“Order” of Prince-Bishop Franz Ludwig von Erthal [Present-day Germany; Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg]: “[…] the wealth/assets of a protected Jew shall be [no less than] 4000 fl. Rh. [Gulden Reichsthaler] in [the city of] Bamberg and 1,500 fl. Rh [on the countryside …].” Geschichte der Juden im ehemaligen Fürstbistum Bamberg, bearbeitet auf Grund von Archivalien, nebst […]

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“Ordinance” issued by Prussian government [Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia etc.; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] Jews shall not be hired for economic and industry/commerce matters (‘Oeconomie- und Wirschafts-Angelegenheiten’) […]” Die Provinzial- und statutarischen Rechte in der preußischen Monarchie. Dargestellt vom wirklichen Geheimen Rath von Kamptz. Erster Theil. Die Provinzen: Brandenburg, Ost- und West-Preussen, Sachsen und Schlesien. […]

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“Rescript” issued Frederick Francis I, Duke of Mecklenburg and addressed to this government [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin]: “Frederick Francis, Duke of Mecklenburg […] a Jewish girl/wench (‘Juden-Dirne’)* who is alleged to have been impregnated by a Jew outside of marriage and who has settled in our domain/jurisdiction, is to receive the usual punishment […] however, […]

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Order by the Grand Chamber of the Parliament of Brittany [Present-day France; Brittany]: “Making right on the conclusions of the Attorney General of the King, enjoined and commanded Israel Créchange and all other Jews currently in Brittany to leave within a fortnight from the places of their establishment or in such other places fixed by the […]

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“Ordinance against usury of Jews” issued by the mayor and City Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “Mayor and Council [of Frankfurt] renew the publicly issued ordinances of June 9, 1584, June 6, 1616, and 1646 and expand on them […] to prevent against ‘usury and reckless borrowing, especially, those of […]

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“Special Order” issued by Frederick, King of Prussia [Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia etc.; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[We] Frederick, King of Prussia by the grace of God, [… have noticed] that horse traders, especially those among Jews, finance (as a loan) the payment that is due when they sell horses to [our] subjects in the Duchy […]

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“Governmental Ordinance” issued by Adolphus Fredrick (‘Adolf Friedrich’) IV and addressed the collectors of the ‘Recognition-tax’ (‘Recognition-Geldes’)  [Archduchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz; Present-day Germany]: “Those Jews in Altstrelitz, who fall behind one half year with their ‘Recognitions-Gelder’*, shall [be required to] leave the country immediately.” [Researcher’s note: *Recognition-Gelder seems to refer to dues/taxes that were required in […]

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“Edict” of Landgrave Friedrich of Hesse [Present-day Germany; Landgraviate Hesse]: “By the grace of God, We, Friedrich, Landgrave of Hesse, Prince of Herzfeld, Ear of Catzenelnbogen, […] in addition to bestowing [upon you] Our grace, we also announce the following: After finding it necessary […] to further explain and modify parts of the Jewish Ordinance of […]

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“Circular” issued by Joseph II to all districts (‘Kreise’) [Present-day Germany, Czech Republic etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] Jews who trade/exchange (‘einlösenden’) with gold and silver shall have their expired passports confiscated […] their use nullified and reported […] and new passports could be entrusted to them for the year [if they qualify…].” Extractus deren vom […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Government in Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic]: “Jews are prohibited to enter mines [mining towns] and such cities/towns and to conduct any trade in them. […]” Beyträge zur Politischen Gesetzeskunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate. Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrenreich (Graf von Barth-Barthenheim); Erster Band. (Wien; 1821) (Contributions to the Political Jurisprudence in the […]

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“Rescript” issued by the Prussian government [Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia etc.; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] Jews, who wish to become Christians, must show proof of their good conduct/behavior (‘Wohlverhaltens’), naturally these certificates must come from other authorities than Jewish ones who could be bias.” [Researcher’s note: A similar mandate was issued on July 20, 1774.] […]

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“Ordinance” issued by Adolphus Fredrick (‘Adolf Friedrich’) IV [Archduchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz; Present-day Germany]: “All border authorities and state/land/country administrative officers (‘Gränzobrigkeiten und Land- und Amtsreuter’) shall make sure (keep a watchful eye) that foreign, unescorted beggar-Jews and sick-Jews (‘Bettel- und kranke Juden’) are not allowed to come in across the border but that they are […]

