“Decree” issued by the Prince-Bishopric [Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] 1) [Jews] are permitted to trade and peddle on Sundays and holy-days after 11 a.m.; 3) [they may also trade] with fat & lean cattle, so-long the [local] butchers have the right of way [to make the purchase first/pre-sale] the same goes for tallow […]

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“Royal High-Administrative Patent (‘königl. Ober-Ambtliche Patent’) regarding the payment of toleration[-permit]-fees for Jews” issued by Francis Louis* [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland; Duchies of Silesia]: “[…] We, Franz Ludwig […] order […] that not only the number of Jews and their families in the land are to be researched, but also how a dependable collection [of […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Prince-Bishopric [Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] foreign Jews are prohibited from trading (engaging in any kind of trade) inside of the Stift* […] and no citizen may trade prohibited goods with a local Jew [covertly/illegally] in order to make a profit. […] Jews are not permitted to peddle on Sundays […]

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“Edict” issued by the Prussian Government [Present-day Germany, Poland, Russia; Duchy of Brandenburg/Prussia]: “[…] Jews who are not protected (‘vergleitet’) and who [are] beg[gars], are not to be tolerated. […]” Stern, Selma: Der Preussische Staat und die Juden; Erster Teil/Die Zeit des Großen Kurfürsten und Friedrichs I; (“The Prussian State and the Jews; Part One/The […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Prince-Bishopric [Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Jews are prohibited from trading with fat cattle (‘Fettvieh’). […]” [Researcher’s note: This prohibition was issued and revoked several times throughout history. Initially, this prohibition was issued on May 8, 1700, and was again reissued on October 31, 1712. The cattle trade was permitted on […]

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“Edict” issued by the Government of Brunswick-Lüneburg [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Hanover]: “[…] no Beggar-Jew may be housed/given shelter, but rather, [they] shall be arrested and punished, as per the ordinance of October 28, 1718, [issued] against vagabonds and foreign beggars, as well as the renewal […] of September 13, 1719.” Chur-Braunschweig-Lüneburgische Landes-Ordnung und Gesetze, […]

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“Royal [Court] Rescript” (‘Hofreskript’) issued by the Austrian Royal Court [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic etc.]: “The local Jewry shall not [be permitted to] own toll[-booths] (‘Mauten’)* or mills or other realty (except brandy houses (‘Brandweinhäuser’**) via their own (separate) contract, and the royal fiscus*** is to keep an eye on this.” [Researcher’s note: *Mauten […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Cathedral-Chapter [Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] however, the trade with food items and drinks – especially green and dehydrated fruit […] agricultural products […] and perishable food items are to remain off-limits (prohibited) to the Jewry.  […]” [Researcher’s note: While Jews had various restrictions placed on them when it came […]

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“Rescript” issued by Augustus II, the Strong [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “[…] it has never been our intention to allow them (Jews) to pursue their Jewish religious services publicly and with the usual shouting, and wish to much less allow them to establish a proper synagogue […]. [However, the resident (Lehmann) has shown us great […]

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“Act of Parliament” (‘Landtagsabschied’) issued by the Parliament of Prussia [Present-day Germany, Poland etc.; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[… furthermore, we do not wish to permit Jews to publicly perform/pursue their rather arrogated worship/[cult]service (‘cultum’) of which we have been [recently] informed […]” Die früheren und gegenwärtigen Verhältnisse der Juden in den sämmtlichen Landesstellen des Preußischen Staats; […]

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“Patent” issued by Marquard Ludwig von Printzen on behalf of Fredrick I of Prussia [Kingdom of Prussia; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Even though His Royal Majesty in Prussia […] have already prohibited Jews from peddling and roaming around on the countryside, His Majesty have found it fit—due to the present risky times because of the contagion [and since […]

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“Rescript” Johann Moritz v. Blaspil/Blaspiel on behalf of Frederick I of Prussia and addressed to the magistrate [Kingdom of Prussia; Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia]: “Frederick (‘Friderich’), King of Prussia by the grace of God […] our greeting first, dear faithful! […] Since the risk of a contagion […] has unfortunately rather increased than improved […] we […]

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“General Edict regarding foreign and un-escorted Jews” issued by George I (‘Georg Ludewig’) [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg]: “We, Georg Ludewig, Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg by the grace of God, […declare …] As far as Jews are concerned […] and in order that no contagious pests are carried in, we repeated and order not only […]

