“Royal Commercial Commissions Decree” (‘Commerzhofcommissionsdecret’) issued by the Austrian Royal Court [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland]: “[…] The wife of a tolerated [Jew] may be permitted to take on a [temporary] associate/helper [in view of] her husband’s advanced age and/or ailing […] These legal concessions (‘Verschleißrechte’), however, […]

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“Priority-Ordinance” issued by Bavarian Government [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] 30) […] the wives of Jews […] are completely or [depending on the case] partially liable/accountable to the guarantors of their husbands with their dowries/own personal wealth/assets. […]” Sammlung der im Gebiete der inneren Staats-Verwaltung des Königreichs Bayern bestehenden Verordnungen aus amtlichen Quellen geschöpft […]

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“Order/Instruction” issued by the Austrian Royal Court Police Offices (‘Polizeihofstelle’) [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[…] Foreign Jews seeking employment are to only receive residency permits for 3 days. […]” Gesetze, Verordnungen und Vorschriften für die Polizei-Verwaltung im Kaiserthume Oesterreich.  Erschienen in den Jahren 1740 bis Ende 1825, und in alphabetisch-chronologischer Ordnung zusammengestellt mit vorzüglicher Rücksicht […]

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“Writ” of the City Council of Pilsen [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] regarding the toleration of Jews who are in Pilsen, the r[oyal] i[mperial] local authorities (‘Kreisamt’) […] has decided [based on several previous laws*] to get rid of all Jews except six [named] Jews […] and the magistrate is instructed to make sure that these aforementioned temporarily […]

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“Royal Court Decree” issued by the Royal Court [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland]: “According to the constitution it is not permissible that Jews, who are merely tolerated, are granted citizenship (the rights of citizens) in the cities and special rights regarding corporations. […] The settling of foreign […]

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“Decree” issued by the Royal Court Chancellery (‘Hofkanzleidecret’)[Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[…] Israelis in Vienna, who wish to receive a whole-sale license (‘Großhandlungsbefugniß’) or a toleration [permit] for Vienna, must not only prove to be able to bring forth/produce the necessary whole-sale properties/characteristics, but must also render special services to the state. […]” Gesetze, Verordnungen […]

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“Rescript of the Royal Ministries of Trade and Interior addressed to the Royal Silesian and Prussian governments regarding Jews from the Grand-Duchy of Posen visiting the annual-markets in the old provinces” [Present-day Germany, Poland, Lithuania; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[Regarding permits for Jews to visit annual markets in the new provinces …] The government of Posen is […]

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“Circular” issued by the Chief Royal Police Authorities (‘Polizei-Ober-Directions-Circulare’) [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “The chief r[oyal] i[mperial] Chief Police Office has decided to order — according to the highest decision issued on the 3rd of this month — that all r[oyal] i[mperial] District Police-Authorities/Directives are to be instructed to cease the peddling of Jews which […]

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“Regarding the working of apprentices and journeymen half a day on Fridays” issued by the State Ministry of the Interior [Present-day Germany; Kingdom of Bavaria]: “On behalf of His Majesty the King. After it was received that individual Rabbis wish that Jewish craftsmen/apprentices and journeymen should be prevented from working on so-called half-Fridays, but that not […]

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“Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[… in order to transfer the toleration permit of a deceased Jewish housefather] 1) The guardians of the ward/minor must approve of the continuance of the business permit. 2) The guarantees, with which the ward/minor is to be held legally responsible, are to be named/specified exactly and […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Turks who adhere to the Israeli religion, may not be issued a [work] permit […]” Beyträge zur politischen Gesetzkunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate; Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrereich (Graf von Barth-Barthenheim): Erster Band; (Wien; 1821); (Contributions to the Political Statutes of the Austrian Royal State; published […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary]: “[…] If a complete and final [marriage] separation has taken place, and if the mother together with her children, who have held onto their Jewish faith, do not have a special claim for a toleration permit [themselves], the [current] toleration-regulations require […]

