Order concerning Jews entering the City of Kaufbeuren [Germany]: “It is decided that from now on Jews will not be allowed to spend more than three hours in the city on market day. And for each hour they have to pay 12 Kreutzer to their assigned guardian. […]” Text collections of the City Archive of Kaufbeuren […]

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“Jewish-Ordinance of Münster” (‘Münsterische Judenordnung’) issued by Prince-Bischop Christoph Bernhard von Galen [Present-day Germany; Bishopric of Münster]: “By the grace of God, we Christoph Bernard, Bishop of Münster of the Holy Roman Empire […] publicly announce herewith […] that we have found that a great number of unprotected foreign Jews enter into our stift* not only […]

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“From a Court Finance Registry” [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary]: “The Lower-Austrian chamber is to stop the Jews – under the threat of punishment – and to make them print smaller coin types; at the same time, it is to be reported back as to why they had failed to do so […]

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“Prohibition to export coins” [Habsburg Empire; Present-day Austria]: “The Lower-Austrian Chamber is prohibiting the Jews of Vienna the exporting and hijacking of coins.” Braumüller, Wilhelm: Urkunden und Akten zur Geschichte der Juden in Wien. Erste Abteilung. Allgemeiner Teil 1526-1847. Erster Band. (Wien) 1918. p. 62; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 2/21/2016 ADD ENGLISH TRANSLATION

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“Protection Edict During the Time of the Carnival” issued by Pope Gregory XV [Papal States; Present-day Vatican City, Italy, France]: “[…] Jews are prohibited from dancing during [the time of the] carnival […].” [Researcher’s note: This prohibition was initially issued by the Holy Office in 1616.] Vogelstein, Hermann and Paul Rieger: Geschichte Der Juden in […]

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“Ordinance” of the [City] Council of Münster [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “Since it has been noticed that many Jews sneak in […] under the guise of their made-up legal dealings but instead engage in usury and loan money on pledges/pawns […] it has been decided that henceforth each Jew who wishes to apply for […]

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Directive of the Lower-Austrian government and chamber to the Contribution Commissioner Hurlacher [Present-day Austria]: “[…] that if the Jews are refusing to pay the required contributions, the commissioners are to proceed with the ‘execution in all seriousness.’” [Researcher’s note: An earlier decree required Jews to pay 17,000 Gulden to the “war payment office.” A similar […]

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Directive of the Lower-Austrian Government and Chamber to the Contribution Commissioners [Present-day Austria]: “In response to a report issued by the hired Commissioners, in which We are notified that Jews are refusing to pay the required contributions, an order is issued that they are to be threatened with having their synagogues and businesses closed, if […]

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Archduke Leopold’s decree to the Commissioners who have been tasked with the collection of the Jewish contributions [Present-day Austria]: “The Jews are to pay 3000 Gulden to the ‘war payment office’ (Kriegszahlamt) immediately or one is to proceed against them with the full force of the law.” Braumüller, Wilhelm: Urkunden und Akten zur Geschichte der […]

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“Ordinance” of the Parliament which began on July 23 and closed on August 31 [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] the house-tax of the Jew is to be 2 Schock and the capitation/head tax 4 and 2 Schock* […].” [Researcher’s note: *Schock was a money unit common in the Kingdom of Saxony, Bohemia, and […]

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“Writ” of Duke Johann Christian von Brieg addressed to the City Council of Wroclaw [Present-day Poland]: “[… the prince and the estates of the realm) have decided to diligently stop Jews in the cities and, especially, at the regular annual markets and to detain them until all past-due pensions (taxes) are properly paid at the general-tax-office. […]

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“Prohibition” issued by the Sanctum Officium* [Papal States; Present-day Vatican City, Italy, France]: “Jews are prohibited from keeping/employing Christian servants […].” [Researcher’s note: *The “Sanctum Officium” (‘Holy Office’) is one of the highest offices of the Catholic church and responsible for defending the Catholic doctrine.] Vogelstein, Hermann and Paul Rieger: Geschichte Der Juden in Rom. Zweiter […]

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“Decision/Judgment” (‘Urteil’) issued by Emperor Matthias [Present-day Germany; Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] Jews shall not be entitled to more than 5% in interests […]” Der frühere und jetzige Zustand der Israeliten zu Frankfurt am Main. Von Dr. Johann Heinrich Bender, Advokaten daselbst. (Past and present conditions of Israelis of Frankfurt. By Johann Heinrich Bender, JD.); (Frankfurt […]