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“Expulsion of foreign* Jews because of the spreading of the pest” [Archdukedom of Austria / Present-day Austria]: “We Joseph […] order all Our chosen magistrates/authorities, clergymen, (world) citizens […] remove all unknown Jews from Our capital and place of residency […] and Archdukedom of Austria within 3 days in Our attempt to manage this disaster […]

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“Serene Resolution” (‘Sereniffimi Resolutio’) issued for the Kramer-Guilds in Brunswick [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg / Principality of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel]: “[…] except the protected Jews who have been admitted (allowed to settle) here, none (no Jew) shall be tolerated in-between markets/fairs/expos (‘Messen’) much less be permitted to purse trade under any pretext […]. As far as Jews […]

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“Edict XXIV, that Jews who sell stolen items […] shall be punished as thieves” issued by King Frederick of Prussia [Kingdom of Prussia; Present-day Germany, Poland]: “We, Fredrick (‘Friderich’) king of Prussia by the grace of God, Margrave of Brandenburg and […] Holy Roman Emperor […] have deigned to issue this edict with all earnestness […] […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Pomeranian government* [Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland]: “As per the royal rescript from February 3, [of this year], those Jews who are not able to pay their protection-fees (‘Schutz-Geld’) shall be removed/expelled. Similarly, poor Jews on the countryside, who are nothing but a burden anyway, shall have their protections canceled as soon as […]

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“Edict” issued by George I (‘Georg Ludewig’) [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg]: “[…] no Jew shall be impudent enough to bring/import old clothes, incense/smoking items (‘Rauchwerk’) and similar items from infected places into the land or face severe punishment. […]” Chur-Braunschweig-Lüneburgische Landes-Ordnung und Gesetze, dritter Theil, worin enthalten Caput Qvartum, von Polizei-Sachen. Erster Band. Mit den […]

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“Coin-Edict” issued by George I (‘Georg Ludewig’) [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg]: “We, Georg Ludewig, Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg by the grace of God, […announce to everyone …] that we have noticed with great disapproval that Our seriously issued ordinances are not obeyed in the least, but rather […] that protected Jews or even the […]

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“Edict” issued by George I (‘Georg Ludewig’) [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg]: “[…] all local, un-escorted Jews, are to leave the land within 10 days of publication of this […] and those arriving from suspicious places [including beggar-Jews, especially from Poland] are not to be permitted to enter […].” [Researcher’s note: The above edict has been […]

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“Coin-Edict” issued by George I (‘Georg Ludewig’) [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg]: “We, Georg Ludewig, Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg by the grace of God, […declare herewith … ] that all local and foreign Jews are reminded and warned in all seriousness to completely and refrain from exchanging Our good coins (‘Unsere Müntz-Sorten’) against foreign, […]

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“Royal Court Decision” (‘Hofentschließung’) for Moravia [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] 1) Jews are prohibited to trade with medical items (‘Arzneisachen’).[…]” Lexicon der K. K. Medizinalgesetze bearbeitet von Iohann Dionis Iohn. Fünfter Theil. Erste Fortsezung. Mit allerhöster k. k. Hofbewilligung; (Prag; 1796); (“Lexicon of the R[oyal] I[mperial] Medical Laws. Edited by (John Dionis […]

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“Order” of Lothar Franz [von Schönborn], Archbishop-Elector of Mainz, Bamberg, and Arch-Chancellor of the Holy Roman Empire [Present-day Germany]: “[…] since the Jews bequeath their daughters a considerable dowry/endowment according to their faith […] and secretly take out [their wealth from the domain] and let their children take care of them, by which a timely prince/[domain]lord […]

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“Patent of the [Silesian] Higher-Authorities/Administration [‘Ober-Amtliches Patent’]” [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland; Duchies of Silesia / Kingdom of Bohemia / Bohemian crown lands]: “[…] Jews shall be expelled and chased away from places/areas/jurisdictions (‘Orten’) in which they are not permitted to be.” D. Anthon Balthasar Walthers königl. Preußischen Kriegs- und Domainen-Raths Silesia Diplomatica, Oder Verzeichnis derer […]

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“Royal [Court] Rescript” issued by the Austrian Royal Court [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic; Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] 1) The prohibition for the Jewry regarding the import and distribution of spices in the royal cities is not to be simple and absolute (‘absolut et simpliciter’) but shall be restricted to tree-oil and saffron. 2) Jews are to […]

