“Ordinance regarding the stay of imprisoned Jews in Vienna” issued on behalf of the Kaiser via the Lower-Austrian government to District Marshal [Lower-Austria; Present-day Austria]: “From the R[oyal] M[majesty], also to Hungary and Bohemia […] Archduke to Austria […] it is ordered that Mr. City Colonel is to gather all Jews – men and women […]

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“Code Noir” order of King Louis XIV [French West Indies; Present-day Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Martin, Saint Barthelemy]: “[…] Jewish converts are not to enter the Indies without the expressed permission of the King.” Louisiana Law Review; Volume 56, Number 2; Palmer, Vernon Valentine: The Origins of Authors of the Code Noir; Researched by Ziba Shadjaani […]

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“Expulsion of Jews” ordered by King Louis XIV [French Territories; Martinique]: “[…] Jews are to quit all French Islands of America. […]” Frank, Ben: A Travel Guide to the Jewish Caribbean & South America; (Grenta; 2005); Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 1/12/2017 ADD PAGE #

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“Edikt” issued by the [City] Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: [The Council prohibits] “the highly-annoying (‘höchst ärgerliche’) entering of Jews into barbershops (‘Barbierhäuser’) […]” Kracauer, Isidor: Die Geschichte der Juden in Frankfurt am Main (History of the Jews in Frankfurt am Main); (Frankfurt am Main; 1906); Researched and Translated by Ziba […]

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“Order of John George (‘Johann Georgens’) III, Elector of Saxony that Jews who travel to Leipzig from Bohemia, Austria, Moravia in order to trade are to take the common (country) roads (‘Landstraße’)” [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “[Since We] Johann Georg the third, by the grace of God, Duke of Saxony [… have received complaints that […]

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“Autumn-Instruction” on behalf of the Prince-Bishopric of Würzburg* [Present-day Germany; Prince-Bishopric of Würzburg]: “Since the harvesting of the lovely growing wine/grapes is about to take place […] And in order that Jews do not get the ripest/most timely grapes and the best must, so that His Princely-grace […] is forced to accept the worst and most […]

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“Jewish Ordinance of Leipzig” (‘Leipziger Judenordnung’) issued by Elector John George III (‘Johann Georg III’) [Present-day Germany; Poland; Electorate of Saxony]: “By the grace of god, We, John George the third (‘Johann Georg der Dritte’), Duke of Saxony,  […] announce herewith […] 1) No Jew may pursue trade in Leipzig without an attest/certificate given by […]

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“Command” (‘Anordnung’) issued by the [City] Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “[… the Council gives all mayors full legal right to investigate any claim of excess/opulence [among Jews] and to punish them […] and to ‘inhibit’ all disguises, fancy dresses, and opulence (‘Mummerei, Verkleidung und Üppigkeit’) in the Jewish alley/ghetto […]

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“Order” issued by Prince-Bishop Peter Philipp von Dernbach [Present-day Germany; Prince-Bishopric of Würzburg]: “[…] beef and other kinds of meat which are sold and cut by Jews are to be inspected first to see if it’s good […] in adverse cases, where such [meat] is found to be unclean/impure, it (the meat) is to be taken […]

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“Recopilacion de las Indias” (Compilation of the Indies) issued by King Carlos II [Spanish East Indies; Present-day Philippines, Mariana Island, Caroline Islands]: “Jewish converts are not to enter the Indies without the expressed permission of the King.” Louisiana Law Review; Volume 56, Number 2; Palmer, Vernon Valentine: The Origins of Authors of the Code Noir; […]

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Announcement of the City Council of [Bad] Wimpfen [Present-day Germany; Imperial City of Wimpfen/Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] because [the Jews] harbored fugitives during the 30-year war, and now that peace has returned, they shall leave the city after Christmas and find accommodations somewhere else.” Körner, Th: Die Geschichte der Stadt Wimpfen. (History of the City […]

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“Declaration” of Archbishop and Elector Damian Hartard [von der Layen-Hohengeroldseck] [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Mainz]: “[…] the previous Generale [common law] is only to be applied to endowments/dowries after the Jewish after/export-tax was made public and not to those [that were exported/moved outside of the domain] before the aforementioned Generale was issued.” Friedrich Johann Bodmann’s inneres […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Archbishop Elector Maximilian Henry of Bavaria [Present-day Germany; Archbishopric of Cologne]: “[…] Jews are prohibited to trade with iron.” Die Provinzial- und statutarischen Rechte in der preußischen Monarchie.  Dargestellt vom wirklichen Geheimen Rath von Kamptz. Zweiter Theil. Die Provinzen: Pommern und Westphalen. (The provincial and legal statutes of the Prussian monarchie. […]

