Writ of Adolf von Nassau [Present-day Germany]: “Adolf of Nassau gives Albert von Barbi for his services 300 Mark and pledges to him the Jews (settled) in his domain until this [sum] is paid off.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the Latin text. The original text can be found […]

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Edict Against Jewish Homeownership, given by King Adolf von Nassau for the City of Worms, State of Hesse [Present-day Germany]: “We, Adolf, Roman King by the grace of God, exalted throughout the universe, faithful to the Holy Roman Empire, present these letters by its grace, and all that is good. For the honorable men, the dean […]

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“Limited Concession” granted to Jews by the butcher’s guild of Frankfurt (Oder) [Present-day Germany; Margraviate of Brandenburg]: “[10 named Jews] are permitted to slaughter two livestocks/cattle on Sunday, one on Tuesdays, and two on Fridays..” [Researcher’s note: Jews were generally prohibited by the local guilds to slaughter livestock which posed a problem as the meat […]

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“Agreement between King Adolph and Archbishop Gerhard of Mainz” [Germany]: “[…]: 1. Any profit that the Archbishop will make from his case against the citizens and Jews of Mainz […] will be split, and then equally divided between Adolf and Gerhard for two years. After that the Jews will belong entirely to the Archbishop.” Regesta […]

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Writ of Adolf von Nassau [Present-day Germany]: “Adolf of Nassau grants Gotfrid von Eppstein, his relative, annually 25 Mark as imperial loan for his services from the revenues generated by the levies (‘Bede’) placed on the Jews of Frankfurt.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text both […]

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“Jurisdiction of Jews” ordered by King Adolf [Germany]: “Notice is hereby given that today here at the castle in the court knight Henry von Hammerstein, who had appeared as the representative of Archbishop Gerhard von Mainz, had enforced his rights against the following Mainz citizens […] and Jews […]: 1. The citizens illegally threaten the […]

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Law issued by the Synod at Aschaffenburg [Germany]: “Law issued by the Synod of Aschaffenburg [Germany]:  […] Jews of both sexes have to wear a sign or clothing publicly which distinguishes them from the Christians. They may not show themselves publicly during the Holy Week, but must remain in their homes with the doors and […]

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“Official Decree” issued by King Adolf [Present-day Germany; Free City of Mainz/Electorate of Mainz]: “We, King Adolf […] promise Our consanguine Archbishop and Arch-Chancellor Gerhard [II] […] his successors and the church of Mainz, with this document, among other things, the ability to restore ownership of the Jews of the city [of Mainz] who [have […]

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“Writ issued by Rudolf I [Present-day Germany]: “Rudolf (‘Rudolph’) I transfers the levies of the local Jews, which they owe to the empire, to the Burgmann* of Landau.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text which can be found in the cited source. *A Burgmann (literally: ‘man-of-the-castle’ […]

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“Official Letter/Document” issued by Archbishop Gerhard of Mainz [Present-day Germany; Archbishopric of Mainz]: “We, G[erhard], holy Archbishop of Mainz by the grace of God and Arch-Chancellor of Germany […] after these 11 years, the four [administrative positions] and the Jews of Erfurt are to be returned to us and the church of Mainz and this present […]

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Writ of King Rudolf [Present-day Germany]: “King Rudolf permits the previous Schultheiss* of Frankfurt Heinrich and his heirs, and bestows grace upon the Burgmann* of Rödelheim that they may settle [and keep] six Jews near the castle of Rödelsheim, however, [these 6 Jews] they must not be taken/solicited from the other royal cities; any profits/gains to […]

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Edict of Expulsion by Charles II [France]: “Since it is our responsibility to purge the territories subjected to us of evil men we…have consulted about these matters with the reverend father the bishop and with many clerics…Indeed it pleases our majesty, we believe with the assent of God, that we should provide for our aforesaid […]