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“Gubernium-Ordinance #36966” (Gubernial-Ordinance’)* [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/Austrian Empire]: “Amendment regarding the fine for Jews who left their passport behind with the r[oyal] main/local authorities of the City of Prague (‘Stadt Hauptmannschaft in Prag’): In response to a previously addressed question as to what punishment can be imposed on Jews if the fine […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] The Royal Imperial Chief Police Authority/Directive (‘k. k. Polizey-Oberdirection’) is to take into account when submitting family-lists [of Jews], which Catholic servants an Israeli has (employs), in order to determine, whether under these circumstances the few Israeli [servants], which the tolerated [Jew] lists, are [in […]

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“Governmental Ordinance” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] The Royal Imperial Chief Police Authority/Directive (‘k. k. Polizey-Oberdirection’) is ordered to always remind all Israelis who are coming to Vienna with the intention of studying [here] immediately at their arrival, that they are required to seek permission to be present (‘Aufenthaltsbewilligung’) to study [here] […]

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“Decree” issued by the Royal Court Chancellery [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary]: “[…] therefore, the authorized trades people and chandlers are prohibited – under any pretext – from selling nitric acid and gun powder to a Jew or leaving/giving it to them in any other way, except if he produces a document from […]

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“Decree” (‘Regierungsdecret’) of the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] the request of guardians to underage children of deceased tolerated Jews to transfer the tolerance [permit] for the trade with raw products to their wards […] would violate existing regulations and can thus not be approved.” Beyträge zur politischen Gesetzkunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate; Herausgegeben von Johann […]

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“Order/Instruction of the Chief Royal Police Office” (‘Polizeihofstelle Weisung’) addressed to the Chief Police Authorities (‘Polizei-Ober-Direction’) [Present-day Austria]: “[Regarding the peddling of Jews…] who sneak around everywhere in the homes/houses are to be stopped in all seriousness/strictness and to be required to show identification. […]” Gesetze, Verordnungen und Vorschriften für die Polizei-Verwaltung im Kaiserthume Oesterreich. […]

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“Highest [Royal] Decision” issued by the Emperor [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Jews are exempt from purchasing […] state and political foundation-assets (‘Fondgüter’).” [Researcher’s note: This legal decision was published on April 24, 1820, via a Royal Imperial Lower-Austrian Governmental Circular.] Beyträge zur Politischen Gesetzeskunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate. Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrenreich (Graf von Barth-Barthenheim); Erster […]

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“Governmental Decree” (“Regierungsdecret”) issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] [Jews are permitted to trade with raw products], however, the barter trade of any kind […] can only be permitted [to them] on annual markets; however, [the] peddling [trade] (‘Hausierhandel’) can never be granted to [Jews].” Beyträge zur politischen Gesetzkunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate; Herausgegeben […]

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“Gubernium-Decree #7617” (Gubernial Dekret’)* [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/Austrian Empire]: “Public announcement of Jewish Purim feasts/balls (‘jüdische Faschingsbälle’) during the Christian Fast (Lent) is prohibited. As per the content of the Royal Chancellery Decree from January 27, [of the same year court #2287), His Majesty have deigned to order the Jews of Prague […]

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“Royal Chancellery Decree” issued by the Royal Chancellery of Austria [Present-day Austria]: “[… it is ordered] … during the creation/establishment of the prayer-house at the [recently] opened Jewish school [to make sure] that it is set up/equipped for the purpose as expressed/outlines by His Majesty […] or [to note] which improvements are to take place […]

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“Gubernium-Ordinance #55662” (Gubernial-Ordinance’)* [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/Austrian Empire]: “When applying for a marriage license, Jews are to [bring along and] submit their conscription forms of the last conscription. Since it has happened numerous times that Jews who wish to get married attached their old conscription forms to their marriage applications to attain […]

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“Royal Court Chancellery Decree” issued by the Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Furthermore, since Jews are only tolerated in Vienna but not on the flat land in the provinces of L[ower] A[ustria], their (Jews) admission/permission to lease military provisions at military bases – except in Vienna – is out of the question […]” Beyträge […]

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“[Royal] Court Chancellery Decree” (‘Hofkanzleidekret’) issued by Count Lazanzky and von Widmann on behalf of the Emperor and addressed to the Lower Austrian government [Present-day Austria; Austrian Empire]: “His majesty have ordered via a supreme decision […] that the prohibition for Jews to own property […] shall remain effective until the negotiations/decisions/regulations regarding the basic outlines […]

