Circular regarding Jewish passports for foreign travel issued by Reich Interior Ministry [Germany]: “[…] II. Passports with validity for other countries shall not be issued to Jews. However the following exceptions can be made: 1. Emigrants. Passports for foreign travel can be issued to Jews if the passport is needed for emigration or for the […]

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Law issued by Reich Ministry of Education [Germany]: “I. The permission to open a private school or to give private lessons to young people can […] only be granted if the applicant 1. can provide evidence of the purity of his blood according to the civil service regulations for himself and his spouse, if married. […] […]

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“Law governing elections to the Reichstag” issued by Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler [Germany]: “Law governing elections to the Reichstag of 7 March 1936 The Reich Cabinet [Reichsregierung] has enacted the following law, published herewith: Article 1 Reichstag electors are—aside from the German citizens who, according to the first decree of 14 November 1935 (Reichsgesetzbl. I, […]

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“First Supplementary Decree of November 14, 1935” issued by Adolf Hitler [Germany]: “First Supplementary Decree of November 14, 1935 On the basis of Article III of the Reich Citizenship Law of September 15, 1935, the following is hereby decreed: Article 1. (1) Until further provisions concerning citizenship papers, all subjects of German or kindred blood […]

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“Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor…” issued by Adolf Hitler [Germany]: “Marriages between Jews and German citizens or other congeneric origin, is prohibited. Existent marriages of this kind are invalid even when they where entered into in a foreign country in order to circumvent this law. … (1) It is prohibited for […]

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Directive on the exclusion of Jews from the Motorists Association of German Physicians (KVDA) issued by the leader of the KVDA [Germany]: “My comrades, I expect you to march in the frontlines, as before in war and peace, in the development of our country. This requires the commitment of every German man […], because the […]

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Circular Note issued by Minister of Interior [Germany]: “I ask you to ensure that Jewish festivals and holidays won’t be listed in German calendars especially in calendars of public authorities any longer. Awarding contractors with orders for new calendars offers the opportunity to appeal to the company that is commissioned with the printing order accordingly. Berlin […]

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“Executory decree for the law about the Repeal of Naturalization and the Ajudication of German Citizenship” issued by the Reich Minister of Interior [Germany]: “…Accordingly the repeal of naturalization is especially to be contemplated in the case of : (a) Eastern Jews, unless they have fought on the German side at the front in the […]

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Exclusion of Jewish Gymnasts issued by the President of the German Gymnastic Association [Germany]: “Therefore I will withdraw […] the exception and determine that all male and female members, who are of Jewish descent, counted back to the grandparents, have to leave the association. 23 Mai 1933 Neuendorff.” Deutsche Turnzeitung 78 (1933) 21, page 401 of […]

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“First Decree with Reference to the Law for the Restoration of Regular Civil Service” issued by Third Reich [Germany]: “To Paragraph 3 of the above law: ‘1. Non-Aryan descent means descent from non-Aryan, and especially Jewish, parents or grandparents, even though only one of the parents or grandparents was of the Jewish religion. 2. If […]

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“Decree of April 1, 1933 regarding the exercise of the Calling of notary” issued by the Third Reich [Germany]: “Maintenance of public order and security will be exposed to serious danger if Germans are still liable to be served with documents in legal proceedings which have been drawn up or certified by Jewish notaries. I […]

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Order issued by Chairman Julius Streicher [Germany]: “…Additional orders of the Central Committee for defense against Jewish horror and boycott agitation. …The following additional orders are issued by the Central committee for defense against Jewish horror and boycott agitation: …Order No. 4 Numerous reports are received by the Central Committee saying that Jewish proprietors are […]

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Circular note regarding Eastern Jewish Immigrants issued by Reich Minister of Interior [Germany]: “For a first initiation of a deliberate national policy it is necessary: 1. To fend off Eastern Jewish immigrants. 2. To remove those foreigners if they’re currently residing illegally in Germany. 3. To refrain from naturalizing Eastern Jewish foreigners until further notice. […]