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“Circular” issued via a “Royal Order” by the Electoral Chambers (‘Churmärkische Cammer’) [Present-day Germany; Poland etc.; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] the peddling of leather on the countryside is strictly prohibited to the Jewry in all of the royal states/domains and this prohibition is to be heeded in all seriousness […].” [Researcher’s note: This above circular […]

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“Royal Court Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Court [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Jews are not to sell brandy on Sundays and [officially] commanded holydays before a church service or be faced with a serious fine/punishment/penalty (‘Strafe’). […]” Beyträge zur politischen Gesetzkunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate; Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrereich (Graf von Barth-Barthenheim): Erster Band; (Wien; […]

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“[Royal] Court Resolution” of Maria Theresa [Present-day Czech Republic; Germany; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] Secondly: According to the new General-Coin-Ordinance of May 26, 1746, Jews are not to purchase, trade or sell any gold or silver […] and the learning of the profession of goldsmith is to cease and be prohibited altogether [to them] in the […]

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Bamberg: The Bambergischen Landen forbids Jews and Christians to bring a different kind of money to Bamberg and use [Germany]: Extract from resolution of the Bambergischen Landen, July 9, 1775: “The Bambergischen Landen forbids Jews and Christians to bring a different kind of money to Bamberg and use. The so called “Eilser” and the “4. Groschen” […]

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“Governmental Communiqué” addressed to the Jewish Elders of Prague [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] it has come to [our] disapproving attention, that some young Jewish boys who do not have a beard […] wear a small yellow patch that is attached instead of the yellow cuff that is sewn on […] no less, the young married […]

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“Mandate” issued by the Government of Bayreuth [Principality of Bayreuth; Present-day Germany]: “All contracts of Jews with citizens, common craftsmen/artisans, and farmers – whether it involves one or repeated business worth more than 30 fl. Franconian currency or 37 fl. [or] 30 kr. Rhineland currency – require the registration and confirmation [of the appropriate authorities] […]

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Edict of 1775 issued by Pope Pius VI [Present-day Italy]: “Jews of both sexes must wear a yellow-colored sign, by which they are distinguished from others, and they must always wear it at all times and places, both in the ghettoes, and when they are outside of them.” The men were to wear the yellow […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria; Archduchy of Austria]: “The Jews are completely [to be] excluded from trading with saltpeter/niter and powder.” [Researcher’s note: A similar prohibition was issued via the Patent of December 21, 1807. Jews were also strictly prohibited from extracting/producing saltpeter/niter via Patent of December 1, 1807.] Erzherzogthum Oesterreich unter der […]

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“Ad Mandatum (‘the mandate’)” issued by King Frederick of Prussia [Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia etc.; Kingdom of Prussia]: “Frederick, King of Prussia […] since our experience has shown repeatedly that Jews who have converted to the Christian religion have done so not necessarily motivated by pure intentions and drive, but rather in order to achieve […]

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“Decree” of the Senate of the Free Imperial City of Nuremberg [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Nuremberg/Holy Roman Empire]: “After the attempts of the highly-commendable [City] Council of the Holy Roman City Nurnberg […] to mitigate the illegal usury and fraud of Jews on numerous occasions [… have failed …] we have found it necessary […]

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“Wholesale Privilege for Jews” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] it is permitted that wholesale permits – for businesses that are in good standing – can not only be taken over by the widows but also by the descendants of the deceased; the latter, however, are to report to the authorities to obtain […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Government of Marburg [Present-day Germany; Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel]: “[…] 4) In order that debtor […] are not required to pay excessive interests (‘Douceurs’) as it has been done by the Jews until now […] We wish to set the rate of interest (‘Mäckelgeld’) at 2 per cent which we have decided and […]

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“Resale of Sheep’s Wool,” royal resolution issued by Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor and Archduke of Austria [Austria]: “The purchase of sheep’s wool by Jews with the intent of reselling, rampant across the land, is to cease completely and under penalty of confiscation.” Urkunden und Akten zur Geschichte der Juden in Wien (1526-1847), Vol. I. […]