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“Conditions on Jewish Residency,” issued by the Duke’s Chancellory at Hohenems [Present-day Austria]: “[…] 2. [The Jews] may lend money, but only at 5 per cent annually. 3. All usury shall be forbidden to Jews. […] 7. They shall also behave modestly with regard to their religion, as not to seduce any subject or cause […]

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“Toll/Customs Ordinance for Seefeld” (‘Zollordnung’) (‘Mautordnung’) [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Jews shall pay (‘richtigmachen’)* a double-toll on all items they wish to import [into the land…]” [Researcher’s note: *‘sollen die jueden alle von ihren wahren, sie führen, was sie wollen, doppelte maut richtigmachen.’ Even though, the text uses ‘rightigmachen,’ – which normally refers to [re]doing something properly – […]

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“Order” the [City] Council of Münster [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “It has been decided/decreed that because a lot of Jews […] come in [to the city/bishopric], henceforth, Jews are to be required (‘angewießen werden sollen’) to get a permission slip (‘zettul’) from me [or my secretary] each time, which they must show/deliver (‘liefern sollen’) […]

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“Decree” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Matthias [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] Jewish butchers/meat traders/meat dealers (‘Fleischhändler’) are prohibited to sell meat on Sundays and on Christian holidays. […] Christians butchers/meat traders/meat dealers may confiscate/take away (‘wegzunehmen’) such Jewish meat according to common practice and to distribute/apply (‘anzuwenden’) it to schools, hospitals and prisons. […]” [Researcher’s […]

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“Jewish Settlement/Establishment Ordinance” (‘Juden Stättigkeit-Ordnung zue Frankfurth” issued as per Royal Mandate [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt/Holy Roman Empire]: “We, Johann Schweickarth, […] Arch-Bishop of the Holy Roman Empire and Arch-Chancellor and Elector of German-lands (‘Germanien’) […] and We, Ludwig, Landgrave of Hesse, [….] announce and order herewith […] 1) All Jews and Jewesses […]

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“Mandate” issued by Bishop Johann Gottfried v. Aschhausen [Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] 12) And so that one can distinguish Jews from Christians, each Jew shall wear a yellow ring on the right side of his coat, skirt, or sleeve […] publicly and easily noticeable when ever they wish to come into our city […]

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“Prohibition” issued by the Sanctum Officium* [Papal States; Present-day Vatican City, Italy, France]: “[…] Jews are prohibited from having their meat ritually slaughtered in Christian butcheries or from selling this (kosher meat) to Christians […].” [Researcher’s note: *The “Sanctum Officium” (‘Holy Office’) is one of the highest offices of the Catholic church and responsible for defending […]

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“Decree” issued by the Sanctum Officium* [Papal States; Present-day Vatican City, Italy, France]: “[…] Jewish doctors are prohibited from preparing medicine for Christians […] or to cure them even in consultation with a Christian doctor […] or [they are to] face a fine of 25 Scudi […].” [Researcher’s note: *The “Sanctum Officium” (‘Holy Office’) is […]

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Edict of Expulsion issued by King Louis XIII [ Present-day France]: “[…] We have said, ordered, desired and declared: That these Jews, who live in our kingdom, will be required – on pain of death and the confiscation of all their property – to depart and withdraw from the same all together within a month […]

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“Intimation” on behalf of Emperor Matthias and Archduke Ferdinand addressed to the magistrate of Vienna [Present-day Austria; Archduchy of Austria]: “[…] His Royal Majesty, our gracious lord […] and Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria […] have resolved and permitted […] that the country-Jews (‘Landleuth Juden’)* may remain in the country(-side) and be allowed to apply to […]

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Order/Prohibition issued by the [City] Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “The [City] Council [of Frankfurt] prohibits Jews to sell wood in the Jewish-alley/ghetto (‘Judengasse’) lest they be fined 2 fl [Reichstahler].” Kasper-Holtkotte, Cilli: Die jüdische Gemeinde von Frankfurt/Main in der frühen Neuzeit. Familien, Netzwerke und Konflikte eines jüdischen Zentrums. (The Jewish […]

