis and his predecessors’ that he nor the […]

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[Possible/Probable] Decree issued by the Council of Valladolid [Present-day Spain] [Provisional]: “We decree that from now on, all the decrees of the sacred General Council shall be observed with greater diligence. […] We likewise decree and order most emphatically, that the Jews shall not wear a wide cloak of the kind worn by the clergy, […]

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[Possible/Probable] Writ of Henry VII [Present-day Germany; Holy Roman Empire/Duchy of Limburg] [Provisional]: “Henry VII permits Duke Henry (‘Heinrich’) IV of Limburg at his request/plea and his brother Waleran (‘Walram’ III) of Montjoie together with his loyal council, William (‘Wilhelm’) Duke of Jülich and his heirs to own all Jews, who enter his domains in order […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Assisiae regum regni Siciliae VI” issued by King Fredrick II of Sicily [Kingdom of Sicily; Present-day Italy] [Provisional]: “Jews […] are not allowed to purchase and keep Christian slaves under any circumstance or (different) titles.” Vering, Friedrich H: Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht mit besondere Rücksicht auf Deutschland, Oesterreich und die Schweiz. Volume 48; (Mainz; […]

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[Possible/Probable] Writ of Frederick II [Present-day Italy; Holy Roman Empire] [Provisional]: “Friedrich II gifts the Jewish synagogue in the city [of Messina] to Archbishop Lucas of Constance at his request […].” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text.] Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland während des […]

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[Possible/Probable] Fuero Real (Statute Royal) of Alphonso IX. Book IV, Title 2. – On Jews [Present-day Spain / Kingdom of León and Galicia] [Provisional]: “Article I – We forbid any Jew reading or keeping concealed books opposed to his religion […]. We further prohibit their reading, or knowingly possessing any books that speak against our religion, […]

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[Possible/Probable] Writ of Frederick II [Present-day Italy] [Provisional]: “Frederick (‘Friedrich’) grants/loans all Jews of Palermo with their dye-houses/dying factors and the warehouse along with all [of their] related levies/taxes to the archiepiscopal church.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text.] Schaube, Adolf: Handelsgeschichte der Romanischen Völker des Mittelmeergebiets […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Papal Bull” issued by Pope Innocent III and addressed to King Philip (Philippe Auguste) II of France [Papal States; Present-day France, Italy] [Provisional]: “The Pope accuses the Jews living in France of extortion, usury, usurping church property, and the property of Christians (‘non solum usuras, sed usuras usurarum extorquent, ecclesiarum bona et possessiones Christionorum […]

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[Possible/Probable] Decree of King John [Present-day England] [Provisional]: “Thou [Jews] shalt not lend at interest to thy [Jewish] brothers.” Revue des Etudes Juives, t. iv., 7-8, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 1/14/2016

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[Possible/Probable] Papal bull issued by Pope Innocent III [Present-day Italy] [Provisional]: “Papal Bull on Forced Baptisms (1201)…Assuredly, it is contrary to the Christian faith that one who is unwilling and totally opposed to [being baptized] be constrained to adopt and observe Christianity. For this reason, some make a distinction, which is valid, between those who […]

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[Possible/Probable] Laws of the Church about the Jews, issued by the Catholic Church, ca. 1198 AD [Holy Roman Empire] [Provisional]: “C. I.—If a slave, bought by a Jew, becomes or desires to become a Christian, for trading purposes, he is redeemed for 12 pence. C. II.—A Jew cannot have a Christian for a slave but […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Ordinance of the Jews” issued by Richard I [England] [Provisional]: “All the debts, pledges, mortgages, lands, houses, rents and possessions of the Jews shall be registered. The Jew who shall conceal any of these shall forfeit to the King his body and the thing concealed, and likewise all his possessions and chattels, neither shall […]

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[Possible/Probable] Edict of expulsion issued by King Philip Augustus [Present-day France] [Provisional]: “…all Jews should be expelled by the next feast of St. John the Baptist.” Jacobs, English History by Contemporary Writers: The Jews of Angevin England (1893): 75-6, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 2/24/2016

