“Concerning the Admission of Jews into the Community as Protected Citizens” issued by Charles I (Karl I) [Grand Duchy of Baden; Present-day Germany]: “We Carl, by the grace of God, grand duke of Baden, Duke of Zähringen [near Freiburg], Landgrave of Rellenburg and Count of Hanau […] 2) Jews […] can become a protected citizen […]

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“Governmental Ordinance” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “The non-local Jews, who visit the markets in Vienna, cannot be prohibited to lease stores […] and to keep them open after the market has closed [because they have to make necessary arrangements] which cannot be denied to them without considerably restricting their right of ownership. […]

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“Ordinance” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Francis II [Present-day Austria, Germany]: “[…] Jews, who engage in trade (‘Handel’) are to immediately cease this practice; those who possess a paddling-permission (‘Hausierpass’) and a Certificate of Trading-Permission (‘Handlungslegitimazionsschein’) shall have them confiscated – without further ado – and destroyed. Moreover – it is prohibited to issue a […]

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“Jewish Edict” issued by Fredrick William (‘Friedrich Wilhelm’) [Prussia; Present-day Germany, Poland, Russia]: “We, Fredrick William […] have decided to grant the Jewry (Jewish coreligionists) of Our monarchy a new […] constitution, [and] declare all current laws and ordinances for Jews revoked and void by the power of this current edict, and order [instead] as […]

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“Order” issued by Freiherr* von Dörnberg, Royal-General-Commissioner of the District of Retzat on behalf of his Majesty, the King of Bavaria [Present-day Germany; Kingdom of Bavaria]: “In the name of His Majesty, the King of Bavaria […] His royal majesty have deigned to order the following via the supreme rescript of December 31 of the […]

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“Court Decree” issued by the Court of Emperor Francis II (Franz Joseph II) [Present-day Czech Republic and Germany]: “If a Jew wants to marry, the groom must be already 18 years old and the bride 15 years old. […] in order to request permission to marry, the petitioner shall present a certificate from the authorities (‘Obrigkeit’) […]

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“Rescript” issued by King Maximilian I of Bavaria and published by the Royal General-Commissionaire of the District of Retzat [Present-day Germany; Kingdom of Bavaria]: “In the Name of His Majesty the King of Bavaria. His Royal Majesty has issued a decree on December 31 of the previous year, regarding the trade of Jews on Sundays and holy-days: 1) […]

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“Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] No Jew – much less a foreign Jew – is to be logged in/recorded* as an active business partner/share holder (‘Handlungsgesellschafter) or in any other capacity – such as procurer (‘Procura-Führer’) without having consulted with the Chief-Police Authority/Directive first. […]” [Researcher’s note: While the German text […]

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“Decree” issued by the Royal Court Police Authority (‘Polizeihofstelle-Decret’) [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[…] Foreign Jews, to which also Polish and Galician Jews belong, are to be referred to the appropriate foreign-commission (‘Fremden-Commission’) […] when they arrive at the Jewish Office (‘Judenamt’) […] to whom they are to show proof of their present business dealings. […]

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“Gubernatorial Ordinance” (‘Gubernialverordnung’) issued by the Austrian Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “Since according to the Patent of August 3, 1797, Jews who wish to get married must prove to have assets of at least 300 fl. [Gulden] on the countryside and 500 fl. [Gulden] in the city of Prague […] it is brought to […]

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“Decree” issued by Jérôme-Napoléon Bonaparte* [Present-day Germany; Kingdom of Westphalia]: “We, Hieronymus Napoleon […] in response to the report of Our Ministry of the Interior order [the following]: Art. 1) Every settled Jews in Our Kingdom who has not registered in the synagogue-registry […] shall see to it s/he is added [to the registry …] or […]

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“Royal Chancellery Ordinance” (‘Hofkanzleiverordnung’) issued by the Austrian Royal Chancellery [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland]: “[…] Since there exists special ordinances for Lower Austria as well as the Viennese market (‘Wienermarkt’) which prohibit Jewish subjects to be present or to trade on the flat-land/countryside, so they are […]

