“Treaty” signed by Bishop of Würzburg, Johann von Brunn, Bishop of Bamberg, Albrecht von Wertheim, Margraves Friedrich VI von Brandenburg and Johann II von Brandenburg [Present-day Germany]: “[…] and henceforth, we want and shall not allow the Jewry to live in our castles, cities, markets, and villages […] and we do not wish to permit […]

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“Writ” of King Sigismund (‘Sigmund’) to the citizens of [Budweis] [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “Sigismund (‘Sigmund’), Roman King by the grace of God, […] Dear Loyalist! Since you have pleaded with us, that we shall free you of the debts which you owe to the Jews – our chamber servants – We let […]

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“Wiener Gesera” decree issued by Albrecht V and announced to the citizens by the Town Hall/City Council (‘Rathaus’) of Vienna [Present-day Austria]: “[…] because of their [Jews] actions, which they have unfortunately committed against the holy sacrament [be]for* many years as well as in Enns […], the aforementioned our gracious sir/ruler (‘Herr’) […] has ordered […]

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Decree of Duke Albrecht [Duchy of Austria; Present-day Austria]: “[…] all Jews that are currently present in the land are to be sentenced to death […].”[Researcher’s note: The execution of all remaining Jews of Vienna – 92 men and 120 women – were performed on the very same day in Erdberg.] “von Hornau, Philipp: Wien […]

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“Order” of Duke Albrecht V [Present-day Austria]: “[…] all Jews living in the Duchy [of Austria] are to be thrown into prison as of today […]” [Researcher’s note: Albrecht also petitioned the Roman Emperor to exterminate all Jews of the empire by burning.] Engelmann, Wilhelm: Das Judentum in Österreich und die böhmischen Unruhen. (“The Jewry […]

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“Decree” issued by Otto von Ziegenhain, Archbishop and Prince-Elector of Tier [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Trier]: “[…] Bishop Otto commands […] that all Jews leave the entire dioceses [of Trier].” Pastor Bonus. Zeitschrift für kirchliche Wissenschaft und Praxis herausgegeben von Dr. P. Einig und Dr. A. Müller, Professoren am Bischöflichen Priesterseminar in Trier. 2. Jahrgang 1890. […]

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“Official Document or Writ” of Gerhard von der Mark zu Hamm [County of Mark (Grafschaft Mark)*; Present-day Germany]: “We, Gerhard (‘Gerart van Cleve und van der Marke’) do announce […] that no Jews shall live in Hamm, and we do not wish to give them any freedom [to do so…]” [Researcher’s note: *Mark was an […]

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“Decree of Forli” issued by the Police [Italy]: “in order also to humble our hearts, to walk modestly before our God, and not to show off in the presence of the gentiles […] no male or female Jew of the above-recorded Jewish communities, towns, or villages shall be so arrogant as to wear a fur-lined […]

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Papal Bull “Etsi doctoris gentium” issued by Antipope Benedict XIII [Present-day Spain]: “[…] prohibit all persons without distinction, publically or privately, to hear, read, or teach the doctrines of the Talmud […] that within one month there is to be collected in the cathedral of every diocese all copies that can be found of the […]

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Prohibition issued to Jews by the City Council of Freiburg [Present-day Switzerland]: “Prohibition [for Jews] to use Hebrew [when communicating] among themselves […] and to allow Rabbis to hold court […].” Freiburger Geschichtsblätter herausgegeben vom deutschen geschichtsforschenden Verein des Kantons Freiburg. 1. Jahrgang. (Freiburg; 1894); (Historical documents published by the German Research Society of the Canton […]

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Laws of King John (Juan) II of Castile [Kingdom of Castile and Leon; Present-day Spain, France] [Provisional]: “1. That all Jews of my kingdoms and dominions reside and live apart from Christians, in an enclosure in a part of the city, town or village, where they are resident; and the streets around it shall be […]

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“Valladolid Laws” issued by King Juan [John] II of Castile and Leon [Kingdom of Castile and Leon, Present-day Spain, France]: “[…] Jews [are] to differentiate themselves from the Christian by their modest mode of dress; […] to let their hair and beards grow long; […] not to be called by Christian names or addressed by […]