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“Order” issued by Archbishop and Elector Damian Hartard [von der Layen-Hohengeroldseck] [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Mainz]: “[…] Jews, who refuse to submit the after/export-tax (‘Nachsteuer’)* on endowments/dowries (‘Dotibus’) are to be advised that they are to lose their protection[-permits] ipso facto […]” [Researcher’s note: *A Nachsteuer was a form of taxation placed on assets/wealth which were […]

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“Order of John George II, Elector of Saxony, to examine the escort papers of Jews whether they have kept to the designated roads” [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “[We] John George, the other, [Prince-]Elector of Saxony by the grace of God […] have noticed that Jews, who are arriving in Leipzig from Bohemia, Austria, Moravia, Poland, […]

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“Decree” issued by John III [Sobieski] for Posen [Present-day Poland]: “[…] Jews are to pay together 5000 Gulden once, plus each person is to pay one Gulden; children under the age of ten are exempt.” Perles, J.: Geschichte der Juden in Posen. (Breslau; 1865); (History of Jews in Posen.) (Wroclaw; 1865); Researched and Translated by Ziba […]

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“Order” issued by Archbishop and Elector Damian Hartard [von der Layen-Hohengeroldseck] [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Mainz]: “[…] Jews are to be required, when exporting/moving endowments/dowries (‘Dotibus’) outside of the [domain of the] Electorate/Arch-Stift to properly submit the 10th penny [a tenth in the form of taxes …]” Friedrich Johann Bodmann’s inneres Territorialverhältnis des Abzugs- und Nachsteuerrechts […]

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“Patent” of Leopold I [Present-day Austria]: “[…] 1) Jews coming to/attending the annual markets (‘Jahrmärkte’) may not stay longer than the duration (start to end) of these [annual markets]; 2) A Jew is to be responsible for the action/doings of another [Jew] and the reprisals may be used against these [Jews] without distinction […] 3) […]

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“Decree” by the Cathedral Dom-Provost [Present-day Germany; Prince-Bishopric of Würzburg]: “We, Cathedral provost (‘Dombprobst’) […] of the great Cathedral chapter (‘Dombstifts’) of Würzburg […] order all and every senior official and lower official in Our Stift* herewith in all earnestness […] that the protection[-permits] given to all Jews and Jewess in our Stift […] are void […]

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“Royal Decision” (“Hofbescheid”) issued by the Royal Court [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] the ‘fiscus’ (royal treasury) is to inquire diligently […] and to remove/expel Jews according to the parliament resolution (‘Landtagsschlusse’) of 1650. […]” Scari, von Hieronymus: Systematische Darstellung der in Betreff der Juden in Mähren und in k. k. Antheile Schlesiens Erlassene Gesetze und […]

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“Rescript” issued by Prince-Elector (‘Kurfürst’) Johann Philipp von Schönborn [Electorate of Mainz; Present-day Germany]: “Since we […] cannot help but notice and perceive that the accursed [co]habitation of Jews among Christians is occasionally annoying (‘hin und wieder sehr ärgerlich ist’), and that it causes inconveniences and in-opportunities (‘ungelegenheiten’) [and since] this is not permitted in […]

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“Rescript” addressed to the Secret Council of Cologne by the [river] Spree [Present-day Germany]: “For the time being, only two Jews may settle in Berlin. […] Even though, We recall that We have graciously ordered that protection letters be granted to 10 Jews to settle in Our resident-cities Berlin and Cologne […] We now want to […]

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“Dress Code Ordinance” issued by Bohemian Chamber [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland]: “[…] Jews and Jewesses are prohibited to wear clothing that is interwoven with gold or silver […] also, they are prohibited to wear gold or pearl necklaces around their necks or any other clothing that exhibits grandeur/sumptuousness […]. When Jews [are permitted to] […]

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“Decision/Conclusion” (‘Conclusum’) of the Senate of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt/Holy Roman Empire]: “Since our citizens, trades-people, kramer, and occasionally craftsmen in the Holy Roman City of Frankfurt have brought forth various complaints again the local Jews […] I. […] all local Jews are to be completely prohibited henceforth, […] to carry merchandize […]