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“Governmental Instruction” issued by the Austrian Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[…] Since peddling is permitted to Jewish subjects according to the new peddling-patent §4 only in the manner as explicitly prescribed to/required from the other subjects [of the state], as long as no other special laws exists for them […] and since there are […]

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“Peddling-Patent” (‘Hausierpatent’) issued by the Emperor Francis II (Franz Joseph) [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] The Jews are prohibited to peddle new goods in Prague. […]” Schriften des Vereins für Sozialpolitik; LXXXII; Untersuchungen über die Lage des Hausiergewerbes in Österreich; (Leibzig, 1899); (Writings/Documents of the Association of Social Policy/Social Politics; Volume 82, Investigations in Regards to […]

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“Ordinance” of the Royal Court Chamber (‘Hofkammer-Verordnung’) issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[… in order to obtain a toleration permit] the [Jewish] wholesale applicant must show proof of being the sole owner of a fund [financial portfolio] in the amount of [at least] 50,000 fl. [Gulden] Viennese currency […]” Beyträge zur Politischen Gesetzeskunde […]

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“Decree of the Royal Court Chancellery” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria, Germany etc.; Austrian Empire]: “Jews who are not able (permitted) to possess [realties] are not allowed to build new homes/houses in Vienna. […]” Repertorium über sämmtliche unter den Regierungen Ihrer Majestäten Josephs II, Leopolds II., und seiner jetzt regierenden Majestät Franz I. […]

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“Royal Court Chamber Ordinance” (‘Hofkammerverordnung’) issued by the Royal Court Chamber [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine]: ”[…] In Bohemia, the Jewish wholesalers are to show proof of business funds/assets of [at least] 30,000 fl.* in the cities of Prague** […] the remaining wholesalers in the country, regardless […]

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“Rescript” issued by War-governor of Riga, Prince Lobanow-Rostowski [Present-day Latvia, Russia; Russian Empire]: “[… since] it is against existing regulations for Jews to remain in Riga forever under any circumstances, […] the [City] Council is to report […] why Jews are permitted to be present in Riga and to send in a register containing their names.” […]

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“Royal Chancellery Decree” issued by the Royal Chancellery of Austria [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary]: “[…] the Viennese Jewry is ordered to secure an adequate amount [of money] for the purchasing of a functional house for the endowment of a Jewish school […]” Politische Verfassung der Israeliten im Lande unter der Enns und […]

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“Common Civil Law” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria, Germany etc.; Austrian Empire]: “Jews may not enter into a valid marriage with Christians.” Repertorium über sämmtliche unter den Regierungen Ihrer Majestäten Josephs II, Leopolds II., und seiner jetzt regierenden Majestät Franz I. erflossenen und in dieser Gesetzsammlung enthaltenen Gesetze und Verfassungen im Justiz-Fache, vom […]

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Decree, issued by the [Austrian] Imperial-Royal Court Commission on Academics [present-day Austria]: “As it has come to pass that under the title Bne-Zion, a religious-moral textbook for the youth of the Israelite nation, has been completed and found to be adequate for its purpose, His Majesty have ordered that: 1st, this textbook shall be introduced […]

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“Royal Court Chancellery Decree” issued by the Royal Court Chancellery [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary]: “Continuation of the Paternal Power of a Baptized Jewish Father over his Jewish Children. Under no circumstances is the parental right of the father over his children, who refuse to be baptized, suspended, as long as the father […]

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“Ordinance” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Francis I [Franz II] [Present-day Austria, Croatia, Hungary; Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] the magistrates and the mayors (‘Amts- und Orts-Vorsteher’) are ordered to obtain permission from the Jewish Tax Office (‘Steuerpachtungs-Direkzion’) rather than from the Administrative Business/Economy offices (‘Wirtschaftsämtern’) whenever Jews apply for a peddling-permit, and to request from […]