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“Marriage Ordinance” issued by Joseph II/Maria Theresa [Present-day Austria]: “Because of the many untimely Jewish marriages, Jews are prohibited [henceforth] to get married without having registered [and received permission]. This includes those who do not have the means to make a living; they shall leave from here.” [Researcher’s note: Vom wegen dem unzeitig vielfaltigen jüdischen Heurathen […]

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Order by the Municipal officers prohibiting Jews to trade in the city of Blois. [France]: “We Mayor, Aldermen and Council members forming the municipal body of the city of Blois, (…) make Jews prohibited to trade sell and debit goods and to make any commerce in this city, under punishment of confiscation and a fine […]

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“Jewish Ordinance” (“Judenordnung”) issued by Augustus II [Electorate of Saxony; Present-day Germany]: “[…] the Jews are neither to be permitted to build a synagogue nor to have a specific place for the public/communal performance of their Jewish ceremonies, but rather, each Jewish head of the household (‘Hausvater’) is to carry out such (prayer) with his […]

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Frankfurt: Reinforcing Edict of January 14, 1755 Forbidding Citizens and Jews to give any soldier anything else than is stated in the edict from January [Germany]: “It came to our attention that the citizens and Jews of this city impinge against the decree released on January 14, 1755. Citizens and Jews of this city are […]

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“Jewish Ordinance” of Landgrave Friedrich of Hesse [Present-day Germany; Landgraviate Hesse]: “By the grace of God, We, Friedrich, Landgrave of Hesse, Prince of Herzfeld, Earl of Catzenelnbogen, […] in addition to bestowing [upon you] Our grace, we are also letting you know herewith: Even though, the parliament-law of 1731 and […] 1739 and 1749, had attempted […]

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“Ordinance” issued by Duke Adolphus Frederick (‘Adolf Friedrich’) IV [Archduchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz; Present-day Germany]: “[…] 4) Since there has been a sufficient regulation issued regarding foreign Jews being found with other Jews or in taverns, [a regulation] which the Jews living in Fürstenberg are required to obey […] and since [it stipulates…] that a each Jew […]

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“Ordinance” issued by Adolphus Fredrick (‘Adolf Friedrich’) IV [Archduchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Jews holding the proper passports/permits and their servants can continue to pursue their actual way of earning a living – peddling – as in the past; however, under the expressed condition that they must not — under any circumstances and under […]

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“Renovator-Ordinance” (‘Renovator-Verordnung’) issued by Adolphus Fredrick (‘Adolf Friedrich’) IV [Archduchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz; Present-day Germany]: [The Ordinance of May 9, 1774, is renewed and] “the Jews in this present country shall not take on/harbor (‘aufnehmen’) foreign vagabonds.” Repertorium der in den Herzogthum Mecklenburg-Strelitz geltenden Verordnungen. Herausgegeben von Kanzley-Rath von Kamptz zu Neustrelitz. (“Repertory of the valid/issued […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Government of Prince-Elector of Brunswick-Lüneburg [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg/Holy Roman Empire]: “[The ordinance of September 14, 1770 is renewed and the local authorities are ordered to enforce this or to be subject to his majesty’s disfavor] and to not issue any passports/permits to foreign vagabonding Jews under any circumstances […] and […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Prince-Bishopric [Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Jews are prohibited from trading with fat cattle (‘Fettvieh’). […]” [Researcher’s note: This prohibition was issued and revoked several times throughout history in the Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg. It was initially issued on May 8, 1700, then repeated on October 11 and 31, 1712. The cattle […]

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“Edict” issued by Fredrick the Great (“Friedrich”) [Prussia; Present-day Germany]: “We, Fredrick, King of Prussia by the Grace of God, Markgrave of Brandenburg, Arch-Gentleman and [Prince] Elector (‘Erz-Cämmerer und Churfürst’) of the Holy Roman Empire […] 13) With respect to the Jews (regarding the Jews), the prohibition contained in the Cloth-Regulation (‘Tuch-Reglement’) Sec[tion] II, § […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the [City] Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free City of Frankfurt]: “[…] Jewish parents, whose children are getting married outside of the domain as well as the children themselves […] are to report the size/amount of the assets/dowry they receive under oath […] and leave a certain deposit/guarantee [so that the necessary and […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Government of Prince-Elector of Brunswick-Lüneburg [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg/Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] 1) that all Polish-Jews shall be earnestly forbidden to enter and to be present in these/our lands. […] all local authorities are to watch over this in their districts […] and have this posted again publicly on all warning-poles […]