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Writ of King Rupert (‘Ruprecht’) addressed to Bishop Rhaban of Speyer [Present-day Germany]: “[King Rupert gives Bishop Raban of Helmstatt (‘Rhaban von Speyer’), his Chancellor and all his [Chancellor’s] successors the Jews of Landau with all of their uses and to tax them] how and whenever they want in the same manner as we or our […]

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“Writ” of Archbishop John II of Mainz (Johann II von Mainz) [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Mainz]: “Those who belong to us (our subjects), shall settle all debts with our Jews, capital and interests, and our citizens and poor shall be forgiven one-fifth of the debt. The remaining 4 parts shall remain valid over the next […]

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Writ of King Rupert I [Present-day Germany]: “King Rupert loans among other things, the Jews of Hanau, Wonnegau, Friedberg, Babenhausen Assenheim, Mintzberg, and Nidda to the nobleman Reinhard, Lord of Hanau.” Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland während des Mittelalters. Bearbeitet von Dr. M. Wiener. Erster Teil. (Regesta regarding the history of Jews in Germany […]

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“Ordinance” of the [City] Council of Cologne [Present-day Germany; Free City of Cologne]: “[…] Jews and Jewesses, young or old, who live in Cologne or enter as foreigners, shall wear [such] clothing that they can be recognized as Jews […] They shall wear sleeves on their wraps/throws and coats, however, not wider than half an Ell. […]

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“Regarding Jews” (‘Umb Juden’) issued by the Mayor and [City] Council of Zurich [Present-day Switzerland]: “We, the Mayor and the [City] Council have come to a unanimous decision regarding an eternal law [namely] that no Jew, man or woman, shall bear witness against a Christian-person (‘Kristenmentschen’) before the [City] Council or in court […]” Die Zürcher […]

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“Writ” of the heads/governors (‘Vorsteher’) of Wetterau [Present-day Germany]: “[…] also (‘item’) of each Jew or Jewess, who are twelve years old or older, one ‘alden tornosse’* […],” [Researcher’s note: Alden tornosse appears to have been a local currency in the Middle Ages.] Deutsche Reichsakten unter König Ruprecht. Zweite Abtheilung 1401-1405. Herausgeben von Julius Weizsäcker. Auf […]

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“Writ” of Archbishop Johann of Mainz [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Mainz]: “We, Johann, Archbishop of Mainz of the Holy Roman Empire by the grace of God and Arch-Chancellor of the German lands/territories announce and make known with the power of this letter […] 6) that each Jew and Jewess, who are over the age of […]

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“Writ” of King Rupert (‘Ruprecht’), King of Germany addressed to the Schultheiß* and [City] Council of Oppenheim [Present-day Germany]: “We, Rupert […] announce herewith [… and permit the city of Oppenheim …] with the power of this letter that the Schultheiss and city council may accept/admit as many Jews [as necessary] but not more […] to […]

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“Writ” of King Ruprecht addressed to the Dukes Bernhard and Heinrich [Present-day Germany]: “[…] King Ruprecht confirms the dukes’s privileges and agrees to a toll […] as well as half of the annual taxes and the golden sacrifice-penny (‘Opferpfenning’) from the Jews of Saxony […].” [Researcher’s note: The Opferpfenning was a poll tax that was initially […]

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“Writ” of King Ruprecht [Present-day Germany]: “[…] King Ruprecht orders his chamber-servants, the Jews Elias von Weinheim […] and Isaak von Oppenheim to collect and deliver [to him] the Guldenpfenning* and half of the Jewish taxes from the Jews of the Palatinate and the empire and to report fraud and heinous deeds/sin among Jews themselves […]

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“Edict” of King Ruprecht [Present-day Germany; Wittelsbach Dynasty]: “We Ruprecht […] publicly announce to all electoral princes, princes, dukes, lords, knights, servants, the communities in the cities and everyone else in our holy empire who is a subject and faithful 1) that we have ordered Elya of Winheim and Isaack of Oppenheim – our chamber-servants […]