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“Edict” issued by Leopold I [Present-day Austria]: “[…] 1) […] no one is permitted to settle in the Jewish quarters/city (‘Judenstadt’) without the permission of the magistrate […] 3) […] the church that is to be erected out of the new synagogue is to be occupied with the consent of the order (‘Ordinarius’) by secular/worldly […]

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“Expulsion Decree,” issued by Leopold I, Archduke of Austria [Austria]: “His Royal Majesty, after careful consideration and due to most pressing causes, hereby proclaim, to be conveyed to the Jewdom of Vienna: that the Jews (without exception) are to be removed from here and from the whole country of Austria, and that none of them […]

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“Debt Payment” decree on behalf of the Kaiser addressed to the Jewry of Vienna [Lower-Austria / Present-day Austria]: “From his Royal Majesty […] it is ordered that all Jews are to report in writing – in German or Hebrew – the names and amounts [of debt] they hold of Christians to the Royal commissioner […] […]

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“Passports for the expelled Jews” ordinance of the Kaiser to the Lower-Austrian government [Lower-Austria / Present-day Austria]: “From His Royal Majesty […] [an] order [is issued] that the government is to print and issue all departing Jews a passport […] that mentions in it that Jews are not only being ‘not tolerated’ in the Archdukedom Austria […]

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“Royal Patent” issued by Leopold I [Present-day Austria]: “[…] the local Jews are to leave all Royal territories by April 14, 1670 […]” [Researcher’s note: The deadline for Jews to leave the territories was later extended to July 26, 1670. Jews living in the “Lower Austrian” (Niederösterreich) countryside were required to leave by Easter of […]

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“Order” of the Emperor Leopold I [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Because a number of Jews are required to move away from Vienna, their active and passive debt shall, therefore, be taken up and processed in a manner of equity […]” [Researcher’s note: (“…und der Billigkeit gemäß verfahren werden”) The Imperial Court had decided not to expel all Jews […]

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“Order” of the Inquisition-Commission [Present-day Austria]: “[…] they (Jews) are required as a whole community as well as each person individually to specify how much capital and interest they owe Christian creditors and since when […] they are to report how many of them live in Vienna and the amount of taxes/investments (‘Anlage’) they pay […]

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“Decision for the Expulsion [of Jews]” Royal resolution [Upper Austria / Present-day Austria]: “[…] that the settlement of Jews and their stay was never allowed (invito principe terrae) […] that is why Jews living in Austria below Enns, are to be removed not only from the city before the feast of Corpus Christi but also […]

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“Restrictions on Jews” issued by the Grand Jury of Barbados [British Occupied Barbados; Barbados]: “[…] and that none of the Jewish nation be suffered* to retail any goods, as they are nowhere else allowed the privilege, which is considered extremely pre-judicial to the poor of our own nation, who might be comfortably supported thereby.” [Researcher’s […]

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“Rescript” of Frederich William (‘Friedrich Wilhelm’), Elector or Brandenburg addressed to the Government of Halberstadt [Present-day Germany; Margraviate of Brandenburg]: “[…] Married children who live in their own houses must give 8 Rtlr (Reichsthaler) annually as protection-money (‘Schutzgeld’) [… it further allows Jews to repair the approved building/synagogue …], however, only the Jews of Halberstadt are […]

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“[Special] Taxation” decree issued by Leopold VI [Holy Roman Empire / Present-day Austria]: “The 1000 Gulden which the Jews owe the to the Highest Supply Office (Oberstproviantamt) are to be paid within 6 days or they (Jews) will be locked out of the city.” Braumüller, Wilhelm: Urkunden und Akten zur Geschichte der Juden in Wien. […]

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“General-Rescript” issued by Duke Eberhard Ludwig of Württemberg [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Württemberg]: “By the grace of God, Eberhard Ludwig, Duke of Württemberg and Teck […] Dear faithfuls! [In reference to Our State-Ordinance …] regarding the Jews […] as to how the aforementioned are to conduct themselves […] and that the subjects are to refrain from […]