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“Peddling Ordinance” issued by the Electorate of Hanover [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Hanover]: “Escorted Jews (those with special permits) shall not go peddling outside of the annual markets […]” Sammlung der Verordnungen und Ausschreiben welche für sämmtliche Provinzen des Hannoverschen Staats, jedoch was den Calenbergischen, Lüneburgischen, und Bremen- und Verdenschen Theil betrifft, seit dem Schlusse in […]

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“Order” issued by the Prince-Bishopric [Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Jews are prohibited from appearing on public streets, places, or at Christian’s homes on Christian Sundays and holy-days or [they are to] face a fine of 5 fl [Gulden…].” Eckstein, Adolf (District Rabbi): Geschichte der Juden im ehemaligen Fürstbistum Bamberg, bearbeitet auf Grund von […]

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“General-Rescript” (‘General-Rescript’) issued by Charles Frederick (‘Carl Friedrich’), Grand Duke of Baden; addressed to all Upper authorities and offices [Present-day Germany; Margraviate of Baden]: “[…] however, we wish to order you in all earnestness […] to not allow Jews to sell a piece of cattle […] to Our Christian subjects outside of the public markets […]

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“Publication/Order” issued by the [City] Council of Riga [Present-day Latvia]: “[…] all arriving Jews, except privileged ones (those with special permits) and those who have been required/obliged to remain on their rafts (‘Flössen’) and river-ships (‘Strusen’) are to find accommodation in the Jewish-hostel […] plus, all departing Jews, who have already received passports from the Livonian […]

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“Circular” published in the Imperial Leaflet [Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary]: “[…] where the [permitted] number of [Jewish] family-spots (‘Familienstellen’) have not been exceeded, the second or the third-born can receive permission to wed, if he can show to have contributions of 500 – 700 Franks. […] No one shall receive a family-spot […]

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“Cabinet Order” issued by Fredrick II [Prussia; Present-day Germany, Poland, Belgium]: “[…] Jews who have received permission to acquire a house are to purchase a certain amount of porcelain, that is a Jew with a ‘general privilege’ (General Privilegium) is to purchase 500 Thaler worth of [porcelain] and a ‘ordinary protected Jew’ (ordinärer Schutzjude) is […]

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Regulation regarding the trading of Jews on the countryside (‘Landschaft’) issued by Mayor Johannes Debary and the [city] Council of Basel [Present-day Switzerland; Prince-Bishopric of Basel]: “We, Johannes Debary, the mayor, as well as the [city] councils of the city of Basel order all and each of Our dear faithful members […] that we have noticed […]

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“Writ” of King George III [Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg (Hannover); Present-day England, Germany, Ireland, etc.]: “[…] We order herewith […] and remind the protected Jews who live in Our German provinces to especially heed the ordinances from April, 2/13, 1723, and June 9, 1733, in regards to any items sold outside of the annual markets. 2) […] on […]

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“Royal Court Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Court [Present-day Austria]: “[…] The commercial-consensus (government agency) is to watch over and to stop the creation of secret and prohibited businesses (‘Unterhandlungen’)*, which means the businesses of Jews who are [currently] present in Vienna […and] the commissioner who arrives [there] from time to time is to […]

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“Writ” of Prince-Bishop Maximilian Friedrich von Königsegg-Rothenfels [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “[…] the delivery of meat to the houses of those who ordered these from them (Jews), has been graciously permitted, the peddling of the same [meat], however, the [peddling] with meat that was not ordered — or any other kind —  is prohibited […]

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“Ordinance” Archbishop-Elector Maximilian Friedrich von Königsegg-Rothenfels [Present-day Germany; Prince-Bishopric of Paderborn]: “[…] The trade with iron and copper shall be prohibited to Jews.” Die Provinzial- und statutarischen Rechte in der preußischen Monarchie. Dargestellt vom wirklichen Geheimen Rath von Kamptz. Zweiter Theil. Die Provinzen: Pommern und Westphalen. (The provincial and legal statutes of the Prussian monarchie. […]