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“Royal Chamber Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Chamber [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Jews, if they do not belong to the class/category of authorized carters (‘Fuhrleute’), are not permitted to cart/transport passengers on mail-roads (‘Poststraße’) […]” Beyträge zur politischen Gesetzkunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate; Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrereich (Graf von Barth-Barthenheim): Erster Band; (Wien; 1821); (Contributions […]

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“Royal Chancellery Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic; Austrian Empire]: “His Majesty have felt inclined to determine (‘haben sich bewogen gefunden’) – according to the highest order of November 15 [of the same year] – to revoke the [general] prohibition which excludes Jews from the grain trade until further notice […] […]

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“Highest Decision” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Francis I [Present-day Austria]: “[… the Royal Court Chancellery’s ordinance from December 22, 1814 that prohibited Jews from trading with grain is revoked …] however, this newly permitted grain trade should not give Jews reason to conclude/assume that it [also] allows them to widen any of their other […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] if the income/revenues of the Jewry is not enough to ensure the costs/salaries incurred [by their communal employees], they (the Jewry) are to bring the missing funds through repartition. […]” [Researcher’s note: “Repartition” means dividing something up between the people who are involved… so in […]

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“Rescript” of the Prussian government [Present-day Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Russia; Kingdom of Prussia]: “A Jew born in the domain, who has not won/received citizenship is [to be] taken across the border. If the removal of such [Jew] is not executable/feasible, he may be permitted to stay, however, he’s to be considered a foreigner.” Ergänzungen […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “Only unmarried Jewish servants or those who are married but can be taken on without their [own/entire] families, are permitted to care/work for Jews. […]” Gesetze, Verordnungen und Vorschriften für die Polizei-Verwaltung im Kaiserthume Oesterreich. Erschienen in den Jahren 1740 bis Ende 1825, und in […]

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“Regarding the Commodity-Trade of Jews” (Rescript) issued by King Maximilian I Joseph (of Bavaria) and addressed to ‘the various police-authorities’ [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Since there has already been misunderstanding over the highest decision of March 10 [of the same year] which was published in this year’s intelligence-paper, regarding the commodity-trade of Jews, […]

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“Royal Announcement Regarding the Goods-Trade of Jews” issued by Maximilian Joseph and Freyherr von Asbeck [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “In the name of His Majesty the King. Due to rising doubts regarding the goods-trade of Jews, His Majesty has decided as per the highest decision of January 24 [of the same year] that the […]

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“Governmental Ordinance” (‘Regierungsverordnung’) issued by the Austrian Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, etc.]: “[…] Those Jews with passports are no longer to be prohibited to purchase raw products in the country side. The trade with fabric/cloth (‘Tuchhandel’) of any kind – since it also contains in its nature a resale – is only […]

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“Governmental Edict” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] The Hebrew [prayer] and religion books which are printed abroad are subject to the [current] import ban. […]” Politische Verfassung der Israeliten im Lande unter der Enns und insbesondere in der k. k. Haupt- und Residenzstadt Wien. J. L. E. Graf von Barth-Barthenheim. (Wien; 1821). […]

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“Governmental Decree” (‘Regierungsdekret’) issued by the Austrian Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, etc.]: “[…] It is permitted to issue passports to Jews only for the visitation of the annual markets, but not for peddling (‘Hausierhandel’). […]” [Researcher’s note: Governmental law number: 2242.] Repertorium sämmtlicher vom Jahre 1800 bis einschließlich 1843 für die Provinz […]

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“Ordinance” of the Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria; Austrian Empire]: “[…] in cases regarding the granting of a commercial license to an Israeli, […] the government is instructed that the characteristics (‘Eigenschften’) of the Israeli whole-seller are to be raised/questioned/examined (‘erhoben’) and assessed (‘gewürdigt’) […] for the attainment of a toleration [permit] […].” Gesetze, Verordnungen und […]