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“Privileg” issued by King Rupert [Ruprecht] of Germany [Present-day Germany; Electorate of the Palatinate]: “[… each Jew and each Jewess] who have reached the age of 12 are to be taxed – that is after the age of eleven […]” König Ruprecht von der Pfalz in seinen Beziehungen zu den Juden. Ungedruckte Königsurkunden nebst ergänzenden Aktenstücken. […]

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“Edict” of King Ruprecht [Present-day Germany; Wittelsbach Dynasty]: “[…] the Jews […], are always [to be seen] to be the collateral/fief (‘Pfand’) of our cousin Duke of Bavaria. […]” König Rupercht von der Pfalz in seinen Beziehungen zu den Juden – Ungedruckte Königsurkunden nebst ergänzenden Aktenstücken; Gesammelt und mitgeteilt von Moritz Stern; (Kiel, 1898); p. […]

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Writ of King Rupert I [Present-day Germany]: “King Rupert commands the cities Nuremberg, Rotenburg, Wimsbeim, and Weißenberg to summit half of the Jewish-taxes and the golden Opferfennig*, which the Jews owe to give to him, to Berthold Pfinzing on Saint Michael’s Day.” [Researcher’s note: *The Sacrifice-Penny (‘Opferpfennig’) was a special tax placed on Jews.] Regesten […]

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Writ of King Rupert I [Present-day Germany]: “King Rupert loans to Ulrich, Lord of Hanau, his fief, among which are the Jews of Babenhausen, Hanau, Wonnegau, Mintzberg, Friedberg, Assenheim, and Nidda.” Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland während des Mittelalters. Bearbeitet von Dr. M. Wiener. Erster Teil. (Regesta regarding the history of Jews in Germany […]

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“Writ” of King Rupert (‘Ruprecht’) of Germany [Free Imperial City of Augsburg; Present-day Germany]: “[… permits the Council and citizens of Augsburg to accept, allow, and to keep Jews for 10 years […] and until the permission is revoked]; however, [only if] half of the usage/benefits that […] are reaped from such Jews are submitted […]

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Writ of King Rupert I [Present-day Germany]: “King Rupert grants the city of Nördlingen a Freibrief (letter of freedom)* […] and permits them to keep Jews (settled there) for another 10 years, stipulated that half of the revenues collected from them as well as the golden Opferfennig** from each Jew above the age of 12 [is […]

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Writ of King Rupert [Present-day Germany]: “King Rupert (‘Ruprecht’) pawns off to Count Johann von Wertheim the castles in Neuenburg on the Härtsfeld (‘Nuwburg uff dem Hartemfelde’) and the escort[-fees], [customs-]tolls, coins, and the Jews.” [Researcher’s note: A copy of the original hand-written document can be found in the Austrian online database www.archivinformationssystem.at] Regesta Imperii. Akademie […]

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“Letter* of Protection to Jews (‘Judenschutzbrief’)” issued to Duke Heinrich of Slesia [Present-day Germany and Poland; Duchy of Silesia-Wroclaw]: “We, Henry [Heinrich] Duke of Silesia by the grace of God, […] announce publicly to everyone who sees, hears or reads this letter […] that the Jews shall pay us every year – for six [consecutive] […]

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Order issued by King Charles VI [France]: “Order issued by King Charles VI [France]: […] We have been informed repeatedly for a long time by people of faith and prosecutors and officers about several major complaints and outcries they received every day on their excesses and pleasures that they do in front of the Christians. […] […]

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Writ issued by Emperor Wenceslaus IV [Present-day Germany]: “We, Wenceslaus [IV] (‘Wenezlaw’), Roman Emperor by the grace of God […] announce with this public letter to all who see, or hear [it] read […] that we have bestowed special grace upon the mayor, council, and citizens of the city of Nordhausen […] in that we completely […]

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“Writ” of King Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia]: King Wenceslaus IV, establishes Jews in this writ to be part of his ‘chamber-servants’ (’servi camerae regis’).” [Researcher’s note: Chamber-Servants (or servants of the royal chamber) was the status given to Jews in Christian Europe of the Middle Ages. […]