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[Possible/Probable] The Assize of Arms (1181) [England] [Provisional]: “Clause 7 Item, let no Jew keep in his possession a hauberk or an ‘aubergel’, but let him sell them or give them away or otherwise dispose of them that they may remain in the king’s service.” David C. Douglas and George W. Greenaway, eds., English Historical […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Leges Edwardi (Laws of Edward) – Decree XXV concerning the Jews” issued by Edward the Confessor [Angevin England; Present-day England] [Provisional]: “It should be know that all Jews, wheresoever in the realm they be, ought to be under the guard and protection of the king’s liege. Nor ought any of them place himself under […]

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[Possible/Probable] Decretal V, vi. c. IV [Holy Roman Empire] [Provisional]: “On Good Friday, Jews may not keep their doors or windows open” Corpus Juris Canonici, decretal V, vi, c. iv, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 2/24/2016

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[Possible/Probable] Matisconensian Council [Holy Roman Empire] [Provisional]: “We decree that no Christian slave may serve a Jew.” Decretum Gratiani, Pars I, Distinctio LIV, Can. XVIII, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 12/23/2015

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[Possible/Probable] The Tolletanean Council [Holy Roman Empire] [Provisional]:  “If after the Jew has been baptized, he should transgress against Christ, he must be condemned…” Decretum Gratiani, Pars II, Causa I, Questio IV, Can. VII, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 12/23/2015

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[Possible/Probable] Edict of Louis VII, King of France [Present-day France] [Provisional]: “It has come to our attention that certain Jews, having converted to the Christian faith, deny it, instigated by the Devil, and have returned to Judaism; recognizing that this is a disgrace to the name of Christ and vehemently contemptuous of the Christian religion, […]

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[Possible/Probable] Corpus Iuris Canonici, decreed by the Catholic Church [Holy Roman Empire] [Provisional]: “Just as the Jews are not to be forced to the faith so it must not be allowed to the converted to recede from it [166]. — Christian slaves bought by Jews should be set at liberty [211]. –Public offices are not to […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Jewish Dress Code” issued by the Abbasid Caliphate [Abbasid Dynasty; Present-day Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, Oman] [Provisional]: “[… Jews are required to wear] two yellow badges, one on the headgear and one on the neck. Furthermore, each Jew must hang round his neck a piece of lead with the word dhimmi [Jew] on it. He […]

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[Possible/Probable] Carnotensis Drecretal [Holy Roman Empire] [Provisional]: “If any of the Jews should buy a Christian slave or anyone from another sect and should circumcise him, having suffered under the control of a Jew, he shall remain free.” Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4636 [Buch 3 und Add., 3.286], Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 1/29/2016

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[Possible/Probable] Laws regarding Dhimmis’ Servitudes Issued by Ibn Abdun in Seville [Present-day Spain] [Provisional]: “Paragraph 157 –  A Jew mustn’t slaughter an animal for a Muslim. The Jews may be authorized to open their own special butcher shops. Paragraph 164 – It is forbidden to sell a coat that once belonged to a leper, to a […]

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[Possible/Probable] Canon 6 issued by Council of Coyaca [Spain] [Provisional]: “That no Christian shall reside in the same house with Jews, nor partake of their food: whoever transgresses this decree shall perform penance for seven days or refusing to do it, if a person of rank, he shall be excommunicated for a year; if of […]

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[Possible/Probable] Canon 14 issued by Council of Normandy/Rouen [France] [Provisional]: “Concerning the Jews, the canonical authority and the decree of the Blessed Gregory should be observed, that is, that they should not have Christian slaves or wet nurses.” Linder, Amnon: “The Jews in the Legal Sources of the Early Middle Ages.” p. 558

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[Possible/Probable] Capitulary 6 issued by Council of Oviedo [Spain] [Provisional]: “Under the sixth heading we admonish all Christians to assemble in church on Sabbath evening and to hear Sunday matins, masses, and all the hours; that they should not carry out servile work or go on the road except for purpose of prayer, or to […]