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Papal Bull “Turbato Corde” issued by Nicolas IV [Present-day Italy]: “With troubled heart we hear and bring to mind that many of those converted from the error of Jewish blindness to the light of Christian faith, have fallen back into their former falsehood. Also many Christians have denied the Catholic faith and exchanged it for […]

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“Pawning off of Jews” order issued by King Rudolf I [of Habsburg] [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovenia, Switzerland]: “We, King Rudolf […] transfer regiment of the Jews of Thüringen to Archbishop Henry [Heinrich] of Mainz.” Prince Lichnowsky: Geschichte König Rudolfs des Ersten und seiner Ahnen; (Wien, 1836); (History of King Rudolf the First and […]

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“Royal Announcement” issued by Emperor Rudolf I [Present-day Germany]: “[… we transfer] all the Jewry – our chamber servants – in Thuringia, the Margrave of/and Meissen (‘universos judeos, nostre camere servos in partibus Thuringie, Marchie et misnensis’) [to be] under the protection and rule of the Archbishop Henry III, so that you (Jews) and everyone […]

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Writ issued by Rudolf I [Present-day Germany]: “Rudolf promises Gerlach von Limburg 300 Mark silver as Burgmann* of Kalsmunt and pledges the Jews of Limburg to him until [this sum] is paid off.” [Researcher’s note: *A Burgmann (literally: man-of-the-castle) was a title of nobility. The above a translation of a German summary of the original Latin […]

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“Diocesan Synod of 1284” [Present-day Austria]: “Also, since Christian rights are forbidden and prohibitted to the Jews, we determine and warn that the parish priests and other ecclesiastical leaders command that all those of the Catholic faith, Jewish nurses and servants be excommunicated whenever they are found in Jewish homes on the day of the Lord. […]

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“Statutes from the Saint Pöltener Diocese Synod/Council” compiled under the authority of Bishop Gottfried of Passau [Prince-Bishopric of Passau; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Excommunication Of Christians Serving Jews: Since the Jews have long been prohibited to keep Christians servants (‘mancipia’)*, the ministers and other church leaders shall announce [give warning of] excommunicating [wet-]nurses and other servants […]

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Expulsion of Jews from Windsor, Calendar of the Close Rolls from the reign of Edward I [England]: “To Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of Windsor castle. Order to cause to be removed from that town certain Jews who have entered it and who inhabit it, without doing injury to their bodies or goods, as, according to […]

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“City Law of Eisenbach” confirmed* by Landgrave Albrecht von Thuringia [Present-day Germany]: “[…] 34) Also, if a stolen item was pledged/pawned off or sold to a Jew, he (Jew) is to swear that he did not know anything about the theft and take back the money without interests and return the pledge/pawn. 35) Also, in […]

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“Ordinance” of King Rudolf I [of Habsburg] [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovenia, Switzerland]: “[…] all Jews are to be [regarded as] Our ‘chamber-servants’ [‘Kammerknechte’] […] and under the immediate reign of the empire.” [Researcher’s note: This ordinance ensured that Jews could be taxed and/or levied according to the king’s whim, and that all revenues […]

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“Writ” issued by Archbishop of Mainz, Werner (von Eppstein) [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Mainz]: “Archbishop of Mainz, Werner [von Eppstein] announces that the deacons and his church chapter in Mainz and the church Mariengreden in Mainz have purchased all of the goods of the Abby and convent of the Benedicts-Cloister (‘Benediktinerklosters’) Kornelimünster in Trechtingshausen in the […]

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“Mandate” issued by the City of Erfurt [Independent City of Erfurt; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Jews are to give […] the minister […] six pounds ‘pennies’ of Erfurt currency on Saint Martin’s Day so-long a minister lives/exists there (‘quamdiu ibi plebanus existit’) […] when a Jew rents a farm or a house from a Christian, the […]