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“Decree” issued by the Sanctum Officium* [Papal States; Present-day Italy]: “[…] Jewish traders are forbidden to trade with Christian artifacts or [they] are to face a fine of 200 Scudi and punishment [to work] on galleys** […] The Christian buyer is to be fined the equal amount [of money] […].” [Researcher’s note: *The “Sanctum Officium” […]

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Order/Prohibition issued by the [City] Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “The [City] Council [of Frankfurt] prohibits non-Jews to work for Jews on the Sabbath and holidays.” Kasper-Holtkotte, Cilli: Die jüdische Gemeinde von Frankfurt/Main in der frühen Neuzeit. Familien, Netzwerke und Konflikte eines jüdischen Zentrums. (The Jewish community of Frankfurt/Main in the […]

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Order/Prohibition issued by the [City] Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “The [City] Council [of Frankfurt] prohibits Jews to purchase meat and to go for a public [leisurely] walk (‘spazierengehen’).” Kasper-Holtkotte, Cilli: Die jüdische Gemeinde von Frankfurt/Main in der frühen Neuzeit. Familien, Netzwerke und Konflikte eines jüdischen Zentrums. (The Jewish community of […]

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“Resolution Regarding Appropriate Behavior for the Jews” issued by the Magistrates of Amsterdam, 5/2/1612* [Present-day Holland]: “[…] It has been found that some among them [Jews] exercise very great and unchecked license to visit and converse with the women and daughters of these lands: this not only causes great vexation in the City and its […]

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“Order” issued by Grand-Bailiff (‘Großvogt’) of Calenberg Lucas Langemantel [Present-day Germany; Principality of Calenberg]: “[…] Grand-Bailiff (‘Großvogt’) of Calenberg Lucas Langemantel has the Jewish temple just before Hannover […] and the newly built Jewish homes/houses destroyed as per the order of the prince (‘auf Fürstl. Befehl’) […].” Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter. Herausgegeben von Dr. O. Jürgens. 5. […]

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Expulsion of un-liberated Jews ordered by Matthias II of Austria [Austria / Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia]: “We, Matthias of Ander, etc. […]: Like Our beloved Lord and brother, his Royal Majesty, we had graciously allowed numerous Jews to live well, stay, and do business so long there are no complains […]

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“Ordinance” issued in the City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “Jews may not cut and sell cloth/fabric (‘Tuch’) by the Ell […] and to trade with new clothes […] they may not sell spices (‘Spezerein’) in smaller quantities than 1/4 of a Zentner* [… Jews may not sell] silk in quantities […]

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“Expulsion of Jews” decree issued by Archduke Matthias to the Court Chancellors [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria; Croatia, Hungary, Czech Republic]: “[…] after We had give the order to the commissioners to permit Jews to remain in the country during the hardships of the war [in hopes] that they would give at least some kind […]

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“Decree” issued by Archduke Mattias addressed to the Vidame* and Kriegszahlmeister** [Present-day Austria; Grand-Duchy of Austria]: “The annual poll/head/capitation tax (‘Kopfsteuer’) of 1 fl. [per head] offered by the Viennese Jews is too little. They must pay 15,000 fl. or at least 10,000 fl., otherwise they will all be expelled from Vienna.” [Researcher’s note: *Vidame […]

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“Ordinance” issued in the City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “Jews are prohibited to purchase church items […and they] may sell weapons only to local sword-makers.” Kurzer Abriss. Geschichte der Israeliten. Frankfurt a Main. (Short outline. History of the Israelis. Frankfurt a. Main); www.archive.org; Accessed online; Researched and Translated by Ziba […]

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“Ordinance” issued in the City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “Jews shall not be permitted to have Christians arrested on the Jewish Sabbath.” Kurzer Abriss. Geschichte der Israeliten. Frankfurt a Main. (Short outline. History of the Israelis. Frankfurt a. Main); www.archive.org; Accessed online; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 1/16/2020 ADD PAGE […]

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“Ordinance” issued in the City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “Jews may not collect on their debt in the countryside on Sundays and holidays.” Kurzer Abriss. Geschichte der Israeliten. Frankfurt a Main. (Short outline. History of the Israelis. Frankfurt a. Main); www.archive.org; Accessed online; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 1/16/2020 […]

