“Writ” of Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I [Present-day Czech Republic]: “King Ferdinand orders the Bohemian chamber to stop and require Jews in the kingdom of Bohemia to submit 2000 Schock grosch[en] instead of the agreed upon 2000 Schock.” [Researcher’s note: A ‘Schock’ was basically 5 dozen = 60. The original document was signed in Buda, […]

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“Decision” of the Parliament of Moravia to Brno [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] each lord is to require of his Jews to turn in a fourth of the usury as tax […]” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Czech text both of which can be […]

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“Order” of the foreman (‘Schöffenmeister’) and the aldermen of the city of Kutná Hora [Kuttenberg] [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “The foreman and the aldermen of the city of of Kutná Hora [Kuttenberg] prohibit Jews to store the pledges they have received from the Christians with the citizens [of the city] or to accept […]

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“Decision” of the Municipal Assembly of Prague [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic]: “The Municipal Assembly of Prague decides to no longer tolerate Jews in the city.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Czech text both of which can be found in the cited source.] Zur Geschichte der […]

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“Royal Decree” issued by Sigismund I for Posen [Present-day Poland]: “[…] Jews are not permitted to sell silk items/fabric and gold fabric by the ell but only as a whole;  [Jews may only sell] silk by the pound and not by the lot* […] other items, such as cotton [and] cotton-fabric (‘Kattun, Zwillich’) […] as whole […]

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“Governmental/State/Land-Ordinance” (‘Landesordnung’) issued in the Duchy of Württemberg [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Württemberg]: “[…] The Jews are not be kept/tolerated in the land [of Württemberg], nor are they be permitted to pass through [and trade] (‘wandeln’) […]” Geschichte der Juden in Württemberg in ihrem Verhältniß zum Staat, bis 1806. von Johannes Fallati. (“History of Jews in […]

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“Mandate” issued by Emperor Charles V (‘Karl’), Duke of Württemberg [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Württemberg]: “Since the Jewry in Our Württemberg (‘Wirtemberg’) have loaned Our citizens and subjects money against immovable goods for large interest and usury which have caused our folks and our princely local authorities […] considerable damage […] which is why we wish […]

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“Decision/Ordinance” of the Parliament of Olomouc [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] Jews may not take more than 2 gulden per 10 gulden in interest per per year […] only Jews who do not practice usury may live in the villages, all others are to live and trade in towns and cities […] the […]

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“Decision/Ordinance” of the Parliament of Brno [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] Jews shall take [no more than] one gulden in interest per 10 gulden per year […].” Zur Geschichte der Juden in Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien von 906 bis 1620. Herausgegeben von Gottlieb Bondy, em. Präsidenten der Handels- und Gewerbekammer in Prag. Zur […]

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“Expulsion of Jews” issued by Maximilian I [Present-day Austria]: “[…] However, His R[oyal] M[ajesty] is of the opinion that Jews are not to be permitted to stay or settle in Vienna or in the country.” Braumüller, Wilhelm: Urkunden und Akten zur Geschichte der Juden in Wien. Erste Abteilung. Allgemeiner Teil 1526-1847. Erster Band. (Wien) 1918. […]

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“Writ” of the Lords of Sebastian and Peter of Veitmile/Weitmühl* [Present-day Czech Republic]: “We, Sebastian and Peter, Lords of Weitmühle* and Chomutov announce with this our public letter for us and all of our heirs/successors, heiresses and progeny, lords of Chomutov […] who hear or read this [on the urging of honorable and wise mayor […]

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Decretal by Leo X addressed to the governor of Reggio [Present-day Italy]: “…we order that…Jews…open their banks on Christian holidays and that money is not lent with interest…” Shlomo Simonsohn, The Apostolic See and the Jews, 1991:16, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 2/12/2016 ADD PAGE #