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“Ordinance” of Prince-Abbot Philipp [Present-day Germany; Princely-Abbey of Corvey]: “[…] Jews may only take one penny of interests for each Reichsthaler for sums that are smaller than 10 Reichsthaler and only when the debtor has (legally) agreed to do so.” Jahrbücher für die Preußische Gesetzgebung, Rechtswissenschaft und Rechtsverwaltung. Im Auftrage des königl. Justiz-Ministeriums herausgegeben von […]

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“Instruction” of the Government of the Electorate of Saxony [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “[…] 37) Furthermore, Jews who travel by post [carriage] are prohibited to leave anything with another Jews or anyone else or face confiscation [of the items] before they have reported it to the authorities and established legality; those (Jews) traveling by […]

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“Instruction for the Interim Chief-Coin-and-Mining-Meister-Office-Administrator in the Margrave of Moravia issued by Maria Theresa [Present-day Czech Republic; Margrave of Moravia]: “We, Maria Theresa (‘Maria Theresia’) […] Article One. [… instruct the Chief-Coin-and-Mining-Meister-Office-Administrator… regarding his duties …] Article Five […] Number 10) Since the presence of Jews in the royal Bohemian mining towns has already been […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Bohemian Government [Kingdom of Bohemia/House of Habsburg; Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] Jews are prohibited to melt gold or silver on their own or face confiscation of the same.” Politischer Codex, oder wesentliche Darstellung sämmtlicher, die k. k. Staaten betreffenden Gesetze und Anordnungen im politischen Fache.  Praktisch bearbeitet von Ingaz de Luca, k. k. […]

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“Edict” issued by Frederick II of Prussia [Present-day Germany, Poland etc.; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] Since the prohibition to trade with contraband remains unheeded, We shall be allowed to resolve to expel all Jews from Our lands/domains […]” Schultze, Walther: Geschichte der Preussischen Regieverwaltung von 1766 bis 1786. (History of the Prussian government-administration from 1766 until […]

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Ordinance of the City Council of [Bad] Wimpfen [Present-day Germany; Imperial City of Wimpfen / Holy Roman Empire]: “Jews are entirely prohibited to slaughter [animals/cattle]; they must have it done by a butcher in exchange for a certain amount – half of which is to go to the register/slaughter-house (‘Rechenstube’) and half to the butcher […] […]

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“Instruction for the Interim Chief-Coin-and-Mining-Meister, namely that of the current, and Our dear, loyal, high & noble born Joseph, Duke of Pachta and (Free) Lord of Reihofen/Reyhofen, Our Chamber’s True Secret Council […] our Gubernii* as well as the Chief-Court-Loan-Judge in the Kingdom of Bohemia issued by Maria Theresa [Present-day Czech Republic; Margrave of Moravia]: “We, […]

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“Ordinance”  issued by the Bohemian Government [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/House of Habsburg]: “[…] Jews are prohibited to to get married without the [explicit] permission of the local authorities (‘Landesstelle’) […]” Politischer Codex, oder wesentliche Darstellung sämmtlicher, die k. k. Staaten betreffenden Gesetze und Anordnungen im politischen Fache.  Praktisch bearbeitet von Ingaz de Luca, […]

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Ordinance of the City Council of (Bad) Wimpfen [Present-day Germany; Imperial City of Wimpfen/Holy Roman Empire]: “Jews may slaughter the cattle permitted to them only between fall and Saint Martin’s Day.” [Researcher’s note: St. Martin’s day is held on November 11 in Germany.] Wimpfen am Neckar. Geschichtlich und topographisch nach historischen Mittheilungen und archäologischen Studien dargestellt […]

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“Ordinance, according which all arriving Jews are to behave/conduct themselves” issued by the [City] Council of Riga [Present-day Latvia]: “[…] 1) All Jews who come here for business shall be beholden to report to the innkeeper chosen by the authorities as soon as they arrive […]. 2) As to how much each is to pay for […]

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“Patent of the Livonian general-government (‘Generalgouvernements’) on behalf of Her Imperial Majesty, Catharina Alexiewna [Present-day Latvia, Estonia, Russia; Russian Empire]: “It has been ordered via various patents that no one in the land is to harbor/care for a Jews or to use/hire them in any capacity. However, one has noticed with displeasure that some owners (‘Possessores’), […]

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“Order” issued by Prince Francis Xavier of Saxony and addressed to the Officers/Administrators in Barby [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “Dear faithful. […] I) No other Jewish servant, other than those who are named/covered/included by the concession[-permits] of Jews who remain here [legally] and who can present the necessary government-permits, are to be allowed to […]