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“Royal Court Chancellery Decree” (“Hofkanzleidecret’) issued by the Austrian Royal Court Chancellery [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “Jews are prohibited to keep Christian servants and wet-nurses (‘Säugammen’), and this prohibition is to be maintained [valid].” Gesetze, Verordnungen und Vorschriften für die Polizei-Verwaltung im Kaiserthume Oesterreich. Erschienen in den Jahren 1740 bis Ende 1825, und in alphabetisch-chronologischer […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “[…] The Israeli translators, proofreaders/editors (‘Correctoren’), and type-setters who are in the service of Hebrew book printers (‘hebräischen Buchdruckeryen’) are, however, only to be tolerated in Vienna for as long as they are in the service of the intended book printer, and do not commit anything […]

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“Community Election/Voting Regulations” issued by the Bavarian Government [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “Voting Rights and Eligibility of Jews during Community Election. In order to eliminate any consequences of improper application of the 3rd and 10th article of the Community Election/Voting Regulation of August 5, 1818 […] it is brought to attention that Jews who […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austria Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland]: “[…] the Moravian and Silesian government are to inform and instruct the local authorities and dominions that they are to only to issue passports to Jews that permit them to visit the annual markets but in no way to engage […]

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“Toleration of Jews on the Countryside” issued by the Austrian Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “The Jews are not permitted according to current ordinances to be present (to stay) on the countryside in Lower Austria. […]” Gesetze, Verordnungen und Vorschriften für die Polizei-Verwaltung im Kaiserthume Oesterreich. Erschienen in den Jahren 1740 bis Ende 1825, und […]

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“Royal Chancellery Ordinance” (‘Hofkanzleiverordnung’) issued by the Austrian Royal Chancellery [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland]: “[…] Since it was brought to our attention, that Jews in Lower Austria are passing through the countryside and away from the regular streets/paths […] and remain in the country(side) for extended […]

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“Royal Court Chancellery Directive” (“Hofkanzleydeket”) [Lower Austria; Present-day Austria]: “[…] [because] Jews also often traverse through remote areas that are far from the usual communication-venues and remain on the countryside for long periods of time and engage in peddling and other trades, the governmental authorities are herewith required to issue expedient regulations to circumvent this […]

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“Rescript issued by the Royal Ministry of the Interior” and addressed to the Royal government of Erfurt [Present-day Germany; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] though the admission and immigration of foreign Jews cannot be permitted into the new[ly conquered] provinces […] those Jews who were present at the time of [Our] taking ownership [can stay in those […]

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“Rescript issued by the (Prussian) Ministry of the Interior addressed to the royal government of Cologne [Present-day Germany, Poland, Lithuania; Kingdom of Prussia]: “The royal government of Cologne is advised regarding permissions for Jews to settle and to pursue trade […] that the decree from March 17, 1808, is to find application in all matters pertaining […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary; Austrian Empire]: “[…] In the future, toleration permits may only be permitted (given) to those Jews who have also been granted a local wholesale permit (‘Großhandlungs-Privilegium’). […]” [Researcher’s note: A similar decision was issued via the Royal Court Chancellery Decree of July 2, […]

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“Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria, Germany etc.; Austrian Empire]: “Jews are not permitted to own property in Tyrol or Vorarlberg, except those already there* […] they may also not hold public offices […].” [Researcher’s note: *It somewhat unclear from the text, whether “except those already there” refers to Jews in […]

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Decision/Writ of Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria [Present-day Germany]: “We [Maximilian Joseph] have decided in regards to the French decree from March 17, 1808, regarding the circumstances of Jews […] that the aforementioned decree is to remain in effect in the area of the Rhine (‘im Rheinkreise’) until general and comprehensive provisions have been issued […]. […]

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“Order” issued by the (Austrian) Royal Commission for Commerce [Present-day Austria]: “ […] in cases where permission is to be given to Israelis for an important factory enterprise, […] the temporary permission is to be issued only for as long as his presence is necessary for the maintenance of the factory […] a personal residency […]

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“Cabinets-Order” issued by the Prussian Cabinet [Present-day Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Russia; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] as long as the conditions for Jews to gain citizenship have not been determined for the newly and re-captured/conquered provinces, Jews are not to be permitted to relocate into provinces which have a different Jewish-constitution […]” Ergänzungen des Allgemeinen […]