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25-point programme issued by National Socialist German Workers Party [Germany]: “The ’25-point programme’ of the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party) of 1920 stated: ‘Only a compatriot can be a citizen of the State. A compatriot can only be a person of pure German lineage, irrespective of [religious] denomination. A Jew can therefore not be […]

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“Ordinance” of the Royal Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “[…] 2) Widows of tolerated [Jews], who have been granted toleration after the regulation of May 9, 1807, should on the other hand*, leave their family constellation (‘Familienstellen’)** if they do not take over the [trade] activities of the[ir] deceased [husbands] and in such cases, the government is […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Romanian Government [Kingdom of Romania; Present-day Romania]: “[…] Jews are no longer to be admitted to hospitals in Moldavia. […]” [Researcher’s note: This decree was published in the “Monitorul Oficial” (Official Monitor) on June 25, 1892.] Ioanid, Radu: The Holocaust in Romania: The Destruction of Jews and Gypsies Under the Antonescu […]

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Order issued by the First International Congress [Germany]: “The meeting recognizes the increase of the Jewish national element and the Jewish influence on our entire national and state affairs as a serious and imminent danger to the moral and economic survival of the German people. In order to break this influence and to eliminate the […]

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“May Laws” issued by Alexander III [Russia]: “Article 1: As a temporary measure and until the revision of the laws regulating their status, Jews are forbidden to settle hereafter outside of cities and towns. Exception is made with regard to Jewish villages already in existence where the Jews are engaged in agriculture. Article 2: Until […]

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Law issued by Tsarist Minister of War [Russia]: “First, to limit the number of Jewish physicians…in the Military Department to five percent of the general number of medical men. Second, to stop appointing Jews on medical service in the military districts of Western Russia, and to transfer the surplus over and above five percent to […]

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“Communal law of Roumania*” issued by the Rumanian Government [Romania]: “[…] permits only those Jews to be naturalized who 1) have reached the grade of non-commissioned officers in the army […] 2) […] have passed through college […] 3) […] have a recognized foreign degree […] 4) […] have founded a factory. […]” [Researcher’s note: *Former […]

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General Order No. 11 issued by General Ulysses S. Grant [United States]: “The Jews, as a class violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department and also department orders, are hereby expelled from the department [the ‘Department of the Tennessee,’ an administrative district of the Union Army of occupation composed of Kentucky, Tennessee […]

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“Ukase” of Tsar Alexander II [Present-day Poland, Russia, Finland; Russian Empire]: […] Jews are permitted to acquire [only] immovable goods where the peasants/farmers have transitioned from Fronarbeit* to a relationship of [paid] interests (‘Zinsverhältnis”); […] 3) […] Polish Jews are prohibited to use Hebrew or Yiddish in business dealings, official documents, contracts, wills, [debts/loans], for business […]

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“Decree of the State Ministry” issued by the Austrian State Ministry (‘Staatsministerium’) [Present-day Austria etc; Austrian Empire]: “[…] The leasing of a farmer’s inn/farm (‘Bauernwirtschaft’) can only be permitted to Jews if doing so would not cause concern in terms of the state’s economical and cultural consideration.” [Researcher’s note: It is somewhat unclear what ‘Bauernwirtschaft” refers […]

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“Imperial Ordinance” (‘kaiserliche Verordnung’) issued by Francis Joseph I [Present-day Austria, Poland, Ukraine, etc.; Austrian Empire]: “[…] Regarding the Ownership of Realty for Jews. After consulting with My Ministers and after heeding the advice of My Imperial Councils, I wish to order for Galicia, Bukowina, and the Grand Duchy of Krakow/Cracow (‘Großherzugthum Krakau’) the following: […]

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Jewish Relief Act, issued by the Parliament of the United Kingdom [Great Britain]: “III. Nothing herein contained shall extend or be construed to extend to enable any Person or Persons professing the Jewish Religion to hold or exercise the Office of Guardians and Justices of the United Kingdom, or of Regent of the United Kingdom, under […]

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“Order/Decision” issued by the governing Council (of the Canton) of Aargau [Present-day Switzerland]: “The Jews of Aargau are permitted to slaughter cattle according to their culture/rituals and in derogation of §2 of the law regarding animal abuse from November 23, 1853,* […], however, this is to be only limited to the communities in Endingen and Lengnau […]