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[Possible/Probable] Order issued by Pope Leo VII [Present-day Italy] [Provisional]: “As to the Jews, concerning whom, dear brother, you have requested our instructions, whether it is preferable to subjugate them to the holy religion or to expel them from your towns, we send you our order, that you do not desist from preaching to them […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Customs, Maritime and Stacking Ordinance” (‘Zoll-, Schiffahrts- und Stapelordnung’) issued by Louis IV, the Child (‘Ludwig das Kind’) [Duchy of Carinthia; Present-day Austria, Croatia, Italy, Slovenia] [Provisional]: “[…] Jewish merchants are not only to pay a tariff/customs for their goods but also for their [workers]. […]” Engelman, Wilhelm: Das Judentum in Oesterrich und die […]

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[Possible/Probable] Decree concerning the appearance of Jews [Present-day Tunisia] [Provisional]: “A Jew who dresses like the Muslim and fails to wear the clothing that distinguishes him from them, will be incarcerated, beaten, and paraded ignominiously through the places inhabited by Jews and Christians as an example. [Researcher’s note: Date for reference only.] Al-Wansharisi, Mi’yar, vol. […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Capitulary for the Jews” issued by Charlemagne [Present-day Italy] [Provisional]: “1. Let no Jew presume to take in pledge or for any debt any of the Church in gold, silver, or other form, from any Christian. But if he presume to do so, which God forbid, let all his goods be seized and let […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Letter Against Jews Owning Land” issued by Pope Stephen IV [Present-day Italy] [Provisional]: “For this reason We are touched by sorrow, anxious even unto death, since We have known through you that the Jewish people, ever rebellious against God and derogatory of our rites, within the frontiers and territories of the Franks, own hereditary […]

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[Possible/Probable] Order issued by the Council of Rome [Italy] [Provisional]: “The tenth chapter that a Christian shall not dare to join his daughter in marriage to a Jew in any way, lest she will be defiled by his sect and perish to eternity. If any Christian should dare to join his daughter in marriage to […]

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[Possible/Probable] Law issued by Archbishop of York [England] [Provisional]: “No good Christian shall break bread or eat meat with a Jew.” “Twelve centuries of Jewish persecution: a brief outline of the sufferings of the Hebrew race in Christian lands, together with some account of the different laws and specific restrictions under which they have ar […]

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[Possible/Probable] Canon 11 & 99 issued by the Council of Trullo [Present-day Italy] [Provisional]: “Canon 11 Let no one in the priestly order nor any layman eat the unleavened bread of the Jews, nor have any familiar intercourse with them, nor summon them in illness, nor receive medicines from them, nor bathe with them; but […]

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[Possible/Probable] Law issued by King Erwig [Present-day Spain] [Provisional]: “If any Jew – of those, naturally, who are as yet not baptized or who have postponed their own or their children’s baptism – should prevent his slaves from being baptized in the presence of the priest, or should withhold himself and his family from baptism, or if any one […]

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[Possible/Probable] 6th Sinod [Roman Empire; Some overall present-day countries include Italy, Spain, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt] [Provisional]: “No one of them who are in our sacred order [Christians], may eat their [Jews] unleavened bread, or live with them [Jews], or call on any of them [Jews] during a time of […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Liber Poeintentialis” of Archbishop Theodore of Canterbury [England] [Provisional]: “16) If the Christians speak with the faithless Jews and accept their gifts with pleasure, and whore around with them, … he who has done so, is to be separated from the church for a whole year, or with a graver offence, for nice years […]

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[Possible/Probable] Synod of Clichy [Present-day France] [Provisional]: “3. All Jews should be obliged to leave Spain and only Catholics shall be allowed to live in the [country]…” Hefele, A History of the Councils of the Church, v. 4: 461, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 2/14/2016

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[Possible/Probable] Canon 13 issued by the Council of Clichy [France] [Provisional]: “[Canon 13] Christians shall not be sold to Jews and gentiles. If any of the Christians should choose, forced by necessity, to sell his Christian slaves, he shall sell them to none but Christians. For it they should sell them to pagans or Jews, […]