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“Writ” of King Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “Wenceslaus IV, King of Bohemia, orders all burggraves, castellans, mayors, judges, councilmen, judges/aldermen, communities in the cities of Bohemia [… furthermore] to collect – if necessary through the use of their own means – and to prompt Jews who […]

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“Order” of Sigmund Huller, Administrator of the Lower Chambers (‘Landesunterkämmerer’) in the Kingdom of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “Sigmund Huller, Administrator of the Lower Chambers (‘Landesunterkämmerer’) orders on the explicit command of the King all mayors, judges, councilmen, jurors/aldermen in all the cities in Bohemia, that they should immediately […]

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“Order” of Sigmund Huller, Administrator of the Lower Chambers (‘Landesunterkämmerer’) in the Kingdom of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “Sigmund Huller, Administrator of the Lower Chambers (‘Landesunterkämmerer’) of the Kingdom of Bohemia, commands on behalf of the explicit order of the King, that all cities in Bohemia are to collect […]

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“Resolution” of the Swabian and Rhenish Federal Cities [Present-day Germany]: “It should be known, that the Swabian cities and Rhenish cities have come to an agreement, that Jews in all of their cities shall be prohibited to have Christian wet-nurses or Christian wenches (‘cristen ammen noch cristen maget zu haben’) [and that] a Jew or […]

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“Law” (‘Abschied’) of the Rhenish City Parliament of Speyer [Present-day Germany]: “[…] 1) Also, one has come to an agreement with the Swabian cities […] that Jews are to be prohibited to take on any Christian [wet] nurses or maids […] and any Jew or Jewess [found to disobey this order …] is to give a […]

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“Order/Exhortation” of Wenceslaus IV (Wenzel,) of Bohemia [Present-day France]: “We, Wenczlaw, Roman King by the grace of God, […] have previously demanded a sum of money from the Jews – our chamber-servants – in the cities Colmar, Selestat (‘Sletzstat’), and Haguenau (‘Hagenow’) […] and assumed that they would report their numbers [and pay accordingly] as […]

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“Order/Exhortation” of Wenceslaus IV (Wenzel) of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic]: “’Wenczlaw’ by the grace of God, Roman Emperor of all time […] and King of Bohemia. Dear faithful ones, we have learnt that the Jews – our chamber-servants – who live in these and other parts of our empire, and [do all sorts of unlawful […]

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“Writ” of King Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “King Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia orders all judges to secretly and silently arrest and hold all Jews in their jurisdiction this next Friday after the day of Reminiscers Sunday [March 3] at 2 am and to make sure that […]

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“Jewish-school (Synagogue)” issued the Mayor and  [City] Council of Zurich [Present-day Switzerland]: “All Jews in our city are to attend the same school […] and henceforth, they are not to separate themselves [into smaller special groups …]. No Jew is to make things difficult for another – at school or on their way to school – […]

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“Written Order” issued by Duke Albrecht III [Duchy of Austria; Present-day Austria]: “[…] We order, with grace, our Jews from Newnburg […] and our other Jews from Vienna […] that this wall is to be – and to remain – sealed off […] and it is not to be used now or at a later […]

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Order of the Queen Dona Juana, wife to Henry II of Castilla, to confiscate a synagogue and give it to the Catholic Church, Valladolid, Castilla [Present-day Spain]: “Know that I was told to me and I knew for certain, that the Jews of the Ajama of this town had a small house of prayer. And then they […]

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“Privilege” issued to eighteen Swabian imperial cities by Wenceslaus [Holy Roman Empire/Free Imperial Cities of the Swabian Leagues of Cities; Present-day Germany, Switzerland]: “We, Wenceslaus (‘Wenczlaw’), Roman king by the grace of God, […] announce herewith and let it be known with this letter [that we renew the privileges given to …] the cities: Ulm, Konstanz, […]

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“Writ” of Emperor Charles IV of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia/Holy Roman Empire]: “Emperor Karl IV permits the mayor (‘Bürgermeister’) and the City Council and the citizens of the city of Eger, to place a tax on the city, the land, and on the Jews of Eger* and to make […]