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“Gubernial Ordinance” issued by the Austrian government [Present-day Austria, Slovenia; Arch-Duchy of Austria/Austrian Empire]: “Jews may not be granted permission to peddle in Vienna, in the Arch-Duchy, in Styria, Carinthia, Carniola because Jews are not permitted to trade or peddle in them outside of the markets.” Darstellung der gesetzlichen Verfassung der galizischen Judenschaft. Versuch von Michael […]

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“Territorial-Lord Ordinance” issued by Frederich Francis (‘Friedrich Franz’), Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (‘Landesherrliche Verordnung’) [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin]: “[…] henceforth, protected-Jews are only to be permitted to hire native servants who can prove that they were born in Our lands, or those who have served a local/native protected-Jews for at least three years and […] […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] for those indefinitely tolerated Jews – who have not sought out an extension [of their toleration permits] […], an investigation is to be carried out of [their] financial situations/statuses and businesses/trades via the official venues of the Royal Imperial Chief Police Authority/Directive (‘k. k. Polizey-Oberdirection’) […]

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“Order” of the district-authorities (‘Directorium des Kinzigkreises’) of Kinzig [Present-day Germany]: “[…] IV) (Regarding the burial of Jews.) It has been reported that Jews in many of the places in the district have buried their dead too early this past year. In the Jewish-Organization-Edict of January 13, 1809 […] it was ordered specifically that Jews must […]

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“Regarding the Burial of Jews” issued by Grand-Duke Ferdinand of Würzburg [Present-day Germany; Grand Duchy of Würzburg]: “Since the Jews have been disobeying the rules that govern the depth of the graves for the dead, that is why the same (Jews) are ordered to strictly follow the rules in §13 of the Corpses and Grief […]

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Order, “Copulation Fees-Taxes for marriages between Jews” issued by Frederick Francis I, Duke of Mecklenburg [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin]: “Frederick Francis, Duke of Mecklenburg […] To avoid any misinterpretation or incorrect calculations regarding fees for marriages between Jews, We order […] that the Rabbi is to receive half a percent of every 100 Rthlr […]

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“Regarding the Treatment of Traveling Jews” issued by Interior Minister von Hacke [Grand Duchy of Baden; Present-day Germany]: “In regards to the previously issued ordinance of January 13 […] 1808, and due to the regulations which have been passed since in the neighboring states, it is henceforth ordered: Foreign Jews, who – while arriving at […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Royal Court [Present-day Austria]: “Factory owners, who are Jewish (‘members of the group that adheres to the Jewish faith’), can only be given permission to establish their branch outside of the [pre-set] market hours in such places where they are tolerated, however, not where they are not permitted to stay (be […]

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“Ordinance of Special Taxation for Jews” issued by the Court Chamber [Present-day Austria]: “[…] ‘Synagogues’ 1) Approval of a synagogue […] the first time: 2,000 fl. and after that annually 100 fl.; ‘Jewish Burial’ 2) Approval of a Jewish Burial […] 2,000 fl. [initially] and after that 100 fl.; ‘Prayer at home without a Torah’: […]

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“Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Court [Present-day Austria, Germany etc.; Austrian Empire]: “In case a Jewish father converts to the Christian faith/religion, all his children who have not reached the age of independence (‘annos discretionis’) are to follow the father and accept his religion.” Repertorium über sämmtliche unter den Regierungen Ihrer Majestäten Josephs II, Leopolds […]

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“Decree” issued by the Lower Austrian Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “Since […] a number of Israelis have been seen to be present/staying in Döbling*, and Grinzing* (‘Grünzing’) und Siefring for 2 to 4 weeks [at a time], the county office (‘Kreisamt’) of Vienna is ordered to make sure that the necessary authorities take appropriate […]

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“Order” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria, Hungary]: “[…] His Majesty, have come to the decision in reference to the Royal Court Chancellery Decree of May 7, 1808, that the ordered rejection of Jews who emigrate to Hungary from other hereditary lands back to their place of birth, are to only apply to those, […]