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“Taxes for the Jewish-Hostel in Riga” issued by the City Council of Riga [Present-day Latvia, Russia; Russian Empire]: “How much a Jew is to pay in taxes at the Jewish-hostel to the innkeeper ordered by the authorities. For accommodation including a straw bed for a day and night – in the summer months – 4 Färd[ing […]

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“Order” issued by Prince Francis Xavier of Saxony and addressed to the Officers/Administrators in Barby [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “[…] Jews of either sex, who cannot show that they are in the domain legitimately are to leave the capital[-city of Dresden] and the rest of the domain within 14 days and no more than 3 […]

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“General-Order” issued by Prince Francis Xavier of Saxony and addressed to the Officers/Administrators in Barby [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “Dear faithful. […] We have decided to revoke all silver-delivery-permits (‘Silber-Lieferungspässe’) issued to Jews […] and to collect such permits/passports – may they be made out to the person or not – and to send them […]

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“Standard Ordinance” (‘Normalverordnung’) issued by the Austrian Government [Lower Austria; Present-day Austria]: “… Jews are […] prohibited to live on the flat land (countryside) in Lower Austria.” [Researcher’s note: The prohibition for Jews to live on the countryside was repeated in the Patent of January 2, 1782; edicts of June 17, 1796, July 22, 1800, […]

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“Order” issued by Prince Francis Xavier of Saxony and addressed to the Officers/Administrators in Barby [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “Dear faithful. […] We wish to order you, on behalf of Our Lord [and] Cousin, Prince-Elector of Saxony […] herewith, [that you should] immediately eliminate (‘eliminiren’) all and every single Jew who is present in Barby, […]

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“Royal Court Decision” issued by the Austrian Royal Court [Present-day Austria]: “[…] If a Jewish child, after having reached a legal age or emancipation, has with utter conviction chosen to receive baptism – even against the wishes of his/her parents – the Jewish parents or guardians are to be required to guarantee the child not […]

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“Order” issued by Prince Francis Xavier of Saxony [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “Dear faithful. […] We desire that you protect yourself against the Jews, who are present [in your districts] and who hold concession- or chamber-permits which allow them to exchange silver or engage in other kinds of trades [but] that are not made out […]

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“Edict” issued by the City Council/Senate of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “[… Jews] shall not […] go for a stroll/walk (‘spazieren’) in the city without having actual business (to attend to) […] furthermore, they are not to walk (around) in groups larger than two, and not to enter the glacis at […]

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Decree issued by General Governor of Vidzeme George Browne [Estonia]: “As it has become known that various Jews are present here in the rural areas, and they are hired by some local manors as alcohol-destillers, tobacco-spinners and in all kinds of other handwork, although no permission or order is received for the reception and the […]

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“Order” of Prince Francis Xavier (‘Franz Xavier’) of Saxony [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “[…] Dear faithfuls. Since We have been notified that various Jews are found to be present in Leipzig outside of the [regular] fairs/markets (‘Messzeit’) without a concession. This is why we desire herewith that you should see to it that this is […]

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“[Regarding] Beggar-Jews and other riff-raff” issued by the Government of Prince-Elector of Brunswick-Lüneburg [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg/Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] 1) That no foreign Jew shall be admitted to the free annual markets […] who is not under protection in any of the neighboring lands or cities […] or one who truly is in the […]

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“Gubernium* Decree” (‘Gubernialdekret’) issued by the Gubernium* and addressed to all local authorities (‘Kreisämter’) [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/House of Habsburg]: “Jews are to stay away from all mining towns and avoid all trade in these [towns] in order to obviate the penalty contained in the Mandate of 1568. […]” [Researcher’s note: This writ […]

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“Ordinance” issued by Adolphus Fredrick (‘Adolf Friedrich’) IV [Archduchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz; Present-day Germany]: “[…] If a Jew arrives in a city […] the host/innkeeper – with whom the Jew stays – is to inform the [legal] courts (‘Gerichte’) immediately or face a fine of 5 Rthlr. [Reichstahler] and to stop such (Jew) and require that […]

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“Order” of City Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “Jews are required to report the wines they store [in cellars] outside of their [regular] alleys (‘Gassen’) to the pension office (‘Rentenamt’) within four weeks […] and no cellars are to be rented to Jews without the permission/knowledge of the authorities (‘Amts Vorwissen’) […]