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Writ of Count Engelbert III of the Mark [Present-day Germany]: “The protection-fees of Jews in the city of Dortmund are transferred/pledged by Count Engelbert and his brother Dietrich to the city of Dortmund until the amount of 366 Mark and 6 Schillings, a debt which Johann Wickede paid off for the Counts, is settled.” Jüdische Zeitschrift […]

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Writ of Count Engelbert III of the Mark [Present-day Germany]: “We, Engelbert (‘Engelbrecht’), Count of Mark announce to all Jews publicly, who are in Dortmund or will come to the city in the future [that we vow to protect them and allow them to enter and pass through the County of Dortmund or to settle there…] […]

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“Letter/Writ of Protection” (‘Schutzbrief’) issued by Rupert I, Elector Palatine (Heidelberg) (Pfalzgraf Ruprecht I, der Rote) [Elector Palatine; Present-day Germany]: “Ruprecht I takes all non-resident (‘feltsiechen’) Jews under his protection and grants them the same rights as the resident Jews (‘truwenhelder’) […] except, Jews are not to have any contact with the people of the Palatine […]

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“Decree of Expulsion” issued by Charles V [Present-day France; Kingdom of France]: “Charles V orders the expulsion of Jews and an inventory of their property.” Wittmayer Baron, Salo: A Social and Religious History of the Jews. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Late Middle Ages and Era of European Expansion 1200-1650. Volume X. (New York/London; 1965); Researched […]

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“Mandate” of Emperor Charles IV addressed to the Mayor/Magistrate (‘Schultheiß’) [Present-day Germany, Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] Jews may neither be permitted to establish laws among themselves nor set up [legal] courts. […].” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a summary of the original text both of which can be found in the cited source.] […]

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“Writ” of Ruprecht I [Present-day Germany]: “[Ruprecht orders …] the Jews of Heidelberg are to give 100 Gulden annually for six years […] however, but they are to remain free of any other taxes/levies (except a Jew named Gottlieb who is to maintain his current freedoms.) […].” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a […]

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“Writ” of Ruprecht I [Present-day Germany]: “[Ruprecht] gives [the Jews Weinheim, Godelieb, Moysse, Nurnberg, and Symelyn …] legal authority to punish Jews for any immodesty on this side of the Rhine and according to the assessment of the local authorities […].” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin […]

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“Order” issued to a friar (‘Minoriten’) by the City [Council] of Gastrogiovanni [Present-day Italy]: “[…] to ensure that the synagogues that are being built [by Jews] are unadorned (simply) and appropriately small according to regulations […]” Zur Geschichte und Literatur. Von Dr. Zunz. Erster Band. (Regarding History and Literature. By Dr. Zunz. First Volume.); (Berlin; 1845); […]

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“Writ” issued and signed by Field-Judge (‘Feldrichter’) Ruprecht Geresdorfer [Present-day Austria]: “[A lease agreement between various people named and the cloister regarding land to be leased for the purpose of growing grapes/wine and the manner in which payments are to be made and when. The lessees are allowed to sell or transfer their shares] how-ever and […]

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“Order” of Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV addressed to the [City] Council of Basel [Present-day Switzerland; Prince-Bishopric of Basel]: “[Charles IV transfer jurisdiction of Jews in Basel to the city itself and orders them …] to obediently shield/protect Jews – Our chamber-servants, who are presently in Basel or who will be moving there in the future […]

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“Writ” of Duke Rudolf IV of Austria [House of Habsburg/Archduchy of Austria; Present-day Austria]: “We, Rudolf, by the grace of God Duke of Austria, to Styria and Corinthia […] vow and profess publicly with this letter to all who see, hear, or read it, that we vow […] – for us and our brother and […]

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Order issued by Charles IV, “Golden Bull” [Germany]: “Chapter IX.- Mines of Gold, Silver, and Other Metals – We decree, by this present law, that our successors, the kings of Bohemia, and all the electoral princes, ecclesiastical and secular, shall hold and possess with full rights, all mines of gold, silver, tin, copper iron, lead, or other […]