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Order issued by the Senate of Russian Empire [Russia]: “Order of the governing Senat following the Highest Order of August 19, 1852 as the decision of the raised problem – how should be punished the Jewish women who contrary to the prohibition of March 1851 let their heads to be shaved. The content of the […]

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“Decree” issued by Emperor Franz Joseph [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary]: “[…] Jews are banned from owning Christian houses and royal properties. […]” Bondy, Gottlieb and Franz Dworsky: Geschichte der Juden in Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien; II 1577-1620 (History of Jews in Bohemia, Maehren, and Silesia; Vol. II 1577-1620); (Prague; 1906); Researched and Translated by Ziba […]

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“Law” issued by King Ernst August of Hannover [Present-day Germany; Kingdom of Hannover]: “Ernst August, King of Hannover by the grace of God, royal prince of Great Britain and Ireland, Duke of Cumberland and Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg […] In reference to the law of September 30, 1812, regarding the legal standing of Jews […]

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“Decree” (“Hofdekret”) of the Court Chamber [Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, German, Hungary]: “When Jews apply for the granting or renewal of a peddling-permit (‘Hausierpässen’), their identity card with the properly paid Jewish tax must be presented each time. […]” Systematische Darstellung aller über den Hausier-Handel bestehenden kaiserl. Königl. österreichischen Gesetze und Verordnungen verfaßt von […]

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“Ordinance” issued by the Bohemian Government [Present-day Austria etc.; Austrian Empire]: “Among the Israelis there appears to be often an abuse [of the law so] that illegitimate children, especially those, the unwedded begetters admit to being the father of and who are listed in the birth registers as such which violates the explicit ordinance of […]

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“Ancona Decree” issued by the Chancellory of the Holy Inquisition [Italy]: “We, Fra Vicenzo Salina, of the order of Predicatori, Master in Theology, General in Ancona…It being deemed necessary to revive the full observance of the disciplinary laws relative to the Israelites residing within our jurisdiction, and having hitherto without effect employed prayers and exhortations […]

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“Copulation-Fee for Jewish Weddings” issued by Frederick Francis (‘Friedrich Franz’), Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin [Present-day Germany; Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin]: “We, ‘Friedrich Franz’, order herewith in regards to the copulation-fees (’Copulations-Gebühren’) for Jewish weddings […] whether they may be native or foreign, […] that the groom gives half percent of what the bride has brought (dowry) to […]

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“Ordinance and announcements applicable to the government of Potsdam only” issued by the Prussian government [Present-day Germany, Poland, Lithuania; Kingdom of Prussia]: “Since the rights of Jews outlined in the edict of March 11, 1812, are to be only applied to the provinces which were part of the Prussian monarchy at the time of the publication […]

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“Order” issued on behalf of Nicholas I and addressed to the General-governors of Kriegsland, Livonia, Estonia, and Courland in Riga [Present-day Latvia, Estonia, Russia; Russian Empire]: “On the order of His Imperial Majesty […who] has determined the following regarding the citizenship rights of Jews/Hebrews currently living in Riga: 1) Jews/Hebrews, who truly have had their permanent […]

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“Gubernatorial-Ordinance” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic; Austrian Empire]: “[…] permission for Jews to get married cannot be issued by a Rabbi without the aforementioned [pair] having submitted the necessary state fees and taxes and received the state’s consent […].” Versuch einer sysatematischen Darstellung der in Böhmen bezüglich der Juden bestehenden Gesete […]

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“Royal Court Decree” (‘Hofdecret’) issued by the Royal Court Chancellery* [Kingdom of Bohemia, Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] Due to a [specific] case, the r[oyal] i[mperial] Royal Court Chancellery (‘k. k. Hofkanzlei’) has issued the following instruction via a Royal Court decree from February 14: Though the [section] 51 of the Bohemian Jewish Patent of 1797 […]

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“Government Decision” issued by the Bavarian Government [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] The peddling, emergency, and haggling practices of Jews who have already resided here since June 10, 1813, can be authorized by the responsible local authorities […] however, the issued patent (permit) is only valid for one year and can only be used by […]