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“Privilege” of Emperor Charles (‘Caroli’) IV [Present-day Germany; Holy Roman Empire]: “[… the City of Reutlingen does not owe to permit …] Jews and Jewesses who arrive in Reutlingen to settle or to live there.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary/excerpt of the original Latin text.] Haupt-Register über das Teutsche Reichs-Archiv […]

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“Writ” of the City Council of Old-Town Prague [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] no Jew may have a lord other than the king […] if he serves another lord, he shall ask for his release [of the bond] or leave the city within four weeks. Jews shall make loans only on pledges, as […]

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“Ordinance” issued in the County of Nassau* [County of Nassau; Present-day Germany]: “No one [is] to have contact or trade with Jews or face large fines; furthermore, no Jew [is] to settle outside of the territory of the earl (‘Grafschaft’) and enter the city with that intention and receive [automatically] escort/protection (‘Geleite haben’).” [Researcher’s note: […]

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“Regarding the [trade]activities/handling (‘Handthierung’) of Jews” issued by the City Council/Senate of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “[… the Jewry …] may not trade with old money or enter into a business venture with foreigners (‘mit keinem fremden theil or gemein … haben’) […] nor lend money to minors […]” Der Juden zu […]

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“Governmental/State/Land-Ordinance” (‘Landesordnung’) issued in the Duchy of Württemberg [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Württemberg]: “[…] furthermore, no one shall place himself or his immovable properties in debt with Jews or face punishment […] and no Jew is to be given legal intercession in cases of usury in court […]” Geschichte der Juden in Württemberg in ihrem Verhältniß […]

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“Writ” issued by King Vladislaus [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “King Vladislaus permits the mayor, the aldermen, and the entire community of the city of Uherské Hradišt [Hradisch] to expel the Jews […].” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Czech text both of which can be found […]

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“Decree” issued by Vladislaus II*/Maximilian I [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[Prohibits the desecration of the Jewish cemetery in Prague and the dead]. In return, Jew are required to submit their levies for the cemetery which have been ascribed to them in the past […]. Furthermore, it shall only be permitted to them to bury their dead […]

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“Parliament Decision” issued the General Assembly/Parliament of Olomouc [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] all Jews may not take more than one gulden per 10 loaned gulden in interest [… which] are to be submitted semi-annually. […] If a Jew makes a loan on a pledged item, it must be first reported to and […]

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Edict of Expulsion of the Jews from the Kingdom of Naples November 2, 1510 [Italy]: “Considering the harms that affect the most Christian city of Naples and all the Kingdom by the cohabitation with Jews, infidels and enemies of the holy Catholic religion, and particularly by the contact between Jews and those recently converted, for […]

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“Mandate” of Emperor Maximilian I and addressed to the Jews of the County (‘Grafschaft’) of Oettingen [Present-day Germany; County of Oettingen; Holy Roman Empire]: “We, Maximilian, by the grace of God, elected Roman Emperor […] let it be known to the Jewish community with this imperial letter […] that no Jew shall be admitted [permitted to […]

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“Privilege to no longer tolerate Jews” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I and given to the city of Colmar [Present-day France]: “Maximilian grants the City of Colmar the privilege to expel Jews for the pernicious damage they cause …]” Vor Halbtausend Jahren. Festschrift zur Erinnerung an den Besuch des Kaisers Maximilian in St. Wendel. (Half […]

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“Writ” of the King Vladislaus II [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “King Vladislaus declares that the citizens of Ceske Budejovice [Budweis], which he had bequeathed the houses and properties of the Jews who had paid for their crimes with their lives or possessions, are being tormented by the relatives of those Jews and summoned […]

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“Writ” of the King Vladislaus II [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “King Vladislaus announces that he has transferred jurisdiction over the Jews of Prague to Colonel-Burgrave Zdenek Lew von Rozmital and Blat […] and the Burgrave of Prague Heinrich Tunkl von Brnicko in such a manner that if Jews leave Prague without a royal […]