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“Writ” of Emperor Charles IV of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia/Holy Roman Empire]: “Emperor Charles IV (‘graciously’) declares that all [debts] the citizens or community owe to Jews in the old-town of Prague that are not presented according to current law by St. Giles day (St. Aegidius) become invalid.” [Researcher’s […]

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“Writ” of King Charles IV of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “King Charles IV absolves the monks of the cloister of Waldsassen of any debt they owed to Jews – his chamber servants — who were formerly killed and came to demise in Nuremberg, Eger, or any other place by […]

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“Majesty Carolina” (‘Maiestas Carolina’) of King Charles IV of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] 1) Jews are to pay the[ir] taxes to the Royal Chamber (directly) […] 2) Should a Jew inherit an estate as part of a debt [payment], he may not sell it without the explicit permission […]

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Writ of Rudolf Otto of Liechtenstein[-Murau] [Present-day Liechtenstein]: “[…] If the Jews want to leave the domain […] they are to apply for permission, however, the people of Liechtenstein promise to give them protection and not to hinder them from departing […] For these rights/privileges, Jews are to pay eight Mark silver annually on St. Jacob’s […]

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Writ issued by Emperor Charles (‘Karl’) IV [Present-day Germany]: “We, Charles (‘Karl’), Roman Emperor by the grace of God […] announce and make public with this letter/writ to all who see, hear, or read it […] that we have bestowed our special royal grace upon the nobleman Heinrich Grauen von Hoenstein, and the lords of Sundershusen, […]

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“Writ” issued by King Charles IV of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “King Charles of Bohemia declares that – even though the common people in Eger have shown malice in destroying the possessions of the local Jews – he is willing to forgive these misguided sinners and the people of the […]

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“Writ” of King Charles IV of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “Charles IV, King of Bohemia confirms to the son of Mathias of Eger, Peter, the Judge of Saaz and his wife Agnes the judicial office/bench in the city of Saaz […] and exert the jurisdiction over the Jews [in the […]

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“Writ” of Emperor Charles IV [Present-day Germany, Holy Roman Empire]: “Emperor Charles (‘Karl’) IV pledges all Jews who have survived the second Jewish-slaughter (1346) – including their use and service – to the City Council of Frankfurt and the city for 15,200 Pound/Pfund Heller […] along with all of their property in case they were killed […]

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“Official Document” issued by Margrave Fredrick/Friedrich addressed to the [City] Council of Nordhausen [Present-day Germany]: “[… we have commanded] the Jews to be burned (‘burnen’) in all of our lands for the great evil that they have committed against the Christians by poisoning the wells […] the people of Nordhausen may now do the same. […]

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Mandate, issued by Emperor Carl IV, to the Jewish moneylenders in Strasbourg and elsewhere in the empire [Present-day France, Germany]: “We, Charles, by God’s grace King of the Romans etc., herewith openly state and proclaim that the noblemen Eberhard and Ulrich of Württemberg, as well as their guarantors, by Our royal grace and the Lord’s […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV [Present-day Germany]: “Charles gives all goods and properties of the Jewry in Speyer to the local citizens [for the services they have provided to him in the past and will in the future and for all the damages they have suffered …] and declares that all Jews who will […]

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“Extract of the Donation-Letter of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV (‘Caroli IV’)” [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Worms/Holy Roman Empire]: “We, Charles (‘Carol’), Roman King by the grace of God […] with the power of this letter […] gift the Jewish houses, court/farm-yards, land, (wooden)-stages/platforms/decks (‘Bühnen’) and everything that belong to Jews individually or […]

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“Writ” of King Charles IV of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “Charles IV, King of Bohemia, transfers the revenues brought in by his chamber-servants, the Jews from Wroclaw and [Neumarkt], to the councilmen and citizens of Wroclaw in compensation for the 500 Mark pennies which they have collected for the purpose […]

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“Extract of the Privilege of Holy Roman King Charles IV (‘Caroli IV’) for the Jews in Worms” [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Worms/Holy Roman Empire]: “We, Charles (‘Carl’), Roman King by the grace of God […] have given the Jews and the Jewry of Worms, together with their belongings and their use and right [over […]