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“Declaration/Amendment to Cabinet-Order of September 20, 1836” for the city of Minden [Present-day Germany]: “[…] Jews who manage their own land, and who have purchased their property/land after the supreme cabinets-order from September 20, 1836, may continue to use Christians servants/aids until January 1, 1844.” Die Juden und die Jüdischen Gemeinden Preussens in amtlichen Enqueten des […]

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“Royal Edict” issued by Ludwig I of Bavaria [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] The ordinance of June 10, 1799, is [herewith] brought into memory, according to which Jews are to be excluded from all sorts of purchasing, negotiating, and exchange contracts of land division [purchases] and that they have to refrain from it all […]

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“Rescript” issued by Ludwig I of Bavaria [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Also, the division of commodity/goods complexes, which the Jews have acquired at permitted court auctions as a result of probate disputes between minors, is prohibited; the purchase of houses and land for the private ownership is only permitted at public — that […]

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“Regulations” issued by Johann Duke/Elector of Saxe-Weimar* [Duchy of Saxe-Weimar; Present-day Germany]: “1) The permission for Jews to reside in this land is continuously to be limited to the cities of Dresden and Leipzig in the future as well, and it is not to be extended to other areas/places (‘Orte’). […] 2) […] b) The […]

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“Ministerial Edict” issued by the Bavarian Government [Present-day Germany; Kingdom of Bavaria]: “[…] The Jews are not permitted to change their last names arbitrarily which they have chosen at one point and entered in public registry/directory (‘Matrikel’). […]” [Researcher’s note: A “Matrikel” was an ancestor book/roll that was used in certain areas of Germany/Austria.  It […]

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“Supreme Cabinets-Order” issued by Prussian government [Present-day Germany]: “[…] the acquisition of farming land in the districts/areas of Paderborn, Büren, Warburg, and Höxter is only to be permitted to Jews if they farm the land themselves or with Jewish servants.” Die Juden und die Jüdischen Gemeinden Preussens in amtlichen Enqueten des Vormärz. Teil 1. Manfred Jehle […]

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“Rescript” issued by the Prussian government and addressed to all parts of the land/local governments [Present-day Germany, Poland, Lithuania; Kingdom of Prussia]: “The royal higher regional court is ordered as per the supreme royal decree of June 19 [of the same year …] to refrain from referring to those of the Jewish religion as ‘Mosaic or […]

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“Jewish Ordinance” issued by Friedrich Wilhelm III [Prussia; Present-day Germany, Poland, Belgium]: “[…] Jews are prohibited from taking Christian first names. […]” [Researcher’s note: On March 23, 1841 a new ordinance was issued that said that Jews are only prohibited to take first names that refer to dogmas of the Christian church, such as Peter–as […]

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“Examination and Hiring of a Jewish schoolmaster and shochet” issued by the Grand Duke Fredrick Francis (‘Friedrich Franz’) of Mecklenburg-Schwerin [Present-day Germany; Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin]: “We, Fredrick Francis […] declare herewith […] that even though the Jewish schoolmasters, who are to perform shechita* as well, can be appointed by the Jewry of each place, they […]

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“Ministerial Edict 18” issued by the Prussian Government [Present-day Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] Foreign Jews are no longer to be accepted as apprentices and business/trade assistants (“Gewerbehilfen”) in Prussia. […]” Repertorium über die in den Intelligenzblättern für den vormaligen Regenskreis, nun von der Oberpfalz und von Regensburg, […]

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“Ministerial Edict” issued by the Bavarian Government [Present-day Germany; Kingdom of Bavaria]:  “[…] Israeli students who visit public educational establishments (‘Lehranstalten’) must conform (‘conformieren’) to the current ordinances, and therefore, may not abstain from writing or performing their school work on the Sabbath. […]” [Researcher’s note: A similar edict was issued on September 27, 1835. […]

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“Rescript” issued by the Prussian government [Present-day Germany; Poland, Lithuania; Kingdom of Prussia]: “The royal science exam-commission is advised herewith [that local school candidates of the Mosaic faith can be admitted to take the teaching-exam (‘pro facultate docendi’) as per the regulation of April 20, 1831 …], but it goes without saying that this does not […]