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“Writ” of the King Vladislaus II [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “King Vladislaus announces to the citizens of Old-Town Prague that he has bestowed upon them the grace that he will not oppose the fact that the Jews of Prague shall stay no more than a year in Prague; however, they are to stop […]

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“Writ” of the Citizens/Community of Old-Town Prague [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] as per the permission of the King, the Jews must now only leave the city in a year’s time; however, no one may speak in favor of them or face expulsion himself/herself […].” [Researcher’s note: The document was signed in Buda, today […]

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“Order” of John of Seinberg and Kost, High Chamberlain of the Kingdom of Bohemia for Mladá Boleslav (Jungbunzlau) [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] Jews may not lend money to others without the permission of the lords/local authorities [and] all loans must be entered in the [local] registry […] no Jew may charge more […]

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Order issued by Dukes Albert I (‘Albrecht’) and and Charles I (‘Karl’) [Present-day Poland; Duchy of Oels]: “[…Jews] the enemies of the Christian religion are to be expelled from all of the cities and villages in the domain for their usury and fraud/scams […]” Die früheren und gegenwärtigen Verhältnisse der Juden in den sämmtlichen Landesstellen des […]

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“Writ” of King Vladislaus II of Hungary to the City of Pilsen [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] and we bestow upon you – the citizens […] the mercy that no Jew may be admitted to the city now or by any other future King of Bohemia […] because the Jews were given to the city to be […]

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“Ordinance” issued the Council and the Eldest of Pilsen [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] all Jews, local as well as foreign, shall wear Jewish coats (‘kukle zidovske’) so that they can be distinguished from the Christians [… Jewish wives/women] shall wear veils in public that have wide yellow edges […] or pay 5 Gr. [Groschen] each […]

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“Legal Decision” of the Citizens/Community of New-Town Prague [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] Jews may not lend anyone [money] except on pledges […]; they may not charge higher interests than those ordered by the king [… Jews] may not participate at Christian markets [… they may not] peddle with clothing items […].” [Researcher’s […]

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“Ordinance” of the Citizens/Community of New-Town Prague [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] Jews, because they are not residents, are to stay away from New Town Prague, because they are no longer tolerated there under any circumstances.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Czech text both […]

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“Writ” of King Vladislaus [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/Hungary]: “King Vladislaus informs/complains to the under treasurer Albrech von Leskovec, that the Jews of Ceske Budejovice [Budweis] sue the other citizens [of the city] for the smallest infractions taking their cases directly to the Burgrave of Prague; instead, [King Vladislaus] orders [Albrech von Leskovec] that […]

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“Jewish Ordinance” for the City of Pilsen issued by the Principles and Community Eldest of the City of Pilsen [Royal City of Pilsen; Present-day Czech Republic]: “[… in this ordinance, the following subject matters are regulated for Jews] interest [on loans]; lending of clothing items; prohibition to make loans on yarns and bedding/sheets; prohibition to sell […]

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“Writ” of John Corvinus, Prince/Duke John of Troppau [Present-day Czech Republic; Duchy of Troppau]: “John Corvinus, Prince of Troppau, grants the jurisdiction of the Jews of the city of Troppau, over whom he holds sole reign, to the aforementioned city […]” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original […]

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“Jewish Levy in the Regiment Regulation of 1500” Issued by Maximilian I [Present-day Italy; Holy Roman Empire]: “All Jews, young and old, are each to pay a Gulden per year; rich Jews are to assist poor Jews with this when necessary.” Zeumner, Karl: Quellensammlung zur Geschichte der Deutschen Reichsverfassung im Mittelalter und Neuzeit. Toronto; 1913; p. 175 […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Moravian government [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/Moravia]: “[…] if [a] Jew wishes to lend someone money, this may not take place without the knowledge (and consent) of the bailiff or the aldermen of the community to which the lender belongs to; […] Jews may not have business-dwellings/stores in villages, but […]