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“Rescript regarding the Jews moving/resettling from Chelmno and Michalow” issued by the Royal Ministry of the Interior and addressed to the government of Marienwerder [Present-day Germany, Poland; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] the general regulations regarding matters pertaining to [the attainment of] citizenship for Jews in the new[ly acquired] provinces are not established yet, and therefore, Jews […]

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“Writ regarding the admission of peddling-Jews as citizens” issued by Frederick Francis (‘Friedrich Franz’), Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin [Present-day Germany; Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin]: “We graciously order you herewith: […] neither native nor foreign Jews are to be permitted to bid during your public auctions for land/real-estate […].” Gesetzsammlung für die Mecklenburg-Schwerin’schen Lande. Zweite Folge, umfassend den […]

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“Decree [Regarding the] Jewish Residency Permit Fees Increase” issued by the Royal Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “Since his Majesty has approved the establishment and endowment of a separate police fund for Vienna via the highest decision of the 3rd of this month, [he’s also approved] a fee increase for the so-called ‘Boletten’ (permits), which the Israelis […]

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“Suspension of the free constitution for Jews” issued by the Grand Duke Fredrick Francis I (‘Friedrich Franz’) of Mecklenburg-Schwerin [Present-day Germany; Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin]: “Fredrick Francis […] the aforementioned constitution of February 22, 1813 […] shall be suspended […] and that the rights of Jews will follow (be defined) by the general orders/decisions of the […]

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“Decision” of the Highest Order* [Present-day Austria]: “The Permit-Fees for Jews (‘Juden-Bolletengebühr’) is henceforth to be collected (‘taken’) according to [these] two classes/categories. […] ‘First class/category’: […] wholesalers, formal merchants and their managing directors.. […]‘Second class/category’: […] junk-shop-Jews (‘Trödeljuden’) and all other (remaining) common Jews. […] The Jewish-permit fee for the first class/group is increased […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Royal Commission for Commerce [Present-day Austria]: “In cases that deal with the application of a large/wholesale [permit] for Jews who are not tolerated in Vienna, the Royal Commission for Commerce is to seek the preliminary consent of the Royal Imperial Royal Court Chancellery (‘k. k. Hofkanzley’) with regards to the granting […]

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“Governmental Ordinance” issued by the Austrian Government and addressed to the Galician Government [Present-day Austria, Poland and Ukraine]: “The various high and highest ordinances regarding Jewish matters – and finally the Royal Court Chancellery Decree (‘Hofkanzleydecret’) from February 28, 1817, determine emphatically, that the number of tolerated Israeli in Vienna are to increase as little […]

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“Royal Chancellery Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “[…] whether Israelis are to be permitted to be[come] meat-hewers* (‘Fleischaushauen’), His Majesty have let it be known [Their] highest opinion in that regard, and that is that generally speaking, Israelis are not to be granted permission for meat-crushing* (‘Fleischausschrotung’); however, that if one […]

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“Decree” of the Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “It also goes against any decency (it is out of the question), to grant temporary residency to those Israelis, who have completed their medical studies (well) and who are suitable to be employed as assistant doctors (‘Secundärzte’) or surgeons (‘Wundärzte’) in the local lazaretto* of Vienna […] […]

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“Decree” of the Royal Imperial Chancellery (‘Hofkanzleydecret’) [Present-day Austria]: “[…] even though the Jewish heads of households are no longer required to house their employees [in their own homes] […] they are not released of their legally incumbent liability to be responsible for their servants/employees (‘Dienstleute’), especially so that their servants/employees do not engage in […]

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“Ordinance” of the Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “[…] even though the granting of wholesale-trade permits to Israelis by the Royal Court Commerce Commission paves the way to the acquisition of tolerance [permits for them], [the issuance of such tolerance permits] by the Royal Imperial Court Chancellery will always be done after consultation with the […]

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“Edict” issued by the State-Directorate (‘Landesdirection’) [Grand Duchy of Würzburg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] 1) [Jewish] Property owners have the right to take on new tenants, however, in each case, the permission of the assigned court officer of the General-District-Commissioners (‘General-Kreis-Kommissäre’) is to be sought out […] but not to be made difficult by any party. […]