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“Jewish House Ordinance, which all arriving Jews are to adhere to and obey” issued by the [City] Council of Riga [Present-day Latvia, Estonia, Sweden; Swedish Livonia/Swedish Empire]: “1. As per old custom, no Jew may enter and seek accommodation in any unloading berth/distribution port (‘Lastadie’) other than the house which he was assigned to so that […]

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“Edict” issued by the Government of Brandenburg [Present-day Germany; Margraviate of Brandenburg]: “[…] Jews are not to peddle or trade on the countryside without special concession […].” Oeconomische Encyclopadie, oder allgemeines System der Staats- Stadt- Haus- und Landwirtschaft in alphabetischer Ordnung von D. Johann Georg Krünitz. Zwey und zwanzigster Theil, von Gang bis Gel. (Economical […]

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“Order” of Frederich William (‘Friedrich Wilhelm’), Elector or Brandenburg [Present-day Germany, Poland etc.; Province of Pomerania/Brandenburg/Prussia]: “[Prince-Elector Fredrick Wilhelm permits Polish Jews […] to engage freely in trade in Farther Pomerania …] In return, each Jew who engages in trade is to pay a Rosenobel* in cash annually. […]” [Researcher’s note: A *Rosennobel was the equivalent […]

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“Royal [Court] Rescript” (‘Hofreskript’) issued by the Austrian Royal Court [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic]: “His Majesty confirm the privileges of the Moravian Jewry, that the Jews are to be permitted to attend the annual and weekly markets in the royal cities (‘leideutliche’) recognition. […] However, if the Jewry behaves badly/causes mischief (‘exzediren’), the culprits/trouble-makers shall […]

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Papal Bull “For those reasons that” (Ad ea per quae) issued by Pope Alexander VII [Papal States; Present-day Italy]: “[…] the [Jewish] community [as a whole] must pay for all unoccupied apartments in the ghettos. [… because], Jewish inhabitants are not easy on those houses so that the owners are often forced to make repairs which is no […]

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“Rescript” issued by Frederich William (‘Friedrich Wilhelm’), Elector of Prussia and addressed to the Chamber-Council (‘Amtskammerrat’) Hermann von Elverich [Present-day Lithuania, Poland, Prussia etc.; Duchy of Prussia]: “The Jews of Kleve-Mark cannot be completely exempt for the levy since the other Jews of Halberstadt, Minden and Ravensburg have already made their contribution. The government, however, will […]

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“Rescript” issued by Frederich William (‘Friedrich Wilhelm’), Elector of Prussia and addressed to the Halberstädter Regierung [Present-day Lithuania, Poland, Prussia etc.; Duchy of Prussia]: “The Prince-Elector is willing to permit the Jews of Halberstadt to pay only 200 Rtlr. (Reichsthaler) as fortification-contribtions (‘als Fortificationsgelder’) […]” Der Preussische Staat und die Juden, Erster Teil / Die Zeit […]

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“Regulation” issued in the City Council of Lübeck [Present-day Germany; Free City of Lübeck]: “[…] all Jews who are present and run around here must leave the city.” Baasch: Ernest: Die Juden und der Handel in Lübeck. (Jew and trading in Lübeck); (1922); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 4/23/2020 ADD PAGE #

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“Order” issued by the [City] Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “[…] no Jewish doctor is to be admitted into the [Jewish] settlement (‘Stättigkeit’) without the permission of the [City] Council.” [Researcher’s note: Although Jewish doctors were very much in demand, it was argued that the Italian universities were too imprudent in […]

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“Special Taxation of Jews” issued by the Viennese Magistrate [Present-day Austria]: “[…] the Jewry – for their houses and [land] properties, in the so-called lower Wörth (‘unterer Wörth’) […] shall pay for the modification of the ten-year warranty (‘Gewährsveränderung’) 100 fl. [Gulden] and 400 fl. [Gulden] for their basic prerogative to use/enjoy these houses for […]

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“Decree”* issued in the Region of Nassau/Germany [Present-day Germany]: “Jews shall abstain themselves from selling wax and butter and bringing these across the border (exporting them) […] and whatever such things they purchase  — especially hides/skins – only on the weekly markets.” [Researcher’s note: There is an H. after the date in this document which […]

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“Decree”* issued in the Region of Nassau/Germany [Present-day Germany]: “No foreign, unknown Jews shall be given any lodge/shelter (‘beherberget’) due to the dangerous illnesses but shall be expelled with alms from the Jews as soon as possible.” [Researcher’s note: There is an H. after the date in this document which could refer to “Hof’ = […]