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“Writ” of King Vladislaus II of Hungary and Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic]: “King Vladislaus prohibits Jews at the threat of a fine of 100 Schock Bohemian Groschen (currency) to seek the protection of other lords, and orders that they are to remain the sole subject of the king and the authorities/officers he appoints.” [Researcher’s note: […]

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“Governmental-Ordinance” issued by the Councils, Prelates, Knights […] as per Eberhard I, Duke of Württemberg’s will [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Württemberg]: “[…] the accepting of usury by Jews […] does not only spur and displeases God by nature but also the Christian order, and basically destroys the poor-men and [Our] subjects […] that is why we […]

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“Order” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Jews who have been expelled from Styria and Carinthia are to live in Marchegg. […] Christians are to permit them to live in their houses for quite (‘ziemlich’) an interest/fee. […]” [Researcher’s note: This law was issued by Maximilian on the urging of the […]

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“National Ordinance” (‘Landesordnung’) issued by Duke Eberhard I of Württemberg [Duchy of Württemberg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Similarly, no Jew shall be permitted to charge interests or [engage in] usury […] and also, no one [Christians] may lend/give or sell (‘Verschreibung oder Versetzung’) his immobile goods (‘liegenden gütter’) to the Jews [if one wishes] to avoid […]

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“Privilege” of Emperor Charles (‘Caroli’) IV [Present-day Germany; Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] The City of Reutlingen may vacate the currently residing Jews and Jewesses from the city and force them to move out and not [owe to] admit any (Jews) as citizen or resident for the next 10 years.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation […]

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Decretal by Alexander VI to Bishop of Catanzaro [Present-day Italy]: “The suppression of the Jewish synagogue of Catanzaro (must be completed), with the erection of a church in your parish…” [Researcher’s note: This mandate refers to the conversion of a Jewish synagogue in Catanzaro into a Christian church and its incorporation into the parish of the city’s […]

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Writ/Letter issued by John III (of Schönburg), Bishop of Naumburg [Present-day Germany; Bishopric of Naumburg]: “[Bishop John (‘Johannes III.’) vows to fulfill his princely duties and to be useful and to protect his subjects …]. The Council, councils, craftsmen, and treasurer (‘Kassenmeister’) had complained against the Jews many times – the enemies of the Cross of […]

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“Writ” issued by the Bohemian Government [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] if someone finds a stolen item in the Jewish city/quarters on a Jew, the latter is to return the item without arguing or requiring payment […] Jews are only to lend money on pledges, not on documents or registries because otherwise some confusions may arise. […]

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“Order” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I addressed to his General-Treasurer [Present-day Austria and Slovenia]: “Maximilian orders his general-treasurer (‘Genralschatzmeister’) to confiscate all the properties/goods of Jews in Styria, Carinthia, and Carniola for their crimes.” [Researcher’s note: According to Jörg Müller, his order may have never been fully actually executed.] Müller, Jörg: Maximilian I. und […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Administration of Pilsen (‘Schöffen’) and Community Elders (“Gemeindeältesten”) [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland]: “[…] all local and foreign Jews, in order that they are recognizable among others, shall wear Jewish caps and their wives shall wear veils with yellow borders; in case of non-observance/violation [of this order], a fine of 5 […]

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“Edict of the Expulsion of the Jews” (also known as the “Alhambra Decree”) issued by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella [Spain]: “(1) King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, by the grace of God…dioceses of our kingdom and lordships…and to all Jews and to all individual Jews of those places…(3) Notwithstanding that we were informed of the great part […]

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“Synod” issued by Bishop of Bamberg Henry/Heinrich III [Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Jews are not to have/let go of their Christians servants […] Christians maids and wet nurses are to face excommunication [from the church] if they are found to be working for Jews* […] Jews are prohibited from being seen on the […]

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“Writ” issued by the Bohemian Government [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] Jews are to be levied with a considerable tax; furthermore, all Christians who give (lend) Jews money in order to engage with them in usury, shall be reported to the king for punishment.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of […]