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Expulsion of Jews from Winchelese, reign of Edward I [England]: “To the barons and bailiffs of Winchelese. Order to cause the Jews who have recently entered that town and who dwell there to be removed thence without delay, without any damage to their bodies or goods, as according to the custom of the king’s Jewry […]

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“Writ” issued by Hartmann (of Dillingen), Bishop of Augsburg [Present-day Germany; Prince Bishopric of Augsburg]: “[We] Hartmann, by the grace of God, Bishop of the churches in Augsburg […] wish to bestow grace upon the Jews who live or come to live as loyal citizens in Augsburg [by extending their current rights for one year starting […]

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“Ordinance” of Bishop Otto of Minden [Bishopric of Minden; Present-day Germany]: “Bishop Otto of Minden announces to the Council, the citizens, and to all other residents of Minden that — since the general synod prohibits Jews from blackmailing excessive interests from Christians, he (too) together with his chapter prohibits Jews to take more than the […]

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Law issued by Louis IX [France]: “Because we want the Jews to be recognizable and distinguished from the Christians, we command […]  every Jew of both sexes to wear badges: A wheel of yellow cloth of rag, that needs to be sown on the outer garment, on the chest and the back to ensure the visibility. […]

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Writ of King Richard [Present-day Germany]: “[…] Furthermore, the Jews of Worms and King Richard have come to an agreement in that Jews may remain [there] irrevocably for the next six consecutive years beginning in 69, [for which they are to give] 200 Mark silver annually and [give…] Raugrave Ruprecht [II.], the brother of the Bishop […]

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Papal Bull “Turbato Corde” issued by Clement IV to the Inquisitors of the Dominican and Franciscan Orders [Present-day Italy]: “With a troubled hear we relate what we have heard: very many reprobate Christians have abandoned the truth of the Christian faith and wickedly transferred themselves to the Jewish rite…Against Christians whom you find guilty of the above […]

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“Canonical Laws” issued by the Viennese Church Council [Present-day Austria]: “Since the temerity of the Jews has greatly increased so that the purity of the Catholic faith has been sullied in [the minds] of many Christians, we determine […] that the Jews are to be distinguishable in their clothing from those of Christians […] and […]

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“Synod of Wroclaw” [Poland]: “(1) Jews and Christians are forbidden to associate at the dance-halls, in the inns, or at the baths; (2) Jews are to wear a special cap when appearing in public; (3) a ditch or a fence was to separate the dwelling of a Jew from that of his Christian neighbor; (4) […]

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Writ of King Richard of Cornwall [Present-day Germany]: “King Richard gifts the Jews of Worms again to Bishop Henry (‘Heinrich’) II of Speyer.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text both of which can be found in the cited source. At the time of the transfer, Jews […]

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Papal decree requiring Jews to wear a yellow badge, issued by Pope Alexander IV for Burgundy [Present-day France]: “TO THE NOBLE DUKE of Burgundy: In the sacred general assembly, through careful deliberations, it was decreed that the Jews be distinguished from Christians by the quality of their garb, lest those of the former might be […]

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Writ of King William II of Holland [Present-day Germany]: “William (‘Wilhelm’) loans/grants (‘verleiht’) ten Mark annually to the Speyer citizen Evelinus ante Monasterium for this loyalty as hereditary fief from the Jews in Speyer which he instructs them to give.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text […]

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“Condemnation of the Talmud” issued by Odo of Chateauroux [France]: “Condemnation of the Talmud by Odo, May 15, 1248…Certain books by the name of Talmud having been presented by the Jewish masters to us armed with apostolic authority, we have examined these books and caused them to be carefully examined by men of discretion…Whereas we […]

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Writ of Conrad IV of Germany [Present-day Germany; Holy Roman Empire]: “Conrad IV commands Gerhard [I.] of Sinzig (‘Sintzig’), his Burggraf […] to immediately pay (turn over) one hundred Mark to Gerhard von Bruneck from the Jews, whom he has imprisoned.” Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland während des Mittelalters. Bearbeitet von Dr. M. Wiener. […]