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“Act of Parliament” issued by the Prussian Parliament [Present-day Lithuania, Poland, Russia; Duchy of Prussia]: “We have had a particular contract signed with the Jewry, according to which all trade and exchange is to be abstained from (‘interdisiret’) in our Electorate domains except during publicly traded festivals (‘publicis et solemnibus nundinis’)* for which they have […]

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Ordinance of the City Council of [Bad] Wimpfen [Present-day Germany; Imperial City of Wimpfen / Holy Roman Empire]: “Jews must apply/pay for [an] escort[-permit] (‘müssen das Geleit lösen)*, when they walk through the valley.” [Researcher’s note: *Geleit lösen refers to the custom in which traveling business and tradesmen were required to apply and be given “protection” […]

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“Patent” issued by the Government of Austria [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic]: “[…] Even though His Imperial Majesty (‘kaiserliche Majestät’) has had a public patent published recently, [that required] that all Jews who live in the land leave […] by the appointed date, His Imperial Majesty have gracefully decided – due to certain and considerable reasons […]

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Order by Luis XIV  to the Marquis of Tilladet introducing the decree of expulsion of the Jews from Alsace. [Alsace-France]: “Not wishing to suffer because of the Jews living in Brizac, nor in the other places of my kingdom, now that this city is united with my crown, I will give you this letter to order […]

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“Jewish-Privilege” issued by Frederick William, Margrave of Brandenburg [Present-day Germany; Margraviate of Brandenburg]: “We, Frederick William (‘Friedrich Wilhelm’), by the grace of God, Margrave of Brandenburg, […] document herewith publicly for every one [that Jews be permitted to stay 7 additional years in accordance with Our predecessors … and so that Our subjects may have it […]

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“Regulation” (‘Bestimmung’) issued by the [City] Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “[…] only a small number of Jewish butchers are to receive permission to slaughter [cattle] in a ritual manner*.” [Researcher’s note: At the time, Jews were only permitted to sell meat by the pound as per a Council decision in […]

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“Decisions” issued by the City of Hamburg [Free Imperial City of Hamburg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Each time they (Jews) come to the city, they are to give one escort-Gulden* (‘Geleitsgulden’)*. [Researcher’s note: A Geleitsgulden was a “permit” fee that allowed Jews to enter the city of Hamburg during the day in order to do business.] […]

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“Citizen’s Decision” (‘Bürgerbeschluß’) issued by the assembly of the Senate and the citizens (‘Conventus Senatus et civicum’) [Free Imperial City of Hamburg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] The high-German (‘hochdeutsche’) Jews are to be terminated* (‘aufgekündigt’) and expelled [from the city] by Easter 1649.” [Researcher’s note: *It is more likely that “terminated” refers here to contracts and/or […]

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“Order” of [City] Council of Münster addressed Porter Storck [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “[…] the monitor (‘emonito’) Stork is ordered to pay close attention to the passports and the permits (‘päsß oder commissiones’) [of Jews] and to make sure that they obey the past order/decision and stay no longer than 3 days […].” Westfalia […]

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“Decree”* issued in the Region of Nassau/Germany [Present-day Germany]: “[Jews] shall not purchase taken horses or other effects from warriors (warring parties).” [Researcher’s note: (‘den Kriegern, keine genommene Pferde, oder andere Effecten abkaufen’) There is an H. after the date in this document which could refer to “Hof’ = the Royal Court [Decree].] Weisthum der Gesetze, Ordnungen […]

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“Decree”* issued in the Region of Nassau/Germany [Present-day Germany]: “Jews — may they be settled here or not — shall neither have parties on Sundays (‘sollen keine Parthierung treiben’), nor collect on debts, or pay a fine of 1 Rthlr [Reichsthaler] – half of it to the church and the other half to the dominion/ruler […]

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“Order” of [City] Council of Münster [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “Since little money is coming in from the permit [fees] of the Jews, even though many Jews are sneaking in by fraud […] the elders and meisters’ (‘alder – und m[eiste]rleute’) suggestion has been approved and [it has been] decided that Jacob Storck, porter/gatekeeper, […]