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Papal Bull of Sixtus IV [Papal States; Present-day Italy, France, Spain]: “[…] the followers of heretical wickedness and rites of the Jews and the Jewish religion are not to return to observe the precepts of the fields of dogma and superstition and of unbelief and to turn [recede] from the true faith of orthodoxy [or […]

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Papal Bull “Ad Perpetuam Rei memoriam” (“For Perpetual Memory”) issued by Pope Sixtus IV [Papal States; Present-day Italy, France, Spain]: “[…] above all, the decrees of the laws of the Church are to be observed […] [and] the unbelief of the Jews in such matters which has increased followers to various errors against the Catholic […]

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“Parliamentary Decision” of the Assembly/Parliament of Marburg (‘Landtag’) [Present-day Germany; Landgraviate of Hesse/Kassel]: “[…] The Jewry (‘Jüdischayt’) of the three-lands* shall submit taxes [of 4000 fl. [Gulden] as imposed by imperial order. [Researcher’s note: *The term three-lands (‘drei Lande’) most likely refers to Silesia, Moravia, and Bohemia.] Die Rechtsverhältnisse der Juden in den deutsch-österreichischen Ländern. […]

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“Writ” of Archbishop Adolph II of Nassau [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Mainz]: “[…] orders the conversion of the synagogue in Mainz into a Christian church […] and announces that he has finally managed to bring the city of Mainz which has so rebelled against his church under his command, and that he wishes to emulate […]

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“Writ” of Archbishop Adolph II of Nassau [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Mainz]: “We, Adolph (‘Adolf’) have decided […] to revoke our good-will and protection/escort (‘Trostunge und Gleyde uff- und abgesagt haben’) from our Jewish citizens, their children, and their servants, that means that starting with Saint Micheal’s Day [September 29] no Jew may live, cross, […]

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“Writ” of Archbishop Adolph II of Nassau [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Mainz]: “[…gives a number of named Jews permission to stay until Saint Michael’s Day…] however, in that year, the aforementioned Jews may not lend money on interest […] nor pursue any trade and must leave the city of Mainz before the stated deadline […]” […]

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“Writ” of Archbishop Adolph II of Nassau [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Mainz]: “We Adolph (‘Adolf’), announce, that our Jews of Mainz […] are to pay us twenty Rhine Gulden annually on the holy-day of the first day of the year in addition to the levy they owe us to a different time of the year […]

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“Writ” of King George [Present-day Czech Republic]: “King Georg prohibits Jews to settle in or within a mile of [the city of] Most for which the city is to pay [him] annually […] a tax of 6 Schock of Prague groschen [currency].” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the […]

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“City Ledger of Eger” issued by the City Council of Eger [Present-day Hungary]: “A number of Jews are permitted to settle back in Eger for 6 years in exchange for an annual payment of 150 fl. Rhenish Guilder.” [Researcher’s note: The full, original text in Early New High German can be found in the cited […]

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“Writ” of King George of Bohemia [Present-day Hungary; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “We, George (‘Jorg’), King of Bohemia by the grace of God, Margrave of Moravia, […] transfer the Jews over to our beloved, loyal mayor (and the city of Eger) […] the Jews, our chamber-servants, […] are to serve the citizens of Eger in the […]

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“Papal Permission” issued by Pope Pius II to the City of Frankfurt at Main [Free Imperial City of Frankfurt; Present-day Germany]: “[We,] Bishop Pius, servant of God, chosen son and captain of […] the citizens and […] diocese of the [free] imperial city of Frankfurt […] give permission to the city of Frankfurt to relocate […]

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“Confirmation of Privileges for the City of Hamm” issued by Duke Johann I [County of Mark (‘Grafschaft Mark)*; Present-day Germany]: “We, Johan, by the grace of God Duke of Cleve and Duke of Mark announce to all people: that this our city [of Hamm] is not required to take on Jews if they do not […]