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“Mandate” issued by Bishop Julius [Bishopric of Würzburg; Present-day Germany]: “[… because] the Jews mislead and deceive our subjects with the sale and lending of lame/damaged horses (‘Schadhaften’) […] the officers are to inquire about such debts […] and not to dispense justice to the Jews, but instead to arrest [them] without exception, to confiscate […]

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“Ordinance” issued in the City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “All Jewish bride and grooms must pay a levy of 4 gold-Gulden when getting married.” Kurzer Abriss. Geschichte der Israeliten. Frankfurt a Main. (Short outline. History of the Israelis. Frankfurt a. Main); www.archive.org; Accessed online; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani […]

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“Ordinance” issued in the City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “[Jews] may not build in their alley (‘Judengasse’) buildings/homes that are taller than 3 stories high.” Kurzer Abriss. Geschichte der Israeliten. Frankfurt a Main. (Short outline. History of the Israelis. Frankfurt a. Main); www.archive.org; Accessed online; Researched and Translated by Ziba […]

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Papal bull “Cum Haebraeorum Malitia” issued by Clement VIII [Present-day Italy]: “(6) Jews, but also printers and merchants, who…print, read, destribute, sell or give these writings as an example, run the risk of corporal punishment of excommunication and confiscation of property. (7) Those who give advice or offer help to the Jews so that they […]

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Papal bull by Clement VIII, “Caeca et Obdurata” (“The Blind and Obdurate”) [Present-day Italy]: “2. Jews are…perpetually banished from all ecclesiastical cities, lands, and locations, with the exemption of Rome and Ancona…” Bullarium Romanum, v. 3: 26, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 2/14/2016 ADD ENGLISH TRANSLATION AND PAGE #

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“Jewish Ordinance” of Kur-Cologne issued by (Kur) Prince-Elector Archbishop Ernest (‘Ernst’) of Cologne* [Present-day Germany; Archbishopric of Cologne]: “By the grace of God, elected and confirmed Archbishop of Cologne (‘Cölln’) of the Holy Roman Empire […] we announce [and let you know] herewith […] that no Jew or Jewess is to settle or be found/seen […]

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Papal bull “Cum Saepe Accidere” issued by Pope Clement VIII [Present-day France]: “The Jews of Avignon must not dare to sell or trade new goods, but only used ones, this they are expressly prohibited from doing…” Les Juifs dans les Etats Francais du Saint-Siege, 1886:186-7, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 2/14/2016 ADD ENGLISH TRANSLATION AND PAGE #

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Expulsion of Jews from Braunschweig [Germany]: “So due to the particular event, we have many types of Christian and highly motivating reasons, and have decided with good, mature advice, to urgently request that henceforth in our loyal region no Jews, whether they have presented letters of protection or not, are not to be tolerated, protected or […]

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“Ordinance” issued in the City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “Jews may not hold/have mortgages; whatever may be acknowledged in court to be rightfully their property, they must sell to Christian citizens immediately and with [current] local taxation.” Kurzer Abriss. Geschichte der Israeliten. Frankfurt a Main. (Short outline. History of the […]

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“Ordinance” issued in the City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “In matter pertaining to debt, Jews may not use local citizens as guarantees for subjects from Mainz or Hanau.” Kurzer Abriss. Geschichte der Israeliten. Frankfurt a Main. (Short outline. History of the Israelis. Frankfurt a. Main); www.archive.org; Accessed online; Researched and […]

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“Royal Circular” issued by Duke Henry Julius of Brunswick-Lüneburg [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg]: “[…] Our gracious prince (‘Landesfürst’) and lord will shortly (in a few days) terminate protection[-permits] for all and every single Jew […] and to expel them into other lands/territories […]” [Researcher’s note: The citizens are also ordered to settle all debts with […]

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“Writ/Circular” of the City Council [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Lüneburg-Brunswick]: “[…] no one (no Christian) shall trade with Jews.” [Researcher’s note: Shortly after this order was published, Jews were forced to leave the Duchy.] Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter. Herausgegeben von Dr. O. Jürgens. 5. Jahrgang. 1902. (Historical documents/sheets of Hannover. Published by O. Jürgen, PhD. 5th annual […]

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“Ordinance” issued in the City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “Jews may purchase meat and poultry outside of the city; but they may not send/deliver (‘schicken’) meat to the countryside.” Kurzer Abriss. Geschichte der Israeliten. Frankfurt a Main. (Short outline. History of the Israelis. Frankfurt a. Main); www.archive.org; Accessed online; Researched […]