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“Penal-Patent” issued by Ferdinand III [Archduchy of Austria; Present-day Austria]: “We, Ferdinand III order […] that in order to prevent and cease such conspiracy, We wish that from now on, especially the Jews, who purchase goods in the city and then sell it in the Jewish-City (‘Judenstadt’), owe [and are to pay] without any objection a […]

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“Decree” issued by Wladyslaw IV (Vasa, King of Poland) in Warsaw [Present-day Poland; Crown of the Kingdom of Poland]: “[Wladyslaw] permits Jews to peddle with merchandise; however, they may only use/hire Jewish carriers.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text.] Perles, J.: Geschichte der Juden in Posen. […]

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“Rescript” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III [Archduchy of Austria; Present-day Austria]: “[…] Jews are not permitted to take/charge more than six percent in interests […] any expired/lapsed securities/pledged (‘verfallene Pfänder’) shall be turned over to the authorities. […]” Engelman, Wilhelm: Das Judentum in Oesterrich und die böhmischen Unruhen (“The Jewry in Austria and […]

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“Rescript” issued by Wladyslaw IV (Vasa, King of Poland) in Warsaw [Present-day Poland; Crown of the Kingdom of Poland]: “[Wladyslaw] instructs the magistrate of Posen to prohibit Jews to trade with silk items in small quantities/retail (‘Detailhandel’), however, to permit them to sell these in large quantities/wholesale (‘en gros’).” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation […]

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“Decree” issued by the Vicegerent(s)/Governor(s) (‘Statthalter’) of Elbogner [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] permission is granted so that the properly authorized deportation of Jews is not prevented by the commanders* or anyone else – under any pretext whatsoever. [Researcher’s note: *The Jews who had previously been able to enter the city of Elbogner with the support of […]

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“Decision” of the [City] Council of Münster [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “It has been decided, that Jews shall have no permission to reside here in the future (‘die Juden hinfurter alhie kein gleide haben sollen’) [instead] they [are to] pay for each day they are here one Reichsortsthaler (‘reichsorttaler’)* and they shall receive a […]

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“Sunday Rest” decree of the Lower-Austrian government to all Civil Servants [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Mr. City Judge (Stattrichter) has been commanded as of this date, that he is to prohibit the Jewish community from purchasing anything in the city (of Vienna) on Sundays and holidays – no matter whether it’s a (life or death) emergency […]

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Decree of “Jurisdiction regarding ‘Business doings’” (Handlungsgewölbe)* issued on behalf of the Kaiser by the Lower-Austrian government to the municipal authorities (Magistrat) of Vienna [Habsburg Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[…] His Royal Majesty, […] also to Hungary and Bohemia and Archduke of Austria […] has ordered that all Jews – without exception – are to surrender […]

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Ordinance of the City Council of [Bad] Wimpfen [Present-day Germany; Imperial City of Wimpfen / Holy Roman Empire]: “The local Jews may not harbor any foreign Jews or offer a place for them to keep their horses, or be fined 10 Rthlr [Reichsthaler;] rather, they are to be sent/referred to the [local] inn.” Wimpfen am Neckar. […]

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“Jewish Ordinance” issued in Hebrew by the Jewish Council of Lithuania [Lithuania]: “With respect to banquets: Inasmuch as people are spending too much money unnecessarily on festive meals (at marriages, circumcision, etc.), every Jewish community and settlement that has a rabbi is expected to assemble its officers and rabbi and to consider the number of guests […]

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“Order” of Heinrich Höcker* issued in Münster [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Henrich Höcker, riding servant, orders (‘reytender diener, befellicht’) Isaak von Dulman and all other Jews who are still here and present on permits given to them by the h[onorable] council, to report to the authorities (‘anzumelden’), and to leave this city within […]

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“Papal Order” issued by Pope Urban VIII [Papal States; Present-day Vatican City, Italy, France]: “[…] the conversion of the head of the family includes the conversion of his family. Therefore, the wife, children, and relatives are to accompany the head of the family to catechumen and to go through the 40 days of probation/trial period […]

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“Decree” issued by the Sanctum Officium* [Papal States; Present-day Vatican City, Italy, France]: “[…] Jews are forbidden to make angel-hair pasta and from baking bread or face a fine of no fewer than 50 Scudi and lashes […]” [Researcher’s note: *The “Sanctum Officium” (‘Holy Office’) is one of the highest offices of the Catholic church and […]