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Decree issued by the First Council of Lyons [France]: “We order that Jews be compelled by the secular power to remit interest, and that until they do so all intercourse shall be denied them by all Christ’s faithful under pain of excommunication…The Jews shall be compelled to add to the capital, after they have deducted […]

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Letter written by Pope Innocent IV to King of France [Present-day France]: “Order throughout your entire realm that everywhere (the Talmud) be found that it be burned…” Sbaralea, Bullarium Franciscanum I, p. 322, n. 41, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 2/12/2016 ADD ENGLISH TRANSLATION

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Writ of Conrad IV of Germany [Present-day Germany; Holy Roman Empire]: “Conrad IV commands Gerhard [I.] von Sinzig (‘Sintzig’) to raise fifty Mark from the Jews of Sinzig, if necessary, though imprisonment and extortion and to send [these funds] to the royal court.” Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland während des Mittelalters. Bearbeitet von Dr. […]

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Ordinance of Ploërmel by the Jean, Duke of Brittany, Count of Richemond [France]: “To all those who present these letters will see, John, Duke of Brittany, Count of Richemont, hello. Know that we, at the request of the bishops, abbots, barons and vassals of Brittany, having carefully examined the interest of the country, we expel […]

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“Burning of Talmud” order issued by Pope Gregory IX [Holy Roman Empire; Present England, France, Portugal, Spain]: “[…] Wherefore, since this [Talmud] is said to be the most important reason why the Jews remain obstinate in their perfidy, we, through apostolic letters, order your Discretion to have the Jews who live in the kingdoms of […]

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Papal Bull “Si Vera Sunt” issued by Pope Gregory IX [France]: “…the Pope [Gregory IX] saw fit to write [June 9, 1239] to all archbishops of the kingdom of France as follows:…’Wherefore, since this [Talmud] is said to be the chief cause that holds the Jews obstinate in their perfidy, we thought that your Fraternity […]

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Edict of Expulsion by the Duke of Brittany [France]: “Duke John of Brittany, 1239…To all who may read these letters, John, duke of Brittany, count of Richmont sends greetings: Know that, at the petition of the bishops, abbots, barons, and vassals of Brittany, and having in mind the good of all of Brittany, we expel […]

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“Deferent signum rotae” (“Wearing of a Round Badge”) issued by the Council of Arles [Present-day France]: “[…] In order that the Jews can be distinguished from the others, we have decreed … that they are to wear a circular sign on their bosom … the width of the circle may be a finger long, and […]

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Papal Bull “Sufficere Debuerat” issued by Pope Gregory IX [Present-day Italy]: “…It ought to have satisfied the faithless Jews, that Christians devoutness accepted them again solely and alone from goodwill…Although at the general Council mentioned it was disposed that the Jews of both sexes at all times and everywhere should be distinguished from others through […]

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Writ of Henry VII [Present-day Germany; Holy Roman Empire]: “King Henry VII gifts Siegfried (‘Sifrid’), Bishop of Regensburg [and] imperial court-chancellor, for his and his father’s many and agreeable services/deed […] all [tax] revenues (‘Einnahmen’) from the Jews of Regensburg for the duration of his lifetime.” Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland während des Mittelalters. […]

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Writ of Henry VII [Present-day Germany; Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] absolves Count Egino [V. Urach] of Fribourg (‘Grafen Egeno von Freiburg’) of any resentment and anger directed at him for imprisoning his Jews in Fribourg and prohibits anyone to burden or harm him with any lawsuit brought forth by a Jew.” Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden […]

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“Mandate” of Pope Gregor IX [Present-day Germany]: “Pope Gregory [declares that he has] decided against the Jews in Regensburg [who had wanted to establish a cemetery on grounds purchased from the cloister St. Emmeram and to convert a house purchased from the same cloister into a synagogue and] orders to have this matter investigated, and suggests/advises […]