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“Order” of King Fredrick William I [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Magdeburg/Brandenburg-Prussia]: “Regarding the Jews who are studying/enrolled at the University of Halle or otherwise live/stay near the university […] Since it is Our intension not to tolerate any Jew in Our lands/domains who has not been given a letter of protection and escort by Us, […]

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“Rescript” issued by King Fredrick William I [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Magdeburg/Brandenburg-Prussia]: “[…] the University of Halle is not to receive/accept/admit (‘recipieren’) Jews henceforth […]” Johann Heinrich Ludewig Bergius kameralisten-Bibliothek, oder vollständiges Verzeichnis derjenigen Bücher, Schriften und Abhandlungen, welche von dem Oeconomie- Polizey- Finanz- und Cameralwesen und verschiedenen anderen damit verbundenen Wissenschaften, auch von der […]

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“Rescript” issued by the government of Halle [Present-day Germany]: “[…] the Jews of Halle may not take more than 12% in usury for [loans made] for less than a year and only 8% for [loans lasting] over a year […].” Die Stadt Halle, nach amtlichen Quellen historisch-topographisch-statistisch dargestellt von C. H. Freiherrn vom Hagen, Stadtrath. […]

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“Royal Edict” issued by Fredrick I [Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] Jews shall not be permitted to reside in villages. […]” Policey- und Cameral-Magazin in welchem nach alphabetischer Ordnung die vornehmsten und wichtigsten bey dem Policey- und Cameralwesen vorkommende Materien nah richtigen und vernünftigen Grundsätzen praktisch abgehandelt und durch landesherrliche Gesetze […]

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“Patent” issued by Kaiser Leopold VI [Present-day Austria]: “[…] only Jews who are in possession of a Royal permit (‘kaiserlichen Hofpass’) […] – and only for the duration at which these permits are valid – are to be allowed to remain in Vienna […] and only Jews and Jewess who hold valid privileges (‘Hoffreiheyten’) and […]

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“Rescript” issued by Fredrick I of Prussia [Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia; Kingdom of Prussia]: “Fredrick, King of Prussia […] since it has come to our attention that a number of Jews are present/live in the villages of Virz and Fürstenwalde, We graciously order you herewith not to tolerate them there, but to expel them, and […]

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“Conclusion/Decision” (‘Conclusum’) issued in the Duchies of Silesia [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany; Poland; Duchies of Silesia]: “All Jews, who are older than 15 years old, may they be male or female, are to pay 30 kr. [Kreuzer] per month. This is not only to apply to Jews who live in the domain but also to foreign, […]

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“Royal Resolution” issued by King Fredrick William I of Prussia [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Magdeburg/Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] no Jew shall be protected (given permission to settle) in the city of Magdeburg. […]” Ausführliche topographischen Beschreibung des Herzogthums Magdeburg und der Grafschaft Mansfeld, Magdeburgischen Antheils. (Detailed topographical description of the Duchy of Magdeburg and the […]

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“Patent” of Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I [Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy; Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] 17) Starting with the day this Patent is made public until the end of 1805, no Jew shall be permitted to trade (purchase and sell) with grain; those Jews, however, who are blessed with grain reserves, […]

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“Patent regarding a body-tax for Jews” issued by Count von Wartenberg on behalf of Frederick I of Prussia [Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] all Jews are to present their passports and letters/patents of protection (residency permits) at all local toll-crossings and even if they are not protected, they are to pay the […]

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“Constitution (‘Constitutio’) regarding foreign Jews who arrive from Poland” issued by King George [Present-day Germany, England, Ireland; Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg (Hanover)]: “By the grace of God, We, George (‘Georg Ludwig’), Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, Prince-Elector (‘Churfürst’) of the Holy Roman Empire [… declare due to the fear of infections that travelers from places such […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Pomeranian government* [Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland; Kingdom of Prussia]: “The ordinance from April 2 [of this year] is limited/modified [in that] Jews are [still] not permitted to engage in any business or trade on Sunday and [Christian] holy-days, however, they may travel on such days […]. Furthermore, it is no longer prohibited […]

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“Jewish Contributions,” directive from the Court Chamber of the Archduke of Austria to the Court Chancellery [Austria]: “Jews subject to the Oppenheimer Privilege are to disburse forced loans [to the archduke] with a 6% interest rate. Repayment terms and collateral shall be determined on a case-by-case basis. Those in non-compliance shall be threatened with high […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Pomeranian government* [Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland; Kingdom of Prussia]: “Jews shall not travel on Sundays and [Christian] holy-days or otherwise lose their right-for-escort (‘Geleit-Recht’), and they must refrain from doing any business or trade [on those days], just like Christians. Furthermore, Jews shall not use any Christian servants, and it shall be […]