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“Ordinance” issued the Venetian Senate [Present-day Italy; Republic of Venice]: “Jews may not engage in trade without permission from the Senate […] in the countryside, this permission must be granted by the local authority (first).” Hebraeische Bibliographie. Blätter für neuere und ältere Literatur des Judenthums. Unter Mitwirkung von J. Benjakob, N. H. v. Biema, A. Geiger […]

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“Writ” of King George of (Podebrady) [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland]: “[…] Also, Jews have the obligation to register their pledges with the judge (‘rychta’). Whoever sells a pledge that a Jew had not registered, shall lose the item or that for which he sold it for, but always [in a manner] that does […]

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“Writ” issued by the Judge of Pilsen [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] The Jews are to submit to the judge […] ‘from each table’* a fattened goose on St. Martin’s Day, and a pound of pepper for Christmas, and a Gulden and a pound of pepper for Easter.” [Researcher’s note: *From each table probably refers to […]

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Order issued by King Ladislaus (the Posthumous) [Present-day Poland, Germany, Czech Republic]: “[…] all Jewish children under the age of 7 are to be take away from their parents and baptized and be brought up by Christians […] Jews, who have committed the crime of dishonoring the sacramental meal/host (‘Hostien-Schädigung’) are to be burned and the […]

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“Writ” of King Ladislaus (the Posthumous) [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland]: “We, Ladislaus, King of Hungary, Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, by the grace of God, […] Duke of Austria and Margrave of Moravia, vow and announce herewith, […] that we have freed the citizens and residents of the city of Brno – who have fallen […]

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“Writ” of King Ladislaus (the Posthumous) [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland etc.]: “We, Ladislaus (‘Lasslw’), […] vow and announce with this letter, to all who see and hear it [… that] because the disloyal Jews and Jewesses have again desecrated the holy sacrament of our beloved lord Jesus Christ in the city of Wroclaw […]

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“Order of Expulsion for Jews (Brünn)” issued by King Ladislaus the Posthumous [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] In order to remedy the ruin and burden our dear and faithful Christians, the citizens and community of Brünn, […] in order that they should not be befallen by great poverty and harm, we have deliberated […]

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“Order of Expulsion for Jews (Znojmo)” issued by King Ladislaus the Posthumous [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic]: “We, Ladislaus (‘Laßlaw’), by God’s grace, King of Hungary, Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Duke of Austria and Margrave of Moravia, admit that We have actually noticed, the depravity and burden which Our dear loyal citizens and community of […]

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“Writ” of King Ladislaus (the Posthumous) [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland]: “In response to the complaints brought forth by the citizens and community of Olomouc, King Ladislaus orders the Jews who live in the city, young and old, to leave with their movable possessions by Saint Martin’s Day. He gifts the homes, the synagogue, […]

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“Writ” of King Ladislaus (the Posthumous) [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland etc.]: “King Ladislaus announces to all princes, knights, official agencies, and citizens of Silesia that he has given his three emissaries Sigmund Pottemprunner, Sigmund Vorschouer, and Oswald Reicholf the order and mandate to arrest all Jews, young and old, female and child, who […]

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“Order” issued by Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa/Cusanus and addressed to the [City] Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany]: “When we spear-headed the Provincial Council of Mainz, the statutes of Jews – the enemies […] of Christ – were renewed […] and it was ordered to ensure that a sign would be adopted [… that would] distinguish […]

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“Ordinance” issued by Cardinal Nicholas Cusa/Cusanus at the Council of Bamberg [Present-day Germany]: “[…] and hence [we] order the following: Starting on August 1, all those adhering to the Israeli faith, who live and belong to/are part of the aforementioned diocese [Bamberg] are to attach a ring/circle on the left breast of their outer garments […]

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Official Document of a Papal Legal Representative [Present-day Germany]: “[…] just as it had been ruled in previous years*, we want to free the Christians of the blasphemous Jews […] and wish to eliminate all the Jews from these [our] domains […]”[Researcher’s note: This appropriation of the papal legal representative was addressed to the various […]