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“Circular” issued by Frederick Christian (‘Friedrich Christian’), Elector of Saxony [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “Frederick Christian, royal prince […] and prince-elector […] After we have been notified as to how various Jews are abusing the permits given to them [to trade with silver…] which is why we demand from you herewith that you keep […]

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“General Order” of the Government of the Electorate of Saxony [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “Jews shall not lend or transfer/give away their chamber passports that were issued to them to another Jew under any circumstances or be fined 20 Thaler […]” D. Johann Nicolaus Schwarzens, Rechtskonsulentens zu Dresden, Wörterbuch, über die Chursächsischen, auch Ober- […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the government of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin [Present-day Germany; Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin]: “[…] Jews without a letter of protection and freedom (Schutz- und Freiheitsbrief’) are not to be tolerated […] 2) All protected Jews are to keep a traveling-passport and one for each of their servants […]” Repertorium der in das […]

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“Edict” issued by Kaiser Friedrich II [Prussia; Present-day Germany, Poland, Belgium]: “[…] Jews are strictly prohibited from exchanging money in the countryside.” Kreutzberger, Mark: Leo Baeck Institute New York Bibliothek und Archiv. Katalog, Vol. 1); (Tübingen; 1970) Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 12/4/2016 NEED MORE INFORMATION (ITEM NAME – PAGE)

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“Rescript” issued by the Emperor [Francis I] and addressed to the magistrate of Free Imperial City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt/Holy Roman Empire]: “[Francis orders that Jews are to be permitted to store wine in private homes as per §48 and 78 of the [Jewish-] Settlement/Establishment-[Ordinance] in the future as well […]

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“Order” issued by Frederick August, King of Poland and [Prince-]Elector of Saxony [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “[…] Foreign Jews, who were tolerated here because they were used by the royal imperial troops […] as suppliers/deliverymen (‘Lieferanten’) and other such things, but who cannot legitimize themselves with a concession[-permit] from Us or Our Chamber […] are […]

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“Edict” issued by the Senate of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt/Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] no one, this includes inn-keepers, is to accommodate foreign Jews during or outside of the annual markets, without exception […] protected Jews are never to accommodate/host any foreign Jews without the permission of the Schatzungsamt* […]” [Researcher’s note: The […]

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Verdict issued by Rhode Island Superior Court [United States]: “Inasmuch as the said Aaron Lopez hath declared himself by religion a Jew, this Assembly doth not admit himself nor any other of that religion to the full freedom of this Colony. So that the said Aaron Lopez nor any other of said religion is not […]

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Rescript addressed to all Chambers of the Kurmarkt* issued by v. Boden and v. Borck** on behalf of Frederick II (‘Friderich’), King of Prussia [Present-day Germany etc.; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] Jews are not permitted to trade with wood […]; henceforth, Jews are not to be issued licenses for this purpose […]” [Researcher’s note: *Kurmark referred […]

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“Decision/Conclusion” (‘Conclusum’) of the Senate of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt/Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] especially foreign Jews, who live nearby, are to adhere to the publicized Council-Edict of June 14, 1757, as it pertains to their trade and business [activities …]; the local protected-Jews are reminded herewith that they have been prohibited to […]

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“Trading with Knick-Knacks” (‘Trödeln’) issued by the Austrian Government [Archduchy of Austria; Present-day Austria]: “Because it has become common knowledge that many and various people (Jews) are trading and dealing with knick-knacks which causes great damage to the (local) citizens (who engage in such trade) and to their ability to make a living, […] the unlawful […]

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“Circular” addressed to the Chambers of the Electorate of Mark, New-Mark, Pomerania, Magdeburg and Halberstadt [Present-day Germany, Poland; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] the lust for profit and the highly harmful traffic/trade of Jews in the acquisition of flax/linen [… which causes a shortage in linen/canvas…] is prohibited since the trade with such premium material as flax/linen […]

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“Highest/Supreme Resolution”* by Maria Theresa/Francis I [Habsburg Monarchy/House of Habsburg; Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Netherland, Poland, Romania, Ukraine]: “[…] The widow [of a Jew], who wishes to resume the trade/business/actions of her [former] spouse must apply to have the amendment to the company registered and approved [by the proper authorities …].” [Researcher’s note: […]