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“Rescript” issued by Ludwig I of Bavaria [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Jews may only purchase land for their private use and are [to be] excluded from the leasing of fields and meadow/grass-land […]” [Researcher’s note: This royal rescript was reissued/made public by the government on February 8, 1834.] Repertorium über die in den […]

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“General-Order” (‘General-Befehl’) issued by Augustus III of Poland* [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “[We, Frederick August, King [of Poland] and Prince-Elector [of Saxony … have been asked by the head of the Jewry, Bernd Lehmann, to exempt beggar-Jews, Rabbis, wives and minors from the body-tax … however, we have] resolved to except […] children under 10 […]

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“Gubernium-Decree” (Gubernial Dekret’)* addressed the Jewish College Admissions Director (‘jüdische Studiendirektorat’) [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic; Crown-lands of the Austrian Empire]: “[Regarding] The treatment of Jews who attend lectures on canon law; prohibition to admit them to any exams and [regarding] the issuance of certificate of attendance to them (Jews). As a follow up to the […]

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“Rescript” issued by Ludwig I of Bavaria [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “Jews may only be permitted to attend public goods/commodity auctions (‘Güterversteigerung’); only legal/court ordered […] or official auctions are to be understood to be public auctions which are either executed [over] by the courts or presided over due to the request of a […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland]: “[…] Jews applying for a [large] wholesale [permit] (‘jüdische Großhandlungswerber’) are to be required to show proof of [having personal] funds/assets of [at least] 60,000 fl.* […]” [Researcher’s note: *fl. refers to the Gulden, which […]

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“Ministerial Ordinance” issued by the Government [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] The claim that the practice of peddling is necessary for the livelihood/survival of a Jew, must be proven [beyond doubt].” [Researcher’s note: This order was reissued on February 12, 1833. It was an attempt by the government to reduce or eliminate the number of […]

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“Rescript” issued by Ludwig I of Bavaria [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] Jews are also [to be] excluded from selling the leases of churches (‘Dominikalrenten’) or face annulment [of the purchase]. […]” [Researcher’s note: This rescript was reissued/made public by the government on February 8, 1833.] Repertory on the intelligence leaves for the former […]

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“Rescript” issued by Ludwig I of Bavaria [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[… The handling of the Edict from June 10, 1813 regarding the conditions of the Jews is tightened …] the haggling and the public and simulated trade of goods by Jews is strictly (immediately) to be ceased, as well as any other contravention […]

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“Royal Court Chancellery Decree” (‘Hofkanzleydekret’) issued by the Royal Court Chancellery [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, etc.]: “[…] 14) The Jews shall not allow themselves (dare to give themselves permission) to get involved in the [business] matters of the royal/imperial merchants (‘Reichskaufleute’), and to neither represent together with the diplomats of the ottoman empire […]

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“Royal Decree” issued by Frederick William III [Present-day Germany, Poland, Lithuania; Kingdom of Prussia]: “In regards to Jews, anywhere the edict of March 11, 1812, does not apply, the current constitutions are to remain in effect until further legal notices/orders.” [Researcher’s note: The source dates this royal decree at 4. (14.) July 1832.] Die früheren und […]

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“Ministerial Ordinance” issued by the Bavarian Government [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “Peddling is entirely and especially prohibited to Jews without a peddling-patent (permit) […] new peddling-patents may no longer be issued […] in the boarder-control-districts […] Jews can only peddle with patents (permits) […] that have been issued by the local police and approved by […]

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“Rescript of the Royal Ministry of the Interior and the Police addressed to the Royal Military-Commissioner in Berlin” [Present-day Germany, Poland, Lithuania; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…those of Jewish faith and candidates to practice medicine …] who have been permitted to enter the military to do one year of voluntary service can do so as company-surgeon [and […]

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“Decree” (‘Kameralgefällenverwaltungsdecret’) issued by the Austrian (Administrative) Authorities [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland]: “Prohibition to admit Jews to the salt trade. […] therefore, Jews can still not be admitted to the salt trade in the future due to police consideration.” [Researcher’s note: On October 8, 1829, the salt-trade was opened to the […]