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Mandate imposing Jewish badge by King Henry III [England]: “The king to the Viscount of Worcester, greetings. We order that you announce and that you have respected in all your jurisdiction that all Jews, when they walk or ride, in or outside the city, should wear on their chest, anywhere on their outer garments two white tablets […]

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Canon 67, 69, & 70 issued by the Fourth Lateran Council [Present-day Italy]: “Canon 67…Wishing, therefore, in this matter to protect the Christians against cruel oppression by the Jews, we ordain in this decree that if in the future under any pretext Jews extort from Christians oppressive and immoderate interest, the partnership of the Christians […]

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Clause 10, 1215 Magna Carta [England]: “(10) If anyone who has borrowed a sum of money from Jews dies before the debt has been repaid, his heir shall pay no interest on the debt for so long as he remains under age, irrespective of whom he holds his lands. If such a debt falls into the hands […]

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“Papal Bull” (‘Ut esset Cain’) issued by Pope Innocent III and addressed to the Count Hervé de Donzy of Nevers IV [Papal States; Present-day France, Italy]: “The Lord made Cain a wanderer and a fugitive over the earth, but set a mark upon him, making his head to shake, lest any finding him should slay […]

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Decree of King John, Assize of Money, Winchester [Present-day England]: “If a Jew clips money, and if any…Jewish clipper be found, let all their chattels be taken and their bodies placed in our prison, and they shall be at our will to do justice on them.” Rot. Lit. Pat. ed. Hardy, i. 54b, Researched and Translated […]

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Clipping money [Present-day England]: “If clipped money be found in the hand of a Jew or Jewess the money shall be taken and perforated and placed in a certain safe box for our needs, and the body of the Jew or Jewess that has such money shall be taken and their goods taken and retained […]

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“Papal Bull” issued by Pope Innocent III and addressed to King Philip of France [Papal States; Present-day France, Italy]: “What is even worse, blaspheming against God’s name, they publicly insult Christians by saying that Christians believe in a peasant who had been hung by the Jewish people. Indeed, who do not doubt that He was […]

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Decree of King John, No Amnesty for Jews under John [Present-day England]: “We have freed and acquitted…all the prisoners and incarcerated…except our Jewish prisoners.” Rymer. Foedera, i. 90., Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 1/14/2016 NEED MORE INFORMATION (ITEM NAME – PAGE #)

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Papal Bull “Etsi Non Displiceat” issued by Pope Innocent III [Present-day Italy]: “Moreover, although it has been declared by the Lateran Council that Jews should not be allowed to have Christian slaves in their houses, either under pretext of nursing their children, or as servants, or for any other reason whatsoever, but that those who […]

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“Constitution Pro Judaeis” (“Constitution for Jews”) issued by Pope Innocent III [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Italy, Germany, Belgium]: “Although the Jewish perfidy is in every way worthy of condemnation, […] Thou shalt not destroy the Jews completely so that the Christians should never by any chance be able to forget Thy Law, which, though they […]

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“Papal Decree” issued by Innocent III to all Christians Princes [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria]: “We command that Jews be compelled to remit usury to Christians by you, sons of princes and secular powers. And [un]til they remit it (them) we command that all communication in any way be denied [to] them […]

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“Papal bull by Innocent III” (Post miserabile) 1198 [Present-day Italy]: “We warn the Jews to return the loans at this time, and gatherings are entirely denied until they return those loans of all faithful Christians under the pretense of excommunication.” Magnum bullarium romanum, v.1, paragraph 11, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 12/8/2015 ADD PAGE # ADD […]

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“Official Document” of Holy Roman Emperor Henry (Heinrich) VI [Present-day Italy]: “Henry gifts Abby Innocence of Santa Maria of Nardo and his heirs/successors the Jewry of the City of Nardo with all of the accompanying rights, services, and liens/taxes and confirms all previously given privileges and gifts of Christians princes and lords, especially those given […]