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“Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “The granting of residency-permits to Jews and their extension is to be done sparingly and with the utmost strictness.  […]” Gesetze, Verordnungen und Vorschriften für die Polizei-Verwaltung im Kaiserthume Oesterreich. Erschienen in den Jahren 1740 bis Ende 1825, und in alphabetisch-chronologischer Ordnung zusammengestellt mit vorzüglicher Rücksicht […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary; Austrian Empire]: “Jews are completely [to be] excluded from trading with products (‘Productenhandel’). […]” [Researcher’s note: It is unclear from the text whether Jews were excluded from all trade with “products” or if it referred to specific products.] Handelsbuch der Handelsgesetze und des bei […]

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“State Regulations/Ordinances” (‘Landesherrliche Verordnungen’) issued by the Secret Council of the Grand Duchy of Baden, Police Department [Present-day Germany; Grand Duchy of Baden]: “1) Regarding the treatment of transient (‘landfahrende’) [beggar] Jews. […] all Jews, who move around without a homeland, and who do not have a purpose other than to move from one place […]

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“Patent” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Francis (Franz) [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary]: “The Exclusion of Jews from the Powder and Nitric Acid. Jews are to be excluded completely from the powder and nitric acid trade […] or face confiscation [of the merchandize] and 8 fl. [gulden] fine. […]” [Researcher’s note: Franz II […]

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“General-Commission Order” issued to the Recruitment/Drafting-District-Commissions [Present-day Austria]: “The Conscripting (Military Drafting) Officers are ordered to comport themselves according to the ordinance of December 9, 1807 […], namely to report cases where Jews who have unlawfully taken ownership of realties when they occur. […]” Beyträge zur politischen Gesetzkunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate; Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig […]

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“Royal Court Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Court [Present-day Austria]: “[… having heard] of the nonsense/mischief (‘Unfug’) that Jews are purchasing real estates illegally, His Royal Majesty have decided to set up serious and successful barriers [to this practice and] in order to enforce […] these existing laws, which prohibit Jews from purchasing realties, […]

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“Patent” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Jews are not [to be] granted permission slips by the Royal Imperial Field and artillery headquarters for saltpeter and powder production. […]” Beyträge zur politischen Gesetzkunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate; Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrereich (Graf von Barth-Barthenheim): Erster Band; (Wien; 1821); (Contributions to the Political Statutes […]

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“Expulsion of Jews” ukase* issued by Tzar Alexander I [Empire of Russia; Present-day Russia Republic, Alaska]: “The circumstances connected with the war were of a nature to complicate and suspend the transportation of the Jews. […] These complications can now[,] after the cessation of the war, be averted in the future by means of a […]

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“Royal Court Chancellery Decree” issued by the Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “[…] 3) The current [regulatory] measures are to be strictly maintained, so that those Jews, who cannot show/account for any work/employment or any need for their presence in Vienna to the Royal Imperial Chief Police Authority/Directive, are denied permits/forms (‘Bolleten’) henceforth. […]” Beyträge […]

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“Decree” of the Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “[…] 1) […] the number of tolerated Jews in Vienna should not be increased, but should rather be lowered. […] The Royal Imperial Chief Police Authority/Directive should therefore proceed sparingly and with rigorousness when issuing temporary residency licenses and extensions for Jews – especially [those] for poor […]

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“Royal Court Decree” (‘Hofdekret’) issued by the Royal Government of the Austrian Empire [Present-day Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine; Austro-Hungarian Empire]: “[…] Jews are only permitted to peddle in Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia; in all other countries, especially in Hungary, they are prohibited to peddle. […]” […]

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“Regulations Regarding the Sons of Tolerated [Jews] after their Deaths” decree issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “In case the sons of tolerated [Jews] are tolerated [themselves] after the death of their father, they are to be required to disclose, where their wives and children will find accommodations after their [own] deaths. […] Those […]

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“Decree” issued by the Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “[…] new tolerance [permits] that cause the number of Jewish families to increase, should only be issued in rare circumstances and only in cases that warrant special merit or other exceptional considerations. […]” Beyträge zur politischen Gesetzkunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate; Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrereich (Graf […]

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“Ordinance” of the Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “Toleration [permits] for Vienna are actually merely an act of mercy/grace to which no Jewish families is entitled to.” Beyträge zur politischen Gesetzkunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate; Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrereich (Graf von Barth-Barthenheim): Erster Band; (Wien; 1821); (Contributions to the Political Statutes of the Austrian Royal […]