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[Possible/Probable] Synod of Reims [Present-day France] [Provisional]: “11. Christians must not be sold to Jews or heathens. If anyone does so, he is excommunicated and the purchase is invalid. If a Jew wants to pervert his Christians slaves to Judaism, or cruelly tortures them, he loses them, and they fall to the Exchequer. Jews must […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Edict” of Sisebut [Present-day Spain; Kingdom of the Visigoths] [Provisional]: “[…] that all Jews are to convert (succumb) to the Christian religion within a year, or they are to lose all of their property and be expelled from Spain.” [Researcher’s note: Although the document is not signed, the historian Baronius has proven, using hand-writing analysis, […]

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[Possible/Probable] Order issued by Pope Gregory I [Present-day Italy] [Provisional]: “Gregory to Ianuarius Bishop of Cagliari [September 593]…It has also come to our attention that slaves and bondwomen of Jews who escape to a church for reason of the faith are either returned to their infidel masters, or their price is given in order that […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Jews are to set Christian Slaves Free” issued King Aethelberht I of Kent [England] [Provisional]: “Christian slaves bought by the Jews should be set at liberty […].” [Researcher’s note: The exact date of this decree is unknown]. Jacobs, Joseph: The Jews of Angevin England: Documents and Record from Latin and Hebrew Sources; (London; 1893); […]

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[Possible/Probable] Order issued by Pope Gregory I [Present-day Italy] [Provisional]: “[Letter from Pope Gregory I] To Virgilius, Bishop of Arles, and Theodorus, Bishop of Marseilles, in Gaul (June 591): …Very many, though indeed of the Jewish religion, resident in this province [Rome], and from time to time traveling for various matters of business to the […]

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[Possible/Probable] Order issued by Pope Gregory I [Present-day Italy] [Provisional]: “Gregory to the bishops Becauda and Agnellus, on the Hebrews…The Hebrews settled on Terracina supplicated us that they should have permission –  with our authority as well – to have the place which they have had until now for a synagogue…But since we have heard that […]

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[Possible/Probable] Law issued by Chilperic I, son of Clovis [Present-day France] [Provisional]: “To all Jews from Paris to be baptized on pain of having their eyes carved out and come to preside over [their] own execution.” Les expulsions des Juifs de France, (The expulsions of the Jews from France) Dr. Richard Rossin, former Secretary General […]

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[Possible/Probable] Canon 30 & 31 issued by the Fourth Synod of Orleans [France] [Provisional]: “…30. If a Christian, who is the slave of a Jew, flees to a church or to any Christian requesting to be bought from the Jew, this shall be done, and the loss to the Jew made good according to just […]

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[Possible/Probable] Law enacted by Emperor Justinian [Roman Empire; Some overall present-day countries include Italy, Spain, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt] [Provisional]: “…those Jews who dare to deny our faith consistently, will be condemned for their treachery.” Codex Justinianus, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 12/21/2015

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[Possible/Probable] Justinian Code law issued by Justinian I [Byzantine Empire; Present-day Turkey, Italy] [Provisional]: “The Jews are permitted to circumcise their own sons. But if they should circumcise another, they shall be punished as castrators.” [Editor’s note: Author’s footnote dates this law in 533 as Justinian Code 48.8.11] Linder, Amnon: “The Jews in the Legal […]

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[Possible/Probable] Justinian Code law issued by Justinian I [Byzantine Empire; Present-day Turkey, Italy] [Provisional]: “If a Samaritan or Jew should attempt to make a man apostatize he shall be subjected to property confiscation and decapitated.” [Editor’s note: Author’s footnote dates this law in 529 as Justinian Code 1.9.18] Linder, Amnon: “The Jews in the Legal […]