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“Patent” issued by Augustus III of Poland* [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “Since His most-sophisticated, mightiest King of Poland and Elector of Saxony […] our most-gracious lord would like to see the religious-service of Jews, which they have usurped to practice during market-time, stopped, that is why They are ordering herewith […] all mayors and the […]

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“Order” of Augustus II, the Strong [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “The celebration of superstition by Jews during the time of the fairs is to cease completely.” Lehmann, Emil: Der polnische Resident Berend Lehmann, der Stammvater der israelitischen Religionsgemeinde zu Dresden. Von seinem Ur- Ur- Urenkel. (E. Pierson) Dresden 1885. Abgedruckt in: Emil Lehmann, Gesammelte Schriften. […]

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“Edict” issued by the Prussian Government [Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland etc.; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] Jews are not to receive any protection* to live on the countryside or any other particularity. […]” [Researcher’s note: “Protection” has a double meaning here; it both means “protection” in the traditional sense of the meaning as well as “permission” […]

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Frederick the Great decree that Jews are forbidden to say the Aleinu prayer [Prussia / Present-day Germany, Cologne]: “By God’s grace, we, Frederick, King in Prussia,  … Because with this the honor of our God, Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, must be protected and elevated and acknowledged before all peoples. And to the praise of the […]

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“Rescript” issued Fredrick I and addressed to the Government of Magdeburg [Present-day Germany]: “[…] We graciously remind you as well as the city magistrate of Halle of the [previously] issued ordinances that no Jew may be permitted to own [property] though inheritance […].” Stern, Selma: Der Preussische Staat und die Juden; Erster Teil/Die Zeit des […]

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“Order” issued by Fredrick I and addressed to the government of Magdeburg [Present-day Germany]: “We have received and have been briefed about protected Jews who loan other citizens large sums of money against their homes […] that is why we no longer wish to permit for the aforementioned Jews to enter into such fraudulent contractual […]

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“Prince-Electoral Clarification regarding Edict of October 31, 1701″ issued by King George [Present-day Germany, England, Ireland; Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg (Hanover)]: “By the grace of God, We, George (‘Georg Ludwig’), Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, Prince-Elector (‘Churfürst’) of the Holy Roman Empire […] let is be know herewith [… that the edict of October 31, 1701…] applies […]

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“Court Decree” issued by the Imperial Court of Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I [Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany; Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] The Jews who live in cities, […], have to identify themselves through certificates to the authorities (‘Obrigkeit’) […] those who live in the countryside to the county office (‘Kreisamt’) […] the Hungarian [Jews] […]

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“Edict (‘Edictum’) issued by the local authorities of Brunswick-Lüneburg” [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg]: “[…] Jews are not to be permitted to go peddling in cities with cloth and fabrics outside of the annual markets or on the countryside [entirely].” Chur-Braunschweig-Lüneburgische Landes-Ordnung und Gesetze, und zwar Capvt Tertivm worinn enthalten bis das Militar – Wesen […]

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“Rescript” issued by the Magistrate of Magdeburg [Present-day Germany]: “[…] the government is determined not to protect (issue protection permits to) Jews in places where there weren’t any before, much less in the city of Magdeburg, because it contravenes the privileges of the city and legal guilds and other constitutions.” Stern, Selma: Der Preussische Staat und […]

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“Writ” of the City Administration of Halle [Present-day Germany]: “The prohibition for Jews to purchase property/land in Halle remains effective.” Kisch, Guido: Rechts- und Sozialgeschichte der Juden in Halle 1686-1730. (Legal and social history of Jews in Halle from 1686-1730); (Berlin; 1970); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/7/2019 ADD PAGE #

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“Jewish Ordinance of the Electorate of Cologne” (‘kurcöllnische Judenordnung’) issued by Joseph Clements, Archbishop of Cologne [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Cologne]: “We, Joseph Clements, by the grace of God, Archbishop of Cologne and Arch-Chancellor of the Holy Roman Empire […] announce and let it be known that […] foremost, no Jew or Jewess may settle down […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Prince-Bishopric [Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Jews are prohibited from trading with fat cattle (‘Fettvieh’). […]” [Researcher’s note: This prohibition was issued and revoked several times throughout history in the Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg. It was repeated on October 11 and 31, 1712. The cattle trade was permitted on June 8, 1713, […]