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Ordinance issued by the City Council of Toledo [Spain]: “We, Pedro Sarmiento, head repostero…of our lord the king…citizens and common people of the said city of Toledo, proclaim and declare that, in as much as it is well known through civil and canon law that conversos… of Jewish lineage, being suspect in the faith of […]

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“Forced Declaration” from Jews held captive by the Magistrate of Constance [Prince-Bishopric of Constance; Present-day Germany]: “Jews held captive since 1443 by the Magistrate of Constance declare [via this document] not to seek any compensation/restitutions whatsoever after their release.” [Researcher’s note: The text also mentions that all Jews present vouch for an absent ill Jew. […]

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“Prohibition” issued by Pope Nicholas V [Papal States; Present-day Vatican City, Italy, France]: “[…] Jews are forbidden to loan money against interested […] Christians are prohibited from paying Jews any [accumulated and] outstanding interest. […]” [Researcher’s note: Many historians believe that this prohibition issued by the pope can be traced back to Johann Capistrano, who […]

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“Official Document or Writ” of Duke Johann I [County of Mark (‘Grafschaft Mark)*; Present-day Germany]: “We, Johan […] announce to all Jews […] and to our heirs and successors […] via this public letter […] that no Jews shall live within the City of Hamm […].” [Researcher’s note: *Mark was an independent (and one of […]

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“Charter” (‘Freibrief’) of Johann II, Bishop of Würzburg [Bishopric of Würzburg; Present-day Germany]: “We, Johann […] announce to all, […] that we have graciously granted the Jewry who [already] live in our land or will settle [here …] and who come or will come to an agreement with us and our successors these freedoms, which […]

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“Jewish Freedom/Privilege” (‘Juden Freyheit’) issued by Bishop Gottfried IV [Bishopric of Würzburg; Present-day Germany]: “We, Gottfried (‘Gotfried’), Bishop of Würzburg (‘Wirtzburg’) by the grace of God, vow and announce with this letter […*]. However, they (Jews) shall lend one Gulden in exchange for [no more than] 3 Heller a week and one Heller in exchange […]

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Papal bull “Dudum ad Nostram.” Issued by Pope Eugenius IV [Present-day Italy]: “We decree and order that from now on, and for all time, Christians shall not eat or drink with Jews; nor admit them to feasts, nor cohabit with them, nor bathe with them. Christians shall not allow Jews to hold civil honors over […]

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“Regulations” issued by Emperor Louis IV (Ludwig, the Bavarian) [Swabian Imperial City of Nördlingen; Present-day Germany]: “[…] the Jews are to have two or three meat-banks […] they may slaughter livestock either in their houses or at these meat-banks […] they may sell the meat of slaughtered animals only in their meat-banks, but not at […]

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“Dundum ad nostram audientiam” (Papal Bull) issued by Pope Eugene IV [Papal States; Present-day Vatican City, Italy, France]: “[…] Jews, who do not obey the [current] regulations [meant/issued for them] regarding associating with Christians and the building of synagogues will be punished with the loss and deprivation of their property [… which will be] put […]

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“Writ” of Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, Poland; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] Wenzel declares to all (sovereign) Lords/rulers that all debts owed to Jews that are more than 10 years old are void.” [Researcher’s note: This order comes on the heels of a writ issued by the Bishop Conrad of Olomouc […]

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“Decision/Order” (‘Beschluss’) of the City Council of Augsburg [Present-day Germany; Free City of Augsburg]: “[…] one is no longer to allow Jews to enter this city [Augsburg] starting today and for two years.” Israelische Kulturgemeinde Schwaben-Augsburg; Juden in Augsburg: Jüdischen Gemeinde (Israeli cultural community of Swabia-Augsburg; Jews in Augsburg: Jewish community); (http://m.juden.de); Accessed online; Researched and […]