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[Possible/Probable] “The Legal Status of Jews and Samaritans and Pagans” Issued by Emperors Justin and Justinian [Byzantine Empire / Present-day Turkey, Italy] [Provisional]: “Emperors Justin and Justinian, Between April and July 527…As for the other heretics, …the Jews and the Samaritans, we intend not only that what was already laid down in the laws shall be […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Legal Book of Gundobald Regarding Jews” (“Liber Legum Gundobadi de Judaeis”) issued by King Gundobad [Kingdom of the Burgundians; Present-day France, Italy, Switzerland] [Provisional]: “1) Jews who dare to lay a hand on Christians in a fight, or harm them with club, whips, stone, or by any other mean, we order that they should […]

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[Possible/Probable] Decree from the Roman Law of the Visigoths issued by Alaric II [Present-day France] [Provisional]: “[Section 5:24:4 decreed] If Jews should circumcise purchased slaves of another nation, they shall be banished or suffer capital punishment.” Linder, Amnon: “The Jews in the Legal Sources of the Early Middle Ages.” Page 222

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[Possible/Probable] Canon 12 issued by the Council of Vannes [France] [Provisional]: “Canon 12…All clergy must avoid eating with Jews, nor should anyone entertain them to a meal. For they do not consume food in common with Christians, so it should be shameful and sacrilegious for Christians to eat their food; for what is allowed by […]

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[Possible/Probable] “XII. Concerning the feasts of Jews” issued by the Council of Vannes [Present-day France] [Provisional]: “In the future, all clerics should avoid dining/feasting with Jews, nor are they to welcome them to a meal/feast. For they do not eat the common food of Christians, [and] it is shameful and sacrilegious for Christians to consume […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Inheritance Laws concerning Jewish Converts to Christianity” Issued by Emperors Theodosius II and Valentinian III [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Italy] [Provisional]: “If the son or daughter or grandchild, one or several, of a Jew or Samaritan, shall after mature consideration leave the shadows of his superstition for the light of the Christian religion, it shall […]

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[Possible/Probable] Law issued by Theodosius II [Present-day Italy] [Provisional]: “After other matters: Let no Jew dare to purchase Christian slaves. For we consider it a crime for devout slaves to be polluted from being owned by impious masters. But if any Jew has done this, then he will at once be found guilty and condemned […]

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[Possible/Probable] Order of Cyrillus [Present-day Egypt] [Provisional]: “Cyrillus expels the Jews for the murder of a number of Christians from Alexandria.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original text.] Weigl, Johann Baptist: Theologisch-Chronische Behandlung über das wahre Geburts- und Sterb-Jahr Jesu Christi von Johann Baptist Weigl. Zweiter, praktischer Theil. […]

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[Possible/Probable] Law issued by Honorius [Present-day Italy] [Provisional]: “We decree that Jewish masters may possess Christian slaves without reproach, but only on condition that they permit these slaves to follow their own religion. Moreover the judges of the provinces are to know, when the amount of their public confiscation has been inspected, that the insolence […]

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[Possible/Probable] Canon 16, Council of Gangra [Roman Empire; Some overall present-day countries include Italy, Spain, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt] [Provisional]: “If, under any pretence of piety, any children (Jewish) shall forsake their parents … if they are Christian, and shall stop revering their parents, because they claim that they honor their […]

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[Possible/Probable] Synod of Laodicea [Present-day Turkey; Phrygia/Laodicea] [Provisional]: “Canons 16) The Gospels are to be read on the Sabbath with the other scriptures. 29) Christians must not judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day […] if they shall be found to be judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ. 37) […]

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[Possible/Probable] Law issued by Emperors Gratian, Valentinian II, and Theodosius, 361 AD [Roman Empire; Some overall present-day countries include Italy, Spain, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt] [Provisional]: “The order, with which the men of Jewish law delude themselves, and by which they are given immunity from curial duties, shall be rescinded, […]

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[Possible/Probable] Order of Caesar [Flavius Constantius] Gallus [Present-day Italy, Turkey, Israel; Roman Empire] [Provisional]: “Caesar Gallus […] orders the killing of thousands of Jews regardless of age or sex and destroys their cities Diospolis, Diocaesarea, Tiberias, and others.” [Researcher’s note: According to Cyrillus, this occurred around the Day of the Pentecost, which – in the year […]