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“Ordinance regarding the Jews in the territories (‘Residentzien’) covering a number of points” issued by Johann Kasimir Kolbe von Wartenberg on behalf of Frederick I of Prussia [Present-day Lithuania, Poland, Russia; Duchy of Prussia]: “[…] Since previous ordinances have gone unheeded, it would be within our right to fine the entire Jewry with a hefty fee […]

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“Prohibition” issued by Prince-Bishop Johann Philipp von Greifenclau zu Vollraths [Present-day Germany; Prince-Bishopric of Würzburg]: “[…] Furthermore, Jews are prohibited to come to the city [of Würzburg], and its markets or villages in the countryside […] or to stay overnight in these […] or to appear in alleys and streets during a public procession.” Wirzburgische […]

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Writ of the High-Consistory [Present-day Germany]: “[…] The blasphemous religious practice of Jews cannot be tolerated in good conscience by the local Christian authorities. The Jews practice hideous idolatry and blasphemy, and if one allows them to do this, God’s great wrath and punishment may be on us. They bring great harm by taking advantage of […]

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“Regarding the Contracts of Jews” issued on behalf of Prince-Bishop Johann Philipp (von Greifenclau zu Vollraths) [Present-day Germany; Prince-Bishopric of Würzburg]: “By the grace of God, Johann Philipp, Bishop of Würzburg, Duke of Franconia […] Our greetings first, dear loyal [subjects]! [Since it has come to our attention that] numerous Jews are entering into unlawful and […]

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“Official Mandate” of the Highest Court Marshal (“Obersthofmarschall”) [Present-day Austria]: “[…] the Jews Oppenheimer and Wertheimer are given permission to retain/employ (‘bey sich halten’) those Jews whom they need for their factories as per the privilege (‘Privilegiums’) granted [to them] by his most-gracious [majesty], however, they are to name/list them (their names) precisely, and in […]

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“Jews at Ofen,” edict issued by Emperor Leopold I, Archduke of Austria [present-day Austria]: “His Imperial Majesty hereby most mercifully resolves with the afore-mentioned, righteous motives, regarding public law as well as faith, but also based on precedence, and damages inflicted upon the citizens of Ofen, […] that the Jewry of Ofen shall no longer […]

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“’Cooking/Fermentation Kitchens’ and unlawful presence of Jews in Vienna” decree issued on behalf of the Kaiser to the Lower-Austrian government [Lower-Austria; Present-day Austria]: “From His R. M., also to Hungary and Bohemia […] and Archduke of Austria […] it is said to occur that Jews have ‘cooking/fermentation’ kitchens (Garkuchel) – one in Ofenloch* and some […]

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“Order of the Sovereign-Prince” issued by Prince-Bishop Johann Philipp von Greifenclau zu Vollraths [Present-day Germany; Prince-Bishopric of Würzburg]: “[…] foreign Jews are prohibited to peddle with lemons and bitter oranges and such items whether it may be during or outside of the fairs and annual markets […] and they may only have proper shops/stalls in a […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Farther-Pomeranian government [Present-day Poland; Province of Pomerania]: “As per the rescript issued on the 13th of this month, Jews shall not acquire homes and property in His Highness, the [Prince-]Elector’s domains without His special permission/concession, which They do not intend to grant, except under very significant circumstances/cases […].” [Researcher’s note: The document […]

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“General Ordinance” issued by Friedrich Wilhelm Karl von Schmettau and addressed to all governmental agencies in the Electorate of Brandenburg [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Brandenburg]: “Friedrich the third, Margrave of Brandenburg by the grace of God […] do no longer wish to permit Jews to acquire houses and real-estate in our lands in whatever manner it […]

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“Renewal of Conclusion”* of the Senate of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt/Holy Roman Empire]: “I. […] Jews are prohibited to peddle or face a fine of 12 Gulden [per offense …*] II. […] Jews are not to approach/bother foreigners with their merchandise and clothes (for sale) or face a fine of 6 […]

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“Regarding the Accis”* of Jews issued by Johann Gottfried, Bishop of Würzburg [Present-day Germany; Prince-Bishopric of Würzburg]: “[…] His most-esteemed Prince and Lord, Lord Johann Gottfried, Bishop of Würzburg and Duke of Franconia [waves the various common taxes and levies for most subjects …] Jews [on the other hand] are to keep only the first two […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Fürst*/Bishop Johann Hugo von Orsbeck [Present-day Germany; Prince-Bishopric of Speyer]: “It is prohibited to lease or sell houses to Jews which are located near a church or church ground. And Jews who have already purchased such a home are to vacate these, or to exchange or sell them.” [Researcher’s note: Fürst relates […]