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Charter of Emperor Henry IV [Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: “[…] 9) However, it is not permissible for them (Jews) to buy a Christian slave.” The Jews in Christian Europe: A Source Book, 315–1791, Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 11/1/2016 ADD PAGE # ADD AUTHOR

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Canon 26 issued by the Third Lateran Council [England]: “[Canon] 26. Jews and Saracens are not to be allowed to have Christian servants in their houses, either under pretence of nourishing their children or for service or any other reason. Let those be excommunicated who presume to live with them. We declare that the evidence of […]

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Writ of Frederick I [Present-day France; Holy Roman Empire]: “Frederick I (‘Friedrich’) places the Jews of Avignon under the jurisdiction of Bishop Paulus.” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text.] Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland während des Mittelalters. Bearbeitet von Dr. M. Wiener. Erster Teil. […]

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Law “Fuero of Teruel” issued by Alfonso II [Spain]: “… [568]: Of a Jew, who has no share in his compensation for injury (caloña): But it should be known that the Jew does not have any part of his caloña, whether for injury or death, for it is entirely the Lord King’s. For the Jews are […]

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“Privilege for the Jews of Worms and Other Members” (“Judeis de Wormacla et ceteris sodlibus”) issued by Holy Roman Emperor Friedrich Barbrossa [Present-day Germany]: “[…] We proclaim […] since we care for all the Jews who are in Our kingdom […] and are Our prerogative and belong to the imperial chamber […that they] are part of […]

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“Order” of Duke Vladislaus I of Bohemia [Duchy of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic, Germany]: “[…] In the future, no Christian may serve a Jew.” [Researcher’s note: According to the author of the cited source, this law was the result of the following occurrence: Jakob Apella, a Jew who had sizable wealth and influence on the […]

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Canon 10 & 26 issued by Council of Szaboles [Hungary]: “[Canon 10] If Jews should associate to themselves wives of Christians or keep in their service and Christian, such a person shall be taken from them and restored to freedom, while the price money shall be taken from his sellers and transferred to the maintenance […]

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Synod of Szabolcs Established by the Hungarian National Synod by King Saint Laszlo the 1st, (Reigned from 1077 to 1095) [Hungary]: “#10. If the Jews wanted to choose a wife among of christians, or they would keep a christian housemaid, they have to get their freedom back, whomever have sold her, the selling price must be taken […]

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Writ of Henry IV for Speyer [Present-day Germany; Prince-Bishopric of Speyer]: “[…] It is permitted for Jews to ask/order (‘bestellen’) Christians to their businesses (for business matters), but not on Sun- and holy-days; furthermore, Jews are not permitted to acquire Christian serfs […]” [Researcher’s note: This writ of Henry contains mostly pro-Jewish regulations except the excerpts […]

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Writ of Otto II [Present-day Germany; Holy Roman Empire/Price-Bishopric of Merseburg]: “Otto II gifts among other things the Jews [of Merseburg] to Bishop Giseler of Merseburg – considering the [state of] poverty [in which the Stift finds itself …].” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text.] Regesten […]

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Various canons and decrees reissued by the Council of Paris [France]: “…[1] If one of the Jews should buy and circumcise a Christian slave or of any other sect, he shall be released from that Jew’s power and remain in liberty…[2] We deny to the Jews and to the pagans the permission to practice law […]

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Canon 8 issued by the Second Council of Nicaea [Present-day Turkey]: “[Canon] 8 Since some of those who come from the religion of the Hebrews mistakenly think to make a mockery of Christ who is God, pretending to become Christians, but denying Christ in private by both secretly continuing to observe the sabbath and maintaining other […]

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Canon 8 issued by the Seventeenth Council of Toledo [Spain]: “… and whatever duty to the public funds those Jews are known to have paid till now, their aforementioned slaves executed by our prince shall be obliged to pay in full without any excuse. Finally, those who will be granted these Jews by our oft-mentioned […]