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“On Order of His Majesty the King” publicized by the Royal State Ministry of the Interior [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] that he* shall satisfy the ordinances of June 10, 1813, §4, §5, §7, §8, and §9 with regards to the selection of a family (last) name, and the swearing of the oath of […]

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“Royal Chancellery Decree” issued to all State Councils by the Royal Chancellery on Behalf of His Majesty (‘Länder-Präsidien’) [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[…] His Majesty also wishes to graciously allow individual Jews [to trade with grain], if they are able to purchase grains in large quantities and to offer these at more reasonable prices at […]

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“Royal Chancellery Decree” issued by Austrian Royal Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “[…] No Israeli is permitted to assume the administration, sequestration, leasing or purchasing of an immovable good – either under his own or someone else’s name. […] Deeds, whereby an Israeli has illegally gained possession of an immovable good, are invalid, and therefore, legally unbinding […]

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“Ordinance” issued by Frederick William III [Present-day Germany, Poland, Lithuania; Kingdom of Prussia]: “We, Frederick William (‘Friedrich Wilhelm’), King of Prussia by the grace of God, announce herewith and let it be known: […] that 1) the valid patronage-laws pertaining to Christians churches [in the new provinces] are to be put on hold for properties and […]

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“Prohibition to harbor/take on/admit/hire foreign Jews by locals” (‘Aufnahme’) issued by Frederich Francis (‘Friedrich Franz’), Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin [Present-day Germany; Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin]: “[…] All authorities, both in the cities as well as on the countryside, especially in Dargun and [Bad] Doberan are herewith graciously reminded at the threat of a fine of twenty […]

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“Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Court [Present-day Austria, Germany etc.; Austrian Empire]: “If a Jewish father withholds consent from his minor child, who has converted to the Catholic religion, to get married for irrelevant/insignificant reasons, it is within the child’s right to seek legal/judicial assistance.” Repertorium über sämmtliche unter den Regierungen Ihrer Majestäten Josephs […]

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“Governmental Announcement” issued by the Austrian Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary]: “[…] Even though the Hungarian subjects are permitted to peddle in the German hereditary provinces according to §4 of the Peddling Patent of May 5, 1811, this does not have any effect on the Israelis, who are utterly prohibited from staying […]

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“Governmental Ordinance” (”Gubernial-Verordnung”) issued by the Government of Austria [Present-day Austria]: “[…] in order to receive a permit to peddle, the Jew in question must be the head of the household or hold a certain amount of capital/assets (‘Besitzer eines Vermögens sein’), […]; however, no more than one Jew can peddle from one and the […]

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“Decision” issued by Emperor Francis [Present-day Austria]: “[…] An Israeli, however, may only lease so much from a building, as is absolutely necessary for his own direct use, his housemates, and that of his business. […]” [Researcher’s note: While the Jewish-Patent of 1782 made is possible for Jews to chose a residence of their choosing, […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Those employees/servants in the service of the Viennese Israelis must absolutely be paid in such a manner that they can make a living (can survive)[…].” [Researcher’s note: According to the source of the Decree, “All objections against this ordinance brought forth by the representatives of […]

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“Rescript of the Royal Polish Ministry regarding the designation of/term Jews in passports” [Present-day Germany, Poland, Lithuania; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] in the passports of those of the Mosaic faith, who are citizens, […] the note ‘and citizen’ […] is to be added; however, for those who are not citizens, it is either to be left […]

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“Ordinance to further determine/amend the decree from March 17, 1808, pertaining to Jews” issued by the Royal Imperial Austrian and Royal Bavarian Shared-Land-Administration [Present-day Austria, Germany]: “Per the ordinance from January 24 [of the same year], the local-administration had expressed its clear intent that it wished to fully uphold the decree of March 17, 1808, which […]

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“Governmental decree that local authorities are to publicize the ordinances which prohibited Jews from entering mining towns […]” (‘Gubernialdekret’)* issued by the Bohemian Government and directed to all r[oyal] chief and mountain/mining authorities [Present-day Austria; Czech Republic etc.; Austrian Empire]: “As per the supreme Wailand mandate of Emperor Maximilian II of August 6, 1568, it has […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “The Royal Imperial Chief Police Authority/Directive (‘k. k. Polizey-Oberdirection’) are not to return the official permits to the Jews, which are in any case only valid for specific circumstances/business dealings […] with which not only embezzlement could take hold, but also the intentions of […] Israelis to […]