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“Rescript” of the Prince-primate (‘Fürst Primas’) Karl Theodor von Dalberg* [Present-day Germany; Grand Duchy of Frankfurt]: “[…] the eminence (‘Eminentissimus’) cannot adjudicate against the city [… and even though …] the Jewry has received numerous imperial privileges and have filed a complaint in court and have received protection in some cases, the eminence/church authorities are not […]

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“Jewish Tribute Oath” (‘Huldungseid’) of the Prince-primate (‘Fürst Primas’) Karl Theodor von Dalberg* [Present-day Germany; Grand Duchy of Frankfurt]: “Every single Jew and Jewess, who is admitted to the [Jewish] establishment of Frankfurt (‘Stätigkeit’) shall vow and swear a Jewish oath to Our gracious lord*, and His most sovereign highness, as their true lord [… […]

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“Ordinance” of the Austrian Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “1) Since a number of Jews may think that they may [now] be entitled to trade with salt because of Jewish-Patent of August 3, 1797, it is, therefore, reiterated that the Supreme Ordinance of February 19, 1787, in which Jews are prohibited to partake in any […]

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“Royal Chancellery Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic; Austrian Empire]: “It has been decided, that the supreme order contained in §17 of the Patent from June 5, 1805 — which prohibited Jews to engage in the grain trade at the threat of confiscation [of the product], or if these no longer […]

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“Writ” issued by the Prince-primate (‘Fürst Primas’) [Karl Theodor von Dalberg*] [Present-day Germany; Grand Duchy of Frankfurt]:“[…] the granting of citizen-rights cannot happen without the unanimous consent of the local citizenry, because the ancestors of the citizens of Frankfurt established the city and the later-arriving Jews were admitted under explicitly different circumstances […]” [Researcher’s note: […]

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“Governmental Circular” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic]: “[…] Jews who have exceeded the time set in their passports are to be treated like a vagabond. […] the Jewish communities are to be reminded firmly and emphatically to report all Jews who are found to be roaming and hiding [in their communities] […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “The Royal Imperial united Court Chancellery (‘k. k. vereinigte Hofkanzley’) has presented the wishes and requests of the Jewry from several areas to release/exempt them from enlisting in the military (‘Militärstellung’) in favor of an exemption amount* (‘Geldreluition’) to His Majesty – and (on which) the […]

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“Royal Order” issued by the King Maximilian I [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] that it is our wish and opinion that Jews be excluded from purchasing realties in Swabia. All are to adhere to this [regulation/order] in all cases. […]” [Researcher’s note: This order was issued in response to a report regarding sale of […]

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“Royal Chamber Decree” (‘Hofkammer-Dekret’) issued by the Austrian Royal Chamber [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary; Austrian Empire]: “Jews are prohibited to sell fur items outside of the regular market hours […] peddling with [such items] is completely prohibited to them, which applies especially to the Polish Jews. […]” [Researcher’s note: This prohibition was initially issued via […]

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“Decree” issued by the Royal Court Chancellery (‘Hofkanzleidecret’) [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “Jewish marriages without official permission are invalid, and the people concerned are to be punished according to §252 […] of state law. […]” Gesetze, Verordnungen und Vorschriften für die Polizei-Verwaltung im Kaiserthume Oesterreich. Erschienen in den Jahren 1740 bis Ende 1825, und in […]

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“Royal Chamber Ordinance” issued by the Royal Chamber [Present-day Austria]: “[…] therefore, these Ottoman subjects, if they are Jews, are never to attain common civil rights which would go against (violate) current laws that have been issued against Jews. […]” Beyträge zur politischen Gesetzkunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate; Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrereich (Graf von Barth-Barthenheim): […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] the Viennese Magistrate is to be visiting the Viennese suburbs from time to time […] since it is always possible for Jews to be sneaking in [and through the area], [and] the police should examine these hideouts often and unexpectedly (without warning), in which unlawfully […]