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“Ordinance” issued in the City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “Jews are not to visit the markets before 7am during the summer, and 8am during winter, except when purchasing herbs/cabbage (‘Kraut’), turnip[-like vegetables] (‘Rüben’), garlic, fruit […] they are not to impede on the trading of Christians and not touch anything.” […]

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“Ordinance” issued in the City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: Jews are prohibited from peddling with small [food] items (‘Hockerei’)* and they may not loan money on comestibles (‘Viktualien’). [Researcher’s note: *Hockerei is an outdated term that refers to peddling – usually with small food items.] Kurzer Abriss. Geschichte der Israeliten. […]

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“Fee for [Jewish] Settlement/Establishment” (‘Stättigkeit’) issued by the [City] Council/Senate of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “[…] from now on, whenever a foreign Jew or Jewess gets married to a Jewish doctor or his son and is admitted to the establishment (‘Stättigkeit’), one is (the authorities are) required to take 12 gold-Gulden from […]

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“Ordinance” of Emperor Rudolf II [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] the Jewry of Kuttenplane […] are advised in all seriousness that while the most gracious Emperor’s order permits them to trade and do business (‘Handel and Wandel’) on the annual markets, the most gracious [Emperor], however, completely prohibits them with this order to […]

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“Mandate” issued by Bishop Ernst von Mengersdorf [Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg; Present-day Germany]: “[Requires ‘Jews and Jewesses’ who have ‘snuck in to the Prince-Bishopric Bamberg’ to leave ‘within 4 months’ …] primarily because you (Jews) have purchased stolen and looted foreign goods from robbers, murderers, thieves and such harmful rabble and indicated to them by rewarding […]

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“Writ” of Emperor Rudolf II addressed the Jewry of Prague [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic; Holy Roman Empire/House of Habsburg]: “We, Rudolf, […] announce […] publicly with this letter […] that the Jewry of Prague […] is to obediently pay Us and Our successors/heirs an annual ordinary chamber-tax (‘Kammerzins’) of one thousand Thaler or Schock indefinitely […]

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Papal bull “Sancta Mater Ecclesia” issued by Gregory XIII [Present-day Italy]: “We command all the patriarchs, archbishops, bishops, and other prelates of the church…that there be sermons and lectures in which Jews may be exposed to our ancient scripture…in which the virtue of the Christian faith, the visit and embodiment of the son of God, his […]

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“Mandate” issued by Rudolf II and addressed to Duke Sebastian Schlick [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic; Holy Roman Empire/House of Habsburg]: “[…] Since it has been brought to Our attention by the local communities and [we have] received numerous complaints about the many Jews living in the city of [Petschau] and around the mines, and considering […]

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“Order” issued by Emperor Rudolph II [Present-day Germany, Czech Republic]: “[…] all Jews together with their wives and children are to be completely banned from Silesia […]” Die früheren und gegenwärtigen Verhältnisse der Juden in den sämmtlichen Landesstellen des Preußischen Staats; eine Darstellung und Revision der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen über ihre staats- und privatrechtlichen Zustände. Mit Benutzung […]

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“Order” issued by Rudolph II [Present-day Czech Republic; Germany; Poland; Duchies of Silesia/Kingdom of Bohemia/Bohemian crown lands]: “[…] the Jewry is to leave/clear out of Silesia as per the decision of the Silesian princes and the estates of the realm (‘Stände’)* or lose all of their property and belongings […]; however, they may be permitted to […]

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Papal bull of Gregory XIII, “Antiqua Judaeorum improbitas” (Ancient Jewish Dishonesty) [Present-day Italy]: “1. Regarding the Jews…we decree and declare that Inquisitors are freely permitted to proceed against the following: 3. If they should call upon and receive messages from demons… 4. If they should be accustomed to speaking blasphemies against the Christian faith… 9. If they should […]

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“Order” of Vratislav von Pernstein (Wratislaw von Pernstein/Vratislav z Pernštejna) addressed to his officers [Present-day Czech Republic]: “Vratislav (‘Wratislaw’) […] orders this officer of Litomyšl/Liyomysl (‘Leitomischl’), Wenzel Hubryk, to prohibit Jews from settling/inhabiting Christian houses.” [Researcher’s note: The Pernstein family (Pernštejn) was one of the seven (and most important of the) Moravian dynasties. The above is […]