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“Edict” for Prince-Bishopric of Paderborn [Prince-Bishopric of Paderborn; Present-day Germany]: “[…] The trade with low-quality coins/money is prohibited. […] Anyone who catches a Jew who is trading with low-quality coins and reports him [to the authorities] is entitled to one-fourth of that Jews wealth/assets.” [Researcher’s note: This edict was hung up at all local synagogues […]

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“Prohibition Against Purchase of Relics by Jews at Auction,” decree issued by the government of Lower Austria to the Magistrate of Vienna [Austria]: “Crucifixes, likenesses, holy relics and similar items worthy of worship are likely to be dishonored after being sold to the Jewdom; therefore, they may not be sold to the Jewdom. However, if […]

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“General [Order]” (‘Generale’) issued by Frederick Augustus, King of Poland, Elector of Saxony, Duke of Lithuania [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary]: “[…] Since it has been reported to us that Jews in various areas/places in the country/domain exchange good gold- and silver-coins into inferior kinds of coins to the disadvantage of Our other subjects and engage […]

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“Proclamation No. XXXIV that foreign Jews are to be watched and unidentified Jews to be stopped” issued by Royal Prussian Pomeranian War and Domain Chamber [Prussia / Present-day Germany, Poland, Belgium, Denmark, Czech Republic]: “It has been noticed that a lot of Jews have been spotted in the country due to the various invasions by […]

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“Ad Mandatum (‘the Mandate’)” issued by v. Danckelmann* and addressed to the Government of Magdeburg [Present-day Germany; Margraviate of Brandenburg/Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] 10) As far as gypsies are concerned, which are to be regarded as some of the most dangerous vagabonds — and similarly beggar-Jews — the strict edicts of November 13, 1719, and December […]

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“Edict” issued by by the Mayor and [City] Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt/Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] 2) […] none of the protected Jews is to co-own a business with a foreign Jew […] 3) We order that no neighboring, foreign Jew is to be permitted to enter the city to  do […]

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“Edict” issued by the [City] Council/Senate of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “[…] Even though §24, 25 and 26 of the local Jewish-Settlement/Establishment [ordinance] (‘Juden-Stättigkeit’) clearly orders how Jews are to behave on Sun[days] and Christian holy-days and that they are to remain in their alley/ghetto (‘Gasse’) and not to enter the […]

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Declaration, issued by Carl I, Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg [Present-day Germany]: “1. No residents [of Brunswick], Christians as well as Jews, with the exception of the two major trade fairs, shall, without prior notification of the City Magistrate, shelter any Jew, under penalty of five thalers for every violation. 2. Innkeepers are permitted to […]

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Order by Xavier Le Bret, Intendent and Commissioner [France]: “We, Cardin, Francis, Xavier Le Bret … Intendant and commissioner by His Majesty for the execution of his orders in the province of Brittany, without regard to the exceptions of said Dalpuget and Petit, Jewish nation, which we rejected, we make very express defenses to settle and […]

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“Royal Chamber Order” issued in the Prince-Bishopric of Münster [Prince-Bishopric of Münster; Present-day Germany]: “[…] the delivery of ordered meat is not prohibited to protected Jews, but the peddling of meat has been confirmed by his most gracious [prince…] to remain prohibited [to them] under penalty […*] by the power of this order.” [Researcher’s note: […]

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“Ordinance” of the Government of the Electorate of Saxony [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “[…] Jews shall not purchase/trade with (‘einhandeln’) good currencies/money (‘gute Geldsorten’), silver-ware, melted or otherwise (‘ausgebrannt noch ander Silber), during or outside of the [local] fairs […]” D. Johann Nicolaus Schwarzens, Rechtskonsulentens zu Dresden, Wörterbuch, über die Chursächsischen, auch Ober- und […]

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“Resolution” issued by Adolphus Fredrick (‘Adolf Friedrich’) IV [Archduchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz; Present-day Germany]: “Except those Jews already accepted/received (‘recipirten’) in Alt-Strelitz* no additional Jews shall be accepted/received in any of the other cities in the association/circle of Stargard (‘Stargardischer Kreis’) …” [Researcher’s note: The Association of Stargard (‘Stargardischer Kreis’) was one of the three constitutive […]

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