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“Royal Order” issued by the King Maximilian I [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “The Jews are, ([…] except in the Principality of Franconia and here – where they are permitted to make purchases with certain restrictions) are to be excluded from bidding at auctions (‘Licitationen’) once and for all according to regulations. […]” Sammlung der […]

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“Regarding market-relations of Jews (‘Die Marktbeziehung der Juden betreffend’)” issued by Maximilian [Present-day Germany; Prince-Electorate of Bavaria]: “In the name of His princely majesty. With respect to supreme Rescript of August 30, of the previous year […] it was ordered that while they (Jews) shall be permitted to visit public markets in Munich, Landeshut, Straubing, Alt- […]

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“Regarding Jews trading on annual markets” issued by Maximilian [Present-day Germany; Prince-Electorate of Bavaria]: “In response to the inquiry of Our Bavarian State Director […] whether it should be permitted to Jews via a Patent to visit the annual markets in Bavaria, We respond: Jews shall, in accordance to the ordinance of April 17, of the […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary]: “[…] The Royal Imperial Chief Police Authority/Directive (‘k. k. Polizey-Oberdirection’), however, is to keep an eye on the unlawful trade of the Israelis who have converted to Christianity whose numbers are not insignificant, and could contribute to the agitations that have […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] As far as employees from other countries are concerned who appear in the family-lists [of Jews], a special attention is to be paid to the so-called Jewish teachers; […] without a preliminary inquiry directed at the Royal Imperial Chief Police Authority/Directive (‘k. k. Polizey-Oberdirection’) no […]

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“Royal Court Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Court [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary]: “[…] The school district supervisors are, therefore, to examine the Jewish schools within their districts [… and] to become familiar with these [schools] in so far as to ensure that there occurs no violation against the [current] toleration laws. […]

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“Regulation” issued by State-Directorate (‘Landesdirection’) on Behalf of His Majesty the King [Electorate of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “In the Name of His Majesty the King. The following is made known publicly hereby by His Highness the Prince-Elector regarding the established regulations for the Jewry of Munich as in the highest rescript of April 25, 1805, […]

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“Regulations for the Local Jewry” issued by Maximilian [Electorate of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] 1) The granting of a ‘Jewish-protection’ [permit] is dependent on the highest authority (‘churfürstlichen höchsten Stelle’). 3) A registry is to be kept by the local police of the local Jews and all marriages and cases of death are to be […]

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“Royal Court Chancellery Decree” issued by the Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary]: “[…] the claim (rumor) – according to the Tolerance Patent of 1782 – that a Jew, who converts to the Catholic faith, [automatically] loses his former way of earning a living is unfounded, because it would be unseemly to […]

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“Patent” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria, Germany etc.; Austrian Empire]: “Jews in Galicia are prohibited from leasing agricultural goods/land/farms and realties (‘landschaftliche Güter und Realitäten’) […] Jew may not be used (hired) as economic officials/officers (“Wirschaftsbeamte’) […]” Repertorium über sämmtliche unter den Regierungen Ihrer Majestäten Josephs II, Leopolds II., und seiner jetzt regierenden […]

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“Decree” issued by the Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “[…] In order to avoid desertion, Jews, who are soldiers, should not be allowed to go on leave/vacation to their homeland or to an area where they will be among other Jews; unless it was demanded by their Jewish community leaders (‘Juden-Gemeindevorstehern’) who would [otherwise] be […]

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“Rescript” issued by the Royal Court War Council [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Those Jews, who have freed themselves of military service or recruitment by [making a] payment or by nominating/substituting another person […] are exempt from military service for life, if they do not bring upon themselves another military-service-requirement (‘Stellung ex Officio’) by behaving badly/evilly (‘übles […]