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“Writ” of Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/Holy Roman Empire]: “In an imperial letter, Emperor Sigismund vows to preserve the freedoms of the lords of the city of Prague, the knights, and the nobility […] regarding the collection of debt owed to Jews, and orders that all interests are to fall […]

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“Order/Announcement” of Landgrave Frederick of Thüringen and addressed to the cities Erfurt, Mühlhausen, and Nordhausen [Present-day Germany]: “[…announces that he has expelled all Jews from his domain because…] they bring considerable harm/detriment and plagues/nuisances of many kinds to the land […] which is why he and his Counselors have decided to expel the Jews from the […]

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“Decree” issued by the Government of Sicily [Present-day Italy; Kingdom of Sicily/Crown of Aragon]: “[…] [Jewish] meat-sellers* (‘Fleischscharren’) in Palermo are to visibly display/post a red cloth/rag on their booths in order to distinguish themselves as Jews from the others. […]” [Researcher’s note: *’[Fleisch]Scharren were booths/stands in the Middle Ages – often inside of markets and […]

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Decree of expulsion issued by King Sigismund [Germany]: “The council is compelled to banish the Jews; but it has no designs upon their lives or their property: it only revokes their rights of citizenship and of settlement. Until Nov. 11 they are at liberty to go whither they please with all their property, and in […]

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Decree issued by the Council of Basel [Switzerland]: “… renewing the sacred canons, we command both diocesan bishops and secular powers to prohibit in every way Jews and other infidels from having Christians, male or female, in their households and service, or as nurses of their children; and Christians from joining with them in festivities, […]

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“Decree of Valladolid” issued by the Jewish Castilian Assembly [Spain]: “No Jewish male aged fifteen or more shall wear any cloak of gold-thread, olive-colored material or silk, or any cloak trimmed with gold or olive-colored material or silk, nor a cloak with rich trimmings nor with trimmings of olive-colored or gold cloth. […]” [Researcher’s note: This […]

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“Writ” of Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund [Present-day Hungary]: “We, Sigmund […] since it was brought to our attention [by the citizens of Eger] that the Jewry […] is graciously endowed with freedoms* [and] that they do not suffer in the same way as the [other Christian] citizens of our aforementioned city […] and neither partake […]

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“Legal instruction” issued by the Free-Counts (‘Freigrafen’) of Westphalia [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Westphalia]: “[…] Jews may not be called before the secret court of the empire because they are not Christians and are not born with a claim to the laws of the Holy Empire and because they do not know/understand the secret laws of […]

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“Mandate” issued by Pope Martin to Bishop von Gerace [Papal States; Present-day Vatican City, Italy, France]: “[… give you (‘Bishop von Gerace’) the authority to legally proceed] against all Jews who engage [publicly] in usury, […] do not wear a Jewish sign […] and disobey the orders of the church in any [other] way […]” […]

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“Sedes apostolica” (papal bull) issued by Pope Martin V [Papal States; Present-day Vatican City, Italy, France]: “[…] 3) Jews in Caffa and Canna, as well as others in overseas lands of the Orient, who sell Greek baptized Christians as slaves to the unfaithful/unbelievers – the so-called Saracens – are to face confiscation of their entire […]

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“Jewish Settlement/Establishment of Frankfurt” (‘Frankfurter Judenstättigkeit’) issued by the City Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “[…] 1) Council grants Jews settlement [privileges] for 5 years, until July 25, 1429 [… they] are to pay the agreed-upon annual levy due in March of each year. […] 3) Their children and servants […]

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Banning of Jews from Freiburg issued by King Sigismund [Present-day Germany]: “The mayor and the Council to Freiburg have told us, what they have for troubles with the Jews in the town and how the residents have to suffer […]. So we decided, that by the virtue of this letter, the Jews, who live there, […]

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“Order” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund and addressed to Margrave of Baden [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Switzerland]: “[…] for the purpose of eradicating heresy in Bohemia [Sigismund orders the Margrave of Baden to require] all Jews in the Roman Empire, especially in Swabia, and by Lake Constance, within the […]

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