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[Possible/Probable] Theophanes writing about Emperor Constatius’ official decree after the Jewish uprising of 342-343 [Roman Empire; Some overall present-day countries include Italy, Spain, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt] [Provisional]:  “In the same year, Constantius…having sent royal edicts…he ordered that they be banished..” Chronographia, AM 5843, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 12/21/2015

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[Possible/Probable] Laws issued by Emperor Constantius [Roman Empire; Some overall present-day countries include Italy, Spain, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt] [Provisional]: “A Jew should neither purchase nor obtain a Christian slave by any pretext whatsoever.  But if any Jew owns a Christian slave…not only will he lose the slave, but also […]

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[Possible/Probable] Synodal letter written by Emperor Constantine addressing the Niceaen Council [Roman Empire; Some overall present-day countries include Italy, Spain, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt] [Provisional]: “Therefore, we should not to have anything in common with the Jews, for the Saviour has shown us another way; our worship follows a more legitimate […]

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[Possible/Probable] Canon 16, 49, 50, & 78 by the Synod of Elvira [Present-day Spain] [Provisional]: “…Can. 16. Heretics shall not be joined in marriage with Catholic girls unless they accept the Catholic faith. Catholic girls may not marry Jews or heretics, because they cannot find a unity when the faithful and the unfaithful are joined. […]

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[Possible/Probable] No Title [Roman Empire; Some overall present-day countries include Italy, Spain, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt] [Provisional]: “If Jews shall circumcise purchased slaves of another nation, they shall either be exiled or suffer capital punishment.” Paulus, Sententiae, 5:22:4, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 12/13/2015

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[Possible/Probable] Order of Ptolemy III Euergetes (Ptolemy III Euergetes ruled 246-222 B.C.E.) [Ptolemaic Kingdom; Present-day Egypt, Cyprus, Palestine, Jordon, Lebanon, Libya, Turkey, Greece] [Provisional]: “Ptolemy Euergetes orders his emissary Athenion to collect the outstanding tributes of the past 8 years – accompanied by the [threat] that should Jews refuse [to submit the outstanding dues] they will be […]

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[Possible/Probable] Law code passed by Emperors Severus and Antoninus, 221/222 AD [Roman Empire; Some overall present-day countries include Italy, Spain, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt] [Provisional]: “The divine Severus and Antoninus allowed those who follow the Jewish superstition to accept honors (public offices), but also imposed punishments on those who would […]

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[Possible/Probable] Law issued by Emperor Antoninus [Roman Empire; Some overall present-day countries include Italy, Spain, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt] [Provisional]: “What Cornelia Salvia bequeathed to the community of Jews, who are established in the city of Antiocheans, cannot be claimed (in court).” Codex Justinianus 1.9.1, Researched and Translated by Joan […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Restriction on Circumcision” edict issued by Roman Emperor Antonius Pius [Roman Empire; Present-day Italy] [Provisional]: “Jews are permitted to circumcise only their sons (circumcidere Judaeis filios suos tantum) on the authority of a rescript of the Divine Pius; if anyone shall commit it on one who is not of the same [Jewish] religion, he […]

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[Possible/Probable] Order of Emperor Trajan [Present-day Cypress; Roman Empire]: “[… all Jews in Cypress are wiped out … and] a death-sentence is placed on any Jew who arrives in Cypress in the future […]” Weigl, Johann Baptist: Theologisch-Chronische Behandlung über das wahre Geburts- und Sterb-Jahr Jesu Christi von Johann Baptist Weigl. Zweiter, praktischer Theil. (Theological-chronological treatment […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Edict” of Emperor Claudius to Alexandrians [Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “[…] and on the other hand, I explicitly order the Jews not to agitate for more privileges than they formerly possessed, and not in the future to send out a separate embassy as though they lived in a separate city (a thing unprecedented), and […]

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