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“Royal Court Chancellery Decree” of the Austrian Royal Court Chancellery [Kingdom of Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland]: “Exclusion of Jewish doctors from applying for vacant positions as city doctors. In response to an inquiry […] it is clarified to the government that Jewish doctors are not eligible to apply for vacant city doctor positions. […]

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“Royal Edict” issued by Ludwig I of Bavaria [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “The ordinance, according to which the meddling of Jews during division of lands (‘Gütertrümmerung’) is prohibited at the threat of annulment of the deed, is brought into memory herewith. […]” Repertorium über die in den Intelligenzblättern für den vormaligen Regenskreis, nun von […]

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“Jewish Edict” issued by Fredrick William (‘Friedrich Wilhelm’) [Prussia; Present-day Germany, Poland, Russia]: “The city-magistrate/s (‘Stadtmagistrate’) are to be made to understand, that he (His Majesty) does still not permit foreign Jews to be accepted and permitted to settle here – against the legal ordinances and [that there will be consequences to pay for any […]

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“Decree of the [Royal-]Court Chancellery addressed to the Moravian-Silesian local-governor (‘Landes-Gubernium’)” [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany, Poland]: “[Jews in Moravia and Silesia are permitted to own and lease dominical-leather-houses and potash-houses … however] In places where there are combined with a brandy-house, they may not be separated from each other, but may only be used as integrated […]

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“Ministerial Edict” issued by the Bavarian Government [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] The circumcision of Jews may only be performed by Jewish Individuals with the necessary surgical certificates. In regards to the burial of Jews, the current police ordinances are to be obeyed. […]” [Researcher’s note: A similar order was issued on January 1, 1836.] […]

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“Highest/Supreme Decision” issued by Emperor Francis (‘Franz’) [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland]: “[…] The number of Jewish families in Vienna may not increase and new toleration[-permits] may only be issued after special consideration for provisionally obtained wholesale-permits. Those Jews who wish to obtain such toleration[-permits] for wholesaling […]

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(Cabinets-)Order (‘Anordnung’) of Frederick William III [Present-day Germany, Poland; Lithuania; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…it appears that …] Jews are still choosing their names randomly/haphazardly (‘willkürlich’), and especially change their first names and take on Christian [baptismal] names, which cannot be given to Jews […] the local police-authorities are to strictly enforce this so that this disorder/mess […]

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“Royal Decree” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Francis II [Present-day Austria, Germany]: “[…] The believers of the Israeli Religion are prohibited to peddle church vessels, Parments*, crucifixes, pictures of saints, or any item, which are used by the Catholic church during its services, or on the markets or flea-markets or junk-stalls or to purchase them […]

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“Regarding the religion-class for the Jewish youth” issued by the State Ministry of the Interior [Present-day Germany; Kingdom of Bavaria]: “On behalf of His Majesty the King. […] the following regulations are ordered: 1) Only locals (‘Inländer’) may be admitted and kept as teachers of the Israeli religion whether in public schools or private homes […]

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“Rescript of the Royal Ministry of the Interior addressed to the Royal government of Magdeburg” [Present-day Germany, Poland, Lithuania; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] the positions of the auction-commissioners (‘Auktionskommissarien’) are part of the state-offices, and therefore, cannot be transferred to those of the Jewish faith.” Heinemann, Jeremiah: Sammlung der die religiöse und bürgerliche Verfassung der Juden […]

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Order issued by Pope Leo XIII [Present-day Spain]: “His holiness [Leo XIII]…after having over the past year given the opportune orders for the return of all the Jews to the Ghetto…has recently prescribed the following further orders so that the Jews…not leave the Ghettos and go wandering about without any license as they had been […]

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“Decree/Enactment (‘Erlaß’) of the Royal Bavarian Government of the Rhine-district (‘Rheinkreises’)” [Present-day Germany]: “[The decree from April 6, 1818, based on the French decree from March 17, 1808, is confirmed and modified …] 1) Article 7 of the decree from March 17, 1808, requires that in the future all Jews who pursue trade obtain a patent[-permit] […]