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“Ordinance” issued in the City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “Jews may not build in their alley (‘Gasse’) without permission […] outside [of this alley] they are prohibited from building all together.” [Researcher’s note: The ‘Frankfurter Judengasse’ was one of the first Jewish ghettos established in Germany and lasted until 1811.] […]

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“Jewish Taxation” issued by the General Assembly/Parliament (‘Generallandtag’) [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/House of Habsburg/Holy Roman Empire]: “The Jews who live in Prague or other cities and markets […] villages, or on the countryside in the kingdom […] shall each give 2 Ducats or 1 1/2 Schock Bohemian Gr. [currency] at two different times […] […]

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“Announcement” of the [City] Council of Münster [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “[…] the desires/wishes/pleas of Jews to receive protection in the Stift has been turned down by the government; they are only permitted to enter during the time of the free markets.” Westfalia Judaica III. Quellen und Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in der […]

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“Jewish Ordinance” issued by the City Council of Frankfurt [Free Imperial City of Frankfurt; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Jews can sell a pound of beef – which did not turn out kosher – for no more than 7 pennies; […] there must not be more than 6 Jewish butchers in Frankfurt […] who must appear in […]

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“Extract of the Privilege of Emperor Maximilian II” [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Nuremberg/Holy Roman Empire]: “We, Maximilian, the other, elected Roman Emperor by the grace of God […] expand and extend to the city of Nuremberg [… and all its citizens …] with the announcement of this [given] liberty, not to permit a Jew […]

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“Decree” issued by the [City] Council/Senate of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “Since it has come to the Council’s attention that numerous foreign and local Jews hire rotten/corrupt boys (‘verdorbene Buben’) and instruct them to borrow cloth/fabric and all sorts of merchandize from the [local] businessmen and then turn them over to Jews […]

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“Imperial Order” of Emperor Maximilian II [Present-day Austria]: “[…] all Jews shall have left the land by Palm Sunday of 1573. […] Those who have abstained from their erroneous Jewish beliefs [and] have turned to Christianity and have converted to the true Christian faith and want to continue to remain Christians […] those shall receive […]

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“Imperial Mandate” (‘De Mandato per imperatorem’) on behalf of Emperor Maximilian II addressed to the Lower-Austrian government and chamber [Present-day Austria; Grand-Duchy of Austria]: “[…] His royal majesty, our all-gracious lord, wishes to remind the Lower-Austrian government and chamber […] that he intends to expel all local, city-dwelling and free Jews from the city […]” […]

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“Order” issued by the Bohemian Chamber (‘böhmische Kammer’) [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] all Jews in the Kingdom of Bohemia must submit those taxes which were approved by the parliament (‘Landtag’) to the Jewish elders [for collection] […].” [Researcher’s note: This writ was signed in Prague Castle. The above is a translation of a […]

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“Order” of Emperor Maximilian II addressed to the Old-Town Prague [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/House of Habsburg/Holy Roman Empire]: “[Emperor Maximilian commands Old-Town Prague (‘Altstadt Prag’) to order Jews to submit the thirtieth penny (1/30) of each sold good as per the parliamentary decision (‘Landtagsbeschlusse’); the imperial judges are to collect any fines for non-payment […]

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“Mandate” issued by Maximilian II addressed to the city of Vienna [Present-day Austria]: “[…] the citizens [of Vienna] are ordered to allocate a different house to the Jews to live in, where they can live among [themselves and] the different Jewish families/parties, with wives and children and [their] relatives (‘gütlin’). In this house, there shall […]

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“Order” of Emperor Maximilian II [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/House of Habsburg/Holy Roman Empire]: “Highborn, […], honorable, dear, faithfuls. We have heard and taken into consideration your obedient report and council regarding the Jews of Kolin […] and since a previously issued mandate prohibits all Jews to be [present] in mining-towns their plea [to be […]

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“Royal Order” issued by Emperor Maximilian II [Present-day Austria]:  “[…] Jews are to be permitted to live in the city and shall wear a (little) yellow hood (‘gelbes Häube’) instead of a yellow patch. In order to protect them from ambushes, they shall live in one house (in the current ‘Himmelpfortgasse’, which is to have […]