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“Governmental Edict” issued to the County Offices [Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany; Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] The County Offices (‘Kreisämtern’) are to ensure that Jews are excluded from contracts for fruit-delivery.” Dr. Johnn Luksche’s, weiland kaiserl. mähr. schles. Appelationsrathes, Besondere Rechte der Personen Mährens Dr. Joh. Luksche’s, weiland kaiserl. mähr. schles. Appelationsrathes, Besondere Rechte […]

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“Ordinance. Patents regarding the Jews” issued by Royal Imperial Austrian and Royal Bavarian Common Shared-Land-Administration-Commission [Present-day Austria, Germany]: “Since the local-administration wishes to maintain the restriction set forth in the French decree from March 17, 1808, regarding usury and the unlawful trade of Jews […] that is why it orders herewith: that starting March 1 of […]

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“Royal Court Chancellory Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Court [Present-day Austria; Austrian Empire]: “[…] The temporary permission given to Jews as an exception this past year to engage in the grain delivery business is to be done away with again; therefore, the general prohibition is to come (back) into effect which excludes/prohibits Jews from […]

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“Decree” issued by the Emperor Francis [Present-day Austria]: “[…] the use of Hebrew and the so-called Jewish language and script is to be eliminated from all public, legal and extra-judicial activities (‘Handlungen’), and instead the language that is customary in the land (‘landesüblich’) is to be used in the future, and after the announcement of […]

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“Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria, Germany etc.; Austrian Empire]: “The use of Hebrew is to be ceased in any legal/court or non-legal dealings.” Repertorium über sämmtliche unter den Regierungen Ihrer Majestäten Josephs II, Leopolds II., und seiner jetzt regierenden Majestät Franz I. erflossenen und in dieser Gesetzsammlung enthaltenen Gesetze und Verfassungen […]

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“Regarding fees for Jewish marriages” issued by the Grand Duke Fredrick Francis I (‘Friedrich Franz’) of Mecklenburg-Schwerin [Present-day Germany; Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin]: “Fredrick Francis […] if a Jewish denizen marries a local or a foreign female person (‘Frauensperson’) in our lands/territories, he shall be required to pay the hazzan (‘Vorsänger)* and the Schulklopfer (‘Schul-klöpfer’)** of […]

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“Governmental Ordinance” (‘Gubernial-Verordnung’) [Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany; Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] Marriages of Jews who do not have the approval of the County Office (‘kreisamtliche Bewilligung’) are to be considered void […] the approval of the County Office (‘kreisamtliche Bewilligung’) must also be requested when exchanging the bride [for another]. […]” Dr. Johnn […]

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“Decree” issued by the Lower Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “Israeli editors/correctors (‘Correctoren’) are to receive […] residency permits for only 3 years at a time for the duration of their service. […]” Gesetze, Verordnungen und Vorschriften für die Polizei-Verwaltung im Kaiserthume Oesterreich.  Erschienen in den Jahren 1740 bis Ende 1825, und in alphabetisch-chronologischer Ordnung zusammengestellt […]

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“Royal Chancellery Ordinance” issued by the Royal Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “[…] the authorization [for Israeli apprentices] to stay [in Vienna] is valid for only one year after which a renewal must be requested from the Royal Imperial Lower Austrian government (‘k. k. n. ö. Regierung’) […] the employers (‘Dienstgeber’) must, furthermore, report such individuals to […]

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Prohibition regarding the hiring of foreign Jewish (trade-)aids (’Handlungsknechte’) issued by the Grand Duke Fredrick Francis I (‘Friedrich Franz’) of Mecklenburg-Schwerin [Present-day Germany; Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin]: “Fredrick Francis […] Since it still occurs that a number of local Jews take on foreigns, who are of their religion, as trade aids and servants, in violation of […]