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“Writ” of King Charles IV of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “Charles IV, King of Bohemia, permits the citizens of Brno to collect* the tributes of 100 Schock [pennies] which the Jews of Brno submit to the royal chamber annually and are given to the King Louis of Hungary and […]

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“Jewish Privilege” issued by Carl IV [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] Jews are permitted to settle in Neustadt […] however, only those from ‘Altstadt’ and the ‘Judengasse’ (Jewish-Quarters) […] they can also enjoy the 12-year tax-exemption, if they build ‘solid’ houses/buildings (houses built out of stone) […]” Stein, Abraham (Rabbi in Radnitz): Die Geschichte der Juden […]

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Alcala Ordinance by Alfonso XI.  Title IX, Law II. Regarding Christians not having to pay their debts to Jews after a period of six years [Present-day Spain]: “(…) And therefore we order and establish that (…) if seven years have not passed that the demands of the day that period in which the debt made […]

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Writ “Gifting of Jews” to the city of Worms issued by Charles IV [Present-day Germany]: “Charles gifts/transfers the Jews of Worms to the local city government.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a summary of the original text, which can be found in the City Archive of Worms, Dept. 1 A II – 0153a-b.] The Jewish Encyclopedia: […]

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“Official Announcement” issued by Knight Johann vom Steine (“Iohan vom Steine”) [Archbishopric of Mainz; Present-day Germany]: “I, Iohan vom Steine, knight, agree and announce to all people […] that the honorable […] Henry [III], Archbishop of Mainz (‘Heinrich, ertzbischof zu Mentz’) and his [Arch-] Stift (prince-archbishopric) owe us 1000 small Gulden/Guilder* […] which the Kawertschen** […]

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“Order” of Roman Emperor Charles IV [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland]: “King Carl IV orders all judges, lay judges of the cites and markets of the kingdom of Bohemia to stop and require the Jews in their cities to submit the interests/taxes to the royal chamber-servant Jew [named Trostlin] in Prague.” [Researcher’s […]

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“Writ” issued by King Charles IV of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “King Charles IV transfers the Wroclaw Jews – his chamber servants – to the [City] Council of Wroclaw for their protection and permits the city to increase levies/taxes on Jews as much as they see fit.” [Researcher’s note: This is […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Switzerland]: “Emperor Louis, the Bavarian, confirms the Jewry of Zurich, his chamber-servants, payment of 50 Florentine Gulden, which they have been submitting to Count Eberhard von Nelleburg [his Landvogt*] as per his order for two years as tax-payments […]” [Researcher’s note: *A Vogt or Landvogt was akin to […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “We, Louis (‘Ludowich’), Roman Emperor by the grace of God […] announce publicly with this letter that we have pledged all Jews of Speyer and Worms – our chamber-servants, who live there right now and those who will in the future – along with all of their […]

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“Writ” of King John of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “King John of Bohemia permits the City Council of Wroclaw to remove and reuse any stones found in the Jewish cemetery, may they be found laying on the ground or buried in/under the soil in order to the restore the city […]

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“Writ” of Margrave Charles (‘Wenceslaus’) of Moravia to the City of Jihlava [Present-day Czech Republic; Margraviate of Moravia]: “[…] However, [if the citizens of Jihlava] decide openly or secretly to cause/prompt the Jews to move back to the places from which they came, or wherever the citizens of Jihlava deem to be the most appropriate/suitable […]

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“Diocesan Synod of Strasbourg” held under Bishop Berthold II v. Buchegg [Present-day France; Free Imperial City of Strasbourg]: “[…] In addition, all prelates are prohibited from taking on debts with interest from Jews without the consent of their chapter or religious convention, and that religious communities cannot be obliged to pay back the loans that have […]

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“Writ” of Duke Wenceslaus and Louis I of Legnica [Present-day Poland; Duchy of Legnica]: “[…] the Dukes of Legnica […] permit the citizens of Legnica to take stones/bricks from the Jewish cemetery for the building of a city wall […]” [Researcher’s note: This is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text. […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Emperor Louis, the Bavarian, ensures/appeases the [City] Council of Nuremberg, that in the future, neither He nor His [heirs/family] will aid in any way to see the house of a Christian falls into the hands of a Jew […]” [Researcher’s note: The above is a summary of […]