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“Ordinance” issued by Schardius* […] of behalf of Fredrick I of Prussia [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Prussia]: “[…] henceforth, Jews are no longer permitted to acquire real-estate […] and those that are owned by Jews who do not have a blood-heir, shall be turned over to the highest-bidding Christian upon their death. […]” [Researcher’s note: Though […]

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“Edict” issued by Elector/Duke Frederick I [Present-day Lithuania, Poland, Russia, etc.; Duchy of Prussia]: “[…] that the Jews shall not purchase any homes.” [Researcher’s note: A similar edict was issued on March 6, 1694, and December 18, 1696.] Die Provinzial- und statutarischen Rechte in der preußischen Monarchie. Dargestellt vom wirklichen Geheimen Rath von Kamptz. Erster […]

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“Order” issued by the government [Present-day Germany, Sweden; Swedish-Pomerania / Swedish Empire]: “[…] all Jews are required to leave Swedish-Pomerania. Those with concession are to return them and leave the land within four weeks.” Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Landesbüro Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Wolfgang Wilhelmus. Juden in Vorpommern. Reihe. Beiträge zur Geschichte Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Nr. 8. (Friedrich-Ebert-Endowment. State office Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Series. Contributions […]

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“Writ” of the City Council of Halle [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Magdeburg]: “[…Assur Marx* may retain the garden [house] under the condition …] that he may not rent/lease/offer (‘elocieren’)* it to anyone except to honest and unsuspicious Christians, and never to vagabonding/roaming (‘umschweifende’) and unprotected Jews […]” [Researcher’s note: *The purchasing of this garden was […]

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“Decision/Conclusion” (‘Conclusum’) of the Senate of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt/Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] all Jews who have shops/stalls outside of their alley/ghetto (‘Gasse’) in the city [of Frankfurt], are to close these – without exception […] within 14 days of publication of this edict […] Inn-keepers, hostel-owners, and such are no longer […]

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“Edict” issued by Elector/Duke Fredrick I [Present-day Lithuania, Poland, Russia, etc.; Duchy of Prussia]: “[…] Jews are not to purchases houses/homes.” [Researcher’s note: A similar edict was issued on March 6, 1694, and September 9, 1697.] Die Provinzial- und statutarischen Rechte in der preußischen Monarchie. Dargestellt vom wirklichen Geheimen Rath von Kamptz. Erster Theil. Die […]

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Order to S. Oppenheimer and Simon Wertheimer [Archdukedom of Austria / Present-day Austria]: “[…] Jews are not to be offered any shelter. Jews, who ‘walk around’ [in the country] without a license, are to be arrested.” Braumüller, Wilhelm: Urkunden und Akten zur Geschichte der Juden in Wien. Erste Abteilung. Allgemeiner Teil 1526-1847. Erster Band. (Wien) […]

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Ordinance of the City Council of (Bad) Wimpfen [Present-day Germany; Imperial City of Wimpfen / Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] Jews shall not peddle in the city [of Wimpfen] or in the valley or in Hohenstadt* or face a fine of 20 fl. [Reichsthaler].” [Researcher’s note: *Hohenstadt is a city in the state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany.] Körner, […]

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“Frankfurter Settlement/Establishment” issued in the City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “[…] Jews shall upkeep and maintain the homes in which they live and their roofs in good conditions, however, they are not to demolish/take down any part or make any additions except when such (changes) have been reported and inspected. […]

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“Order” issued by the City Council of (Bad) Wimpfen [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Wimpfen]: “Jews shall neither peddle in the city nor in the valley (‘Thal’) […].” [Researcher’s note: Orders of merit.] Wimpfen am Neckar. Geschichtlich und topographisch nach historischen Mittheilungen und archäologischen Studien dargestellt von Dr. A. von Lorent, Ritter des Großherzoglichen Badischen Zähringer […]

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“Patent regarding stores and stalls/kiosks of Jews in the various localities” by Eberhard von Danckelmann* on behalf of Fredrick III [Present-day Germany; Margraviate of Brandenburg]: “After His Serene Highness, the Prince-Elector of Brandenburg and […] Our gracious lord, have received a number of humble [complaints] from [the various guilds …] that the ordinances of 1693 regarding […]