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Canon 1 issued by the Sixteenth Council of Toledo [Spain]: “ ‘Notwithstanding many writers of the ancient fathers, and promulgated laws extant, condemning the false belief of the Jews, …they still persevere in the blindness of their obstinacy on a yet harder rock. …that either they be converted to the faith, or if adhering to […]

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Canon 9 issued by the Twelfth Council of Toledo [Spain]: “…‘That Jews shall not abstain themselves, nor withhold their children or slaves from baptism.’ ‘That Jews shall not celebrate the Passover as accustomed, nor practice circumcision, nor dissuade any one from the Christian faith.’ ‘That Jews shall not presume to observe the Sabbath, or any […]

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Canon 17 issued by the 9th Council of Toledo [Spain]: “17. Baptized Jews shall be present at Christian feast days as well as Jewish at the episcopal divine service, so that the bishop may see their fidelity. Whoever does not this shall be punished, according to his age, with blows or fasting.” [Editor’s Note: Author […]

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Order issued by the Eight Council of Toledo [Spain]: “…XIIII…By suggesting that the most glorious in the council to insert in the canons of our Lord commanded that the Jews are not allowed to have Christian wives, concubines or even, nor a Christian slave compare to their own use. …The Christians also forbid the marriages […]

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Canon 3 issued by the Sixth Council of Toledo [Spain]: “The inflexible treachery of the Jews has by piety and diving grace been overcome; for inspired by the Most High God, our most excellent and Christian prince, inflamed with ardour for the faith, together with the clergy of his kingdom, has resolved to destroy their […]

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From the Fifth Council of Toledo [Present-day Spain]: “Those whom the Jews have circumsized, if they are their own sons, those children are to be separated  from the care of their parents.” Decretum Gratiani, Pars III, Distintio IV, C. XCIV, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 1/29/2016 ADD PAGE # ADD ENGLISH TRANSLATION ADD AUTHOR

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Canons 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 & 66 by the Fourth Council of Toledo [Spain]: “The Fourth Council of Toledo Canon 57: ‘In respect to Jews, this holy synod has resolved that in future no one shall be compelled to receive our faith; …’ Canon 59: ‘Many who have formerly been […]

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“Synod of Alexandria” presided over Cyrus of Alexandria [Alexandria; Present-day Egypt]: “[…] 57) Henceforth no Jew may be compelled to the reception of Christianity. Those who were compelled under King Sisebut, and received the sacrament, must remain Christians. 63) If a Jew has a Christian wife, if he wishes to continue to live with her, […]

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Synod of Paris [Present-day France]: “15. No Jew may exercise military of official authority over Christians. If he does so, he must be baptized with his family.” Hefele, A History of the Councils of the Church, v. 4: 440, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 2/14/2016 ADD PAGE #

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Canon 17 issued at Synod of Paris [France]: “That none of the Jews shall dare to petition the prince or exercise anything whatever of a public office or public function over Christians. If he should attempt it, he shall obtain the grace of baptism, with all his family, at the hands of the bishop of […]

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“Expansion on the Synod of Toledo (589)” Issued by King Sisebut of the Westgoths [Present-day Spain]: “The Jews were previously forced to accept Christianity, just as ordered during the reign of the most pious prince Sisebut, because it now accepted that they associate with the holy sacraments, and receive the grace of baptism, and are annointed, […]

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Canon 9 & 14 issued by the Council at Narbonne [France]: “C.9…It is decreed above anything else that the Jews should not be allowed to sing psalms while accompanying the dead, but they shall accompany the dead and put them to rest according to their usage and ancient custom. If they should dare to do […]

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Canon 14 & 24 issued by the Third Council of Toledo [Spain]:  “The Third Council of Toledo Canon 14: ‘In conformity with the opinion of the Council, our glorious king has ordered to be inserted among the canons, that Jews shall not be permitted to have Christian wives or concubines. All children born from such […]