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“Royal Court Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Court [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary; Austrian Empire]: “Jews, who own a factory (‘Landesfabrik’) in other countries, can establish a branch in Vienna so long as they employ such people to run it who are suitable for local residency. […]” [Researcher’s note: A similar decree was issued by […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “No passport shall be issued to a Jew in Vienna before the reason for such [action] has been presented to the Lower Austrian Ministry for approval. […]” Beyträge zur Politischen Gesetzeskunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate. Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrenreich (Graf von Barth-Barthenheim); Erster Band. (Wien; 1821) (Contributions […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic; Austrian Empire]: “Since regardless of existing laws, Jews have occasionally, and from long ago, come to own Christian homes through (fraudulent) pretense-purchases and fake debt, and have leased, and even taken ownership of the lands of subjects, these are to be taken from them and […]

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“Statute Concerning the Organization of the Jews” issued by Tzar Alexander I [Russia]: “…7. After six years have expired since the publication of this regulation, all bookkeeping and other merchant’s documentation and correspondence between Jews must be written in one of these languages: Russian, Polish or German, or contain a translation on one side [of […]

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“Royal Court Decree” (‘Hofdekret’) issued by the Austro-Hungarian Government [Present-day Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina  Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine; Austro-Hungarian Empire]: “Each Jew shall […], identify himself in a fashionable manner at the time he’s applying for a peddling-permit at the County Office (‘Kreisamt’). […]” Systematische Darstellung aller über den […]

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“Ordinance” issued by Bavarian Government [Electorate of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] 2) If a Jewish community has its own school, or wishes to [build] one at their own expense, they are to report this to the General-School and University-Directory (‘General- Schul- und Studient-Direktorium’) and they are in terms of lessons, in so far as it […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic; House of Habsburg-Lorraine]: “[…] According to Bohemian fundamental law, no Israeli is suitable to own immovable property (land), but only capable (‘fähig’) of leasing [the land … and that] foreign Jews are also not to be permitted to take on a residential home […] value […]

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“Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Jewish servants are — under no circumstances – entitled to [a] toleration [permit], […] their presence/residency is only temporary and lasts only so long as they are [employed] in the house of a tolerated […]” Gesetze, Verordnungen und Vorschriften für die Polizei-Verwaltung im Kaiserthume Oesterreich. Erschienen […]

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“Decree” issued by the Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “[…] it is to be ensured that in the family-lists of the tolerated Jews, […] there are not an excessive number of servants listed or other fraud[ulant activities] or abuses are given room [to exist]. […]” Beyträge zur politischen Gesetzkunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate; Herausgegeben von Johann […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “Preliminary Interrogation/Interview By The Royal Imperial Chief Authority/Directive (k. k. Polizey-Oberdirection’) For The Granting Of Permits To Jews: No Jew is to be granted any permit whatsoever, without having first come to an agreement (receive permission) with the Royal Imperial Chief Authority/Directive (k. k. Polizey-Oberdirection’) […].” Beyträge […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Archduchy of Austria; Present-day Austria]: “Permits shall not be granted to Jews without the consent of the chief police authorities (‘Polizei-Oberdirection’) […]” [Researcher’s note: Similar orders were issued in the Patent of January 2, 1782, and the Governmental Announcement of January 7, 1825.] Handelsbuch der Handelsgesetze und des […]

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“Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Archduchy of Austria; Present-day Austria]: “[…] Residency permits are to be denied [to Jews] if/when they are only pretending to have submitted an appeal/application/proposal to His Majesty […]” Gesetze, Verordnungen und Vorschriften für die Polizei-Verwaltung im Kaiserthume Oesterreich. Erschienen in den Jahren 1740 bis Ende 1825, und in alphabetisch-chronologischer […]

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“Decision” issued by the Royal Court Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Jews, who are not suitable to be present in Vienna […] who have not enriched His Majesty’s notions or proposals, are not to be permitted to be present/to stay [in Vienna], except when the Royal Court (‘Hofstelle’) acknowledges a need for their extended stay. […]” […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] [Jewish servants], who do not have a valid permit are to be removed without further ado by the Royal Imperial Chief Police Authority/Directive (‘k. k. Polizey-Oberdirection’) […] Whenever tolerated [Jews] dismiss a Jewish servant – no matter in what capacity he was employed – which […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…the Royal Imperial Chief Police-Authorities/Directive (‘k. k. Polizey-Oberdirection’) is] to elect a commissioner from time to time [to oversee the assets of the synagogue of the Turkic Jews and their handling of their prayer service and to oversee the election of their leader] and to consult […]