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“Ordinance of the [Prince-]Elector of Brandenburg” issued by Duke Frederick I of Prussia [Present-day Germany, Poland, Russia; Duchy of Brandenburg/Prussia]: “[…] the ‘lower-authorities’ (‘Unterobrigkeit’)* shall not accept/take in Jews who do not have the [prince-]elector’s protection (‘Vergleitung’) […]. […] the right to accept Jews into the land, to tolerate, to remove/expel them – according to […]

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“Prohibition pertaining to the pre-acquisition and purchase of Yarns*” issued by Elector Frederick Augustus (‘Friedrich Augustus’) [Present-day Germany; Poland; Electorate of Saxony]: “By the grace of god, We, Frederick Augustus (‘Friedrich Augustus’), Duke of Saxony, [… prohibit the detrimental pre-acquisition and purchase of yarn in the country (on the countryside) and its export into foreign […]

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“Edict” issued by Eberhard von Danckelmann* on behalf of Fredrick III [Present-day Germany; Margraviate of Brandenburg]: “We, Fredrick the III, Margrave of Brandenburg by grace of God […] have noticed to our displeasure that a lot of Jews settle in our cities without our gracious permission and pursue trade and business […] we have deigned to […]

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“Edict” issued by the Farther-Pomeranian government [Present-day Poland etc.; Province of Pomerania]: “1) There shall live no more than 2 escorted Jewish-landlords (‘Juden-Haus-Wirthe’) – who own either their own home or have more than 500 Rthlr [Reichsthaler] in assets – in large Immediat-cities (‘Immediat-Städten’)* in Pomerania. […] only one [Jewish] landlord shall be [tolerated] in […]

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“Edict” issued by Elector/Duke Fredrick I [Present-day Lithuania, Poland, Russia, etc.; Duchy of Prussia]: “[…] Jews shall not acquire houses/homes.” [Researcher’s note: A similar edict was on 1694 and December 18, 1696, and then again on September 7, 1697.] Die Provinzial- und statutarischen Rechte in der preußischen Monarchie. Dargestellt vom wirklichen Geheimen Rath von Kamptz. […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Friedrich I of Prussia addressed to the magistrate of Salzwedel [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Brandenburg]: “[…] by the grace of God, Fredrick […] Margrave to Brandenburg,[…] we graciously order you herewith with all seriousness to remove the Jews and their families [from Salzwedel] by presenting them with this […]” Des Corporis Constitutionum […]

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“Rescript” issued by the Senate of Leipzig [Present-day Germany]: “Jews who visit the fair in Leipzig may neither be permitted to attend/celebrate Sukkot or the Sabbath and everything that goes with that, nor other such infuriating things and idol-worship. […]” [Researcher’s note: Sukkot, also commonly known as Feast of the Tabernacles or Festival of In-gatherings is […]

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Order of [Prince-]Elector John George IV and addressed to the City Council of Leipzig [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “[…] Since we are no longer inclined to permit these annoying beings and the idolatry of Jew to be brought in [to Leipzig] as well as into other areas of our land/domain […] we desire herewith that […]

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“Order” of the City Administration of Halle [Present-day Germany]: “Foreign Jews are not to be tolerated.” Kisch, Guido: Rechts- und Sozialgeschichte der Juden in Halle 1686-1730. (Legal and social history of Jews in Halle from 1686-1730); (Berlin; 1970); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/4/2019 ADD PAGE #

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“Edict” issued by Eberhard von Danckelmann on behalf of the Prince-Elector* of Brandenburg[-Bayreuth] [Present-day Germany; Margraviate of Brandenburg-Bayreuth]: “Since complaints have reached his Highness, the Prince-Elector of Brandenburg […] our gracious Lord […] that the highly damaging and already prohibited peddling of Jews on the countryside and in the cities remains unheeded – despite all issued […]

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Wuerzburg: Jews are to be judged legally (not to let normal citizens penalize the offences of the Jews) Johann Gottfrid, bishop of Wuerzburg and earl of Franken [Germany]: “Wuerzburg 1692 – Johann Gottfrid, bishop of Wuerzburg and earl of Franken, chosen by god’s grace, commands the following: The Jews living in Wuerzburg have complained about the fact that […]

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“Prohibition for Jews to engage in money-exchange” issued by the City Council of Basel [Present-day Switzerland]: “Jews are prohibited at the threat of confiscation to change and exchange/muddle up (‘verwechseln’) [money] here […] of which they are to be informed by the highest-servant (‘Obristen Knecht’) […]” Rechtsquellen von Basel Stadt und Land. Erster Theil. (Legal Documents/Sources […]