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“Ordinance” of the Upper-Office (‘Oberamt’) of Heidelberg [Present-day Germany]: “[…]  the peddling of cattle is explicitly prohibited to Jews [and violators are to be fined 10 Reichsthaler…].” Sammlung sämmtlicher Gesetze, Verordnungen, Verfügungen und Anordnungen welche in den Markgrafschaften und in dem Großherzogthum Baden über Gegenstände der Orts-Polizei seit dem Jahre 1712 bis 1832 erschienen sind, […]

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Order issued by Pope Leo XIII [Present-day Spain]: “The Jews living in Rome…having obtained an expansion of the ancient ghetto, by which any reasonable pretext they had of overcrowding and unhealthiness has been removed, have received the last, formal order to separate themselves totally from the Christians. They must close themselves once again in the […]

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“Law regarding the rescission of the permission for Jews to charge higher interests in some parts of the empire” issued by Maximilian Joseph, King of Bavaria [Present-day Germany]: “[…] Since there still exists some laws and ordinances in parts of Our empire that permit Jews to take higher interests than Christians […] which affects the prosperity […]

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Writ of Frederick William III [Present-day Germany, Poland; Lithuania; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[… it has been noticed …] that for a while, Jews have been taking on names by which they are no longer recognizable as Jews, […] it is no longer to be permitted that Jews take on the appearance as if they were Christians.” […]

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“Rescript” issued by the His Majesty Maximilian I [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[Confirms that Jews, who have the necessary education, disposition, and ‘legal mind/character’, cannot be excluded from becoming advocates/lawyers …] however, with one limitation […] that they (Jews) be excluded from all judicial functions […]” [Researcher’s note: The fact that Jews could be legally admitted […]

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“Highest/Supreme Decision” (’Allerhöchste Entschließung’) issued by Emperor Francis I [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[…] Jews who are not permitted to reside (be present) in Vienna, are not to be allowed to remain [t]here. […]” Gesetze, Verordnungen und Vorschriften für die Polizei-Verwaltung im Kaiserthume Oesterreich.  Erschienen in den Jahren 1740 bis Ende 1825, und in alphabetisch-chronologischer Ordnung […]

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“On Order of His Majesty the King” publicized by the Royal State Ministry of the Interior [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] The judges (‘Landrichter’) and Patrimonial-Courts are ordered/instructed only to take on/employ scribes belonging to the Jewish faith/religion after first reporting them to [and receiving permission from] the government. […]” Sammlung der im Gebiete […]

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“Law” drafted by the (City Council of) Free City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany]: “[…] regarding the civil rights and constitutional rights of the local Israeli community: 1) […] Since they remain excluded from the immediate administration of the state and the Christian community and cannot [therefore] fully partake in the civil rights of regular citizens [that […]

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Law Regarding the Determination of Civil Law Rights of Israelites, Enacted by the Senate of the Free City of Frankfurt (Commonly referred to as the “Frankfurt Jew Law of 1824”) [Germany]: “Section 1 – All Israelite families and individuals currently residing in this city, in addition to their marital offspring, are, as Israelite citizens, state subjects […]

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“Royal Order (‘Ukas’) drafted by the Finance Ministers of the Imperial Council and confirmed by his Majesty” [Present-day Austria, Russia etc.; Austrian Empire]: “1) The heads of border-crossings are strictly ordered to make sure that Jews, who come from foreign places, or those who wish to return to Russia, after leaving voluntarily, are not to receive […]

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Prohibition of unauthorized stay for Jews on the countryside and the unauthorized selling of beverages by Jews issued by King Joseph [Present-day Poland and Ukraine]: “His Majesty became aware that in Galicia the Jews are almost exclusively leasing all pubs and misleading the common people to drunkenness. […] So we feel compelled to cause all county […]

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“Police-Ordinance of Mannheim” (‘Mannheimer Polizey-Verordnung’) issued by the City-Office (‘Stadtamt’) of Mannheim [Present-day Germany]: “[…] 484) Jews, who trade with iron, are not permitted to carry and sell old or new keys without a [matching] lock. Those who violate this shall have such keys taken away from them and made useless, and then given back for […]