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Canon 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 issued by Synod of Macon [France]: “…2. No cleric or layman, unless he is of proved virtue and of advanced age, may for any reason 3 enter a nunnery and have private converse with the nuns; and in general they must only come into the common room. Jews, […]

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“Forced Conversion of Jews” ordered by Bishop Avitus [Bishopric of Claremont, Gaul; Present-day France] “[…] You [Jews] are the sheep of one God, also, why do you not go in unity? As there is one shepherd, so I urge, let there be one flock. […] Accept Christianity or leave Claremont. […]” Avraham, Yerachmiel Ben: All in […]

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“Novella 146” issued by Justinian I [Present-day Italy]: “8.ii.553.Nov.146, Justinian to Areobindas, P.P…Ch. I. We therefore sanction that, wherever there is a Hebrew congregation, those who wish it may, in their synagogues, read the sacred books to those who are present in Greek, or even Latin, or any other tongue. For the language changes in different […]

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“Church Property and Non-Christians” Issued by Justinian (From the Code of Justinian, Chapter XIV) “Novella 131” [Present-day Italy / Holy Roman Empire]: “Novel 131. Concerning ecclesiastical canons and privileges…1. If an orthodox person alienates or leaves possessions on which there is a holy church, either by emphyteusis (perpetual lease), lease (conduction) or for any other purpose, to […]

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Canon 13, 28, 30 issued by the Third Synod of Orleans [France]: “13. If Christians are slaves to Jews, and shall do anything contrary to the Christian religion, or if their masters venture to attempt to strike them on account of any act allowed by the Church, and they flee repeatedly to the church, the […]

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Council of Clermont [Present-day France]: “8. Jews must not be appointed as judges over a Christian population.” Hefele, A History of the Councils of the Church, v. 4: 191, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 2/14/2016; Date by Dominik Jacobs 2/3/2020 ADD PAGE #

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“Novella 37” issued by Justinian I [North Africa]: “Novel 37…Concerning the African Church…The same emperor (Justinian) to Salomon…Your Sublimity must take care that no Arians, Donatists or Jews or others who are known not to adhere to the orthodox religion…but that impious persons are entirely excluded from sacred things and temples and no permission whatever […]

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Law enacted by Emperor Justinian, 531 AD [Roman Empire; Some overall present-day countries include Italy, Spain, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt]: “…we decree that no one who is a heretic or who honors the Jewish superstition may be a witness against an Orthodox litigant…” Codex Justinianus 1.5.21, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez […]

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Canon 15 issued by the Council of Epaone [France]: “Canon 15. If a higher cleric has taken part in a banquet of a heretical cleric, he must be excluded from the Church for a year. Younger clerics who do the same shall be beaten. But at the banquets of Jews, even a layman must not […]

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Decree from the Roman Law of the Visigoths issued by Alaric II [Present-day France]: “[Section 16:4:1 decreed] If one of the Jews should buy and circumcise a Christian slave or of any other sect, he shall on no account retain the circumcised in slavery, but the man who suffered this shall acquire the privileges of […]

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Decree from the Roman Law of the Visigoths issued by Alaric II [Present-day France]: “[Section 3:1:5 decreed] On no account should a Jew buy a Christian slave, neither should he contaminate him with Jewish sacraments and convert him from Christian to Jew. If it should be revealed in a public investigation that this was done, […]

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Canon 34 & 40 issued by the Synod of Agde [France]: “Canon 34…If Jews, who in their perfidy frequently return to their vomit, should want to join the Catholic law, they shall enter the church up to the threshold among the catechumens for eight months, and if they should be recognized to be joining out […]

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Canon 93, Council of Agde [Present-day France]: “If they wish to come into the Catholic faith, the Jews must wait for a period of eight months to cross through the threshold of the church…” Decretum Gratiani, Pars III, Distintio IV, Canon 93, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 1/29/2016 ADD PAGE # ADD ENGLISH TRANSLATION

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