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“Ordinance” issued Archbishop of Cologne [Present-day Germany; Archbishopric of Cologne]: “[…] Jews who are currently given residency (kept) by the (lower) lords (‘Unterherren’) are not to pursue any trade, except to be the subject of such (lower) lords.” Die Provinzial- und statutarischen Rechte in der preußischen Monarchie. Dargestellt vom wirklichen Geheimen Rath von Kamptz. Zweiter […]

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“Decree” issued by the Royal Court Chancellery addressed to the four faculty Directors [Present-day Austria]: “[…] when permitting Jews initial access to the lectures at the university, it must be proceeded with accuracy and severity […] [in order] to admit only those, who have excellent and unequivocal/unambiguous school reports of their abilities and industriousness/diligence and […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Non-tolerated Jews are prohibited to trade with [animal] skin/hide […].” Beyträge zur Politischen Gesetzeskunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate. Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrenreich (Graf von Barth-Barthenheim); Erster Band. (Wien; 1821) (Contributions to the Political Jurisprudence in the Austrian Imperial State. Volume I; Edited/Published by Johann Ludwig Ehrenreich […]

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“Royal Court Decree” issued by Emperor Francis Joseph I (‘Franz Joseph I’) [Empire of Austria; Present-day Austria; Hungary]: “Israelis are not permitted to keep Christian servants/employees, […] an exception can only be made for quick and temporary occasions/cases, in which the help of a Christian is indispensable, such as on the Sabbath or on any […]

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“Royal Chamber Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Chamber [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Jews, who own a factory (‘Landesfabrik’) in other countries may also open a office/branch in Vienna, if they use Christians or tolerated Jews to run/manage it (‘besorgen lassen’) […]” [Researcher’s note: The law did not restrict as to what kind of Christians were […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] no Jew should have the audacity – lest he should face a considerable fine/punishment (‘empfindliche Strafe’) – to take on a relative [Jew] in his service and in his family-list, […] without including as to which capacity the aforementioned [individual] will be used in and […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] the Royal Imperial Chief Police Authority/Directive (‘k. k. Polizey-Oberdirection’) is instructed not to advise* (grant) an authorization/permit (‘Bewilligung”) to any Jew, who wishes to be present in Vienna merely to study, and who does not have any [other] significant reasons [for being here] that speak […]

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“Decree” of the Royal Court Chamber addressed to all Border-Patrol-Administrators (‘Bancal-Gefällen-Administrationen’) [Present-day Austria]: “[…] the [border-patrol] administrators […] may not – under any circumstances – permit [Jewish] vagrants to pass/enter, and [they must] refrain completely from issuing a Jew a passport. […]” Beyträge zur politischen Gesetzkunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate; Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrereich (Graf […]

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“Conclusion/Decision” of the Senate of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “[…] That is why they (Jews) are ordered herewith in all earnestness, [and] if they wish to avoid rather severe punishment, to completely refrain from trading with hats – may it be to deliver or to purchase or to sell or divide/repurpose/resize these […]

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“Governmental Ordinance” (‘Gubernial-Verordnung’) Regarding Peddling in Districts Near the Border and with Controlled Goods Inside Territories Requiring Customs [Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary]: “[…] The required permission-slips are – by the way – only to be issued [to Jews], when the personal presence of a Jew has proven to be indispensable and necessary […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic; House of Habsburg-Lorraine]: “[…] In order to assure that the Jewish businessmen maintain their trade books in German as per the Patent of August 3, 1797, the regional offices (‘Kreisamt’) are instructed […] to have their regional commissioners look into whether Jewish businessmen are in […]

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“Order against the trading of Jews on Sundays and Christian Holy-days” issued by the City-Chancellery of City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “[…] Jews are prohibited to trade on Sundays and Christian holy-days or to carry their merchandise openly on streets on those days or be fined one hundred Reichsthaler […] […]

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