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“Royal Chancellery Decree” (“Hofkanzleydecret”) issued by the Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Regarding assessment of the toleration-tax, it is to be distinguished, a) between those Israelis, who engage in trades that are subject to a business-tax b) those who do not engage/have such a business/employment. […]” Beyträge zur politischen Gesetzkunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate; Herausgegeben […]

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“Writ regarding the admission of peddling-Jews as citizens” issued by Frederick Francis (‘Friedrich Franz’), Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin [Present-day Germany; Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin]: “[…] We remind herewith all city-authorities in our lands not to admit Jews who have been authorized/privileged to peddle as citizen without requesting permission from Our government first so that they are not […]

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“Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “’Teaching of Jewish children’ […] The duty to report and to return found items is to be inculcated often/repeatedly in Jewish schools. […]” Beyträge zur Politischen Gesetzeskunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate. Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrenreich (Graf von Barth-Barthenheim); Erster Band. (Wien; 1821) (Contributions to the […]

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Regulation regarding “Legitimation” of Jews issued by the Prussian government [Present-day Germany, Poland, Lithuania; Kingdom of Prussia]: “The execution of the edict from March 11, 1812, requires the following additional regulations: 1) The registers/records of Jewish families living in the Kurmark/Electorate of Marck […] have been finalized for the most part, and therefore, it is mostly […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Livonian government (‘Gouvernementsregierung’) [Present-day Latvia]: “Ordinance, which all Jews who are present or arrive in the government-city Riga are to comply with. […] 3) Those Jews/Hebrews who have been registered as part of the merchants-community or those who are kept there in order to contribute to the coronation-levies – who are […]

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“Ordinance” (“Gubernialverordnung”) issued by the Government of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, and Poland; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] 13) All administrative bodies (‘Ämter’) and guilds (‘Zünfte’) are hereby informed that only the competent authorities are permitted to grant their native Jews – whom they are to keep track of – permission to learn a craft […]

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Edict issued by Kingdom of Bavaria [Germany]: “The Jewish Decree of 1813…Edict Concerning the Conditions of Members of the Jewish Religion in the Kingdom of Bavaria…Art. 1 Only those Jewish coreligionists who have legally received the right of residence in Our states [sic] can acquire the civic rights and privileges set forth in this Edict. […]

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“Court Decree” issued by the Court of Emperor Francis II (Franz Joseph II) [Present-day Czech Republic and Germany]: “[…] Each Jew who wants to wed must be tested beforehand from the Religious textbook Bne Zion. […]. He shall also present the permission of the County Office (‘Kreisamt’) […] If the communities of the betrothed are in different […]

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“Governmental Circular” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] In places, where Jews are not tolerated, they shall remain excluded from the [perishable] food trade (‘Victualien-Handel’)* […]” [Researcher’s note: *’Victualien’ were food items that were meant for daily use or immediate consumption.] Beyträge zur Politischen Gesetzeskunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate. Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrenreich […]

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“Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Court [Present-day Austria, Germany etc.; Austrian Empire]: “Jews cannot get married without the permission of the local authorities (‘Landesstelle’) […], nor attain a legal divorce [without a permission from the authorities.]” Repertorium über sämmtliche unter den Regierungen Ihrer Majestäten Josephs II, Leopolds II., und seiner jetzt regierenden Majestät Franz […]

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“Order” issued by Emperor Francis I (Franz) and published by the Royal General-Commissionaire of the District of Retzat [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “In the Name of His Majesty the King of Bavaria. [… orders that] 1) The Israeli youth are to be stopped and required to attend workday/weekday as well as holiday schools (‘Werk- und Feyertagsschule’) […]

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“Highest Decision” issued Emperor Francis I (Franz) and published by the Royal General-Commissionaire of the District of Retzat [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “In the Name of His Majesty the King of Bavaria. […] The extension/cessation of a Jewish family occurs […] when the head of the family, to whom the letter of protection [residency permit] […]

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“Rescript” issued by the Prussian government [Present-day Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Russia; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] all [previously issued] privileges given to Jews, which contradict the ordinance of March 11, 1812, are rescinded.” Ergänzungen des Allgemeinen Landesrechts für die Preußischen Staaten enthaltend eine vollständige Zusammenstellung aller noch geltenden, das Allgemeine Landrecht abändernden, ergänzenden und erläuternden […]

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