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“Writ” of Wilhelm Prusinovsky, Bishop of Olomouc [Present-day Czech Republic; Bishopric of Olomouc]: “Vilém Prusinovský z Víckova (Wilhelm Prusinovsky), Bishop of Olomouc reprieves the Jews of (‘Kremsier’) from the obligation of having to lend him or his successors any horses for four years.” [Researcher’s note: This writ was signed in the Moravian town of Kromeriz (‘Kremsier’). […]

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“Jewish-Ordinance” issued in Worms [Free Imperial City of Worms; Present-day Germany]: “[… Jews may not] sell or transfer their debts* (the debts they hold) to a foreign Jew or Christian (‘ire Schulden keinem außlendischen Juden oder Christen ver- kaufen oder ufftragen’). […]” [Researcher’s note: The term “ire Schulden” [= their debts] most like refers to […]

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“Order” of Bishop John (‘Johann von Hoya’) [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “To all officers of the Stift* of Münster. John (‘Johnn’) by the Grace of God […] Since we have been asked by the parliament of Münster […] to get rid of the Jews […] who are occasionally found to be present (‘erhalten teten’) […]

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“Order/Instruction/Commission” of Emperor Maximilian II addressed to the Bohemian Chamber (‘böhmische Kammer’) [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/House of Habsburg/Holy Roman Empire]: “[We] Maximilian […] Roman Emperor […] wish to maintain [the implemented] prohibition of Jews (and their trading) in the mining towns in our kingdom of Bohemia in all earnestness […] and that David Leo’s […]

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“Ordinance” of Rudolf II [Present-day Czech Republic and Austria; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] as far as the Jews are concerned, who live in Petschau, Elbogen and other places near the city of Perg and its surroundings and whose numbers are increasing with each day […], We no longer deem to tolerate this […] which is […]

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“Order/Instruction/Commission” of the Bohemian Chamber Councils (‘böhmischen Kammerräte) addressed to the City Council of Kolin [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/House of Habsburg/Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] to publicly post the royal mandate which prohibits Jews to trade in Kutna Hora (‘Kuttenperg’) and other mining towns at the town-hall so that everyone can read it and no […]

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Peddling Prohibition for Jews in Mining-Towns (“Bergstädten”) issued by Emperor Maximilian II [Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary]: “[…] Jews are prohibited from entering mining-towns and from trading and doing business in them, […] Jews, who dwell in mining-town of the Kingdom of Bohemia and its domains, are to be removed without further ado […]

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“General Mandate” issued by Maximilian II [Present-day Austria; Grand-Duchy of Austria]: “We, Maximilian, the other, by the grace of God, Roman emperor […] order all and every prelate, count, lord, knight […] in Our Lower-Austrian domains […] not to permit Jews to take excessive [… and] usurious interests on loans from Our (Christian] subjects […] but […]

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“Royal Order” of Maximilian II and addressed to the Bohemian Chamber (‘böhmische Kammer’) [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/House of Habsburg/Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] Since the nearby residing Jews in and around Kutna Hora (‘Kuttenperg’) have so ruined the poor mining folks and craftsmen with their Jewish (com-)petitions/offers (‘Gesuech’), which could potentially cause the devaluation […] […]

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“Patent” of Archduke Ferdinand II [Present-day Austria]: “[…] all [persons] who have jurisdiction over Jews, who reside in their district, are ordered to prohibit these Jews from taking excessive and usurious interests from the[ir] subjects’ lands, goods/possessions and harvest […] those [Jews] in violation of this proscription are to face confiscation of the [amount they […]

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“Order” issued by Emperor Maximilian II and addressed to the Bohemian Chamber (‘böhmische Kammer’) [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/House of Habsburg/Holy Roman Empire]:“[…] Finally, in matters regarding the living conditions/upkeep (‘Unterhaltung’) of baptized Jews, it is our gracious order that you should submit your obedient report, council, and opinion as to whether he (they) […]

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Papal bull “Cum Nos Nuper” issued by Pope Pius V [Present-day Italy]: “With full understanding and in exercising of the apostolic powers, we withdraw from the Jews and their rule (and recognize no right or claim) all properties, which the Jews have in their possession in this city Rome or other places of our domain […]