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General Mandate, issued by Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor and Archduke of Austria [present-day Austria]: “[…] from now on, any Jew who handles Christians’ money in such a manner […] as to charge interest higher than six percent annually on loans, or as to use it for any other immoral mischief, shall be flogged publicly […]

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“Writ” of Duke Albrecht von Wallenstein* and addressed to the Acting Head of State (‘Landes-Verweser’) [Present-day Poland; Principality of Glogow (‘Glogua’)]: “[…] are in no way inclined to give in to [the Jews] plea […] and have already expelled the Jews and have furthermore decided not to tolerate Jews in Glogow out of concern […].” […]

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“Papal Decision” issued by the Pope Urban [Papal States; Present-day Vatican City, Italy, France]: “[…] The [involuntary/forced] baptism of Jewish children remains valid. […]” [Researcher’s note:  While previous popes had condemned and prohibited forced baptism of Jewish children and considered them to be often void, Pope Urban legally validated all baptism to be final — […]

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Order to the remaining Secret Councils [and] to the Director of the “Society of Jesus” [Holy Roman Empire / Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary]: “According to the attached copy whether Jews can be stopped and forced to listen to Catholic sermons, His very serious Royal Majesty has graciously resolved to allow this. […]” [Researcher’s […]

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Decree for “the Halting of the Jews” issued on behalf of the Kaiser by the Lower-Austrian government to […] the Councils of Lower-Austria [Habsburg Empire; Present-day Austria]: “Everyone, who keeps Jews in his territories, has to identify themselves and prove that he holds such a Privilege; if he’s not able to do so, the Jews […]

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“Ordinance” of Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] all Jews in the capital of Prague shall (be present to) listen to a German, Catholic sermon in the church of Our Dear Lady at Locke every Saturday evening (‘Sonnabend’) at which at least 200 people are to be present or […]

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“Decree” issued by Office of Inquisition [Papal States; Present-day Vatican City, Italy, France]: “[…] Jews may not conceal their yellow barrettes and hats [they are required to wear when in public] or [they are to] face a fine of 50 Scudi and lashings […] The two side-strips of the barrette or at least the rims […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Office of Inquisition [Papal States; Present-day Vatican City, Italy, France]: “[…] Bathers and barbers are strictly prohibited from bathing or shaving Jews both inside or outside of their shops or face severe punishment. […]” Vogelstein, Hermann and Paul Rieger: Geschichte Der Juden in Rom. Zweiter Band; 1420-1870 (History of the Jews […]

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“Jewish Privilege for Bohemia and Silesia” issued by Ferdinand II [Present-day Czech Republic; Germany; Poland etc.; Duchies of Silesia/Kingdom of Bohemia/Bohemian Crown lands]: “[Jews may be permitted to practice their learned craft, but because this has caused intense disputes between them and the Christians craftsmen, which has lasted for years …] We are still resolved to […]

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“Order” of the Bohemian Chamber* (“Böhmische Kammer”) [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] all Jewish schools** (‘Judenschulen’) shall be immediately sealed closed […] and they (Jews) shall not be given access to them in any way as long as they have not paid the bail of 80,000 Rhenish Taler to the Border-Customs-Office (‘Grenzzollamt’) for the dilapidated/expired contraband […]

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Writ/Legal Contract signed between Isabella Clara Eugenia, sovereign of the Spanish Netherlands in the Low Countries and Frederick III, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp [Present-day Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany, France, Spain]: “[…] 3) All Portuguese Jews are to be excluded from trading [with Spain…]” Jürgens, Adolf: Zur schleswig-holsteinischen Handelsgeschichte des 16. Und 17. Jahrhunderts. (Regarding the history of […]

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“Businesses” (Gewölber) ordinance issued on behalf of Kaiser via the Lower-Austrian government to the municipal authorities (Magistrat) of Vienna [Habsburg Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[…] His Royal Majesty permits Jews to pursue the kinds of trades they were allowed to pursue while they lived in the city, before they were moved out of the cities to […]

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“Writ” of the City Council of [Bad] Wimpfen [Present-day Germany; Imperial City of Wimpfen/Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] Jews are granted protection under the condition that they conduct themselves according to the common order/regulations [… and that they] provide a good riding horse for the honorable [city] council and keep it at the [… main/city] barn/stall for […]