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“Writ” of Margrave Charles (‘Wenceslaus’) of Moravia [Present-day Czech Republic; Margraviate of Moravia]: “Margrave Charles (‘Wenceslaus’) of Moravia gifts the annual tax, which the local Jews who live there pay, to the city of [Hradisch/Magyarhradis] so that they can [re]build the city walls […].” [Researcher’s note: This is a translation of a German summary of […]

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Order issued by Ludwig the Bavarian [Germany]: “[…]We confide with this letter that we relieve Johann Burggraf and his heirs from all his debts. […] For the above-mentioned Jews, as well as other Jews, belong to us and the kingdom. And we can do with their lives and property what we want and whatever we […]

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“Privilege” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV and addressed to the city of Hall [Present-day Germany]: “We, Louis, Roman Emperor by the grace of God […] announce publicly and order that we have bestowed great grace upon the people, the Schultheiß*, and the [City] Council together in that we wish that the Jews of Hall, […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Emperor Louis, the Bavarian, orders the following […] in order that the Jews and Christians in the Imperial City of Nördlingen can live in peace together […] 1) The Jews who live in Nördlingen are to have two or three of their own meat-banks […] called […]

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Order issued by Ludwig the Bavarian [Germany]: “[…] we came to an agreement with the Jews in the kingdom, that every Jew and every Jewish woman, who is a widow, those who are of the age 12 and older and also have twenty florins, have to give us a florin every year […]. Muenchen 1342″ […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor, Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “[Emperor Louis confirms via this writ] that – in good council – We have come to an agreement with the Jewry in the empire in that each Jew and Jewess, who is a widow, and above the age of twelve, and holds assets worth more than twenty […]

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“Writ” of King John of Bohemia [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Germany]: “King John of Bohemia gifts the citizens of Neumark in Silesia an annual revenue of 5 mark Prague groschen for 10 years which they may raise from the local Jews in order to fortify/secure the city with a proper wall.” [Researcher’s note: The above […]

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“Writ” issued by King John of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[As] John, by the grace of God, King of Bohemia, […We give] the Abby and Convent to the Cloister in Waldsassen salvation with an abundance of good [will]! Since you have fallen into great poverty due to the interests charged […]

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“Writ” of John of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “King John permits the citizens/townsmen of the city of [Budweis] to accept two Jews in their city who are to pay a tribute/tax for the maintenance and building of the city walls. […].” [Researcher’s note: While this writ may appear pro-Jewish in […]

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“Order” of Count Walram of Sponheim-Kreuznach [Present-day Germany; House of Sponheim]: “[…] 5) Count [Sponheim-Keuznach] orders the Jews – who belong to him – to be led out of Kirchberg at night, while Jews (‘Erbjuden’), who have settled there under the protection of Archbishop Balduins and all other Jews who live there, to be killed. […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor, Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “We, Louis (‘Ludewig’), Roman Emperor by the grace of God, announce publicly with this letter/writ, that the nobleman Gottfried von Eppstein (‘Gottfrid von Eppinstein’), our dear loyal [subject] has sold the 25 Mark of Cologne Pfennige [currency] which have been placed on [taxed from] the Jews in […]

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Writ announced by the Notary Heinrich on behalf of Duke Albert II of Austria [Present-day Austria; Duchy of Austria]: “[…] Albrecht II, Duke of Austria, Steyr, and Carinthia, due to the great harm and related disputes that often arise from the wickedness of Jews for forging seals and documents […] and after following the advice of […]

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Writ of Holy Roman Emperor, Louis IV [Present-day Germany]: “Emperor Louis transfers all rights (and jurisdiction) over Jews in Ingolstadt, his dear chamber-servants, to the judge, [city] council, and [citizens-] community of Ingolstadt […] and orders that [the aforementioned Jews] may not take more than two pennies per pound of pennies from citizens and [no more […]

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