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Papal bull “Romanus Pontifex” issued by Pope Pius V [Present-day Italy]: “…In order to make an end to all doubt concerning the colour of the cap and the sign of the women, we declare that the colour must be yellow…All worldly princes, lords and judges do we exhort, and implore for the mercy of Jesus […]

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“Order” of Kaiser Maximilian II addressed to Cardinal Mark Sittich, Bishop of Constance (‘Konstanz’) [Prince-Bishopric of Constance; Present-day Germany]: “Emperor Maximilian II orders Mark Cardinal Sittich, Bishop of Constance, that no Jew or Jewess is to have any contact with any members of the Hochstift* Constance whatsoever without the prior knowledge of the Bishop or […]

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“Imperial Writ” issued by the Bohemian Chancellery in Vienna [Present-day Poland]: “[…] As per the plea/intercession of the Jews from Opole (‘Oppeln’) and Glogow (‘Grossglogau’) it is permitted that two Jews remain behind in each of these cities in order to collect on any outstanding debt [to any Jew] until St. George’s Day.” [Researcher’s note: […]

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“Imperial Order” issued by Maximilian II [Present-day Poland]: “[…] Jews of Prucise are to move out/leave the city.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a summary of the original Czech text both of which can be found in the cited source.] Zur Geschichte der Juden in Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien von 906 bis […]

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“Imperial Writ” issued by the Bohemian Chancellery [Present-day Poland]: “As per imperial writ […] the deadline for Jews to emigrate out of Opole (‘Oppeln’) and Glogow (‘Grossglogau’) is extended until June 10, 1565.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a summary of the original Czech text both of which can be found in […]

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“General Mandate” issued by Maximilian II [Present-day Austria; Grand-Duchy of Austria]: “We, Maximilian, the other […] order all and every prelate, count, lord, knight […] in Our Lower-Austrian domains […] with the power of this letter … that Jews [(who do not have a permit-letter (‘Freybrief’) from us)] … shall move out of all Lower-Austrian domains […]

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“Order” of Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian II [Present-day Poland]: “Emperor Maximilian orders that the Jews are to leave the city of Prusice [in Poland] within a year’s time and to no longer to to live/settle there.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a summary of the original Czech text both of which can […]

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“Imperial Order” of Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian II [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “As per imperial order, all Jews shall leave/move out of the Moravian Ceske Budejovice (‘Budweis’) and Mrs. Anne Krajir is to assist them with the collection of debts owed to them and the selling of their homes.” [Researcher’s note: The above […]

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“Writ” of Count Kaspar Schlick addressed to the Bohemian Chamber [Present-day Czech Republic]: “First [and foremost], my friendly and well-meaning service. High-born, honorable, dear Lords and friends! I have received your letter and have read its contents. Regarding the Jews, I will not withhold from the Sirs/Lords that I do not stand to have/allow these […]

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“Order” of Emperor Ferdinand I [Present-day Czech Republic]: “Emperor Ferdinand I orders that Jews who have no [debts]* shall leave in eight days; in order to collect any outstanding debt, the deadline [to move away] is extended by 14 days.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a summary of the original Czech text […]

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“Decision” of the Council of the Free/Independent St. Mauritz Chapter [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Furthermore, it has been decided that Jewish children without protection permits from the council shall be stopped and punished. […] the Lords/gentlemen of S[aint] Mauritz* have been instructed to not permit or tolerate Jews to live in (and around) […]

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“Imperial Ordinance” (‘kaiserliche Verordnung’) issued by Emperor Ferdinand I [Present-day Poland]: “Via an imperial ordinance, Jews are ordered to sell their houses to Christians and to move away.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a summary of the original Czech text both of which can be found in the cited source.] Zur Geschichte […]

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“Writ” of Emperor Ferdinand I [Present-day Czech Republic etc.]: “Emperor Ferdinand I temporarily extends the letters of protection/escort (‘Geleitbrief’)* for a number of Prague Jews and other (Jews) from April 23 to November 11, 1564.”].” [Researcher’s note: *A ‘Geleitbrief’ was a letter that allowed the holder to move freely in the territory in which it […]

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“Privilege” issued by Emperor Ferdinand I for the City of Opole [Present-day Poland]: “We, Ferdinand, Roman Emperor by the grace of God, […] order with this letter and grant Our city of Opole and its subjects, who have suffered [at the hand] of the present local Jews […] that no Jew may settle, live, or […]

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