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“Imperial Privilege” (“Kaiserliches Privileg”) Kaiser Ferdiand II [Present -day Czech Republic]: “[… ] Jews can only sell, give, or prescribe the houses, which they have acquired after Our victory to Christians or face severe punishment. […]” [Researcher’s note: This was an attempt to reverse ownership of the so-called “Liechtensteinhäuser” back into the hands of solely […]

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“Jewish Toll Agents,” decree issued by Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor and Archduke of Austria [present-day Austria]: “We have been afforded credible knowledge, by way of complaints directed to us, that righteous citizens are willing to pay a high toll to those Jews, yet the latter, in the interest of multiple profit, subsequently raise those […]

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“Order” issued by Ferdinand II and addressed to the Silesian Chamber [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland]: “[The Silesian Chamber …] is to impose a certain tax/levy and require an investment from the Jews in Silesia […] and [they are] to send these collected payments to [Our] court […].” Acta Publica. Verhandlungen und Correspondenzen der schlesischen Fürsten […]

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“Instructions for Residency” ordinance issued on behalf of the Kaisers to the “Court War President” (Hofkriegspräsidenten) Duke Collalto [Habsburg Empire; Present-day Austria]: “From His Royal Majesty, […] also to Hungary and Bohemia and Archduke of Austria […] to Duke of Collalto, […] that he is to be told that His Royal Majesty have decided to […]

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“Decree” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] Jew are prohibited to engage or part-take in [the celebration of] carnival (‘Fasching’) or such pastimes during the present days of fasting and penance. […]” Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Juden in the Cechoslov. Republik; I Jahrgang. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Samuel Steinherz; (Prag; […]

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“Official Document/Letter” of Prince-Elector Ferdinand of Cologne to the [City] Council of Münster [Present-day Germany]: “To our worthy and honorable […] chancellor and council of Münster [… we] Ferdinand, by the grace of God Archbishop to Cologne (‘ertzbischoff zu Coln’) and Prince-Elector and Bishop of Paderborn, Luttig and Münster […] have attached the patents and commissions/regulations […]

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“Decree” issued by Prince-Bishop Karl von Liechtenstein [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] it has come to Our attention, that on Sundays and holidays and other days that the holy church has decreed to be annual festivals and commemoration days, not only the Jews themselves engage regularly in business and trading practices in the Jewish alley (‘Judengasse’) […]

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“Order of the Council” issued by the [City] Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “Jews are to lose all interests and capital on debts they hold against the common folk which remained un-dunned for 2 years.” [Researcher’s note: The above decision was reissued on November 8, 1630, mitigated by an imperial […]

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“Jewish Coronation Tax” issued by Emperor Ferdinand II [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland]: Emperor Ferdinand orders all Jews of the Empire to submit a coronation-tax of one Gold-Gulden sacrifice-penny* each year around Christmas to his royal chamber and threatens severe punishment if such payments are not made to his representative […]

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Special Decree issued by Ferdinand II [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary]: “The Jews of Vienna are to refrain from purchasing, melting and exporting of silver or ‘Pagament’* as per the highest Jewish ban or […] to lose their privileges and to face corporal punishment and confiscation.” [Researcher’s note: *”Pagament” may be […]

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“Circular” issued by Bishop Johann Georg II [Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] 72) if the Jews do not honor or revere the holy sacrament or the priest, they are to be turned over to the secular authorities […] 77) Christians and Jews are not to consort with each other […] or go drinking/pubbing together […]

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“Wine Tax” command issued by the Secret Council [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia]: “Because it has come to the Kaiser’s attention that the Jews have started to do a lot of business with wine in this last year, ‘Handgrafs’* Kayser and […] Blum are asked to conduct house searches of all […]

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Order of Archduke of Austria addressed to the City Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany, Austria]: “It is Archduke of Austria’s request that Jews pay him the 100,000 Rthr [Reichsthaler], which they had promised to Count von Mansfeld.” Kasper-Holtkotte, Cilli: Die jüdische Gemeinde von Frankfurt/Main in der frühen Neuzeit. Familien, Netzwerke und Konflikte eines jüdischen Zentrums. (The […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Swabian Government [Present-day Germany]: “[… Jews] are henceforth to be permitted to enter the city [of Öttingen] only during the time of the annual markets/fairs (‘Jahrmärkte’) […] but otherwise be limited to help themselves (to purchase food items) before [they enter through] the gates (‘vor den Thoren’). […]” [Researcher’s note: This […]

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