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Rescript of the Ministry of the Interior and addressed to the Royal Police-Headquarter of Berlin [Present-day Germany, Poland, Lithuania; Kingdom of Prussia]: “The Police-Headquarter is instructed [as per their inquiry …] as to how Jews who immigrate from across the Elbe are to be treated to use the regulation issued by the government on Potsdam from […]

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“Royal Court Decree” (‘Hofdekret’) issued by the Bohemian Government [Present-day Austria; Czech Republic, Germany; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] The maintenance of schools and [retention/payment] of school teachers in Jewish communities is left [in the hand of] the Jews themselves [and is to remain] without the support of the school fund. […]” [Researcher’s note: Even though […]

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“Decree” issued by the Lower Austrian Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[…] In the future, annual residency permits to Jews may only be issued to foreign Jews in Vienna in cases where their presence – for the completion of a specific business transaction or their education in the sciences, arts, or trade matters – is […]

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“Circular” issued by the Austrian Chief-Police-Authorities (‘Polizei-Ober-Direction’) [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[…] Likewise, special attention is to be paid to the presence and behavior of vacationers (‘Beurlaubten’) and of Jews and to ensure that they have sufficient employment/income or support, and that the latter (Jews) can present a valid residency-permit (‘Aufenhalts-Bolleten’)[…].” Gesetze, Verordnungen und Vorschriften […]

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“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[…] In order to restrict the number of [Jewish servants] who are kept by the tolerated [Jews], appropriate hearings/negotiations are to be held with the latter (tolerated Jews) as to why one or the other servant is needed […] and their objections and statements […]

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“Royal Court Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Court issued for Moravia and Silesia [Austrian Empire, Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Germany]: “[…] Jews, who are real/legal families (‘wirkliche Familianten’)* may purchase authorized brandy-houses (brandy taverns) […] however, they are only allowed to lease [royal] pieces of land (‘Dominikal-Ansiedlungen’) and such properties as outlined in the […]

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“Order/Instruction” issued by the Chief Royal Police Office (‘Polizeihofstelle Weisung’) and addressed to the Chief Police Authority/Directive (‘Polizei-Ober-Direction’) [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[…] In order that they (Jews) do not illegally settle in the nearest towns/villages […] and sneak into Vienna, the Jews in question are not only to be strictly punished but they are […]

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“Decree” issued by the Royal Court Chancellery (‘Hofkanzlei-Decret’) [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[…] No businessman/individual is prohibited from reversing his business (putting it behind himself) and applying himself to another business or capacity of a different kind […] except widows of tolerated Israelis [for whom] this [practice] is unlawful. […]” Gesetze, Verordnungen und Vorschriften für […]

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Order by the Vidzeme Government [Russia]: “16…The following Jews were not allowed to stay in Riga even in the time of yearly fairs: a) Artisans whose special mastership was not certified. b) Traveling salesmen and peddlers, even if they come under pretense of buying goods. c) Day-labourers. d) Rabbis, slaughterers (shochets), school and church servants, […]

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“Royal Court Chancellery Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Court Chancellery [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland]: “[…] If a Jew has been granted a business license for a particular type of work, it is not a residency permit per se. Such a permit is valid for the […]

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“Royal Commercial Commissions Decree” (‘Commerzhofcommissionsdecret’) issued by the Austrian Royal Court [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland]: “The widows of the tolerated Jewish trades-people can change their toleration permits [issued for a specific occupation] for another […] in case she’s unable to continue her late husband’s line of […]

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“Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[…] Business permits, which are granted to Jews along with their toleration [permit] cannot be equated to those granted to Christians (considered from the same vantage point as those granted to Christians), because Jews can never become members of the panel of civic trade registry […]

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“Order/Instruction” issued by the Chief Royal Police Office (Polizeihofstelle Weisung) addressed to the Chief-Police-Authorities (‘Polizei-Ober-Direction’) [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria]: “The peddling of Jews is to be put an end to in all seriousness/strictness, and those who have entered without a permit are to be punished according to current law. […]” Gesetze, Verordnungen und Vorschriften für […]

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