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“Decree” issued by Emperor Leopold I [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] all Jews are required/obliged to wear a kind of [stiff neck] ruffles (‘eine Sorte von Krösen’) as a distinguishing sign in Bohemia […] those who violate this ordinance are to be punished severely. […]” [Researcher’s note: This ordinance placed Jews in severe danger on the […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the government of Western-Pomerania [Present-day Germany, Sweden; Swedish-Pomerania / Swedish Empire]: “[…] It is therefore ordered and commanded herewith in all seriousness that no Jew be allowed to enter the domain without a passport and a special concession and permission from the royal government, much less be tolerated there, and least of all […]

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“Order of the Soveign Prince” issued by Prince-Bishop Johann Gottfried II von Gutenberg [Present-day Germany; Prince-Bishopric of Würzburg]: “The noble and collegiat-Stifts*(‘Collegiat-Stiffter’), cloisters, universities, hospitals, and such mediat-advocatus-lordships (‘mediate Vogtey-Herrschaften’) are not to admit Jews into their villages, courts, [and] hamlets […] and to collect their protection fee [for the sovereign-prince…] Also, Jews are to receive […]

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“Decree” issued by the Royal Court Chamber (‘Hofkamer’) of Innsbruck [Archduchy of Austria; Present-day Austria]: “[…] the Jewry currently present in the domains of Arlberg […] except the three aforementioned families* are to completely leave their home/quarters and the territory of Arlberg with their attachments/household (families/servants) and their entire possessions (‘mit ihrem anhang und völligen […]

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“Order of the Sovereign Prince” issued by Prince-Bishop Johann Gottfried II von Gutenberg [Present-day Germany; Prince-Bishopric of Würzburg]: “[…] the noble and adjacent collegiate-Stifts*(‘Collegiat-Neben-Stiftern’), cloisters, universities, […] hospitals, and such […] and villages and courts that are part of the mediat** advocatus lordships (‘mediaten Vogtey-Herrschaften’) […] are not to give Jews protection and to admit them […]

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“General-Ordinance” issued by Frederick Charles (‘Fridrich Carl’), Duke of Württemberg-[Winnental] [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Württemberg]: “By the grace of God, Fridrich Carl, Duke of Württemberg and Teckh […] First Our greeting, noble, dear faithfuls: […] 7) No peasant/farmer (‘Bauer’) may be permitted to sell stallions to Jews or take loans against them [from Jews] without the […]

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“Expulsion Decree” issued by Countess Maria Maximiliana of Sinzendorf [Present-day Austria and Germany; County of Sinzendorf]: “[…] 7) […] that they (her successors/heirs) shall never permit any Jews, either as subjects or under any other pretext to live or stay in this dominion of ours for eternity. […]” [Researcher’s note: The countess even pleads in […]

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“Edict” issued by Frederick William (“Friedrich Wilhelm”) to the Farther/Eastern Pomeranian Government [Present-day Germany; Swedish Pomerania/Swedish Empire]: “[…] when we realized that the Jews have partly pre-paid for their passes/passports in advanced and that they would be wronged if they were to be expelled nonetheless: That is why we [have decided to] permit them graciously […]

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“Policy Regarding the Island of French America” issued by King Louis XIV [Saint Dominigue; Present-day Dominican Republic and Haiti]: “1) […] we enjoin all of our officers to chase from our islands all the Jews who have established residence there. As with all declared enemies of Christianity, we command them to be gone within three […]

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Leipzig: Decree – No Jew is allowed to trade in the streets or to open their business entirely or partly [Germany]: “Us, the majors and council of the city Leipzig command: The Jews have abused the benefits given to them in different remittals by living against common laws. They carry on trade at times, in which […]

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“Rescript” addressed to Johann Victor König, Royal Council and Mayor (head of the municipality) of Halle [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Prussia]: “[…] since we have serious reservations to protect/escort such people (Jews) […] and because it’s better without them, […] that is why you have to reject/turn back such Jews if they continue to announce themselves/arrive. […]

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“Edict (‘Edictum’) issued by Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg Ernest Augustus”* [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg]: “We, Ernst Augustus, by the grace of God Bishop of Osnabrück. Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg […] It has been reported to us that some of our officers, as well as court-men/judges (‘Gerichts-Herren’) and other authorities in small cities have accepted […]

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